# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing import threading import multiprocessing import sys import copy if sys.version_info.major == 2: import Queue elif sys.version_info.major == 3: import queue as Queue else: raise Exception("Error Python version") import os import logging import collections import json from .error_catch import ErrorCatch, CustomException, CustomExceptionCode, ParamChecker, ParamVerify from .operator import Op, RequestOp, ResponseOp, VirtualOp from .channel import (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel, ChannelData, ChannelDataType, ChannelStopError) from .error_catch import ProductErrCode from .error_catch import CustomExceptionCode as ChannelDataErrcode from .profiler import TimeProfiler, PerformanceTracer from .util import NameGenerator, ThreadIdGenerator, PipelineProcSyncManager from .proto import pipeline_service_pb2 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DAGExecutor(object): """ DAG Executor, the service entrance of DAG. """ def __init__(self, response_op, server_conf, worker_idx): """ Initialize DAGExecutor. Args: response_op: Response OP server_conf: server conf. config.yaml worker_idx: DAGExecutor index, PipelineServer creates many DAGExecutors when _build_dag_each_worker is true. Returns: None. """ build_dag_each_worker = server_conf["build_dag_each_worker"] server_worker_num = server_conf["worker_num"] dag_conf = server_conf["dag"] self._retry = dag_conf["retry"] self._server_use_profile = dag_conf["use_profile"] channel_size = dag_conf["channel_size"] channel_recv_frist_arrive = dag_conf["channel_recv_frist_arrive"] self._is_thread_op = dag_conf["is_thread_op"] tracer_conf = dag_conf["tracer"] tracer_interval_s = tracer_conf["interval_s"] self.name = "@DAGExecutor" self._profiler = TimeProfiler() self._profiler.enable(True) self._tracer = None if tracer_interval_s >= 1: self._tracer = PerformanceTracer( self._is_thread_op, tracer_interval_s, server_worker_num) self._dag = DAG(self.name, response_op, self._server_use_profile, self._is_thread_op, channel_size, build_dag_each_worker, self._tracer, channel_recv_frist_arrive) (in_channel, out_channel, pack_rpc_func, unpack_rpc_func) = self._dag.build() self._dag.start() self._set_in_channel(in_channel) self._set_out_channel(out_channel) self._pack_rpc_func = pack_rpc_func self._unpack_rpc_func = unpack_rpc_func if self._tracer is not None: self._tracer.start() # generate id # data_id: Server Unique ID, automatically generated by the framework # log_id: Trace one product request, can be empty, not unique. base_counter = 0 gen_id_step = 1 if build_dag_each_worker: base_counter = worker_idx gen_id_step = server_worker_num self._id_generator = ThreadIdGenerator( max_id=1000000000000000000, base_counter=base_counter, step=gen_id_step) self._cv_pool = {} self._cv_for_cv_pool = threading.Condition() self._fetch_buffer = {} self._recive_func = None self._client_profile_key = "pipeline.profile" self._client_profile_value = "1" @ErrorCatch def start(self): """ Starting one thread for receiving data from the last channel background. Args: None Returns: None """ self._recive_func = threading.Thread( target=DAGExecutor._recive_out_channel_func, args=(self, )) self._recive_func.daemon = True self._recive_func.start() _LOGGER.debug("[DAG Executor] Start recive thread") def stop(self): """ Stopping DAG Args: None Returns: None """ self._dag.stop() self._dag.join() _LOGGER.info("[DAG Executor] Stop") def _get_next_data_id(self): """ Generate data_id incrementally and Uniquely Args: None Returns: data_id: uniq id cond_v: condition variable """ data_id = self._id_generator.next() cond_v = threading.Condition() with self._cv_for_cv_pool: self._cv_pool[data_id] = cond_v self._fetch_buffer[data_id] = None return data_id, cond_v def _set_in_channel(self, in_channel): """ Set in_channel of DAG Args: in_channel: input channel of DAG Returns: None """ if not