// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "predictor/framework/dag_view.h" #ifdef BCLOUD #include // TRACEPRINTF #else #include // TRACEPRINTF #endif #include #include "predictor/common/inner_common.h" #include "predictor/framework/op_repository.h" namespace baidu { namespace paddle_serving { namespace predictor { int DagView::init(Dag* dag, const std::string& service_name) { _name = dag->name(); _full_name = service_name + NAME_DELIMITER + dag->name(); _bus = butil::get_object(); _bus->clear(); uint32_t stage_size = dag->stage_size(); // create tls stage view for (uint32_t si = 0; si < stage_size; si++) { const DagStage* stage = dag->stage_by_index(si); if (stage == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get stage by index:" << si; return ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } ViewStage* vstage = butil::get_object(); if (vstage == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get vstage from object pool" << "at:" << si; return ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILURE; } vstage->full_name = service_name + NAME_DELIMITER + stage->full_name; uint32_t node_size = stage->nodes.size(); // create tls view node for (uint32_t ni = 0; ni < node_size; ni++) { DagNode* node = stage->nodes[ni]; ViewNode* vnode = butil::get_object(); if (vnode == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get vnode at:" << ni; return ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILURE; } // factory type Op* op = OpRepository::instance().get_op(node->type); if (op == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed get op with type:" << node->type; return ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } // initialize a TLS op object if (op->init(_bus, dag, node->id, node->name, node->type, node->conf) != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed init op, type:" << node->type; return ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } op->set_full_name(service_name + NAME_DELIMITER + node->full_name); vnode->conf = node; vnode->op = op; vstage->nodes.push_back(vnode); } _view.push_back(vstage); } return ERR_OK; } int DagView::deinit() { uint32_t stage_size = _view.size(); for (uint32_t si = 0; si < stage_size; si++) { ViewStage* vstage = _view[si]; uint32_t node_size = vstage->nodes.size(); for (uint32_t ni = 0; ni < node_size; ni++) { ViewNode* vnode = vstage->nodes[ni]; vnode->op->deinit(); OpRepository::instance().return_op(vnode->op); vnode->reset(); // clear item butil::return_object(vnode); } // clear vector vstage->nodes.clear(); butil::return_object(vstage); } _view.clear(); _bus->clear(); butil::return_object(_bus); return ERR_OK; } int DagView::execute(butil::IOBufBuilder* debug_os) { uint32_t stage_size = _view.size(); for (uint32_t si = 0; si < stage_size; si++) { TRACEPRINTF("start to execute stage[%u]", si); int errcode = execute_one_stage(_view[si], debug_os); TRACEPRINTF("finish to execute stage[%u]", si); if (errcode < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed execute stage[" << _view[si]->debug(); return errcode; } } return ERR_OK; } // The default execution strategy is in sequencing // You can derive a subclass to implement this func. // ParallelDagView maybe the one you want. int DagView::execute_one_stage(ViewStage* vstage, butil::IOBufBuilder* debug_os) { butil::Timer stage_time(butil::Timer::STARTED); uint32_t node_size = vstage->nodes.size(); for (uint32_t ni = 0; ni < node_size; ni++) { ViewNode* vnode = vstage->nodes[ni]; DagNode* conf = vnode->conf; Op* op = vnode->op; TRACEPRINTF("start to execute op[%s]", op->name()); int errcode = op->process(debug_os != NULL); TRACEPRINTF("finish to execute op[%s]", op->name()); if (errcode < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Execute failed, Op:" << op->debug_string(); return errcode; } if (errcode > 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Execute ignore, Op:" << op->debug_string(); continue; } if (debug_os) { (*debug_os) << "{\"op_name\": \"" << op->name() << "\", \"debug_str:\": \"" << op->debug_string() << "\", \"time_info\": \"" << op->time_info() << "\"}"; } // LOG(DEBUG) << "Execute succ, Op:" << op->debug_string(); } stage_time.stop(); PredictorMetric::GetInstance()->update_latency_metric( STAGE_METRIC_PREFIX + vstage->full_name, stage_time.u_elapsed()); return ERR_OK; } int DagView::set_request_channel(Channel& request) { // Each workflow should get the very beginning // request (channel), and commit it to bus, for // the first stage ops consuming. request.share_to_bus(_bus); return ERR_OK; } const Channel* DagView::get_response_channel() const { // Caller obtains response channel from bus, and // writes it to rpc response(protbuf/json) if (_view.size() < 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "invalid empty view stage!"; return NULL; } ViewStage* last_stage = _view[_view.size() - 1]; if (last_stage->nodes.size() != 1 || last_stage->nodes[0] == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid last stage, size[" << last_stage->nodes.size() << "] != 1"; return NULL; } Op* last_op = last_stage->nodes[0]->op; if (last_op == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Last op is NULL"; return NULL; } return last_op->mutable_channel(); } } // namespace predictor } // namespace paddle_serving } // namespace baidu