# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Usage: Host a trained paddle model with one line command Example: python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ./serving_server_model --port 9292 """ import argparse import os import json import base64 import time from multiprocessing import Process import sys if sys.version_info.major == 2: from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer elif sys.version_info.major == 3: from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from contextlib import closing import socket from paddle_serving_server.env import CONF_HOME import signal from paddle_serving_server.util import * from paddle_serving_server.env_check.run import * # web_service.py is still used by Pipeline. def port_is_available(port): with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: sock.settimeout(2) result = sock.connect_ex(('', port)) if result != 0: return True else: return False def format_gpu_to_strlist(unformatted_gpus): gpus_strlist = [] if isinstance(unformatted_gpus, int): gpus_strlist = [str(unformatted_gpus)] elif isinstance(unformatted_gpus, list): if unformatted_gpus == [""]: gpus_strlist = ["-1"] elif len(unformatted_gpus) == 0: gpus_strlist = ["-1"] else: gpus_strlist = [str(x) for x in unformatted_gpus] elif isinstance(unformatted_gpus, str): if unformatted_gpus == "": gpus_strlist = ["-1"] else: gpus_strlist = [unformatted_gpus] elif unformatted_gpus == None: gpus_strlist = ["-1"] else: raise ValueError("error input of set_gpus") # check cuda visible if "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in os.environ: env_gpus = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"].split(",") for op_gpus_str in gpus_strlist: op_gpu_list = op_gpus_str.split(",") # op_gpu_list == ["-1"] means this op use CPU # so don`t check cudavisible. if op_gpu_list == ["-1"]: continue for ids in op_gpu_list: if ids not in env_gpus: print("gpu_ids is not in CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.") exit(-1) # check gpuid is valid for op_gpus_str in gpus_strlist: op_gpu_list = op_gpus_str.split(",") use_gpu = False for ids in op_gpu_list: if int(ids) < -1: raise ValueError("The input of gpuid error.") if int(ids) >= 0: use_gpu = True if int(ids) == -1 and use_gpu: raise ValueError("You can not use CPU and GPU in one model.") return gpus_strlist def is_gpu_mode(unformatted_gpus): gpus_strlist = format_gpu_to_strlist(unformatted_gpus) for op_gpus_str in gpus_strlist: op_gpu_list = op_gpus_str.split(",") for ids in op_gpu_list: if int(ids) >= 0: return True return False def serve_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("serve") parser.add_argument( "server", type=str, default="start", nargs="?", help="stop or start PaddleServing, check running environemnt") parser.add_argument( "--thread", type=int, default=4, help="Concurrency of server,[4,1024]", choices=range(4, 1025)) parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=9393, help="Port of the starting gpu") parser.add_argument( "--device", type=str, default="cpu", help="Type of device") parser.add_argument( "--gpu_ids", type=str, default="", nargs="+", help="gpu ids") parser.add_argument( "--runtime_thread_num", type=int, default=0, nargs="+", help="Number of each op") parser.add_argument( "--batch_infer_size", type=int, default=32, nargs="+", help="Max batch of each op") parser.add_argument( "--model", type=str, default="", nargs="+", help="Model for serving") parser.add_argument( "--op", type=str, default="", nargs="+", help="Model for serving") parser.add_argument( "--workdir", type=str, default="workdir", help="Working dir of current service") parser.add_argument( "--use_mkl", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use MKL") parser.add_argument( "--precision", type=str, default="fp32", help="precision mode(fp32, int8, fp16, bf16)") parser.add_argument( "--use_calib", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use TensorRT Calibration") parser.add_argument( "--mem_optim_off", default=False, action="store_true", help="Memory optimize") parser.add_argument( "--ir_optim", default=False, action="store_true", help="Graph optimize") parser.add_argument( "--max_body_size", type=int, default=512 * 1024 * 1024, help="Limit sizes of messages") parser.add_argument( "--use_encryption_model", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use