# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ # Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ import os import google.protobuf.text_format import numpy as np import argparse from .proto import general_model_config_pb2 as m_config import paddle.inference as paddle_infer import logging import glob from paddle_serving_server.pipeline.error_catch import ErrorCatch, CustomException, CustomExceptionCode, ParamChecker, ParamVerify check_dynamic_shape_info=ParamVerify.check_dynamic_shape_info logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger("LocalPredictor") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) from paddle_serving_server.util import kill_stop_process_by_pid precision_map = { 'int8': paddle_infer.PrecisionType.Int8, 'fp32': paddle_infer.PrecisionType.Float32, 'fp16': paddle_infer.PrecisionType.Half, 'bf16': 'bf16', } class LocalPredictor(object): """ Prediction in the current process of the local environment, in process call, Compared with RPC/HTTP, LocalPredictor has better performance, because of no network and packaging load. """ def __init__(self): self.feed_names_ = [] self.fetch_names_ = [] self.feed_types_ = {} self.fetch_types_ = {} self.feed_shapes_ = {} self.feed_names_to_idx_ = {} self.fetch_names_to_idx_ = {} self.fetch_names_to_type_ = {} def search_suffix_files(self, model_path, target_suffix): """ Find all files with the suffix xxx in the specified directory. Args: model_path: model directory, not None. target_suffix: filenames with target suffix, not None. e.g: *.pdmodel Returns: file_list, None, [] or [path, ] . """ if model_path is None or target_suffix is None: return None file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_path, target_suffix)) return file_list def load_model_config(self, model_path, use_gpu=False, gpu_id=0, use_profile=False, thread_num=1, mem_optim=True, ir_optim=False, use_trt=False, use_lite=False, use_xpu=False, precision="fp32", use_mkldnn=False, mkldnn_cache_capacity=0, mkldnn_op_list=None, mkldnn_bf16_op_list=None, use_feed_fetch_ops=False, use_ascend_cl=False, min_subgraph_size=3, dynamic_shape_info={}, use_calib=False, collect_shape_range_info="", tuned_dynamic_shape_info=""): """ Load model configs and create the paddle predictor by Paddle Inference API. Args: model_path: model config path. use_gpu: calculating with gpu, False default. gpu_id: gpu id, 0 default. use_profile: use predictor profiles, False default. thread_num: thread nums of cpu math library, default 1. mem_optim: memory optimization, True default. ir_optim: open calculation chart optimization, False default. use_trt: use nvidia TensorRT optimization, False default use_lite: use Paddle-Lite Engint, False default ir_optim: open calculation chart optimization, False default. use_trt: use nvidia TensorRT optimization, False default use_lite: use Paddle-Lite Engint, False default use_xpu: run predict on Baidu Kunlun, False default precision: precision mode, "fp32" default use_mkldnn: use MKLDNN, False default. mkldnn_cache_capacity: cache capacity for input shapes, 0 default. mkldnn_op_list: op list accelerated using MKLDNN, None default. mkldnn_bf16_op_list: op list accelerated using MKLDNN bf16, None default. use_feed_fetch_ops: use feed/fetch ops, False default. use_ascend_cl: run predict on Huawei Ascend, False default min_subgraph_size: the minimal subgraph size for opening tensorrt to optimize, 3 default dynamic_shape_info: dict including min_input_shape,max_input_shape, opt_input_shape, {} default use_calib: use TensorRT calibration, False default """ gpu_id = int(gpu_id) client_config = "{}/serving_server_conf.prototxt".format(model_path) model_conf = m_config.GeneralModelConfig() f = open(client_config, 'r') model_conf = google.protobuf.text_format.Merge( str(f.read()), model_conf) # Init paddle_infer config # Paddle's model files and parameter files have multiple naming rules: # 1) __model__, __params__ # 2) *.pdmodel, *.pdiparams # 3) __model__, conv2d_1.w_0, conv2d_2.w_0, fc_1.w_0, conv2d_1.b_0, ... pdmodel_file_list = self.search_suffix_files(model_path, "*.pdmodel") pdiparams_file_list = self.search_suffix_files(model_path, "*.pdiparams") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, "__params__")): # case 1) initializing config = paddle_infer.Config( os.path.join(model_path, "__model__"), os.path.join(model_path, "__params__")) elif pdmodel_file_list and len( pdmodel_file_list) > 0 and pdiparams_file_list and len( pdiparams_file_list) > 0: # case 2) initializing logger.info("pdmodel_file_list:{}, pdiparams_file_list:{}".format( pdmodel_file_list, pdiparams_file_list)) config = paddle_infer.Config(pdmodel_file_list[0], pdiparams_file_list[0]) else: # case 3) initializing. config = paddle_infer.Config(model_path) logger.info( "LocalPredictor load_model_config params: