# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing from concurrent import futures import grpc import logging import json import socket import contextlib from contextlib import closing import multiprocessing import yaml import io import time import os from .error_catch import ErrorCatch, CustomException, CustomExceptionCode, ParamChecker, ParamVerify from .proto import pipeline_service_pb2_grpc, pipeline_service_pb2 from . import operator from . import dag from . import util from . import channel from paddle_serving_server.env import CONF_HOME from paddle_serving_server.util import dump_pid_file _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PipelineServicer(pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.PipelineServiceServicer): """ Pipeline Servicer entrance. """ def __init__(self, name, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx=-1): @ErrorCatch @ParamChecker def init_helper(self, name, response_op, dag_conf: dict, worker_idx=-1): self._name = name self._dag_executor = dag.DAGExecutor(response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx) self._dag_executor.start() super(PipelineServicer, self).__init__() init_res = init_helper(self, name, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx) if init_res[1].err_no is not 200: raise CustomException(CustomExceptionCode.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, "pipeline server init error") _LOGGER.info("[PipelineServicer] succ init") def inference(self, request, context): _LOGGER.info( "(log_id={}) inference request name:{} self.name:{} time:{}".format( request.logid, request.name, self._name, time.time())) if request.name != "" and request.name != self._name: _LOGGER.error("(log_id={}) name dismatch error. request.name:{}," "server.name={}".format(request.logid, request.name, self._name)) resp = pipeline_service_pb2.Response() resp.err_no = channel.ChannelDataErrcode.NO_SERVICE.value resp.err_msg = "Failed to inference: Service name error." return resp resp = self._dag_executor.call(request) return resp @contextlib.contextmanager def _reserve_port(port): """ Find and reserve a port for all subprocesses to use. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to set SO_REUSEPORT.") sock.bind(('', port)) try: yield sock.getsockname()[1] finally: sock.close() class PipelineServer(object): """ Pipeline Server : grpc gateway + grpc server. """ def __init__(self, name=None): self._name = name # for grpc-gateway path self._rpc_port = None self._worker_num = None self._response_op = None self._proxy_server = None def _grpc_gateway(self, grpc_port, http_port): """ Running a gateway server, linking libproxy_server.so Args: grpc_port: GRPC port http_port: HTTP port Returns: None """ import os from ctypes import cdll from . import gateway lib_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(gateway.__file__), "libproxy_server.so") proxy_server = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) proxy_server.run_proxy_server(grpc_port, http_port) def _run_grpc_gateway(self, grpc_port, http_port): """ Starting the GRPC gateway in a new process. Exposing one available HTTP port outside, and reflecting the data to RPC port. Args: grpc_port: GRPC port http_port: HTTP port Returns: None """ if http_port <= 0: _LOGGER.info("Ignore grpc_gateway configuration.") return if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available(http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to run grpc-gateway: prot {} " "is already used".format(http_port)) if self._proxy_server is not None: raise RuntimeError("Proxy server has been started.") self._proxy_server = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._grpc_gateway, args=( grpc_port, http_port, )) self._proxy_server.daemon = True self._proxy_server.start() def set_response_op(self, response_op): """ Set the response OP. Args: response_op: ResponseOp or its subclass object Returns: None """ if not isinstance(response_op, operator.ResponseOp): raise Exception("Failed to set response_op: response_op " "must be ResponseOp type.") if len(response_op.get_input_ops()) != 1: raise Exception("Failed to set response_op: response_op " "can only have one previous op.") self._response_op = response_op self._used_op, _ = dag.DAG.get_use_ops(self._response_op) def prepare_server(self, yml_file=None, yml_dict=None): """ Reading configures from the yml file(config.yaml), and launching local services. Args: yml_file: Reading configures from yaml files yml_dict: Reading configures from yaml dict. Returns: None """ conf = ServerYamlConfChecker.load_server_yaml_conf( yml_file=yml_file, yml_dict=yml_dict) self._rpc_port = conf.get("rpc_port") self._http_port = conf.get("http_port") if self._rpc_port is None: if self._http_port is