// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "core/general-client/include/general_model.h" #include #include "core/sdk-cpp/builtin_format.pb.h" #include "core/sdk-cpp/include/common.h" #include "core/sdk-cpp/include/predictor_sdk.h" #include "core/util/include/timer.h" DEFINE_bool(profile_client, false, ""); DEFINE_bool(profile_server, false, ""); using baidu::paddle_serving::Timer; using baidu::paddle_serving::predictor::general_model::Request; using baidu::paddle_serving::predictor::general_model::Response; using baidu::paddle_serving::predictor::general_model::Tensor; using baidu::paddle_serving::predictor::general_model::FeedInst; using baidu::paddle_serving::predictor::general_model::FetchInst; std::once_flag gflags_init_flag; namespace baidu { namespace paddle_serving { namespace general_model { using configure::GeneralModelConfig; void PredictorClient::init_gflags(std::vector argv) { std::call_once(gflags_init_flag, [&]() { FLAGS_logtostderr = true; argv.insert(argv.begin(), "dummy"); int argc = argv.size(); char **arr = new char *[argv.size()]; std::string line; for (size_t i = 0; i < argv.size(); i++) { arr[i] = &argv[i][0]; line += argv[i]; line += ' '; } google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &arr, true); VLOG(2) << "Init commandline: " << line; }); } int PredictorClient::init(const std::string &conf_file) { try { GeneralModelConfig model_config; if (configure::read_proto_conf(conf_file.c_str(), &model_config) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load general model config" << ", file path: " << conf_file; return -1; } _feed_name_to_idx.clear(); _fetch_name_to_idx.clear(); _shape.clear(); int feed_var_num = model_config.feed_var_size(); int fetch_var_num = model_config.fetch_var_size(); VLOG(2) << "feed var num: " << feed_var_num << "fetch_var_num: " << fetch_var_num; for (int i = 0; i < feed_var_num; ++i) { _feed_name_to_idx[model_config.feed_var(i).alias_name()] = i; VLOG(2) << "feed alias name: " << model_config.feed_var(i).alias_name() << " index: " << i; std::vector tmp_feed_shape; VLOG(2) << "feed" << "[" << i << "] shape:"; for (int j = 0; j < model_config.feed_var(i).shape_size(); ++j) { tmp_feed_shape.push_back(model_config.feed_var(i).shape(j)); VLOG(2) << "shape[" << j << "]: " << model_config.feed_var(i).shape(j); } _type.push_back(model_config.feed_var(i).feed_type()); VLOG(2) << "feed" << "[" << i << "] feed type: " << model_config.feed_var(i).feed_type(); _shape.push_back(tmp_feed_shape); } for (int i = 0; i < fetch_var_num; ++i) { _fetch_name_to_idx[model_config.fetch_var(i).alias_name()] = i; VLOG(2) << "fetch [" << i << "]" << " alias name: " << model_config.fetch_var(i).alias_name(); _fetch_name_to_var_name[model_config.fetch_var(i).alias_name()] = model_config.fetch_var(i).name(); _fetch_name_to_type[model_config.fetch_var(i).alias_name()] = model_config.fetch_var(i).fetch_type(); } } catch (std::exception &e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed load general model config" << e.what(); return -1; } return 0; } void PredictorClient::set_predictor_conf(const std::string &conf_path, const std::string &conf_file) { _predictor_path = conf_path; _predictor_conf = conf_file; } int PredictorClient::destroy_predictor() { _api.thrd_finalize(); _api.destroy(); return 0; } int PredictorClient::create_predictor_by_desc(const std::string &sdk_desc) { if (_api.create(sdk_desc) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Predictor Creation Failed"; return -1; } _api.thrd_initialize(); return 0; } int PredictorClient::create_predictor() { VLOG(2) << "Predictor path: " << _predictor_path << " predictor file: " << _predictor_conf; if (_api.create(_predictor_path.c_str(), _predictor_conf.c_str()) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Predictor Creation Failed"; return -1; } _api.thrd_initialize(); return 0; } int PredictorClient::predict(const std::vector> &float_feed, const std::vector &float_feed_name, const std::vector> &int_feed, const std::vector &int_feed_name, const std::vector &fetch_name, PredictorRes &predict_res, const int &pid) { // NOLINT predict_res.clear(); Timer timeline; int64_t preprocess_start = timeline.TimeStampUS(); _api.thrd_clear(); std::string variant_tag; _predictor = _api.fetch_predictor("general_model", &variant_tag); predict_res.set_variant_tag(variant_tag); Request req; for (auto &name : fetch_name) { req.add_fetch_var_names(name); } std::vector tensor_vec; FeedInst *inst = req.add_insts(); for (auto &name : float_feed_name) { tensor_vec.push_back(inst->add_tensor_array()); } for (auto &name : int_feed_name) { tensor_vec.push_back(inst->add_tensor_array()); } int vec_idx = 0; for (auto &name : float_feed_name) { int idx = _feed_name_to_idx[name]; Tensor *tensor = tensor_vec[idx]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _shape[idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_shape(_shape[idx][j]); } tensor->set_elem_type(1); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < float_feed[vec_idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_float_data(float_feed[vec_idx][j]); } vec_idx++; } VLOG(2) << "feed float feed var done."; vec_idx = 0; for (auto &name : int_feed_name) { int idx = _feed_name_to_idx[name]; Tensor *tensor = tensor_vec[idx]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _shape[idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_shape(_shape[idx][j]); } tensor->set_elem_type(0); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < int_feed[vec_idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_int64_data(int_feed[vec_idx][j]); } vec_idx++; } int64_t preprocess_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); int64_t client_infer_start = timeline.TimeStampUS(); Response res; int64_t client_infer_end = 0; int64_t postprocess_start = 0; int64_t postprocess_end = 0; if (FLAGS_profile_client) { if (FLAGS_profile_server) { req.set_profile_server(true); } } res.Clear(); if (_predictor->inference(&req, &res) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed call predictor with req: " << req.ShortDebugString(); return -1; } else { VLOG(2) << "predict done."; client_infer_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); postprocess_start = client_infer_end; // multi-model output uint32_t model_num = res.outputs_size(); // predict_res._models.resize(model_num); for (uint32_t m_idx = 0; m_idx < model_num; ++m_idx) { VLOG(2) << "process model output index: " << m_idx; auto output = res.outputs(m_idx); ModelRes model; model.set_engine_name(output.engine_name()); for (auto &name : fetch_name) { int idx = _fetch_name_to_idx[name]; VLOG(2) << "fetch name: " << name; if (_fetch_name_to_type[name] == 0) { int len = output.insts(0).tensor_array(idx).int64_data_size(); VLOG(2) << "fetch tensor : " << name << " type: int64 len : " << len; model._int64_map[name].resize(1); model._int64_map[name][0].resize(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { model._int64_map[name][0][i] = output.insts(0).tensor_array(idx).int64_data(i); } } else if (_fetch_name_to_type[name] == 1) { int len = output.insts(0).tensor_array(idx).float_data_size(); VLOG(2) << "fetch tensor : " << name << " type: float32 len : " << len; model._float_map[name].resize(1); model._float_map[name][0].resize(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { model._float_map[name][0][i] = output.insts(0).tensor_array(idx).float_data(i); } } } predict_res.add_model_res(std::move(model)); } postprocess_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); } if (FLAGS_profile_client) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "PROFILE\t" << "pid:" << pid << "\t" << "prepro_0:" << preprocess_start << " " << "prepro_1:" << preprocess_end << " " << "client_infer_0:" << client_infer_start << " " << "client_infer_1:" << client_infer_end << " "; if (FLAGS_profile_server) { int op_num = res.profile_time_size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < op_num; ++i) { oss << "op" << i << "_0:" << res.profile_time(i * 2) << " "; oss << "op" << i << "_1:" << res.profile_time(i * 2 + 1) << " "; } } oss << "postpro_0:" << postprocess_start << " "; oss << "postpro_1:" << postprocess_end; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str()); } return 0; } int PredictorClient::batch_predict( const std::vector>> &float_feed_batch, const std::vector &float_feed_name, const std::vector>> &int_feed_batch, const std::vector &int_feed_name, const std::vector &fetch_name, PredictorRes &predict_res_batch, const int &pid) { int batch_size = std::max(float_feed_batch.size(), int_feed_batch.size()); predict_res_batch.clear(); Timer timeline; int64_t preprocess_start = timeline.TimeStampUS(); int fetch_name_num = fetch_name.size(); _api.thrd_clear(); std::string variant_tag; _predictor = _api.fetch_predictor("general_model", &variant_tag); predict_res_batch.set_variant_tag(variant_tag); VLOG(2) << "fetch general model predictor done."; VLOG(2) << "float feed name size: " << float_feed_name.size(); VLOG(2) << "int feed name size: " << int_feed_name.size(); Request req; for (auto &name : fetch_name) { req.add_fetch_var_names(name); } for (int bi = 0; bi < batch_size; bi++) { VLOG(2) << "prepare batch " << bi; std::vector tensor_vec; FeedInst *inst = req.add_insts(); std::vector> float_feed = float_feed_batch[bi]; std::vector> int_feed = int_feed_batch[bi]; for (auto &name : float_feed_name) { tensor_vec.push_back(inst->add_tensor_array()); } for (auto &name : int_feed_name) { tensor_vec.push_back(inst->add_tensor_array()); } VLOG(2) << "batch [" << bi << "] int_feed_name and float_feed_name " << "prepared"; int vec_idx = 0; for (auto &name : float_feed_name) { int idx = _feed_name_to_idx[name]; Tensor *tensor = tensor_vec[idx]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _shape[idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_shape(_shape[idx][j]); } tensor->set_elem_type(1); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < float_feed[vec_idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_float_data(float_feed[vec_idx][j]); } vec_idx++; } VLOG(2) << "batch [" << bi << "] " << "float feed value prepared"; vec_idx = 0; for (auto &name : int_feed_name) { int idx = _feed_name_to_idx[name]; Tensor *tensor = tensor_vec[idx]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _shape[idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_shape(_shape[idx][j]); } tensor->set_elem_type(0); VLOG(3) << "feed var name " << name << " index " << vec_idx << "first data " << int_feed[vec_idx][0]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < int_feed[vec_idx].size(); ++j) { tensor->add_int64_data(int_feed[vec_idx][j]); } vec_idx++; } VLOG(2) << "batch [" << bi << "] " << "int feed value prepared"; } int64_t preprocess_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); int64_t client_infer_start = timeline.TimeStampUS(); Response res; int64_t client_infer_end = 0; int64_t postprocess_start = 0; int64_t postprocess_end = 0; if (FLAGS_profile_client) { if (FLAGS_profile_server) { req.set_profile_server(true); } } res.Clear(); if (_predictor->inference(&req, &res) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed call predictor with req: " << req.ShortDebugString(); return -1; } else { client_infer_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); postprocess_start = client_infer_end; uint32_t model_num = res.outputs_size(); // predict_res_batch._models.resize(model_num); for (uint32_t m_idx = 0; m_idx < model_num; ++m_idx) { VLOG(2) << "process model output index: " << m_idx; auto output = res.outputs(m_idx); ModelRes model; model.set_engine_name(output.engine_name()); for (auto &name : fetch_name) { model._int64_map[name].resize(batch_size); model._float_map[name].resize(batch_size); } VLOG(2) << "response batch size " << output.insts_size(); VLOG(2) << "response var nmae " << output.insts(0).tensor_array_size(); for (int bi = 0; bi < batch_size; bi++) { int idx = 0; for (auto &name : fetch_name) { int len = output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).data_size(); if (_fetch_name_to_type[name] == 0) { int len = output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).int64_data_size(); VLOG(2) << "fetch tensor : " << name << " type: int64 len : " << len; model._int64_map[name][bi].resize(len); VLOG(2) << "fetch name " << name << " index " << idx << " first data " << output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).int64_data(0); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { model._int64_map[name][bi][i] = output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).int64_data(i); } } else if (_fetch_name_to_type[name] == 1) { int len = output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).float_data_size(); VLOG(2) << "fetch tensor : " << name << " type: float32 len : " << len; model._float_map[name][bi].resize(len); VLOG(2) << "fetch name " << name << " index " << idx << " first data " << output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).float_data(0); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { model._float_map[name][bi][i] = output.insts(bi).tensor_array(idx).float_data(i); } } idx += 1; } } predict_res_batch.add_model_res(std::move(model)); } postprocess_end = timeline.TimeStampUS(); } if (FLAGS_profile_client) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "PROFILE\t" << "pid:" << pid << "\t" << "prepro_0:" << preprocess_start << " " << "prepro_1:" << preprocess_end << " " << "client_infer_0:" << client_infer_start << " " << "client_infer_1:" << client_infer_end << " "; if (FLAGS_profile_server) { int op_num = res.profile_time_size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < op_num; ++i) { oss << "op" << i << "_0:" << res.profile_time(i * 2) << " "; oss << "op" << i << "_1:" << res.profile_time(i * 2 + 1) << " "; } } oss << "postpro_0:" << postprocess_start << " "; oss << "postpro_1:" << postprocess_end; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str()); } return 0; } } // namespace general_model } // namespace paddle_serving } // namespace baidu