# Chinese Sentence Sentiment Classification ([简体中文](./README_CN.md)|English) ## Get Model ``` python -m paddle_serving_app.package --get_model senta_bilstm python -m paddle_serving_app.package --get_model lac ``` ## Start HTTP Service ``` python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model lac_model --port 9300 python senta_web_service.py ``` In the Chinese sentiment classification task, the Chinese word segmentation needs to be done through [LAC task] (../lac). In this demo, the LAC task is placed in the preprocessing part of the HTTP prediction service of the sentiment classification task. ## Client prediction ``` curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"feed":[{"words": "天气不错"}], "fetch":["class_probs"]}' ```