// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/predictor/common/inner_common.h" #include "core/predictor/framework/bsf.h" #include "core/predictor/framework/factory.h" #include "core/predictor/framework/infer_data.h" #include "core/predictor/framework/memory.h" #include "paddle_inference_api.h" // NOLINT namespace baidu { namespace paddle_serving { namespace predictor { using configure::ModelToolkitConf; class AutoLock { public: explicit AutoLock(pthread_mutex_t& mutex) : _mut(mutex) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); } ~AutoLock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mut); } private: pthread_mutex_t& _mut; }; class GlobalCreateMutex { public: pthread_mutex_t& mutex() { return _mut; } static pthread_mutex_t& instance() { static GlobalCreateMutex gmutex; return gmutex.mutex(); } private: GlobalCreateMutex() { pthread_mutex_init(&_mut, NULL); } pthread_mutex_t _mut; }; class InferEngine { public: virtual ~InferEngine() {} virtual int proc_initialize(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version) { return proc_initialize_impl(conf, version); } virtual int proc_finalize() { return proc_finalize_impl(); } virtual int thrd_initialize() { return thrd_initialize_impl(); } virtual int thrd_clear() { return thrd_clear_impl(); } virtual int thrd_finalize() { return thrd_finalize_impl(); } virtual int infer(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1) { return infer_impl(in, out, batch_size); } virtual void set_model_index(uint32_t index) { _model_index = index; } virtual int reload() = 0; virtual uint64_t version() const = 0; // begin: framework inner call virtual int proc_initialize_impl(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version) = 0; virtual int thrd_initialize_impl() = 0; virtual int thrd_finalize_impl() = 0; virtual int thrd_clear_impl() = 0; virtual int proc_finalize_impl() = 0; virtual int infer_impl(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1) = 0; virtual int task_infer_impl(const void* in, void* out) = 0; // NOLINT protected: uint32_t _model_index; // end: framework inner call }; typedef im::bsf::Task TaskT; class ReloadableInferEngine : public InferEngine { public: virtual ~ReloadableInferEngine() {} // Reloadable record union ReloadableRecord { time_t timestamp; uint64_t md5sum; uint64_t revision; }; virtual int load(const configure::EngineDesc& conf) = 0; int proc_initialize_impl(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version); int proc_initialize(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version); int infer(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1); int thrd_initialize(); int thrd_clear(); int proc_finalize(); int reload(); uint64_t version() const { return _version; } uint32_t thread_num() const { return _infer_thread_num; } private: int parse_version_info(const configure::EngineDesc& config, bool version); bool check_need_reload(); bool check_timestamp_ne(); bool check_timestamp_gt(); bool check_md5sum() { return false; } bool check_revision() { return false; } protected: // Model directory std::string _model_dir; // The description of inference engine configure::EngineDesc _conf; private: // Tag file of reloadable model std::string _reload_tag_file; // Type of reload, e.g. timestamp_ne, timestamp_gt, md5sum, reversion std::string _reload_type; // Record the last loading infermation ReloadableRecord _last_record; // Number of inference threads uint32_t _infer_thread_num; // Size of inference batch uint32_t _infer_batch_size; // Need to align batch_size in inferring bool _infer_batch_align; // model version uint64_t _version; }; // Lock free switching two models template struct ModelData { ModelData() : current_idx(1) { cores[0] = NULL; cores[1] = NULL; } ~ModelData() { delete cores[0]; delete cores[1]; } void* get() { return cores[current_idx]->get(); } EngineCore* cores[2]; uint32_t current_idx; }; template class DBReloadableInferEngine : public ReloadableInferEngine { public: virtual ~DBReloadableInferEngine() {} int proc_initialize(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version) { THREAD_KEY_CREATE(&_skey, NULL); THREAD_MUTEX_INIT(&_mutex, NULL); gpu_index = 0; return ReloadableInferEngine::proc_initialize(conf, version); } // 进程初始化会调用load,但由于未执行线程初始化,所以_reload_vec为空,不再继续执行。 // 热加载的话会调用load,由于线程已经初始化,_reload_vec不为空,所以继续执行load_data操作加载数据。 // 线程初始化会执行load_data操作加载数据,然后将engine加入_reload_vec中。 // 每个模型只有一个CloneDBReloadableInferEngine对象。 // 但一个CloneDBReloadableInferEngine对象,可以包含N个EngineCore。 virtual int load(const configure::EngineDesc& conf) { if (_reload_vec.empty()) { return 0; } gpu_index = 0; for (uint32_t ti = 0; ti < _reload_vec.size(); ++ti) { if (load_data(_reload_vec[ti], conf) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reload engine model: " << ti; return -1; } } LOG(WARNING) << "Succ load engine, path: " << conf.model_dir(); return 0; } virtual int load_data(ModelData* md, const configure::EngineDesc& conf) { uint32_t next_idx = (md->current_idx + 1) % 2; if (md->cores[next_idx]) { delete md->cores[next_idx]; } md->cores[next_idx] = new (std::nothrow) EngineCore; // params.dump(); size_t gpu_ids_num = conf.gpu_ids_size(); im::bsf::AutoMutex lock(_mutex); int gpu_id = -1; if (gpu_ids_num > 0) { gpu_id = conf.gpu_ids(gpu_index % gpu_ids_num); } if (!md->cores[next_idx] || md->cores[next_idx]->create(conf, gpu_id) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed create model, path: " << conf.model_dir(); return -1; } gpu_index++; md->current_idx = next_idx; return 0; } virtual int thrd_initialize_impl() { ModelData* md = new (std::nothrow) ModelData; if (!md || load_data(md, _conf) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed create thread data from " << _conf.model_dir(); return -1; } THREAD_SETSPECIFIC(_skey, md); im::bsf::AutoMutex lock(_mutex); _reload_vec.push_back(md); return 0; } int thrd_clear_impl() { // actually, there are 2 kinds of multi-thread. // 1. brpc thread 2. bsf Task thread // each request is in 1-single brpc thread. // IF (bsf Task thread is not used) // every single brpc thread corresponds to all the DBReloadableInferEngines. // each request runs all models in 1-single brpc thread. // every single brpc thread will create or clone N predictor. // N = the number of Model. // so if there are 2 models, and --thread 10. // each brpc thread will create predictor of Model-1 and Model-2. // there are totally 10 predictors of Model-1 and 10 predictors of Model-2 // cause there are 10 brpc threads. // IF bsf Task thread is used。 // there will be a ThreadPool called bsf TaskExecutor. // TaskExecutorVector is the vector of TaskExecutor. // the number of TaskExecutor equals to the number of Model. // 1 TaskExecutor corresponding to 1 Model. // 1 TaskExecutor have N bsf threads. // 1 bsf thread corresponds to 1 predictor of // the Model corresponding to the TaskExecutor. // brpc thread only put the data into the task_queue(which is in // TaskExecutor) // EngineCore->infer() is running in bsf Task thread. // MempoolWrapper::instance() is actually a Thread-Local Mempool. // so it belongs to a single Thread. return 0; } int thrd_finalize_impl() { return 0; } int proc_finalize_impl() { THREAD_KEY_DELETE(_skey); THREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY(&_mutex); return 0; } EngineCore* get_core() { ModelData* md = (ModelData*)THREAD_GETSPECIFIC(_skey); if (!md) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get thread specific data"; return NULL; } return md->cores[md->current_idx]; } protected: THREAD_KEY_T _skey; THREAD_MUTEX_T _mutex; std::vector*> _reload_vec; int gpu_index = 0; }; // 多个EngineCore共用同一份模型数据 template class CloneDBReloadableInferEngine : public DBReloadableInferEngine { public: virtual ~CloneDBReloadableInferEngine() {} // 进程初始化会调用load,但由于未执行线程初始化,所以_reload_vec为空,不再继续执行。 // 热加载的话会调用load,由于线程已经初始化,_reload_vec不为空,所以继续执行load_data操作加载数据。 // 线程初始化会执行load_data操作加载数据,然后将engine加入_reload_vec中。 // 每个模型只有一个CloneDBReloadableInferEngine对象。 // 但一个CloneDBReloadableInferEngine对象,可以包含N个EngineCore。 virtual int load_data(ModelData* md, const configure::EngineDesc& conf) { uint32_t next_idx = (md->current_idx + 1) % 2; if (md->cores[next_idx]) { delete md->cores[next_idx]; } md->cores[next_idx] = new (std::nothrow) EngineCore; // params.dump(); // gpu_ids_num > 0 is always true. // if use CPU, gpu_ids = [-1]. // if gpu_ids_num = 0, which means no gpuid is given. // so we should set gpu_ids_num = 1, and gpu_id = -1. // so that we can create at least 1 predictor. size_t gpu_ids_num = conf.gpu_ids_size(); im::bsf::AutoMutex lock(DBReloadableInferEngine::_mutex); int gpu_id = -1; if (gpu_ids_num > 0) { gpu_id = conf.gpu_ids(DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index % gpu_ids_num); } else { gpu_ids_num = 