encryption model") parser.add_argument( "--use_trt", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use TensorRT") parser.add_argument( "--use_lite", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use PaddleLite") parser.add_argument( "--use_xpu", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use XPU") parser.add_argument( "--use_ascend_cl", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use Ascend CL") parser.add_argument( "--product_name", type=str, default=None, help="product_name for authentication") parser.add_argument( "--container_id", type=str, default=None, help="container_id for authentication") parser.add_argument( "--gpu_multi_stream", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use gpu_multi_stream") parser.add_argument( "--enable_prometheus", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use Prometheus") parser.add_argument( "--prometheus_port", type=int, default=19393, help="Port of the Prometheus") return parser.parse_args() def start_gpu_card_model(gpu_mode, port, args): # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing device = "cpu" if gpu_mode == True: device = "gpu" import paddle_serving_server as serving op_maker = serving.OpMaker() op_seq_maker = serving.OpSeqMaker() server = serving.Server() thread_num = args.thread model = args.model mem_optim = args.mem_optim_off is False ir_optim = args.ir_optim use_mkl = args.use_mkl max_body_size = args.max_body_size workdir = "{}_{}".format(args.workdir, port) dag_list_op = [] if model == "": print("You must specify your serving model") exit(-1) for single_model_config in args.model: if os.path.isdir(single_model_config): pass elif os.path.isfile(single_model_config): raise ValueError("The input of --model should be a dir not file.") # 如果通过--op GeneralDetectionOp GeneralRecOp # 将不存在的自定义OP加入到DAG图和模型的列表中 # 并将传入顺序记录在dag_list_op中。 if args.op != "": for single_op in args.op: temp_str_list = single_op.split(':') if len(temp_str_list) >= 1 and temp_str_list[0] != '': if temp_str_list[0] not in op_maker.op_list: op_maker.op_list.append(temp_str_list[0]) if len(temp_str_list) >= 2 and temp_str_list[1] == '0': pass else: server.default_engine_types.append(temp_str_list[0]) dag_list_op.append(temp_str_list[0]) read_op = op_maker.create('GeneralReaderOp') op_seq_maker.add_op(read_op) #如果dag_list_op不是空,那么证明通过--op 传入了自定义OP或自定义的DAG串联关系。 #此时,根据--op 传入的顺序去组DAG串联关系 if len(dag_list_op) > 0: for single_op in dag_list_op: op_seq_maker.add_op(op_maker.create(single_op)) #否则,仍然按照原有方式根虎--model去串联。 else: for idx, single_model in enumerate(model): infer_op_name = "GeneralInferOp" # 目前由于ocr的节点Det模型依赖于opencv的第三方库 # 只有使用ocr的时候,才会加入opencv的第三方库并编译GeneralDetectionOp # 故此处做特殊处理,当不满足下述情况时,所添加的op默认为GeneralInferOp # 以后可能考虑不用python脚本来生成配置 if len(model) == 2 and idx == 0 and single_model == "ocr_det_model": infer_op_name = "GeneralDetectionOp" else: infer_op_name = "GeneralInferOp" general_infer_op = op_maker.create(infer_op_name) op_seq_maker.add_op(general_infer_op) general_response_op = op_maker.create('GeneralResponseOp') op_seq_maker.add_op(general_response_op) server.set_op_sequence(op_seq_maker.get_op_sequence()) server.set_num_threads(thread_num) server.use_mkl(use_mkl) server.set_precision(args.precision) server.set_use_calib(args.use_calib) server.set_memory_optimize(mem_optim) server.set_ir_optimize(ir_optim) server.set_max_body_size(max_body_size) server.set_enable_prometheus(args.enable_prometheus) server.set_prometheus_port(args.prometheus_port) if args.use_trt and device == "gpu": server.set_trt() server.set_ir_optimize(True) if args.gpu_multi_stream and device == "gpu": server.set_gpu_multi_stream() if args.runtime_thread_num: server.set_runtime_thread_num(args.runtime_thread_num) if args.batch_infer_size: server.set_batch_infer_size(args.batch_infer_size) if args.use_lite: server.set_lite() server.set_device(device) if args.use_xpu: server.set_xpu() if args.use_ascend_cl: server.set_ascend_cl() if args.product_name != None: server.set_product_name(args.product_name) if args.container_id != None: server.set_container_id(args.container_id) if gpu_mode == True or args.use_xpu or args.use_ascend_cl: server.set_gpuid(args.gpu_ids) server.load_model_config(model) server.prepare_server( workdir=workdir, port=port, device=device, use_encryption_model=args.use_encryption_model) server.run_server() def