# Encryption Model Prediction ([简体中文](README_CN.md)|English) ## Get Origin Model The example uses the model file of the fit_a_line example as a origin model ``` sh get_data.sh ``` ## Encrypt Model The `paddlepaddle` package is used in this example, you may need to download the corresponding package(`pip install paddlepaddle`). [python encrypt.py](./encrypt.py) [//file]:#encrypt.py ``` python def serving_encryption(): inference_model_to_serving( dirname="./uci_housing_model", params_filename=None, serving_server="encrypt_server", serving_client="encrypt_client", encryption=True) ``` dirname is the folder path where the model is located. If the parameter is discrete, it is unnecessary to specify params_filename, else you need to set `params_filename="__params__"`. The key is stored in the `key` file, and the encrypted model file and server-side configuration file are stored in the `encrypt_server` directory. client-side configuration file are stored in the `encrypt_client` directory. ## Start Encryption Service CPU Service ``` python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model encrypt_server/ --port 9300 --use_encryption_model ``` GPU Service ``` python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model encrypt_server/ --port 9300 --use_encryption_model --gpu_ids 0 ``` ## Prediction ``` python test_client.py uci_housing_client/serving_client_conf.prototxt ```