# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing from time import time as _time import time import threading import multiprocessing from paddle_serving_client import MultiLangClient, Client from concurrent import futures import logging import func_timeout import os import sys import collections import numpy as np from numpy import * if sys.version_info.major == 2: import Queue elif sys.version_info.major == 3: import queue as Queue else: raise Exception("Error Python version") from .proto import pipeline_service_pb2 from .channel import (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel, ChannelDataEcode, ChannelData, ChannelDataType, ChannelStopError, ChannelTimeoutError) from .util import NameGenerator from .profiler import UnsafeTimeProfiler as TimeProfiler _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _op_name_gen = NameGenerator("Op") class Op(object): def __init__(self, name=None, input_ops=[], server_endpoints=[], fetch_list=[], client_config=None, concurrency=1, timeout=-1, retry=1, batch_size=1, auto_batching_timeout=None): if name is None: name = _op_name_gen.next() self.name = name # to identify the type of OP, it must be globally unique self.concurrency = concurrency # amount of concurrency self.set_input_ops(input_ops) self._server_endpoints = server_endpoints self.with_serving = False if len(self._server_endpoints) != 0: self.with_serving = True self._client_config = client_config self._fetch_names = fetch_list if timeout > 0: self._timeout = timeout / 1000.0 else: self._timeout = -1 self._retry = max(1, retry) self._input = None self._outputs = [] self._batch_size = batch_size self._auto_batching_timeout = auto_batching_timeout if self._auto_batching_timeout is not None: if self._auto_batching_timeout <= 0 or self._batch_size == 1: _LOGGER.warning( self._log( "Because auto_batching_timeout <= 0 or batch_size == 1," " set auto_batching_timeout to None.")) self._auto_batching_timeout = None else: self._auto_batching_timeout = self._auto_batching_timeout / 1000.0 if not isinstance(self, RequestOp) and not isinstance(self, ResponseOp): _LOGGER.info( self._log("\n\tinput_ops: {}," "\n\tserver_endpoints: {}" "\n\tfetch_list: {}" "\n\tclient_config: {}" "\n\tconcurrency: {}," "\n\ttimeout(s): {}," "\n\tretry: {}," "\n\tbatch_size: {}," "\n\tauto_batching_timeout(s): {}".format( ", ".join([op.name for op in input_ops ]), self._server_endpoints, self._fetch_names, self._client_config, self.concurrency, self._timeout, self._retry, self._batch_size, self._auto_batching_timeout))) self._server_use_profile = False self._tracer = None # only for thread op self._for_init_op_lock = threading.Lock() self._for_close_op_lock = threading.Lock() self._succ_init_op = False self._succ_close_op = False def use_default_auto_batching_config(self): if self._batch_size != 1: _LOGGER.warning("Op({}) reset batch_size=1 (original: {})" .format(self.name, self._batch_size)) self._batch_size = 1 if self._auto_batching_timeout != None: _LOGGER.warning( "Op({}) reset auto_batching_timeout=None (original: {})" .format(self.name, self._auto_batching_timeout)) self._auto_batching_timeout = None def use_profiler(self, use_profile): self._server_use_profile = use_profile def set_tracer(self, tracer): self._tracer = tracer def init_client(self, client_type, client_config, server_endpoints, fetch_names): if self.with_serving == False: _LOGGER.info("Op({}) has no client (and it also do not " "run the process function)".format(self.name)) return None if client_type == 'brpc': client = Client() client.load_client_config(client_config) elif client_type == 'grpc': client = MultiLangClient() else: raise ValueError("Failed to init client: unknow client " "type {}".format(client_type)) client.connect(server_endpoints) self._fetch_names = fetch_names return client def get_input_ops(self): return self._input_ops def set_input_ops(self, ops): if not isinstance(ops, list): ops = [] if ops is None else [ops] self._input_ops = [] for op in ops: if not isinstance(op, Op): _LOGGER.critical( self._log("Failed to set input_ops: input op " "must be Op type, not {}".format(type(op)))) os._exit(-1) self._input_ops.append(op) def add_input_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical( self._log("Failed to set input_channel: input " "channel must be Channel type, not {}".format( type(channel)))) os._exit(-1) channel.add_consumer(self.name) self._input = channel def clean_input_channel(self): self._input = None def _get_input_channel(self): return self._input def add_output_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical( self._log("Failed to add output_channel: output channel " "must be Channel type, not {}".format(type(channel)))) os._exit(-1) channel.add_producer(self.name) self._outputs.append(channel) def clean_output_channels(self): self._outputs = [] def _get_output_channels(self): return self._outputs def preprocess(self, input_dicts): # multiple previous Op if len(input_dicts) != 1: _LOGGER.critical( self._log( "Failed to run preprocess: this Op has multiple previous " "inputs. Please override this func.")) os._exit(-1) (_, input_dict), = input_dicts.items() return input_dict def process(self, feed_batch, typical_logid): err, err_info = ChannelData.check_batch_npdata(feed_batch) if err != 0: _LOGGER.critical( self._log("Failed to run process: {}. Please override " "preprocess func.".format(err_info))) os._exit(-1) call_result = self.client.predict( feed=feed_batch, fetch=self._fetch_names, log_id=typical_logid) if isinstance(self.client, MultiLangClient): if call_result is None or call_result["serving_status_code"] != 0: return None call_result.pop("serving_status_code") return call_result def postprocess(self, input_dict, fetch_dict): return fetch_dict def _parse_channeldata(self, channeldata_dict): data_id, error_channeldata = None, None client_need_profile, profile_set = False, set() parsed_data = {} key = list(channeldata_dict.keys())[0] data_id = channeldata_dict[key].id client_need_profile = channeldata_dict[key].client_need_profile for name, data in channeldata_dict.items(): if data.ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: error_channeldata = data break parsed_data[name] = data.parse() if client_need_profile: profile_set |= data.profile_data_set return (data_id, error_channeldata, parsed_data, client_need_profile, profile_set) def _push_to_output_channels(self, data, channels, name=None, profile_str=None, client_need_profile=False, profile_set=None): if name is None: name = self.name # add profile into channeldata if client_need_profile and profile_set is not None: if profile_str is not None: profile_set.add(profile_str) data.add_profile(profile_set) for channel in channels: channel.push(data, name) def start_with_process(self, client_type): trace_buffer = None if self._tracer is not None: trace_buffer = self._tracer.data_buffer() proces = [] for concurrency_idx in range(self.concurrency): p = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._run, args=(concurrency_idx, self._get_input_channel(), self._get_output_channels(), client_type, False, trace_buffer)) p.daemon = True p.start() proces.append(p) return proces def start_with_thread(self, client_type): trace_buffer = None if self._tracer is not None: trace_buffer = self._tracer.data_buffer() threads = [] for concurrency_idx in range(self.concurrency): t = threading.Thread( target=self._run, args=(concurrency_idx, self._get_input_channel(), self._get_output_channels(), client_type, True, trace_buffer)) # When a process exits, it attempts to terminate # all of its daemonic child processes. t.daemon = True t.start() threads.append(t) return threads def init_op(self): pass def _run_preprocess(self, parsed_data_dict, op_info_prefix): _LOGGER.debug("{} Running preprocess".format(op_info_prefix)) preped_data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() err_channeldata_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for data_id, parsed_data in parsed_data_dict.items(): preped_data, error_channeldata = None, None try: preped_data = self.preprocess(parsed_data) except TypeError as e: # Error type in channeldata.datatype error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to preprocess: {}".format( data_id, op_info_prefix, e) _LOGGER.error(error_info, exc_info=True) error_channeldata = ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) except Exception as e: error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to preprocess: {}".format( data_id, op_info_prefix, e) _LOGGER.error(error_info, exc_info=True) error_channeldata = ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) if error_channeldata is not None: err_channeldata_dict[data_id] = error_channeldata else: preped_data_dict[data_id] = preped_data _LOGGER.debug("{} Succ preprocess".format(op_info_prefix)) return preped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict def _run_process(self, preped_data_dict, op_info_prefix): _LOGGER.debug("{} Running process".format(op_info_prefix)) midped_data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() err_channeldata_dict = collections.OrderedDict() if self.with_serving: data_ids = preped_data_dict.keys() typical_logid = data_ids[0] if len(data_ids) != 1: for data_id in data_ids: _LOGGER.info( "(logid={}) {} During access to PaddleServingService," " we selected logid={} (from batch: {}) as a " "representative for logging.".format( data_id, op_info_prefix, typical_logid, data_ids)) feed_batch = [preped_data_dict[data_id] for data_id in data_ids] midped_batch = None ecode = ChannelDataEcode.OK.value if self._timeout <= 0: try: midped_batch = self.process(feed_batch, typical_logid) except Exception as e: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to process(batch: {}): {}".format( typical_logid, op_info_prefix, data_ids, e) _LOGGER.error(error_info, exc_info=True) else: for i in range(self._retry): try: midped_batch = func_timeout.func_timeout( self._timeout, self.process, args=(feed_batch, typical_logid)) except func_timeout.FunctionTimedOut as e: if i + 1 >= self._retry: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TIMEOUT.value error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to process(batch: {}): " \ "exceeded retry count.".format( typical_logid, op_info_prefix, data_ids) _LOGGER.error(error_info) else: _LOGGER.warning( "(logid={}) {} Failed to process(batch: {}): timeout," " and retrying({}/{})...".format( typical_logid, op_info_prefix, data_ids, i + 1, self._retry)) except Exception as e: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to process(batch: {}): {}".format( typical_logid, op_info_prefix, data_ids, e) _LOGGER.error(error_info, exc_info=True) break else: break if ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: for data_id in data_ids: err_channeldata_dict[data_id] = ChannelData( ecode=ecode, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) elif midped_batch is None: # op client return None error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to predict, please check if " \ "PaddleServingService is working properly.".format( typical_logid, op_info_prefix) _LOGGER.error(error_info) for data_id in data_ids: err_channeldata_dict[data_id] = ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.CLIENT_ERROR.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) else: # transform np format to dict format for idx, data_id in enumerate(data_ids): midped_data_dict[data_id] = { k: v[idx] for k, v in midped_batch.items() } else: midped_data_dict = preped_data_dict _LOGGER.debug("{} Succ process".format(op_info_prefix)) return midped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict def _run_postprocess(self, parsed_data_dict, midped_data_dict, op_info_prefix): _LOGGER.debug("{} Running postprocess".format(op_info_prefix)) postped_data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() err_channeldata_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for data_id, midped_data in midped_data_dict.items(): postped_data, err_channeldata = None, None try: postped_data = self.postprocess(parsed_data_dict[data_id], midped_data) except Exception as e: error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to postprocess: {}".format( data_id, op_info_prefix, e) _LOGGER.error(error_info, exc_info=True) err_channeldata = ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) if err_channeldata is not None: err_channeldata_dict[data_id] = err_channeldata continue else: if not isinstance(postped_data, dict): error_info = "(logid={}) {} Failed to postprocess: " \ "output of postprocess funticon must be " \ "dict type, but get {}".format( data_id, op_info_prefix, type(postped_data)) _LOGGER.error(error_info) err_channeldata = ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id) err_channeldata_dict[data_id] = err_channeldata continue output_data = None err, _ = ChannelData.check_npdata(postped_data) if err == 0: output_data = ChannelData( ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value, npdata=postped_data, data_id=data_id) else: output_data = ChannelData( ChannelDataType.DICT.value, dictdata=postped_data, data_id=data_id) postped_data_dict[data_id] = output_data _LOGGER.debug("{} Succ postprocess".format(op_info_prefix)) return postped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict def _auto_batching_generator(self, input_channel, op_name, batch_size, timeout, op_info_prefix): while True: batch = [] while len(batch) == 0: endtime = None if timeout is not None: endtime = _time() + timeout for idx in range(batch_size): try: channeldata_dict = None if timeout is not None: remaining = endtime - _time() if remaining <= 0.0: _LOGGER.debug("{} Failed to generate batch: " "timeout".format(op_info_prefix)) break channeldata_dict = input_channel.front(op_name, timeout) else: channeldata_dict = input_channel.front(op_name) batch.append(channeldata_dict) except ChannelTimeoutError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Failed to generate batch: " "timeout".format(op_info_prefix)) break _LOGGER.debug("{} Got actual batch_size: {}".format(op_info_prefix, len(batch))) yield batch def _parse_channeldata_batch(self, batch, output_channels): parsed_data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() need_profile_dict = {} profile_dict = {} for channeldata_dict in batch: (data_id, error_channeldata, parsed_data, client_need_profile, profile_set) = \ self._parse_channeldata(channeldata_dict) if error_channeldata is None: parsed_data_dict[data_id] = parsed_data need_profile_dict[data_id] = client_need_profile profile_dict[data_id] = profile_set else: # error data in predecessor Op # (error_channeldata with profile info) self._push_to_output_channels(error_channeldata, output_channels) return parsed_data_dict, need_profile_dict, profile_dict def _run(self, concurrency_idx, input_channel, output_channels, client_type, is_thread_op, trace_buffer): op_info_prefix = "[{}|{}]".format(self.name, concurrency_idx) tid = threading.current_thread().ident # init op profiler = None try: profiler = self._initialize(is_thread_op, client_type, concurrency_idx) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.critical( "{} Failed to init op: {}".format(op_info_prefix, e), exc_info=True) os._exit(-1) _LOGGER.info("{} Succ init".format(op_info_prefix)) batch_generator = self._auto_batching_generator( input_channel=input_channel, op_name=self.name, batch_size=self._batch_size, timeout=self._auto_batching_timeout, op_info_prefix=op_info_prefix) start, end = None, None trace_que = collections.deque() while True: start = int(round(_time() * 1000000)) try: channeldata_dict_batch = next(batch_generator) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break end = int(round(_time() * 1000000)) in_time = end - start # parse channeldata batch try: parsed_data_dict, need_profile_dict, profile_dict \ = self._parse_channeldata_batch( channeldata_dict_batch, output_channels) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break if len(parsed_data_dict) == 0: # data in the whole batch is all error data continue # preprecess start = profiler.record("prep#{}_0".format(op_info_prefix)) preped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict \ = self._run_preprocess(parsed_data_dict, op_info_prefix) end = profiler.record("prep#{}_1".format(op_info_prefix)) prep_time = end - start try: for data_id, err_channeldata in err_channeldata_dict.items(): self._push_to_output_channels( data=err_channeldata, channels=output_channels, client_need_profile=need_profile_dict[data_id], profile_set=profile_dict[data_id]) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break if len(preped_data_dict) == 0: continue # process start = profiler.record("midp#{}_0".format(op_info_prefix)) midped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict \ = self._run_process(preped_data_dict, op_info_prefix) end = profiler.record("midp#{}_1".format(op_info_prefix)) midp_time = end - start try: for data_id, err_channeldata in err_channeldata_dict.items(): self._push_to_output_channels( data=err_channeldata, channels=output_channels, client_need_profile=need_profile_dict[data_id], profile_set=profile_dict[data_id]) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break if len(midped_data_dict) == 0: continue # postprocess start = profiler.record("postp#{}_0".format(op_info_prefix)) postped_data_dict, err_channeldata_dict \ = self._run_postprocess( parsed_data_dict, midped_data_dict, op_info_prefix) end = profiler.record("postp#{}_1".format(op_info_prefix)) postp_time = end - start try: for data_id, err_channeldata in err_channeldata_dict.items(): self._push_to_output_channels( data=err_channeldata, channels=output_channels, client_need_profile=need_profile_dict[data_id], profile_set=profile_dict[data_id]) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break if len(postped_data_dict) == 0: continue # push data to channel (if run succ) start = int(round(_time() * 1000000)) try: profile_str = profiler.gen_profile_str() for data_id, postped_data in postped_data_dict.items(): if self._server_use_profile: sys.stderr.write(profile_str) self._push_to_output_channels( data=postped_data, channels=output_channels, profile_str=profile_str, client_need_profile=need_profile_dict[data_id], profile_set=profile_dict[data_id]) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break end = int(round(_time() * 1000000)) out_time = end - start if trace_buffer is not None: trace_que.append({ "name": self.name, "actions": { "in": in_time, "prep": prep_time, "midp": midp_time, "postp": postp_time, "out": out_time, } }) while trace_que: info = trace_que[0] try: trace_buffer.put_nowait(info) trace_que.popleft() except Queue.Full: break def _initialize(self, is_thread_op, client_type, concurrency_idx): if is_thread_op: with self._for_init_op_lock: if not self._succ_init_op: # for the threaded version of Op, each thread cannot get its