# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing import threading import multiprocessing import Queue import os import paddle_serving_server from paddle_serving_client import Client from concurrent import futures import numpy as np import grpc import general_python_service_pb2 import general_python_service_pb2_grpc import python_service_channel_pb2 import logging import time class Channel(Queue.Queue): def __init__(self, consumer=1, maxsize=-1, timeout=None, batchsize=1): Queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize=maxsize) # super(Channel, self).__init__(maxsize=maxsize) self._maxsize = maxsize self._timeout = timeout self._batchsize = batchsize self._consumer = consumer self._pushlock = threading.Lock() self._frontlock = threading.Lock() self._pushbatch = [] self._frontbatch = None self._count = 0 self._order = 0 def push(self, item): with self._pushlock: self._pushbatch.append(item) self._order += 1 if len(self._pushbatch) == self._batchsize: self.put(self._pushbatch, timeout=self._timeout) # self.put(self._pushbatch) self._pushbatch = [] def front(self): if self._consumer == 1: return self.get(timeout=self._timeout) with self._frontlock: if self._count == 0: self._frontbatch = self.get(timeout=self._timeout) self._count += 1 if self._count == self._consumer: self._count = 0 return self._frontbatch class Op(object): def __init__(self, inputs, in_dtype, outputs, out_dtype, batchsize=1, server_model=None, server_port=None, device=None, client_config=None, server_name=None, fetch_names=None): self._run = False self.set_inputs(inputs) self._in_dtype = in_dtype self.set_outputs(outputs) self._out_dtype = out_dtype self._batch_size = batchsize self._client = None if client_config is not None and \ server_name is not None and \ fetch_names is not None: self.set_client(client_config, server_name, fetch_names) self._server_model = server_model self._server_port = server_port self._device = device self._data_ids = [] def set_client(self, client_config, server_name, fetch_names): self._client = Client() self._client.load_client_config(client_config) self._client.connect([server_name]) self._fetch_names = fetch_names def with_serving(self): return self._client is not None def get_inputs(self): return self._inputs def set_inputs(self, channels): if not isinstance(channels, list): raise TypeError('channels must be list type') self._inputs = channels def get_outputs(self): return self._outputs def set_outputs(self, channels): if not isinstance(channels, list): raise TypeError('channels must be list type') self._outputs = channels def get_data_ids(self): return self._data_ids def clear_data_ids(self): self._data_ids = [] def append_id_to_data_ids(self, data_id): self._data_ids.append(data_id) def preprocess(self, input_data): if len(input_data) != 1: raise Exception( 'this Op has multiple previous channels. Please override this method' ) feed_batch = [] self.clear_data_ids() for data in input_data: if len(data.insts) != self._batch_size: raise Exception('len(data_insts) != self._batch_size') feed = {} for inst in data.insts: feed[inst.name] = np.frombuffer(inst.data, dtype=self._in_dtype) feed_batch.append(feed) self.append_id_to_data_ids(data.id) return feed_batch def midprocess(self, data): # data = preprocess(input), which must be a dict logging.debug('data: {}'.format(data)) logging.debug('fetch: {}'.format(self._fetch_names)) fetch_map = self._client.predict(feed=data, fetch=self._fetch_names) return fetch_map def postprocess(self, output_data): return output_data def stop(self): self._run = False def start(self): self._run = True while self._run: input_data = [] for channel in self._inputs: input_data.append(channel.front()) if len(input_data) > 1: data = self.preprocess(input_data) else: data = self.preprocess(input_data[0]) if self.with_serving(): fetch_map = self.midprocess(data) output_data = self.postprocess(fetch_map) else: output_data = self.postprocess(data) for channel in self._outputs: channel.push(output_data) class GeneralPythonService( general_python_service_pb2_grpc.GeneralPythonService): def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel): super(GeneralPythonService, self).