model_path:{}, use_gpu:{}, " "gpu_id:{}, use_profile:{}, thread_num:{}, mem_optim:{}, ir_optim:{}, " "use_trt:{}, use_lite:{}, use_xpu:{}, precision:{}, use_calib:{}, " "use_mkldnn:{}, mkldnn_cache_capacity:{}, mkldnn_op_list:{}, " "mkldnn_bf16_op_list:{}, use_feed_fetch_ops:{}, " "use_ascend_cl:{}, min_subgraph_size:{}, dynamic_shape_info:{}," "collect_shape_range_info:{},tuned_dynamic_shape_info:{}". format(model_path, use_gpu, gpu_id, use_profile, thread_num, mem_optim, ir_optim, use_trt, use_lite, use_xpu, precision, use_calib, use_mkldnn, mkldnn_cache_capacity, mkldnn_op_list, mkldnn_bf16_op_list, use_feed_fetch_ops, use_ascend_cl, min_subgraph_size, dynamic_shape_info, collect_shape_range_info,tuned_dynamic_shape_info)) self.feed_names_ = [var.alias_name for var in model_conf.feed_var] self.fetch_names_ = [var.alias_name for var in model_conf.fetch_var] self.feed_names_to_idx_ = {} self.fetch_names_to_idx_ = {} for i, var in enumerate(model_conf.feed_var): self.feed_names_to_idx_[var.alias_name] = i self.feed_types_[var.alias_name] = var.feed_type self.feed_shapes_[var.alias_name] = var.shape for i, var in enumerate(model_conf.fetch_var): self.fetch_names_to_idx_[var.alias_name] = i self.fetch_types_[var.alias_name] = var.fetch_type self.fetch_names_to_type_[var.alias_name] = var.shape # set precision of inference. precision_type = paddle_infer.PrecisionType.Float32 if precision is not None and precision.lower() in precision_map: precision_type = precision_map[precision.lower()] else: logger.warning("precision error!!! Please check precision:{}". format(precision)) # set profile if use_profile: config.enable_profile() # set memory optimization if mem_optim: config.enable_memory_optim() # set ir optimization, threads of cpu math library config.switch_ir_optim(ir_optim) # use feed & fetch ops config.switch_use_feed_fetch_ops(use_feed_fetch_ops) # pass optim config.delete_pass("conv_transpose_eltwiseadd_bn_fuse_pass") # set cpu & mkldnn config.set_cpu_math_library_num_threads(thread_num) if use_mkldnn: config.enable_mkldnn() if precision_type == "bf16": config.enable_mkldnn_bfloat16() if mkldnn_cache_capacity > 0: config.set_mkldnn_cache_capacity(mkldnn_cache_capacity) if mkldnn_op_list is not None: config.set_mkldnn_op(mkldnn_op_list) # set gpu if collect_shape_range_info != "": config.collect_shape_range_info(collect_shape_range_info) if not use_gpu: config.disable_gpu() else: config.enable_use_gpu(100, gpu_id) if use_trt: config.enable_tensorrt_engine( precision_mode=precision_type, workspace_size=1 << 20, max_batch_size=32, min_subgraph_size=min_subgraph_size, use_static=False, use_calib_mode=use_calib) if tuned_dynamic_shape_info != "": config.enable_tuned_tensorrt_dynamic_shape(tuned_dynamic_shape_info, True) @ErrorCatch @ParamChecker def dynamic_shape_info_helper(dynamic_shape_info:lambda dynamic_shape_info: check_dynamic_shape_info(dynamic_shape_info)): pass _, resp = dynamic_shape_info_helper(dynamic_shape_info) if resp.err_no != CustomExceptionCode.OK.value: print("dynamic_shape_info configure error, it should contain [min_input_shape', 'max_input_shape', 'opt_input_shape' {}".format(resp.err_msg)) kill_stop_process_by_pid("kill", os.getpgid(os.getpid())) if len(dynamic_shape_info) and tuned_dynamic_shape_info == "": config.set_trt_dynamic_shape_info( dynamic_shape_info['min_input_shape'], dynamic_shape_info['max_input_shape'], dynamic_shape_info['opt_input_shape']) # set lite if use_lite: config.enable_lite_engine( precision_mode=precision_type, zero_copy=True, passes_filter=[], ops_filter=[]) config.switch_ir_optim(True) # set xpu if use_xpu: # 2MB l3 cache config.enable_xpu(8 * 1024 * 1024) config.set_xpu_device_id(gpu_id) # set ascend cl if use_ascend_cl: if use_lite: # for ascend 310 nnadapter_device_names = "huawei_ascend_npu" nnadapter_context_properties = \ "HUAWEI_ASCEND_NPU_SELECTED_DEVICE_IDS={}".format(gpu_id) nnadapter_model_cache_dir = "" config.nnadapter() \ .enable() \ .set_device_names([nnadapter_device_names]) \ .set_context_properties(nnadapter_context_properties) \ .set_model_cache_dir(nnadapter_model_cache_dir) else: # for ascend 910 config.enable_npu(gpu_id) # set cpu low precision if not use_gpu and not use_lite: if precision_type == paddle_infer.PrecisionType.Int8: logger.warning( "PRECISION INT8 is not supported in CPU right now! Please use fp16 or bf16." ) #config.enable_quantizer() if precision is not None and precision.lower() == "bf16": config.enable_mkldnn_bfloat16() if mkldnn_bf16_op_list is not None: config.set_bfloat16_op(mkldnn_bf16_op_list) @ErrorCatch def create_predictor_check(config): predictor = paddle_infer.create_predictor(config) return predictor predictor, resp = create_predictor_check(config) if resp.err_no != CustomExceptionCode.OK.value: logger.critical( "failed to create predictor: {}".format(resp.err_msg), exc_info=False) print("failed to create predictor: {}".format(resp.err_msg)) kill_stop_process_by_pid("kill", os.getpgid(os.getpid())) self.predictor = predictor def predict(self, feed=None, fetch=None, batch=False, log_id=0): """ Run model inference by Paddle Inference API. Args: feed: feed var list, None is not allowed. fetch: fetch var list, None allowed. when it is None, all fetch vars are returned. Otherwise, return fetch specified result. batch: batch data or not, False default.If batch is False, a new dimension is added to header of the shape[np.newaxis]. log_id: for logging Returns: fetch_map: dict """ if feed is None: raise ValueError("You should specify feed vars for prediction.