# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing from concurrent import futures import grpc import logging import json import socket import contextlib from contextlib import closing import multiprocessing import yaml import io from .proto import pipeline_service_pb2_grpc, pipeline_service_pb2 from . import operator from . import dag from . import util from . import channel _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PipelineServicer(pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.PipelineServiceServicer): """ Pipeline Servicer entrance. """ def __init__(self, name, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx=-1): super(PipelineServicer, self).__init__() self._name = name # init dag executor self._dag_executor = dag.DAGExecutor(response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx) self._dag_executor.start() _LOGGER.info("[PipelineServicer] succ init") def inference(self, request, context): _LOGGER.info("(log_id={}) inference request name:{} self.name:{}". format(request.logid, request.name, self._name)) if request.name != "" and request.name != self._name: _LOGGER.error("(log_id={}) name dismatch error. request.name:{}," "server.name={}".format(request.logid, request.name, self._name)) resp = pipeline_service_pb2.Response() resp.err_no = channel.ChannelDataErrcode.NO_SERVICE.value resp.err_msg = "Failed to inference: Service name error." return resp resp = self._dag_executor.call(request) return resp @contextlib.contextmanager def _reserve_port(port): """ Find and reserve a port for all subprocesses to use. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to set SO_REUSEPORT.") sock.bind(('', port)) try: yield sock.getsockname()[1] finally: sock.close() class PipelineServer(object): """ Pipeline Server : grpc gateway + grpc server. """ def __init__(self, name=None): self._name = name # for grpc-gateway path self._rpc_port = None self._worker_num = None self._response_op = None self._proxy_server = None def _grpc_gateway(self, grpc_port, http_port): """ Running a gateway server, linking libproxy_server.so Args: grpc_port: GRPC port http_port: HTTP port Returns: None """ import os from ctypes import cdll from . import gateway lib_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(gateway.__file__), "libproxy_server.so") proxy_server = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) proxy_server.run_proxy_server(grpc_port, http_port) def _run_grpc_gateway(self, grpc_port, http_port): """ Starting the GRPC gateway in a new process. Exposing one available HTTP port outside, and reflecting the data to RPC port. Args: grpc_port: GRPC port http_port: HTTP port Returns: None """ if http_port <= 0: _LOGGER.info("Ignore grpc_gateway configuration.") return if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available(http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to run grpc-gateway: prot {} " "is already used".format(http_port)) if self._proxy_server is not None: raise RuntimeError("Proxy server has been started.") self._proxy_server = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._grpc_gateway, args=( grpc_port, http_port, )) self._proxy_server.daemon = True self._proxy_server.start() def set_response_op(self, response_op): """ Set the response OP. Args: response_op: ResponseOp or its subclass object Returns: None """ if not isinstance(response_op, operator.ResponseOp): raise Exception("Failed to set response_op: response_op " "must be ResponseOp type.") if len(response_op.get_input_ops()) != 1: raise Exception("Failed to set response_op: response_op " "can only have one previous op.") self._response_op = response_op self._used_op, _ = dag.DAG.get_use_ops(self._response_op) def prepare_server(self, yml_file=None, yml_dict=None): """ Reading configures from the yml file(config.yaml), and launching local services. Args: yml_file: Reading configures from yaml files yml_dict: Reading configures from yaml dict. Returns: None """ conf = ServerYamlConfChecker.load_server_yaml_conf( yml_file=yml_file, yml_dict=yml_dict) self._rpc_port = conf.get("rpc_port") self._http_port = conf.get("http_port") if self._rpc_port is None: if self._http_port is None: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: rpc_port or " "http_port can not be None.") else: # http mode: generate rpc_port if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: http_port({}) " "is already used".format(self._http_port)) self._rpc_port = util.GetAvailablePortGenerator().next() else: if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._rpc_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: prot {} " "is already used".format(self._rpc_port)) if self._http_port is None: # rpc mode pass else: # http mode if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: http_port({}) " "is already used".format(self._http_port)) self._worker_num = conf["worker_num"] self._build_dag_each_worker = conf["build_dag_each_worker"] self._init_ops(conf["op"]) _LOGGER.info("============= PIPELINE SERVER =============") _LOGGER.info("\n{}".format( json.dumps( conf, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')))) if self._build_dag_each_worker is True: _LOGGER.warning( "(Make sure that install grpcio whl with --no-binary flag: " "pip install grpcio --no-binary grpcio)") _LOGGER.info("-------------------------------------------") self._conf = conf self._start_local_rpc_service() def _init_ops(self, op_conf): """ Initializing all OPs from dicetory. Args: op_conf: the op configures in yaml dict. Returns: None. """ default_conf = { "concurrency": 1, "timeout": -1, "retry": 1, "batch_size": 1, "auto_batching_timeout": -1, "local_service_conf": { "workdir": "", "thread_num": 2, "device_type": -1, "devices": "", "mem_optim": True, "ir_optim": False, "precision": "fp32", "use_calib": False, }, } for op in self._used_op: if not isinstance(op, operator.RequestOp) and not isinstance( op, operator.ResponseOp): conf = op_conf.get(op.name, default_conf) op.init_from_dict(conf) def _start_local_rpc_service(self): # only brpc now if self._conf["dag"]["client_type"] != "brpc": _LOGGER.warning("Local service version must be brpc type now.") for op in self._used_op: if not isinstance(op, operator.RequestOp): op.launch_local_rpc_service() def run_server(self): """ If _build_dag_each_worker is True, Starting _worker_num processes and running one GRPC server in each process. Otherwise, Staring one GRPC server. Args: None Returns: None """ if self._build_dag_each_worker: with _reserve_port(self._rpc_port) as port: bind_address = 'localhost:{}'.format(port) workers = [] for i in range(self._worker_num): worker = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._run_server_func, args=(bind_address, self._response_op, self._conf, i)) worker.start() workers.append(worker) self._run_grpc_gateway( grpc_port=self._rpc_port, http_port=self._http_port) # start grpc_gateway for worker in workers: worker.join() else: server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._worker_num), options=[('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024), ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024) ]) pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.add_PipelineServiceServicer_to_server( PipelineServicer(self._name, self._response_op, self._conf), server) server.add_insecure_port('[::]:{}'.format(self._rpc_port)) server.start() self._run_grpc_gateway( grpc_port=self._rpc_port, http_port=self._http_port) # start grpc_gateway server.wait_for_termination() def _run_server_func(self, bind_address, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx): """ Running one GRPC server with PipelineServicer. Args: bind_address: binding IP/Port response_op: ResponseOp or its subclass object dag_conf: DAG config worker_idx: Process index. """ options = [('grpc.so_reuseport', 1), ('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024), ('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024)] server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=1, ), options=options) pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.add_PipelineServiceServicer_to_server( PipelineServicer(self._name, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx), server) server.add_insecure_port(bind_address) server.start() server.wait_for_termination() class ServerYamlConfChecker(object): """ Checking validities of server yaml files. """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def load_server_yaml_conf(yml_file=None, yml_dict=None): if yml_file is not None and yml_dict is not None: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: only one of yml_file" " or yml_dict can be selected as the parameter.") if yml_file is not None: with io.open(yml_file, encoding='utf-8') as f: conf = yaml.load(f.read()) elif yml_dict is not None: conf = yml_dict else: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: yml_file or yml_dict" " can not be None.") ServerYamlConfChecker.check_server_conf(conf) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_dag_conf(conf["dag"]) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_tracer_conf(conf["dag"]["tracer"]) for op_name in conf["op"]: ServerYamlConfChecker.check_op_conf(conf["op"][op_name]) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_local_service_conf(conf["op"][op_name][ "local_service_conf"]) return conf @staticmethod def check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification): ServerYamlConfChecker.fill_with_default_conf(conf, default_conf) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf_type(conf, conf_type) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf_qualification(conf, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_server_conf(conf): default_conf = { # "rpc_port": 9292, "worker_num": 1, "build_dag_each_worker": False, #"http_port": 0, "dag": {}, "op": {}, } conf_type = { "rpc_port": int, "http_port": int, "worker_num": int, "build_dag_each_worker": bool, "grpc_gateway_port": int, } conf_qualification = { "rpc_port": [(">=", 1024), ("<=", 65535)], "http_port": [(">=", 1024), ("<=", 65535)], "worker_num": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_local_service_conf(conf): default_conf = { "workdir": "", "thread_num": 2, "device_type": -1, "devices": "", "mem_optim": True, "ir_optim": False, "precision": "fp32", "use_calib": False, } conf_type = { "model_config": str, "workdir": str, "thread_num": int, "device_type": int, "devices": str, "mem_optim": bool, "ir_optim": bool, "precision": str, "use_calib": bool, } conf_qualification = {"thread_num": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_op_conf(conf): default_conf = { "concurrency": 1, "timeout": -1, "retry": 1, "batch_size": 1, "auto_batching_timeout": -1, "local_service_conf": {}, } conf_type = { "server_endpoints": list, "fetch_list": list, "client_config": str, "concurrency": int, "timeout": int, "retry": int, "batch_size": int, "auto_batching_timeout": int, } conf_qualification = { "concurrency": (">=", 1), "retry": (">=", 1), "batch_size": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_tracer_conf(conf): default_conf = {"interval_s": -1, } conf_type = {"interval_s": int, } conf_qualification = {} ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_dag_conf(conf): default_conf = { "retry": 1, "client_type": "brpc", "use_profile": False, "channel_size": 0, "is_thread_op": True, "tracer": {}, } conf_type = { "retry": int, "client_type": str, "use_profile": bool, "channel_size": int, "is_thread_op": bool, } conf_qualification = { "retry": (">=", 1), "client_type": ("in", ["brpc", "grpc"]), "channel_size": (">=", 0), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def fill_with_default_conf(conf, default_conf): for key, val in default_conf.items(): if conf.get(key) is None: _LOGGER.warning("[CONF] {} not set, use default: {}" .format(key, val)) conf[key] = val @staticmethod def check_conf_type(conf, conf_type): for key, val in conf_type.items(): if key not in conf: continue if not isinstance(conf[key], val): raise SystemExit("[CONF] {} must be {} type, but get {}." .format(key, val, type(conf[key]))) @staticmethod def check_conf_qualification(conf, conf_qualification): for key, qualification in conf_qualification.items(): if key not in conf: continue if not isinstance(qualification, list): qualification = [qualification] if not ServerYamlConfChecker.qualification_check(conf[key], qualification): raise SystemExit("[CONF] {} must be {}, but get {}." .format(key, ", ".join([ "{} {}" .format(q[0], q[1]) for q in qualification ]), conf[key])) @staticmethod def qualification_check(value, qualifications): if not isinstance(qualifications, list): qualifications = [qualifications] ok = True for q in qualifications: operator, limit = q if operator == "<": ok = value < limit elif operator == "==": ok = value == limit elif operator == ">": ok = value > limit elif operator == "<=": ok = value <= limit elif operator == ">=": ok = value >= limit elif operator == "in": ok = value in limit else: raise SystemExit("unknow operator: {}".format(operator)) if ok == False: break return ok