# Fit a line prediction example ([简体中文](./README_CN.md)|English) ## Get data ```shell sh get_data.sh ``` ## RPC service ### Start server You can use the following code to start the RPC service ```shell python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model uci_housing_model --thread 10 --port 9393 --use_lite --use_xpu --ir_optim ``` ### Client prediction The `paddlepaddle` package is used in `test_client.py`, and you may need to download the corresponding package(`pip install paddlepaddle`). ``` shell python test_client.py uci_housing_client/serving_client_conf.prototxt ``` ## HTTP service ### Start server Start a web service with default web service hosting modules: ``` shell python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model uci_housing_model --thread 10 --port 9393 --use_lite --use_xpu --ir_optim --name uci ``` ### Client prediction ``` shell curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"feed":[{"x": [0.0137, -0.1136, 0.2553, -0.0692, 0.0582, -0.0727, -0.1583, -0.0584, 0.6283, 0.4919, 0.1856, 0.0795, -0.0332]}], "fetch":["price"]}' ```