# Install ## 系统需求 OS: Linux CMake: 3.2 python ## 编译 ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/serving.git $ cd serving $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make -j4 $ make install ``` `make install`将把目标产出放在/path/to/paddle-serving/build/output/目录下,目录结构: ``` . |-- bin # Paddle Serving protobuf编译插件pdcodegen所在目录 |-- demo # demo总目录 | |-- client | | |-- dense_format # dense_format客户端 | | | |-- bin # bin/dense_format是dense_format客户端bin | | | `-- conf | | |-- echo # echo服务客户端 | | | |-- bin # bin/echo是echo客户端bin | | | \-- conf | | |-- image_classification # image_classification服务客户端 | | | |-- bin # bin/ximage是image_classification客户端bin | | | |-- conf | | | |-- data | | | `-- images | | |-- int64tensor_format # int64tensor_format服务客户端 | | | |-- bin # bin/int64tensor_format是客户端bin | | | `-- conf | | `-- sparse_format # sparse_format客户端 | | |-- bin # bin/sparse_format是客户端bin | | `-- conf | `-- serving # serving端,同时提供echo/dense_format/sparse_format/int64tensor_format/image_class等5种服务 | |-- bin # bin/serving是serving端可执行bin | |-- conf # 配置文件目录 | |-- data | | `-- model | | `-- paddle | | `-- fluid | | `-- SE_ResNeXt50_32x4d # image_classification模型 `-- lib # Paddle Serving产出的静态库文件: libpdseving.a, libsdk-cpp.a, libconfigure.a, libfluid_cpu_engine.a ``` 如要编写新的预测服务,请参考[从零开始写一个预测服务](CREATING.md) # CMake编译选项说明 | 编译选项 | 说明 | |----------|------| | WITH_AVX | For configuring PaddlePaddle. Compile PaddlePaddle with AVX intrinsics | | WITH_MKL | For configuring PaddlePaddle. Compile PaddlePaddle with MKLML library | | WITH_GPU | For configuring PaddlePaddle. Compile PaddlePaddle with NVIDIA GPU | | CLINET_ONLY | Compile client libraries and demos only |