#!/bin/sh #abort on error set -e function usage { echo "usage: sh tools/generate_runtime_docker.sh --SOME_ARG ARG_VALUE" echo " "; echo " --env : running env, cpu/cuda10.1/cuda10.2/cuda11"; echo " --python : python version, 3.6/3.7/3.8 "; echo " --serving : serving version(0.5.0)"; echo " --paddle : paddle version(2.0.1)" echo " --image_name : image name(default serving_runtime:env-python)" echo " -h | --help : helper"; } function parse_args { # positional args args=() # named args while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case "$1" in --env ) env="$2"; shift;; --python ) python="$2"; shift;; --serving ) serving="$2"; shift;; --paddle ) paddle="$2"; shift;; --image_name ) image_name="$2"; shift;; -h | --help ) usage; exit;; # quit and show usage * ) args+=("$1") # if no match, add it to the positional args esac shift # move to next kv pair done # restore positional args set -- "${args[@]}" # set positionals to vars positional_1="${args[0]}" positional_2="${args[1]}" # validate required args if [[ -z "${paddle}" || -z "${env}" || -z "${python}" || -z "${serving}" ]]; then echo "Invalid arguments. paddle or env or python or serving is missing." usage exit; fi if [[ -z "${image_name}" ]]; then image_name="serving_runtime:$env-$python" echo "image_name is not assigned, so it will be set ($image_name)." fi } function run { parse_args "$@" echo "named arg: env: $env" if [ $env == "cpu" ]; then base_image="ubuntu:16.04" elif [ $env == "cuda10.1" ]; then base_image="nvidia\/cuda:10.1-cudnn7-runtime-ubuntu16.04" elif [ $env == "cuda10.2" ]; then base_image="nvidia\/cuda:10.2-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu16.04" fi echo "base image: $base_image" echo "named arg: python: $python" echo "named arg: serving: $serving" echo "named arg: paddle: $paddle" echo "named arg: image_name: $image_name" sed -e "s/<>/$base_image/g" -e "s/<>/$python/g" -e "s/<>/$env/g" -e "s/<>/$serving/g" -e "s/<>/$paddle/g" tools/Dockerfile.runtime_template > Dockerfile.tmp docker build --network=host --build-arg ftp_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= -t $image_name -f Dockerfile.tmp . } run "$@";