1; } // gpu_index will be set to be 0, when load() or proc_initial() is called. // gpu_index < gpu_ids_num, means there are predictors still not create // on some GPU card. // so we need to create the predictor. // gpu_index >= gpu_ids_num, means each GPU card has already create one. // so we need to clone the predictor. if (DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index < gpu_ids_num) { if (!md->cores[next_idx] || md->cores[next_idx]->create(conf, gpu_id) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed create model, path: " << conf.model_dir(); return -1; } DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index++; md->current_idx = next_idx; if (_cloneTemplate.size() < DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index) { _cloneTemplate.push_back(md); } else { _cloneTemplate[DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index - 1] = md; } } else { int template_index = DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index % _cloneTemplate.size(); if (!md->cores[next_idx] || md->cores[next_idx]->clone(_cloneTemplate[template_index]->get()) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed clone model from core"; return -1; } DBReloadableInferEngine::gpu_index++; md->current_idx = next_idx; LOG(WARNING) << "core clone model succ, cur_idx[" << md->current_idx << "]."; } return 0; } protected: // 模板EngineCore,如果已创建,则多个线程级EngineCore共用该对象的模型数据 std::vector*> _cloneTemplate; }; template #ifdef WITH_TRT class FluidInferEngine : public DBReloadableInferEngine { #else class FluidInferEngine : public CloneDBReloadableInferEngine { #endif public: // NOLINT FluidInferEngine() {} ~FluidInferEngine() {} typedef std::vector TensorVector; int infer_impl(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1) { // First of all, get the real core acording to the // Template parameter . EngineCore* core = DBReloadableInferEngine::get_core(); if (!core || !core->get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get fluid core in infer_impl()"; return -1; } // We use the for loop to process the input data. // Inside each for loop, use the in[i]->name as inputName and call // 'core->GetInputHandle(inputName)' to get the pointer of InputData. // Set the lod and shape information of InputData first. // Then copy data from cpu to the core. const TensorVector* tensorVector_in_pointer = reinterpret_cast(in); for (int i = 0; i < tensorVector_in_pointer->size(); ++i) { auto lod_tensor_in = core->GetInputHandle((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].name); lod_tensor_in->SetLoD((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].lod); lod_tensor_in->Reshape((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].shape); void* origin_data = (*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].data.data(); // Because the core needs to determine the size of memory space // according to the data type passed in. // The pointer type of data must be one of // float *,int64_t*,int32_t* instead void*. if ((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].dtype == paddle::PaddleDType::FLOAT32) { float* data = static_cast(origin_data); lod_tensor_in->CopyFromCpu(data); } else if ((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].dtype == paddle::PaddleDType::INT64) { int64_t* data = static_cast(origin_data); lod_tensor_in->CopyFromCpu(data); } else if ((*tensorVector_in_pointer)[i].dtype == paddle::PaddleDType::INT32) { int32_t* data = static_cast(origin_data); lod_tensor_in->CopyFromCpu(data); } } // After the input data is passed in, // call 'core->Run()' perform the prediction process. if (!core->Run()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed run fluid family core"; return -1; } // In order to get the results, // first, call the 'core->GetOutputNames()' to get the name of output // (which is a dict like {OutputName:pointer of OutputValue}). // Then, use for-loop to get OutputValue by calling 'core->GetOutputHandle'. std::vector outnames = core->GetOutputNames(); std::vector output_shape; int out_num = 0; int dataType = 0; void* databuf_data = NULL; char* databuf_char = NULL; size_t databuf_size = 0; TensorVector* tensorVector_out_pointer = reinterpret_cast(out); if (!tensorVector_out_pointer) { LOG(ERROR) << "tensorVector_out_pointer is nullptr,error"; return -1; } // Get the type and shape information of OutputData first. // then copy data to