isinstance(in_channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical("[DAG Executor] Failed to set in_channel: " "in_channel must be Channel type, but get {}". format(type(in_channel))) os._exit(-1) self._in_channel = in_channel _LOGGER.info("[DAG] set in channel succ, name [{}]".format(self.name)) def _set_out_channel(self, out_channel): """ Set out_channel of DAG Args: out_channel: output channel of DAG Returns: None """ if not isinstance(out_channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical("[DAG Executor] Failed to set out_channel: " "must be Channel type, but get {}".format( type(out_channel))) os._exit(-1) out_channel.add_consumer(self.name) self._out_channel = out_channel def _recive_out_channel_func(self): """ Receiving data from the output channel, and pushing data into _fetch_buffer. Function _get_channeldata_from_fetch_buffer gets data by retry time. Args: None Returns: None """ cv = None while True: try: channeldata_dict = self._out_channel.front(self.name) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.info("[DAG Executor] Stop.") with self._cv_for_cv_pool: for data_id, cv in self._cv_pool.items(): closed_errror_data = ChannelData( error_code=ChannelDataErrcode.CLOSED_ERROR.value, error_info="dag closed.", data_id=data_id) with cv: self._fetch_buffer[data_id] = closed_errror_data cv.notify_all() break if len(channeldata_dict) != 1: _LOGGER.critical( "[DAG Executor] Failed to fetch result: out_channel " "cannot have multiple input ops") os._exit(-1) (_, channeldata), = channeldata_dict.items() if not isinstance(channeldata, ChannelData): _LOGGER.critical( '[DAG Executor] Failed to fetch result: data in out_channel" \ " must be ChannelData type, but get {}' .format(type(channeldata))) os._exit(-1) data_id = channeldata.id _LOGGER.debug("(logid={}) [recive thread] Fetched data".format( data_id)) with self._cv_for_cv_pool: cond_v = self._cv_pool[data_id] with cond_v: self._fetch_buffer[data_id] = channeldata cond_v.notify_all() def _get_channeldata_from_fetch_buffer(self, data_id, cond_v): """ Getting the channel data from _fetch_buffer. Args: data_id: search key cond_v: conditional variable Returns: ready_data: one channel data processed """ ready_data = None with cond_v: with self._cv_for_cv_pool: if self._fetch_buffer[data_id] is not None: # The requested data is already ready ready_data = self._fetch_buffer[data_id] self._cv_pool.pop(data_id) self._fetch_buffer.pop(data_id) if ready_data is None: # Wait for data ready cond_v.wait() with self._cv_for_cv_pool: ready_data = self._fetch_buffer[data_id] self._cv_pool.pop(data_id) self._fetch_buffer.pop(data_id) _LOGGER.debug("(data_id={}) [resp thread] Got data".format(data_id)) return ready_data def _pack_channeldata(self, rpc_request, data_id): """ Unpacking data from RPC request. and creating one channelData. Args: rpc_request: one RPC request data_id: data id, unique Returns: ChannelData: one channel data to be processed """ dictdata = None log_id = None try: dictdata, log_id, prod_errcode, prod_errinfo = self._unpack_rpc_func( rpc_request) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.error( "(logid={}) Failed to parse RPC request package: {}" .format(data_id, e), exc_info=True) return ChannelData( error_code=ChannelDataErrcode.RPC_PACKAGE_ERROR.value, error_info="rpc package error: {}".format(e), data_id=data_id, log_id=log_id) else: # because unpack_rpc_func is rewritten by user, we need to look # for product_errcode in returns, and client_profile_key field # in rpc_request if prod_errcode is not None: # product errors occured _LOGGER.error("unpack_rpc_func prod_errcode:{}".format( prod_errcode)) return ChannelData( error_code=ChannelDataErrcode.PRODUCT_ERROR.value, error_info="", prod_error_code=prod_errcode, prod_error_info=prod_errinfo, data_id=data_id, log_id=log_id) profile_value = None profile_value = dictdata.get(self._client_profile_key) client_need_profile = (profile_value == self._client_profile_value) return ChannelData( datatype=ChannelDataType.DICT.value, dictdata=dictdata, data_id=data_id, log_id=log_id, client_need_profile=client_need_profile) def call(self, rpc_request): """ DAGExcutor enterance function. There are 5 steps: 1._get_next_data_id: Generate an incremental ID 2._pack_channeldata: pack the channel data from request. 