# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=doc-string-missing import threading import multiprocessing import multiprocessing.queues import sys if sys.version_info.major == 2: import Queue elif sys.version_info.major == 3: import queue as Queue else: raise Exception("Error Python version") import os from paddle_serving_client import MultiLangClient, Client from concurrent import futures import numpy as np import grpc from .proto import general_model_config_pb2 as m_config from .proto import general_python_service_pb2 as pyservice_pb2 from .proto import pyserving_channel_pb2 as channel_pb2 from .proto import general_python_service_pb2_grpc import logging import random import time import func_timeout import enum import collections import copy class _TimeProfiler(object): def __init__(self): self._pid = os.getpid() self._print_head = 'PROFILE\tpid:{}\t'.format(self._pid) self._time_record = Queue.Queue() self._enable = False def enable(self, enable): self._enable = enable def record(self, name_with_tag): if self._enable is False: return name_with_tag = name_with_tag.split("_") tag = name_with_tag[-1] name = '_'.join(name_with_tag[:-1]) self._time_record.put((name, tag, int(round(time.time() * 1000000)))) def print_profile(self): if self._enable is False: return sys.stderr.write(self._print_head) tmp = {} while not self._time_record.empty(): name, tag, timestamp = self._time_record.get() if name in tmp: ptag, ptimestamp = tmp.pop(name) sys.stderr.write("{}_{}:{} ".format(name, ptag, ptimestamp)) sys.stderr.write("{}_{}:{} ".format(name, tag, timestamp)) else: tmp[name] = (tag, timestamp) sys.stderr.write('\n') for name, item in tmp.items(): tag, timestamp = item self._time_record.put((name, tag, timestamp)) _profiler = _TimeProfiler() class ChannelDataEcode(enum.Enum): OK = 0 TIMEOUT = 1 NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 2 TYPE_ERROR = 3 RPC_PACKAGE_ERROR = 4 UNKNOW = 5 class ChannelDataType(enum.Enum): CHANNEL_PBDATA = 0 CHANNEL_FUTURE = 1 CHANNEL_NPDATA = 2 ERROR = 3 class ChannelData(object): def __init__(self, datatype=None, future=None, pbdata=None, npdata=None, data_id=None, callback_func=None, ecode=None, error_info=None): ''' There are several ways to use it: 1. ChannelData(ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value, future, pbdata[, callback_func]) 2. ChannelData(ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value, future, data_id[, callback_func]) 3. ChannelData(ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_PBDATA.value, pbdata) 4. ChannelData(ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_PBDATA.value, npdata, data_id) 5. ChannelData(ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value, npdata, data_id) 6. ChannelData(ecode, error_info, data_id) Protobufs are not pickle-able: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55344376/how-to-import-protobuf-module ''' if ecode is not None: if data_id is None or error_info is None: raise ValueError("data_id and error_info cannot be None") datatype = ChannelDataType.ERROR.value else: if datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value: if data_id is None: raise ValueError("data_id cannot be None") ecode = ChannelDataEcode.OK.value elif datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_PBDATA.value: if pbdata is None: if data_id is None: raise ValueError("data_id cannot be None") pbdata = channel_pb2.ChannelData() ecode, error_info = self._check_npdata(npdata) if ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: logging.error(error_info) else: for name, value in npdata.items(): inst = channel_pb2.Inst() inst.data = value.tobytes() inst.name = name inst.shape = np.array( value.shape, dtype="int32").tobytes() inst.type = str(value.dtype) pbdata.insts.append(inst) elif datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value: ecode, error_info = self._check_npdata(npdata) if ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: logging.error(error_info) else: raise ValueError("datatype not match") self.future = future self.pbdata = pbdata self.npdata = npdata self.datatype = datatype self.id = data_id self.ecode = ecode self.error_info = error_info self.callback_func = callback_func def _check_npdata(self, npdata): ecode = ChannelDataEcode.OK.value error_info = None for _, value in npdata.items(): if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value error_info = log("the value of postped_data must " \ "be np.ndarray, but get {}".format(type(value))) break return ecode, error_info def parse(self): # return narray feed = None if self.datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_PBDATA.value: feed = {} for inst in self.pbdata.insts: feed[inst.name] = np.frombuffer(inst.data, dtype=inst.type) feed[inst.name].shape = np.frombuffer(inst.shape, dtype="int32") elif self.datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value: feed = self.future.result() if