concurrency_idx self.concurrency_idx = None # init client self.client = self.init_client( client_type, self._client_config, self._server_endpoints, self._fetch_names) # user defined self.init_op() self._succ_init_op = True self._succ_close_op = False else: self.concurrency_idx = concurrency_idx # init client self.client = self.init_client(client_type, self._client_config, self._server_endpoints, self._fetch_names) # user defined self.init_op() # use a separate TimeProfiler per thread or process profiler = TimeProfiler() profiler.enable(True) return profiler def _finalize(self, is_thread_op): if is_thread_op: with self._for_close_op_lock: if not self._succ_close_op: self._profiler = None self.client = None self._succ_init_op = False self._succ_close_op = True def _log(self, info): return "{} {}".format(self.name, info) class RequestOp(Op): """ RequestOp do not run preprocess, process, postprocess. """ def __init__(self): # PipelineService.name = "@DAGExecutor" super(RequestOp, self).__init__(name="@DAGExecutor", input_ops=[]) # init op try: self.init_op() except Exception as e: _LOGGER.critical("Op(Request) Failed to init: {}".format(e)) os._exit(-1) def unpack_request_package(self, request): dictdata = {} for idx, key in enumerate(request.key): data = request.value[idx] try: data = eval(data) except Exception as e: pass dictdata[key] = data return dictdata class ResponseOp(Op): """ ResponseOp do not run preprocess, process, postprocess. """ def __init__(self, input_ops): super(ResponseOp, self).__init__( name="@DAGExecutor", input_ops=input_ops) # init op try: self.init_op() except Exception as e: _LOGGER.critical("Op(ResponseOp) Failed to init: {}".format( e, exc_info=True)) os._exit(-1) def pack_response_package(self, channeldata): resp = pipeline_service_pb2.Response() resp.ecode = channeldata.ecode if resp.ecode == ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: if channeldata.datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value: feed = channeldata.parse() # ndarray to string: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30167538/convert-a-numpy-ndarray-to-stringor-bytes-and-convert-it-back-to-numpy-ndarray np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) for name, var in feed.items(): resp.value.append(var.__repr__()) resp.key.append(name) elif channeldata.datatype == ChannelDataType.DICT.value: feed = channeldata.parse() for name, var in feed.items(): if not isinstance(var, str): resp.ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value resp.error_info = self._log( "fetch var type must be str({}).".format( type(var))) _LOGGER.error("(logid={}) Failed to pack RPC " "response package: {}".format( channeldata.id, resp.error_info)) break resp.value.append(var) resp.key.append(name) else: resp.ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value resp.error_info = self._log( "error type({}) in datatype.".format(channeldata.datatype)) _LOGGER.error("(logid={}) Failed to pack RPC response" " package: {}".format(channeldata.id, resp.error_info)) else: resp.error_info = channeldata.error_info return resp class VirtualOp(Op): ''' For connecting two channels. ''' def __init__(self, name, concurrency=1): super(VirtualOp, self).__init__( name=name, input_ops=None, concurrency=concurrency) self._virtual_pred_ops = [] def add_virtual_pred_op(self, op): self._virtual_pred_ops.append(op) def _actual_pred_op_names(self, op): # can use disjoint-set, but it's not necessary if not isinstance(op, VirtualOp): return [op.name] names = [] for x in op._virtual_pred_ops: names.extend(self._actual_pred_op_names(x)) return names def add_output_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): _LOGGER.critical( self._log("Failed to add output_channel: output_channel" " must be Channel type, not {}".format( type(channel)))) os._exit(-1) for op in self._virtual_pred_ops: for op_name in self._actual_pred_op_names(op): channel.add_producer(op_name) self._outputs.append(channel) def _run(self, concurrency_idx, input_channel, output_channels, client_type, is_thread_op): op_info_prefix = "[{}|{}]".format(self.name, concurrency_idx) log = get_log_func(op_info_prefix) tid = threading.current_thread().ident batch_generator = self._auto_batching_generator( input_channel=input_channel, op_name=self.name, batch_size=1, timeout=None, log_func=log) while True: try: channeldata_dict_batch = next(batch_generator) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break try: for channeldata_dict in channeldata_dict_batch: for name, data in channeldata_dict.items(): self._push_to_output_channels( data, channels=output_channels, name=name) except ChannelStopError: _LOGGER.debug("{} Stop.".format(op_info_prefix)) self._finalize(is_thread_op) break