\ log_id:{}".format(log_id)) feed_batch = [] if isinstance(feed, dict): feed_batch.append(feed) elif isinstance(feed, list): feed_batch = feed else: raise ValueError("Feed only accepts dict and list of dict.\ log_id:{}".format(log_id)) fetch_list = [] if fetch is not None: if isinstance(fetch, str): fetch_list = [fetch] elif isinstance(fetch, list): fetch_list = fetch # Filter invalid fetch names fetch_names = [] for key in fetch_list: if key in self.fetch_names_: fetch_names.append(key) # Assemble the input data of paddle predictor, and filter invalid inputs. input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names() for name in input_names: if isinstance(feed[name], list) and not isinstance(feed[name][0], str): feed[name] = np.array(feed[name]).reshape(self.feed_shapes_[ name]) if self.feed_types_[name] == 0: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("int64") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 1: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("float32") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 2: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("int32") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 3: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("float64") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 4: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("int16") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 5: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("float16") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 6: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("uint16") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 7: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("uint8") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 8: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("int8") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 9: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("bool") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 10: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("complex64") elif self.feed_types_[name] == 11: feed[name] = feed[name].astype("complex128") elif isinstance(feed[name], list) and isinstance(feed[name][0], str): pass else: raise ValueError("local predictor receives wrong data type") input_tensor_handle = self.predictor.get_input_handle(name) if "{}.lod".format(name) in feed: input_tensor_handle.set_lod([feed["{}.lod".format(name)]]) if batch == False: input_tensor_handle.copy_from_cpu(feed[name][np.newaxis, :]) else: input_tensor_handle.copy_from_cpu(feed[name]) # set output tensor handlers output_tensor_handles = [] output_name_to_index_dict = {} output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() for i, output_name in enumerate(output_names): output_tensor_handle = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_name) output_tensor_handles.append(output_tensor_handle) output_name_to_index_dict[output_name] = i # Run inference self.predictor.run() # Assemble output data of predict results outputs = [] for output_tensor_handle in output_tensor_handles: output = output_tensor_handle.copy_to_cpu() outputs.append(output) outputs_len = len(outputs) # Copy fetch vars. If fetch is None, it will copy all results from output_tensor_handles. # Otherwise, it will copy the fields specified from output_tensor_handles. fetch_map = {} if fetch is None: for i, name in enumerate(output_names): fetch_map[name] = outputs[i] if len(output_tensor_handles[i].lod()) > 0: fetch_map[name + ".lod"] = np.array(output_tensor_handles[ i].lod()[0]).astype('int32') else: # Because the save_inference_model interface will increase the scale op # in the network, the name of fetch_var is different from that in prototxt. # Therefore, it is compatible with v0.6.x and the previous model save format, # and here is compatible with the results that do not match. fetch_match_num = 0 for i, name in enumerate(fetch): output_index = output_name_to_index_dict.get(name) if output_index is None: continue fetch_map[name] = outputs[output_index] fetch_match_num += 1 if len(output_tensor_handles[output_index].lod()) > 0: fetch_map[name + ".lod"] = np.array(output_tensor_handles[ output_index].lod()[0]).astype('int32') # Compatible with v0.6.x and lower versions model saving formats. if fetch_match_num == 0: logger.debug("fetch match num is 0. Retrain the model please!") for i, name in enumerate(fetch): if i >= outputs_len: break fetch_map[name] = outputs[i] if len(output_tensor_handles[i].lod()) > 0: fetch_map[name + ".lod"] = np.array( output_tensor_handles[i].lod()[0]).astype('int32') return fetch_map