self.callback_func is not None: feed = self.callback_func(feed) elif self.datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value: feed = self.npdata else: raise TypeError("Error type({}) in datatype.".format(self.datatype)) return feed def __str__(self): return "type[{}], ecode[{}], id[{}]".format( ChannelDataType(self.datatype).name, self.ecode, self.id) class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue): """ (Process version) The channel used for communication between Ops. 1. Support multiple different Op feed data (multiple producer) Different types of data will be packaged through the data ID 2. Support multiple different Op fetch data (multiple consumer) Only when all types of Ops get the data of the same ID, the data will be poped; The Op of the same type will not get the data of the same ID. 3. (TODO) Timeout and BatchSize are not fully supported. Note: 1. The ID of the data in the channel must be different. 2. The function add_producer() and add_consumer() are not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ def __init__(self, manager, name=None, maxsize=0, timeout=None): # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39496554/cannot-subclass-multiprocessing-queue-in-python-3-5/ if sys.version_info.major == 2: super(ProcessChannel, self).__init__(maxsize=maxsize) elif sys.version_info.major == 3: super(ProcessChannel, self).__init__( maxsize=maxsize, ctx=multiprocessing.get_context()) else: raise Exception("Error Python version") self._maxsize = maxsize self._timeout = timeout self.name = name self._stop = False self._cv = multiprocessing.Condition() self._producers = [] self._producer_res_count = manager.dict() # {data_id: count} self._push_res = manager.dict() # {data_id: {op_name: data}} self._consumers = manager.dict() # {op_name: idx} self._idx_consumer_num = manager.dict() # {idx: num} self._consumer_base_idx = manager.Value('i', 0) self._front_res = manager.list() def get_producers(self): return self._producers def get_consumers(self): return self._consumers.keys() def _log(self, info_str): return "[{}] {}".format(self.name, info_str) def debug(self): return self._log("p: {}, c: {}".format(self.get_producers(), self.get_consumers())) def add_producer(self, op_name): """ not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ if op_name in self._producers: raise ValueError( self._log("producer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name))) self._producers.append(op_name) def add_consumer(self, op_name): """ not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ if op_name in self._consumers: raise ValueError( self._log("consumer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name))) self._consumers[op_name] = 0 if self._idx_consumer_num.get(0) is None: self._idx_consumer_num[0] = 0 self._idx_consumer_num[0] += 1 def push(self, channeldata, op_name=None): logging.debug( self._log("{} try to push data: {}".format(op_name, channeldata.__str__()))) if len(self._producers) == 0: raise Exception( self._log( "expected number of producers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0." )) elif len(self._producers) == 1: with self._cv: while self._stop is False: try: self.put(channeldata, timeout=0) break except Queue.Full: self._cv.wait() logging.debug( self._log("{} channel size: {}".format(op_name, self.qsize()))) self._cv.notify_all() logging.debug(self._log("{} notify all".format(op_name))) logging.debug(self._log("{} push data succ!".format(op_name))) return True elif op_name is None: raise Exception( self._log( "There are multiple producers, so op_name cannot be None.")) producer_num = len(self._producers) data_id = channeldata.id put_data = None with self._cv: logging.debug(self._log("{} get lock".format(op_name))) if data_id not in self._push_res: self._push_res[data_id] = { name: None for name in self._producers } self._producer_res_count[data_id] = 0 # see: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/multiprocessing.html?highlight=multiprocess#proxy-objects # self._push_res[data_id][op_name] = channeldata tmp_push_res = self._push_res[data_id] tmp_push_res[op_name] = channeldata self._push_res[data_id] = tmp_push_res if self._producer_res_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num: put_data = self._push_res[data_id] self._push_res.pop(data_id) self._producer_res_count.pop(data_id) else: self._producer_res_count[data_id] += 1 if put_data is None: logging.debug( self._log("{} push data succ, but not push to queue.". format(op_name))) else: while self._stop is False: try: logging.debug( self._log("{} push data succ: {}".format( op_name, put_data.