# Low-Precision Deployment for Paddle Serving Intel CPU supports int8 and bfloat16 models, NVIDIA TensorRT supports int8 and bfload16 models. ## Obtain the quantized model using PaddleSlim tool Train the low-precision models please refer to [PaddleSlim](https://paddleslim.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/tutorials/quant/overview.html). ## Deploy the quantized model from PaddleSlim using Paddle Serving with Nvidia TensorRT int8 mode Firstly, download the [Resnet50 int8 model](https://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/inference_demo/python/resnet50/ResNet50_quant.tar.gz) and convert to Paddle Serving's saved model。 ``` wget https://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/inference_demo/python/resnet50/ResNet50_quant.tar.gz tar zxvf ResNet50_quant.tar.gz python -m paddle_serving_client.convert --dirname ResNet50_quant ``` Start RPC service, specify the GPU id and precision mode ``` python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model serving_server --port 9393 --gpu_ids 0 --use_gpu --use_trt --precision int8 ``` Request the serving service with Client ``` from paddle_serving_client import Client from paddle_serving_app.reader import Sequential, File2Image, Resize, CenterCrop from paddle_serving_app.reader import RGB2BGR, Transpose, Div, Normalize client = Client() client.load_client_config( "resnet_v2_50_imagenet_client/serving_client_conf.prototxt") client.connect([""]) seq = Sequential([ File2Image(), Resize(256), CenterCrop(224), RGB2BGR(), Transpose((2, 0, 1)), Div(255), Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], True) ]) image_file = "daisy.jpg" img = seq(image_file) fetch_map = client.predict(feed={"image": img}, fetch=["score"]) print(fetch_map["score"].reshape(-1)) ``` ## Reference * [PaddleSlim](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSlim) * [Deploy the quantized model Using Paddle Inference on Intel CPU](https://paddle-inference.readthedocs.io/en/latest/optimize/paddle_x86_cpu_int8.html) * [Deploy the quantized model Using Paddle Inference on Nvidia GPU](https://paddle-inference.readthedocs.io/en/latest/optimize/paddle_trt.html)