start_multi_card(args, serving_port=None): # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing if serving_port == None: serving_port = args.port if args.use_lite: print("run using paddle-lite.") start_gpu_card_model(False, serving_port, args) else: start_gpu_card_model(is_gpu_mode(args.gpu_ids), serving_port, args) class MainService(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def get_available_port(self): default_port = 12000 for i in range(1000): if port_is_available(default_port + i): return default_port + i def start_serving(self): start_multi_card(args, serving_port) def get_key(self, post_data): if "key" not in post_data: return False else: key = base64.b64decode(post_data["key"].encode()) for single_model_config in args.model: if os.path.isfile(single_model_config): raise ValueError( "The input of --model should be a dir not file.") with open(single_model_config + "/key", "wb") as f: f.write(key) return True def check_key(self, post_data): if "key" not in post_data: return False else: key = base64.b64decode(post_data["key"].encode()) for single_model_config in args.model: if os.path.isfile(single_model_config): raise ValueError( "The input of --model should be a dir not file.") with open(single_model_config + "/key", "rb") as f: cur_key = f.read() if key != cur_key: return False return True def start(self, post_data): post_data = json.loads(post_data.decode('utf-8')) global p_flag if not p_flag: if args.use_encryption_model: print("waiting key for model") if not self.get_key(post_data): print("not found key in request") return False global serving_port global p serving_port = self.get_available_port() p = Process(target=self.start_serving) p.start() time.sleep(3) if p.is_alive(): p_flag = True else: return False else: if p.is_alive(): if not self.check_key(post_data): return False else: return False return True def do_POST(self): content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) post_data = self.rfile.read(content_length) if self.start(post_data): response = {"endpoint_list": [serving_port]} else: response = {"message": "start serving failed"} self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(response).encode()) def stop_serving(command: str, port: int=None): ''' Stop PaddleServing by port. Args: command(str): stop->SIGINT, kill->SIGKILL port(int): Default to None, kill all processes in ProcessInfo.json. Not None, kill the specific process relating to port Returns: True if stop serving successfully. False if error occured Examples: .. code-block:: python stop_serving("stop", 9494) ''' filepath = os.path.join(CONF_HOME, "ProcessInfo.json") infoList = load_pid_file(filepath) if infoList is False: return False lastInfo = infoList[-1] for info in infoList: storedPort = info["port"] pid = info["pid"] model = info["model"] start_time = info["start_time"] if port is not None: if port in storedPort: kill_stop_process_by_pid(command, pid) infoList.remove(info) if len(infoList): with open(filepath, "w") as fp: json.dump(infoList, fp) else: os.remove(filepath) return True else: if lastInfo == info: raise ValueError( "Please confirm the port [%s] you specified is correct." % port) else: pass else: kill_stop_process_by_pid(command, pid) if lastInfo == info: os.remove(filepath) return True if __name__ == "__main__": # args.device is not used at all. # just keep the interface. # so --device should not be recommended at the HomePage. args = serve_args() if args.server == "stop" or args.server == "kill": result = 0 if "--port" in sys.argv: result = stop_serving(args.server, args.port) else: result = stop_serving(args.server) if result == 0: os._exit(0) else: os._exit(-1) elif args.server == "check": check_env() os._exit(0) for single_model_config in args.model: if os.path.isdir(single_model_config): pass elif os.path.isfile(single_model_config): raise ValueError("The input of --model should be a dir not file.") if port_is_available(args.port): portList = [args.port] dump_pid_file(portList, args.model) if args.use_encryption_model: p_flag = False p = None serving_port = 0 server = HTTPServer(('', int(args.port)), MainService) print( 'Starting encryption server, waiting for key from client, use to stop' ) server.serve_forever() else: start_multi_card(args)