None: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: rpc_port or " "http_port can not be None.") else: # http mode: generate rpc_port if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: http_port({}) " "is already used".format(self._http_port)) self._rpc_port = util.GetAvailablePortGenerator().next() else: if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._rpc_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: prot {} " "is already used".format(self._rpc_port)) if self._http_port is None: # rpc mode pass else: # http mode if not util.AvailablePortGenerator.port_is_available( self._http_port): raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: http_port({}) " "is already used".format(self._http_port)) # write the port info into ProcessInfo.json portList = [] if self._http_port is not None: portList.append(self._rpc_port) if self._rpc_port is not None: portList.append(self._http_port) if len(portList): dump_pid_file(portList, "pipline") self._worker_num = conf["worker_num"] self._build_dag_each_worker = conf["build_dag_each_worker"] self._init_ops(conf["op"]) _LOGGER.info("============= PIPELINE SERVER =============") _LOGGER.info("\n{}".format( json.dumps( conf, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')))) if self._build_dag_each_worker is True: _LOGGER.warning( "(Make sure that install grpcio whl with --no-binary flag: " "pip install grpcio --no-binary grpcio)") _LOGGER.info("-------------------------------------------") self._conf = conf self._start_local_rpc_service() def _init_ops(self, op_conf): """ Initializing all OPs from dicetory. Args: op_conf: the op configures in yaml dict. Returns: None. """ default_conf = { "concurrency": 1, "timeout": -1, "retry": 1, "batch_size": 1, "auto_batching_timeout": -1, "local_service_conf": { "workdir": "", "thread_num": 2, "device_type": -1, "devices": "", "mem_optim": True, "ir_optim": False, "precision": "fp32", "use_calib": False, "use_mkldnn": False, "mkldnn_cache_capacity": 0, }, } for op in self._used_op: if not isinstance(op, operator.RequestOp) and not isinstance( op, operator.ResponseOp): conf = op_conf.get(op.name, default_conf) op.init_from_dict(conf) def _start_local_rpc_service(self): # only brpc now if self._conf["dag"]["client_type"] != "brpc": _LOGGER.warning("Local service version must be brpc type now.") for op in self._used_op: if not isinstance(op, operator.RequestOp): op.launch_local_rpc_service() def run_server(self): """ If _build_dag_each_worker is True, Starting _worker_num processes and running one GRPC server in each process. Otherwise, Staring one GRPC server. Args: None Returns: None """ if self._build_dag_each_worker: with _reserve_port(self._rpc_port) as port: bind_address = 'localhost:{}'.format(port) workers = [] for i in range(self._worker_num): worker = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._run_server_func, args=(bind_address, self._response_op, self._conf, i)) worker.start() workers.append(worker) self._run_grpc_gateway( grpc_port=self._rpc_port, http_port=self._http_port) # start grpc_gateway for worker in workers: worker.join() else: server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._worker_num), options=[('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024), ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024) ]) pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.add_PipelineServiceServicer_to_server( PipelineServicer(self._name, self._response_op, self._conf), server) server.add_insecure_port('[::]:{}'.format(self._rpc_port)) server.start() self._run_grpc_gateway( grpc_port=self._rpc_port, http_port=self._http_port) # start grpc_gateway server.wait_for_termination() def _run_server_func(self, bind_address, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx): """ Running one GRPC server with PipelineServicer. Args: bind_address: binding IP/Port response_op: ResponseOp or its subclass object dag_conf: DAG config worker_idx: Process index. """ options = [('grpc.so_reuseport', 1), ('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024), ('grpc.max_send_message_length', 256 * 1024 * 1024)] server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=1, ), options=options) pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.add_PipelineServiceServicer_to_server( PipelineServicer(self._name, response_op, dag_conf, worker_idx), server) server.add_insecure_port(bind_address) server.start() server.wait_for_termination() class ServerYamlConfChecker(object): """ Checking validities of server yaml files. """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def load_server_yaml_conf(yml_file=None, yml_dict=None): if yml_file is not None and yml_dict is not None: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: only one of yml_file" " or