__str__()))) self.put(put_data, timeout=0) break except Queue.Empty: self._cv.wait() logging.debug( self._log("multi | {} push data succ!".format(op_name))) self._cv.notify_all() return True def front(self, op_name=None): logging.debug(self._log("{} try to get data...".format(op_name))) if len(self._consumers) == 0: raise Exception( self._log( "expected number of consumers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0." )) elif len(self._consumers) == 1: resp = None with self._cv: while self._stop is False and resp is None: try: logging.debug( self._log("{} try to get(with channel empty: {})". format(op_name, self.empty()))) # For queue multiprocess: after putting an object on # an empty queue there may be an infinitessimal delay # before the queue's :meth:`~Queue.empty` # see more: # - https://bugs.python.org/issue18277 # - https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/860fc6a2bd21 resp = self.get(timeout=1e-3) break except Queue.Empty: logging.debug( self._log( "{} wait for empty queue(with channel empty: {})". format(op_name, self.empty()))) self._cv.wait() logging.debug( self._log("{} get data succ: {}".format(op_name, resp.__str__( )))) return resp elif op_name is None: raise Exception( self._log( "There are multiple consumers, so op_name cannot be None.")) with self._cv: # data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx while self._stop is False and self._consumers[ op_name] - self._consumer_base_idx.value >= len( self._front_res): logging.debug( self._log( "({}) B self._consumers: {}, self._consumer_base_idx: {}, len(self._front_res): {}". format(op_name, self._consumers, self. _consumer_base_idx.value, len(self._front_res)))) try: logging.debug( self._log("{} try to get(with channel size: {})".format( op_name, self.qsize()))) # For queue multiprocess: after putting an object on # an empty queue there may be an infinitessimal delay # before the queue's :meth:`~Queue.empty` # see more: # - https://bugs.python.org/issue18277 # - https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/860fc6a2bd21 channeldata = self.get(timeout=1e-3) self._front_res.append(channeldata) break except Queue.Empty: logging.debug( self._log( "{} wait for empty queue(with channel size: {})". format(op_name, self.qsize()))) self._cv.wait() consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name] base_idx = self._consumer_base_idx.value data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx resp = self._front_res[data_idx] logging.debug(self._log("{} get data: {}".format(op_name, resp))) self._idx_consumer_num[consumer_idx] -= 1 if consumer_idx == base_idx and self._idx_consumer_num[ consumer_idx] == 0: self._idx_consumer_num.pop(consumer_idx) self._front_res.pop(0) self._consumer_base_idx.value += 1 self._consumers[op_name] += 1 new_consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name] if self._idx_consumer_num.get(new_consumer_idx) is None: self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] = 0 self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] += 1 logging.debug( self._log( "({}) A self._consumers: {}, self._consumer_base_idx: {}, len(self._front_res): {}". format(op_name, self._consumers, self._consumer_base_idx. value, len(self._front_res)))) logging.debug(self._log("{} notify all".format(op_name))) self._cv.notify_all() logging.debug(self._log("multi | {} get data succ!".format(op_name))) return resp # reference, read only def stop(self): #TODO self.close() self._stop = True self._cv.notify_all() class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue): """ (Thread version)The channel used for communication between Ops. 1. Support multiple different Op feed data (multiple producer) Different types of data will be packaged through the data ID 2. Support multiple different Op fetch data (multiple consumer) Only when all types of Ops get the data of the same ID, the data will be poped; The Op of the same type will not get the data of the same ID. 3. (TODO) Timeout and BatchSize are not fully supported. Note: 1. The ID of the data in the channel must be different. 2. The function add_producer() and add_consumer() are not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ def __init__(self, name=None, maxsize=-1, timeout=None): Queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize=maxsize) self._maxsize = maxsize self._timeout = timeout self.name = name self._stop = False self._cv = threading.Condition() self._producers = [] self._producer_res_count = {} # {data_id: count} self._push_res = {} # {data_id: {op_name: data}} self._consumers = {} # {op_name: idx} self._idx_consumer_num = {} # {idx: num} self._consumer_base_idx = 0 self._front_res = [] def get_producers(self): return self._producers def get_consumers(self): return self._consumers.keys() def _log(self, info_str): return "[{}] {}".format(self.name, info_str) def debug(self): return self._log("p: {}, c: {}".format(self.get_producers(), self.get_consumers())) def add_producer(self, op_name): """ not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ if op_name in self._producers: raise ValueError( self._log("producer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name))) self._producers.append(op_name) def add_consumer(self, op_name): """ not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """ if op_name in self._consumers: raise ValueError( self._log("consumer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name))) self._consumers[op_name] = 0 if self._idx_consumer_num.get(0) is None: self._idx_consumer_num[0] = 0 self._idx_consumer_num[0] += 1 def push(self, channeldata, op_name=None): logging.debug( self._log("{} try to push data: {}".format(op_name, channeldata.