3.retry loop: a. push channel_data into _in_channel b. get_channeldata_from_fetch_buffer: get results. 4._pack_for_rpc_resp: pack RPC responses 5.profile: generte profile string and pack into response. Args: rpc_request: one RPC request Returns: rpc_resp: one RPC response """ if self._tracer is not None: trace_buffer = self._tracer.data_buffer() data_id, cond_v = self._get_next_data_id() start_call, end_call = None, None if not self._is_thread_op: start_call = self._profiler.record("call_{}#DAG-{}_0".format( data_id, data_id)) else: start_call = self._profiler.record("call_{}#DAG_0".format(data_id)) self._profiler.record("prepack_{}#{}_0".format(data_id, self.name)) req_channeldata = self._pack_channeldata(rpc_request, data_id) self._profiler.record("prepack_{}#{}_1".format(data_id, self.name)) log_id = req_channeldata.log_id _LOGGER.info("(data_id={} log_id={}) Succ Generate ID ".format(data_id, log_id)) resp_channeldata = None for i in range(self._retry): _LOGGER.debug("(data_id={}) Pushing data into Graph engine".format( data_id)) try: if req_channeldata is None: _LOGGER.critical( "(data_id={} log_id={}) req_channeldata is None" .format(data_id, log_id)) if not isinstance(self._in_channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical( "(data_id={} log_id={})[DAG Executor] Failed to " "set in_channel: in_channel must be Channel type, but get {}". format(data_id, log_id, type(self._in_channel))) self._in_channel.push(req_channeldata, self.name) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.error("(data_id:{} log_id={})[DAG Executor] Stop". format(data_id, log_id)) with self._cv_for_cv_pool: self._cv_pool.pop(data_id) return self._pack_for_rpc_resp( ChannelData( error_code=ChannelDataErrcode.CLOSED_ERROR.value, error_info="dag closed.", data_id=data_id)) _LOGGER.debug("(data_id={} log_id={}) Wait for Graph engine...". format(data_id, log_id)) resp_channeldata = self._get_channeldata_from_fetch_buffer(data_id, cond_v) if resp_channeldata.error_code == ChannelDataErrcode.OK.value: _LOGGER.info("(data_id={} log_id={}) Succ predict".format( data_id, log_id)) break else: _LOGGER.error("(data_id={} log_id={}) Failed to predict: {}" .format(data_id, log_id, resp_channeldata.error_info)) if resp_channeldata.error_code != ChannelDataErrcode.TIMEOUT.value: break if i + 1 < self._retry: _LOGGER.warning( "(data_id={} log_id={}) DAGExecutor retry({}/{})" .format(data_id, log_id, i + 1, self._retry)) _LOGGER.debug("(data_id={} log_id={}) Packing RPC response package" .format(data_id, log_id)) self._profiler.record("postpack_{}#{}_0".format(data_id, self.name)) rpc_resp = self._pack_for_rpc_resp(resp_channeldata) self._profiler.record("postpack_{}#{}_1".format(data_id, self.name)) if not self._is_thread_op: end_call = self._profiler.record("call_{}#DAG-{}_1".format(data_id, data_id)) else: end_call = self._profiler.record("call_{}#DAG_1".format(data_id)) if self._tracer is not None: trace_buffer.put({ "name": "DAG", "id": data_id, "succ": resp_channeldata.error_code == ChannelDataErrcode.OK.value, "actions": { "call_{}".format(data_id): end_call - start_call, }, }) profile_str = self._profiler.gen_profile_str() if self._server_use_profile: sys.stderr.write(profile_str) # add profile info into rpc_resp if resp_channeldata.client_need_profile: profile_set = resp_channeldata.profile_data_set profile_set.add(profile_str) profile_value = "".join(list(profile_set)) rpc_resp.key.append(self._client_profile_key) rpc_resp.value.append(profile_value) return rpc_resp def _pack_for_rpc_resp(self, channeldata): """ Packing one RPC response Args: channeldata: one channel data to be packed