__init__() self._in_channel = in_channel self._out_channel = out_channel #TODO: # multi-lock for different clients # diffenert lock for server and client self._id_lock = threading.Lock() self._cv = threading.Condition() self._globel_resp_dict = {} self._id_counter = 0 self._recive_func = threading.Thread( target=GeneralPythonService._recive_out_channel_func, args=(self, )) self._recive_func.start() logging.debug('succ init') def _recive_out_channel_func(self): while True: data = self._out_channel.front() data_id = None for d in data: if data_id is None: data_id = d.id if data_id != d.id: raise Exception("id not match: {} vs {}".format(data_id, d.id)) self._cv.acquire() self._globel_resp_dict[data_id] = data self._cv.notify_all() self._cv.release() def _get_next_id(self): with self._id_lock: self._id_counter += 1 return self._id_counter - 1 def _get_data_in_globel_resp_dict(self, data_id): self._cv.acquire() while data_id not in self._globel_resp_dict: self._cv.wait() resp = self._globel_resp_dict.pop(data_id) self._cv.notify_all() self._cv.release() return resp def _pack_data_for_infer(self, request): logging.debug('start inferce') data = python_service_channel_pb2.ChannelData() data_id = self._get_next_id() data.id = data_id for idx, name in enumerate(request.feed_var_names): logging.debug('name: {}'.format(request.feed_var_names[idx])) logging.debug('data: {}'.format(request.feed_insts[idx])) inst = python_service_channel_pb2.Inst() inst.data = request.feed_insts[idx] inst.name = name data.insts.append(inst) return data, data_id def _pack_data_for_resp(self, data): data = data[0] #TODO batchsize = 1 logging.debug('get data') resp = general_python_service_pb2.Response() logging.debug('gen resp') logging.debug(data) for inst in data.insts: logging.debug('append data') resp.fetch_insts.append(inst.data) logging.debug('append name') resp.fetch_var_names.append(inst.name) return resp def inference(self, request, context): data, data_id = self._pack_data_for_infer(request) logging.debug('push data') self._in_channel.push(data) logging.debug('wait for infer') resp_data = None resp_data = self._get_data_in_globel_resp_dict(data_id) resp = self._pack_data_for_resp(resp_data) return resp class PyServer(object): def __init__(self): self._channels = [] self._ops = [] self._op_threads = [] self._port = None self._worker_num = None self._in_channel = None self._out_channel = None def add_channel(self, channel): self._channels.append(channel) def add_op(self, op): self._ops.append(op) def gen_desc(self): logging.info('here will generate desc for paas') pass def prepare_server(self, port, worker_num): self._port = port self._worker_num = worker_num inputs = set() outputs = set() for op in self._ops: inputs |= set(op.get_inputs()) outputs |= set(op.get_outputs()) if op.with_serving(): self.prepare_serving(op) in_channel = inputs - outputs out_channel = outputs - inputs if len(in_channel) != 1 or len(out_channel) != 1: raise Exception( "in_channel(out_channel) more than 1 or no in_channel(out_channel)" ) self._in_channel = in_channel.pop() self._out_channel = out_channel.pop() self.gen_desc() def op_start_wrapper(self, op): return op.start() def run_server(self): for op in self._ops: # th = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.op_start_wrapper, args=(op, )) th = threading.Thread(target=self.op_start_wrapper, args=(op, )) th.start() self._op_threads.append(th) server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._worker_num)) general_python_service_pb2_grpc.add_GeneralPythonServiceServicer_to_server( GeneralPythonService(self._in_channel, self._out_channel), server) server.add_insecure_port('[::]:{}'.format(self._port)) server.start() try: for th in self._op_threads: th.join() server.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.stop(0) def prepare_serving(self, op): model_path = op._server_model port = op._server_port device = op._device # run a server (not in PyServing) if device == "cpu": cmd = "python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model {} --thread 4 --port {} &>/dev/null &".format( model_path, port) else: cmd = "python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model {} --thread 4 --port {} &>/dev/null &".format( model_path, port) logging.info(cmd) return os.system(cmd)