cpu from the core. // The pointer type of data_out must be one of // float *,int64_t*,int32_t* instead void*. for (int i = 0; i < outnames.size(); ++i) { auto lod_tensor_out = core->GetOutputHandle(outnames[i]); output_shape = lod_tensor_out->shape(); out_num = std::accumulate( output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies()); dataType = lod_tensor_out->type(); if (dataType == paddle::PaddleDType::FLOAT32) { databuf_size = out_num * sizeof(float); databuf_data = MempoolWrapper::instance().malloc(databuf_size); if (!databuf_data) { LOG(ERROR) << "Malloc failed, size: " << databuf_size; return -1; } float* data_out = reinterpret_cast(databuf_data); lod_tensor_out->CopyToCpu(data_out); databuf_char = reinterpret_cast(data_out); } else if (dataType == paddle::PaddleDType::INT64) { databuf_size = out_num * sizeof(int64_t); databuf_data = MempoolWrapper::instance().malloc(databuf_size); if (!databuf_data) { LOG(ERROR) << "Malloc failed, size: " << databuf_size; return -1; } int64_t* data_out = reinterpret_cast(databuf_data); lod_tensor_out->CopyToCpu(data_out); databuf_char = reinterpret_cast(data_out); } else if (dataType == paddle::PaddleDType::INT32) { databuf_size = out_num * sizeof(int32_t); databuf_data = MempoolWrapper::instance().malloc(databuf_size); if (!databuf_data) { LOG(ERROR) << "Malloc failed, size: " << databuf_size; return -1; } int32_t* data_out = reinterpret_cast(databuf_data); lod_tensor_out->CopyToCpu(data_out); databuf_char = reinterpret_cast(data_out); } // Because task scheduling requires OPs to use 'Channel' // (which is a data structure) to transfer data between OPs. // We need to copy the processed data to the 'Channel' for the next OP. // In this function, it means we should copy the 'databuf_char' to // 'void* out'.(which is also called ‘tensorVector_out_pointer’) paddle::PaddleTensor tensor_out; tensor_out.name = outnames[i]; tensor_out.dtype = paddle::PaddleDType(dataType); tensor_out.shape.assign(output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end()); std::vector> out_lod = lod_tensor_out->lod(); for (int li = 0; li < out_lod.size(); ++li) { std::vector lod_element; lod_element.assign(out_lod[li].begin(), out_lod[li].end()); tensor_out.lod.push_back(lod_element); } paddle::PaddleBuf paddleBuf(databuf_char, databuf_size); tensor_out.data = paddleBuf; tensorVector_out_pointer->push_back(tensor_out); } return 0; } int task_infer_impl(const void* in, void* out) { // NOLINT return infer_impl(in, out); } }; typedef FactoryPool StaticInferFactory; class VersionedInferEngine : public InferEngine { public: VersionedInferEngine() { _versions.clear(); } ~VersionedInferEngine() {} int proc_initialize(const configure::EngineDesc& conf); int proc_initialize(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool version); int proc_finalize(); int thrd_initialize(); int thrd_clear(); int thrd_finalize(); int reload(); uint64_t version() const; // inference interface InferEngine* default_engine() const; int infer(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size); template T* get_core(); // versioned inference interface int infer(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size, uint64_t version); template T* get_core(uint64_t version); int proc_initialize_impl(const configure::EngineDesc& conf, bool); int thrd_initialize_impl(); int thrd_finalize_impl(); int thrd_clear_impl(); int proc_finalize_impl(); int infer_impl(const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1); int task_infer_impl(const void* in, void* out); private: boost::unordered_map _versions; }; class InferManager { public: static InferManager& instance() { static InferManager ins; return ins; } int proc_initialize(const char* path, const char* file); int thrd_initialize(); int thrd_clear(); int reload(); int thrd_finalize(); int proc_finalize(); // Inference interface int infer(const char* model_name, const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size = -1); template T* get_core(const char* model_name); // Versioned inference interface int infer(const char* model_name, const void* in, void* out, uint32_t batch_size, uint64_t version); template T* get_core(const char* model_name, uint64_t version); int query_version(const std::string& model, uint64_t& version); private: boost::unordered_map _map; }; } // namespace predictor } // namespace paddle_serving } // namespace baidu