yml_dict can be selected as the parameter.") if yml_file is not None: with io.open(yml_file, encoding='utf-8') as f: conf = yaml.load(f.read(), yaml.FullLoader) elif yml_dict is not None: conf = yml_dict else: raise SystemExit("Failed to prepare_server: yml_file or yml_dict" " can not be None.") ServerYamlConfChecker.check_server_conf(conf) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_dag_conf(conf["dag"]) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_tracer_conf(conf["dag"]["tracer"]) for op_name in conf["op"]: ServerYamlConfChecker.check_op_conf(conf["op"][op_name]) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_local_service_conf(conf["op"][op_name][ "local_service_conf"]) return conf @staticmethod def check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification): ServerYamlConfChecker.fill_with_default_conf(conf, default_conf) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf_type(conf, conf_type) ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf_qualification(conf, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_server_conf(conf): default_conf = { # "rpc_port": 9292, "worker_num": 1, "build_dag_each_worker": False, #"http_port": 0, "dag": {}, "op": {}, } conf_type = { "rpc_port": int, "http_port": int, "worker_num": int, "build_dag_each_worker": bool, "grpc_gateway_port": int, } conf_qualification = { "rpc_port": [(">=", 1024), ("<=", 65535)], "http_port": [(">=", 1024), ("<=", 65535)], "worker_num": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_local_service_conf(conf): default_conf = { "workdir": "", "thread_num": 2, "device_type": -1, "devices": "", "mem_optim": True, "ir_optim": False, "precision": "fp32", "use_calib": False, "use_mkldnn": False, "mkldnn_cache_capacity": 0, } conf_type = { "model_config": str, "workdir": str, "thread_num": int, "device_type": int, "devices": str, "mem_optim": bool, "ir_optim": bool, "precision": str, "use_calib": bool, "use_mkldnn": bool, "mkldnn_cache_capacity": int, "mkldnn_op_list": list, "mkldnn_bf16_op_list": list, } conf_qualification = {"thread_num": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_op_conf(conf): default_conf = { "concurrency": 1, "timeout": -1, "retry": 1, "batch_size": 1, "auto_batching_timeout": -1, "local_service_conf": {}, } conf_type = { "server_endpoints": list, "fetch_list": list, "client_config": str, "concurrency": int, "timeout": int, "retry": int, "batch_size": int, "auto_batching_timeout": int, } conf_qualification = { "concurrency": (">=", 1), "retry": (">=", 1), "batch_size": (">=", 1), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_tracer_conf(conf): default_conf = {"interval_s": -1, } conf_type = {"interval_s": int, } conf_qualification = {} ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def check_dag_conf(conf): default_conf = { "retry": 1, "client_type": "brpc", "use_profile": False, "channel_size": 0, "is_thread_op": True, "tracer": {}, "channel_recv_frist_arrive": False, } conf_type = { "retry": int, "client_type": str, "use_profile": bool, "channel_size": int, "is_thread_op": bool, "channel_recv_frist_arrive": bool, } conf_qualification = { "retry": (">=", 1), "client_type": ("in", ["brpc", "grpc"]), "channel_size": (">=", 0), } ServerYamlConfChecker.check_conf(conf, default_conf, conf_type, conf_qualification) @staticmethod def fill_with_default_conf(conf, default_conf): for key, val in default_conf.items(): if conf.get(key) is None: _LOGGER.warning("[CONF] {} not set, use default: {}" .format(key, val)) conf[key] = val @staticmethod def check_conf_type(conf, conf_type): for key, val in conf_type.items(): if key not in conf: continue if not isinstance(conf[key], val): raise SystemExit("[CONF] {} must be {} type, but get {}." .format(key, val, type(conf[key]))) @staticmethod def check_conf_qualification(conf, conf_qualification): for key, qualification in conf_qualification.items(): if key not in conf: continue if not isinstance(qualification, list): qualification = [qualification] if not ServerYamlConfChecker.qualification_check(conf[key], qualification): raise SystemExit("[CONF] {} must be {}, but get {}." .format(key, ", ".join([ "{} {}" .format(q[0], q[1]) for q in qualification ]), conf[key])) @staticmethod def qualification_check(value, qualifications): if not isinstance(qualifications, list): qualifications = [qualifications] ok = True for q in qualifications: operator, limit = q if operator == "<": ok = value < limit elif operator == "==": ok = value == limit elif operator == ">": ok = value > limit elif operator == "<=": ok = value <= limit elif operator == ">=": ok = value >= limit elif operator == "in": ok = value in limit else: raise SystemExit("unknow operator: {}".format(operator)) if ok == False: break return ok