Returns: resp: one RPC response """ try: return self._pack_rpc_func(channeldata) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.error( "(logid={}) Failed to pack RPC response package: {}" .format(channeldata.id, e), exc_info=True) resp = pipeline_service_pb2.Response() resp.err_no = ChannelDataErrcode.RPC_PACKAGE_ERROR.value resp.err_msg = "rpc package error: {}".format(e) return resp class DAG(object): """ Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG) engine, builds one DAG topology. """ def __init__(self, request_name, response_op, use_profile, is_thread_op, channel_size, build_dag_each_worker, tracer, channel_recv_frist_arrive): _LOGGER.info("{}, {}, {}, {}, {} ,{} ,{} ,{}".format(request_name, response_op, use_profile, is_thread_op, channel_size, build_dag_each_worker, tracer, channel_recv_frist_arrive)) @ErrorCatch @ParamChecker def init_helper(self, request_name: str, response_op, use_profile: [bool, None], is_thread_op: bool, channel_size, build_dag_each_worker: [bool, None], tracer, channel_recv_frist_arrive): self._request_name = request_name self._response_op = response_op self._use_profile = use_profile self._is_thread_op = is_thread_op self._channel_size = channel_size self._build_dag_each_worker = build_dag_each_worker self._tracer = tracer self._channel_recv_frist_arrive = channel_recv_frist_arrive if not self._is_thread_op: self._manager = PipelineProcSyncManager() init_helper(self, request_name, response_op, use_profile, is_thread_op, channel_size, build_dag_each_worker, tracer, channel_recv_frist_arrive) print("[DAG] Succ init") _LOGGER.info("[DAG] Succ init") @staticmethod def get_use_ops(response_op): """ Starting from ResponseOp, recursively traverse the front OPs. Getting all used ops and the post op list of each op (excluding ResponseOp) Args: response_op: ResponseOp Returns: used_ops: used ops, set succ_ops_of_use_op: op and the next op list, dict. """ unique_names = set() used_ops = set() succ_ops_of_use_op = {} # {op_name: succ_ops} que = Queue.Queue() que.put(response_op) while que.qsize() != 0: op = que.get() for pred_op in op.get_input_ops(): if pred_op.name not in succ_ops_of_use_op: succ_ops_of_use_op[pred_op.name] = [] if op != response_op: succ_ops_of_use_op[pred_op.name].append(op) if pred_op not in used_ops: que.put(pred_op) used_ops.add(pred_op) # check the name of op is globally unique if pred_op.name in unique_names: _LOGGER.critical("Failed to get used Ops: the" " name of Op must be unique: {}". format(pred_op.name)) os._exit(-1) unique_names.add(pred_op.name) return used_ops, succ_ops_of_use_op def _gen_channel(self, name_gen): """ Generate one ThreadChannel or ProcessChannel. Args: name_gen: channel name Returns: channel: one channel generated """ channel = None if self._is_thread_op: channel = ThreadChannel( name=name_gen.next(), maxsize=self._channel_size, channel_recv_frist_arrive=self._channel_recv_frist_arrive) else: channel = ProcessChannel( self._manager, name=name_gen.next(), maxsize=self._channel_size, channel_recv_frist_arrive=self._channel_recv_frist_arrive) _LOGGER.debug("[DAG] Generate channel: {}".format(channel.name)) return channel def _gen_virtual_op(self, name_gen): """ Generate one virtual Op Args: name_gen: Op name Returns: vir_op: one virtual Op object. """ vir_op = VirtualOp(name=name_gen.next()) _LOGGER.debug("[DAG] Generate virtual_op: {}".format(vir_op.name)) return vir_op def _topo_sort(self, used_ops, response_op, out_degree_ops): """ Topological sort of DAG, creates inverted multi-layers views. Args: used_ops: op used in DAG response_op: response op out_degree_ops: Next op list for each op, dict. the output of get_use_ops() Returns: dag_views: the inverted hierarchical topology list. examples: DAG :[A -> B -> C -> E] \-> D / dag_views: [[E], [C, D], [B], [A]] last_op:the last op front of ResponseOp """ out_degree_num = { name: len(ops) for name, ops in out_degree_ops.items() } que_idx = 0 # scroll queue ques = [Queue.Queue() for _ in range(2)] zero_indegree_num = 0 for op in used_ops: if len(op.get_input_ops()) == 0: zero_indegree_num += 1 if zero_indegree_num != 1: _LOGGER.critical("Failed to topo sort: DAG contains " "multiple RequestOps") os._exit(-1) last_op = response_op.get_input_ops()[0] ques[que_idx].put(last_op) # topo sort to get dag_views dag_views = [] sorted_op_num = 0 while True: que = ques[que_idx] next_que = ques[(que_idx + 1) % 2] dag_view = [] while que.qsize() != 0: op = que.get() dag_view.append(op) sorted_op_num += 1 for pred_op in op.get_input_ops(): out_degree_num[pred_op.name] -= 1 if out_degree_num[pred_op.name] == 0: next_que.put(pred_op) dag_views.append(dag_view) if next_que.qsize() == 0: break que_idx = (que_idx + 1) % 2 if sorted_op_num < len(used_ops): _LOGGER.critical("Failed to topo sort: not legal DAG") os._exit(-1) return dag_views, last_op def _build_dag(self, response_op): """ Building DAG, the most important function in class DAG. Core steps: 1.get_use_ops: Getting used ops, and out degree op list for each op. 2._topo_sort: Topological sort creates inverted multi-layers views. 3.create channels and virtual ops. Args: response_op: ResponseOp Returns: actual_ops: all OPs used in DAG, including virtual OPs channels: all channels used in DAG input_channel: the channel of first OP output_channel: the channel of last OP pack_func: pack_response_package function of response_op unpack_func: unpack_request_package function of request_op """ if response_op is None: _LOGGER.critical("Failed to build DAG: ResponseOp" " has not been set.") os._exit(-1) used_ops, out_degree_ops = DAG.get_use_ops(response_op) if not self._build_dag_each_worker: _LOGGER.info("================= USED OP =================") for op in used_ops: if not isinstance(op, RequestOp): _LOGGER.info(op.name) _LOGGER.info("-------------------------------------------") if len(used_ops) <= 1: _LOGGER.critical( "Failed to build DAG: besides RequestOp and ResponseOp, " "there should be at least one Op in DAG.") os._exit(-1) if self._build_dag_each_worker: _LOGGER.info("Because `build_dag_each_worker` mode is used, " "Auto-batching is set to the default config: " "batch_size=1, auto_batching_timeout=None") for op in used_ops: op.use_default_auto_batching_config() dag_views, last_op = self._topo_sort(used_ops, response_op, out_degree_ops) dag_views = list(reversed(dag_views)) if not self._build_dag_each_worker: _LOGGER.info("================== DAG ====================") for idx, view in enumerate(dag_views): _LOGGER.info("(VIEW {})".format(idx)) for op in view: _LOGGER.info(" [{}]".format(op.name)) for out_op in out_degree_ops[op.name]: _LOGGER.info(" - {}".format(out_op.name)) _LOGGER.info("-------------------------------------------") # create channels and virtual ops virtual_op_name_gen = NameGenerator("vir") channel_name_gen = NameGenerator("chl") virtual_ops = [] channels = [] input_channel = None actual_view = None for v_idx, view in enumerate(dag_views): if v_idx + 1 >= len(dag_views): break next_view = dag_views[v_idx + 1] if actual_view is None: actual_view = view actual_next_view = [] pred_op_of_next_view_op = {} for op in actual_view: # find actual succ op in next view and create virtual op for succ_op in out_degree_ops[op.name]: if succ_op in next_view: if succ_op not in actual_next_view: actual_next_view.append(succ_op) if succ_op.name not in pred_op_of_next_view_op: pred_op_of_next_view_op[succ_op.name] = [] pred_op_of_next_view_op[succ_op.name].append(op) else: # create virtual op virtual_op = self._gen_virtual_op(virtual_op_name_gen) virtual_ops.append(virtual_op) out_degree_ops[virtual_op.name] = [succ_op] actual_next_view.append(virtual_op) pred_op_of_next_view_op[virtual_op.name] = [op] virtual_op.add_virtual_pred_op(op) actual_view = actual_next_view # create channel processed_op = set() for o_idx, op in enumerate(actual_next_view): if op.name in processed_op: continue channel = self._gen_channel(channel_name_gen) channels.append(channel) op.add_input_channel(channel) _LOGGER.info("op:{} add input channel.".format(op.name)) pred_ops = pred_op_of_next_view_op[op.name] if v_idx == 0: input_channel = channel else: # if pred_op is virtual op, it will use ancestors as producers to channel for pred_op in pred_ops: pred_op.add_output_channel(channel) _LOGGER.info("pred_op:{} add output channel".format( pred_op.name)) processed_op.add(op.name) # find same input op to combine channel for other_op in actual_next_view[o_idx + 1:]: if other_op.name in processed_op: continue other_pred_ops = pred_op_of_next_view_op[other_op.name] if len(other_pred_ops) != len(pred_ops): continue same_flag = True for pred_op in pred_ops: if pred_op not in other_pred_ops: same_flag = False break if same_flag: other_op.add_input_channel(channel) processed_op.add(other_op.name) output_channel = self._gen_channel(channel_name_gen) channels.append(output_channel) last_op.add_output_channel(output_channel) _LOGGER.info("last op:{} add output channel".format(last_op.name)) pack_func, unpack_func = None, None pack_func = response_op.pack_response_package actual_ops = virtual_ops for op in used_ops: if len(op.get_input_ops()) == 0: #set special features of the request op. #1.set unpack function. #2.set output channel. unpack_func = op.unpack_request_package op.add_output_channel(input_channel) continue actual_ops.append(op) for c in channels: _LOGGER.debug("Channel({}):\n\t- producers: {}\n\t- consumers: {}" .format(c.name, c.get_producers(), c.get_consumers())) return (actual_ops, channels, input_channel, output_channel, pack_func, unpack_func) def get_channels(self): return self._channels def build(self): """ Interface for building one DAG outside. Args: None Returns: _input_channel: the channel of first OP _output_channel: the channel of last OP _pack_func: pack_response_package function of response_op _unpack_func: unpack_request_package function of request_op """ (actual_ops, channels, input_channel, output_channel, pack_func, unpack_func) = self._build_dag(self._response_op) _LOGGER.info("[DAG] Succ build DAG") self._actual_ops = actual_ops self._channels = channels self._input_channel = input_channel self._output_channel = output_channel self._pack_func = pack_func self._unpack_func = unpack_func if self._tracer is not None: self._tracer.set_channels(self._channels) return self._input_channel, self._output_channel, self._pack_func, self._unpack_func def start_prom(self): import prometheus_client from prometheus_client import Counter from prometheus_client.core import CollectorRegistry from flask import Response, Flask from .prometheus_metrics import registry app = Flask(__name__) requests_total = Counter('c1','A counter') @app.route("/metrics/") def requests_count(): requests_total.inc(1) # requests_total.inc(2) return Response(prometheus_client.generate_latest(registry),mimetype="text/plain") def prom_run(): app.run(host="",port=8581) p = multiprocessing.Process( target=prom_run, args=()) _LOGGER.info("Prometheus Start 2") p.daemon = True p.start() def start(self): """ Each OP starts a thread or process by _is_thread_op Args: None Returns: _threads_or_proces: threads or process list. """ self._threads_or_proces = [] for op in self._actual_ops: op.use_profiler(self._use_profile) op.set_tracer(self._tracer) if self._is_thread_op: self._threads_or_proces.extend(op.start_with_thread()) else: self._threads_or_proces.extend(op.start_with_process()) _LOGGER.info("[DAG] start") _LOGGER.info("Prometheus Start 1") self.start_prom() # not join yet return self._threads_or_proces def join(self): """ All threads or processes join. Args: None Returns: None """ for x in self._threads_or_proces: if x is not None: x.join() def stop(self): """ Stopping and cleanning all channels. Args: None Returns: None """ for chl in self._channels: chl.stop() for op in self._actual_ops: op.clean_input_channel() op.clean_output_channels()