__str__()))) if len(self._producers) == 0: raise Exception( self._log( "expected number of producers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0." )) elif len(self._producers) == 1: with self._cv: while self._stop is False: try: self.put(channeldata, timeout=0) break except Queue.Full: self._cv.wait() self._cv.notify_all() logging.debug(self._log("{} push data succ!".format(op_name))) return True elif op_name is None: raise Exception( self._log( "There are multiple producers, so op_name cannot be None.")) producer_num = len(self._producers) data_id = channeldata.id put_data = None with self._cv: logging.debug(self._log("{} get lock".format(op_name))) if data_id not in self._push_res: self._push_res[data_id] = { name: None for name in self._producers } self._producer_res_count[data_id] = 0 self._push_res[data_id][op_name] = channeldata if self._producer_res_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num: put_data = self._push_res[data_id] self._push_res.pop(data_id) self._producer_res_count.pop(data_id) else: self._producer_res_count[data_id] += 1 if put_data is None: logging.debug( self._log("{} push data succ, but not push to queue.". format(op_name))) else: while self._stop is False: try: self.put(put_data, timeout=0) break except Queue.Empty: self._cv.wait() logging.debug( self._log("multi | {} push data succ!".format(op_name))) self._cv.notify_all() return True def front(self, op_name=None): logging.debug(self._log("{} try to get data".format(op_name))) if len(self._consumers) == 0: raise Exception( self._log( "expected number of consumers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0." )) elif len(self._consumers) == 1: resp = None with self._cv: while self._stop is False and resp is None: try: resp = self.get(timeout=0) break except Queue.Empty: self._cv.wait() logging.debug( self._log("{} get data succ: {}".format(op_name, resp.__str__( )))) return resp elif op_name is None: raise Exception( self._log( "There are multiple consumers, so op_name cannot be None.")) with self._cv: # data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx while self._stop is False and self._consumers[ op_name] - self._consumer_base_idx >= len(self._front_res): try: channeldata = self.get(timeout=0) self._front_res.append(channeldata) break except Queue.Empty: self._cv.wait() consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name] base_idx = self._consumer_base_idx data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx resp = self._front_res[data_idx] logging.debug(self._log("{} get data: {}".format(op_name, resp))) self._idx_consumer_num[consumer_idx] -= 1 if consumer_idx == base_idx and self._idx_consumer_num[ consumer_idx] == 0: self._idx_consumer_num.pop(consumer_idx) self._front_res.pop(0) self._consumer_base_idx += 1 self._consumers[op_name] += 1 new_consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name] if self._idx_consumer_num.get(new_consumer_idx) is None: self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] = 0 self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] += 1 self._cv.notify_all() logging.debug(self._log("multi | {} get data succ!".format(op_name))) # return resp # reference, read only return copy.deepcopy(resp) def stop(self): #TODO self.close() self._stop = True self._cv.notify_all() class Op(object): def __init__(self, name, inputs, server_model=None, server_port=None, device=None, client_config=None, server_name=None, fetch_names=None, concurrency=1, timeout=-1, retry=2): self._is_run = False self.name = name # to identify the type of OP, it must be globally unique self._concurrency = concurrency # amount of concurrency self.set_input_ops(inputs) self.with_serving = False self._client_config = client_config self._server_name = server_name self._fetch_names = fetch_names self._server_model = server_model self._server_port = server_port self._device = device if self._client_config is not None and \ self._server_name is not None and \ self._fetch_names is not None: self.with_serving = True self._timeout = timeout self._retry = max(1, retry) self._input = None self._outputs = [] def init_client(self, client_type, client_config, server_name, fetch_names): if self.with_serving == False: logging.debug("{} no client".format(self.name)) return logging.debug("{} client_config: {}".format(self.name, client_config)) logging.debug("{} server_name: {}".format(self.name, server_name)) logging.debug("{} fetch_names: {}".format(self.name, fetch_names)) if client_type == 'brpc': self._client = Client() elif client_type == 'grpc': self._client = MultiLangClient() else: raise ValueError("unknow client type: {}".format(client_type)) self._client.load_client_config(client_config) self._client.connect([server_name]) self._fetch_names = fetch_names def get_input_channel(self): return self._input def get_input_ops(self): return self._input_ops def set_input_ops(self, ops): if not isinstance(ops, list): ops = [] if ops is None else [ops] self._input_ops = [] for op in ops: if not isinstance(op, Op): raise TypeError( self._log('input op must be Op type, not {}'.format( type(op)))) self._input_ops.append(op) def add_input_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): raise TypeError( self._log('input channel must be Channel type, not {}'.format( type(channel)))) channel.add_consumer(self.name) self._input = channel def get_output_channels(self): return self._outputs def add_output_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): raise TypeError( self._log('output channel must be Channel type, not {}'.format( type(channel)))) channel.add_producer(self.name) self._outputs.append(channel) def preprocess(self, channeldata): if isinstance(channeldata, dict): raise NotImplementedError( 'this Op has multiple previous inputs. Please override this method' ) feed = channeldata.parse() return feed def midprocess(self, data, use_future=True): if not isinstance(data, dict): raise Exception( self._log( 'data must be dict type(the output of preprocess()), but get {}'. format(type(data)))) logging.debug(self._log('data: {}'.format(data))) logging.debug(self._log('fetch: {}'.format(self._fetch_names))) if isinstance(self._client, MultiLangClient): call_result = self._client.predict( feed=data, fetch=self._fetch_names, asyn=use_future) else: call_result = self._client.predict( feed=data, fetch=self._fetch_names) logging.debug(self._log("get call_result")) return call_result def postprocess(self, output_data): return output_data def stop(self): self._input.stop() for channel in self._outputs: channel.stop() self._is_run = False def _parse_channeldata(self, channeldata): data_id, error_channeldata = None, None if isinstance(channeldata, dict): parsed_data = {} key = list(channeldata.keys())[0] data_id = channeldata[key].id for _, data in channeldata.items(): if data.ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: error_channeldata = data break else: data_id = channeldata.id if channeldata.ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: error_channeldata = channeldata return data_id, error_channeldata def _push_to_output_channels(self, data, channels, name=None): if name is None: name = self.name for channel in channels: channel.push(data, name) def start_with_process(self, client_type, use_future): proces = [] for concurrency_idx in range(self._concurrency): p = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._run, args=(concurrency_idx, self.get_input_channel(), self.get_output_channels(), client_type, use_future)) p.start() proces.append(p) return proces def start_with_thread(self, client_type, use_future): threads = [] for concurrency_idx in range(self._concurrency): t = threading.Thread( target=self._run, args=(concurrency_idx, self.get_input_channel(), self.get_output_channels(), client_type, use_future)) t.start() threads.append(t) return threads def _run(self, concurrency_idx, input_channel, output_channels, client_type, use_future): # create client based on client_type self.init_client(client_type, self._client_config, self._server_name, self._fetch_names) op_info_prefix = "[{}|{}]".format(self.name, concurrency_idx) log = self._get_log_func(op_info_prefix) self._is_run = True while self._is_run: _profiler.record("{}-get_0".format(op_info_prefix)) channeldata = input_channel.front(self.name) _profiler.record("{}-get_1".format(op_info_prefix)) logging.debug(log("input_data: {}".format(channeldata))) data_id, error_channeldata = self._parse_channeldata(channeldata) # error data in predecessor Op if error_channeldata is not None: self._push_to_output_channels(error_channeldata, output_channels) continue # preprecess try: _profiler.record("{}-prep_0".format(op_info_prefix)) preped_data = self.preprocess(channeldata) _profiler.record("{}-prep_1".format(op_info_prefix)) except NotImplementedError as e: # preprocess function not implemented error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue except TypeError as e: # Error type in channeldata.datatype error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue except Exception as e: error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue # midprocess midped_data = None if self.with_serving: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.OK.value _profiler.record("{}-midp_0".format(op_info_prefix)) if self._timeout <= 0: try: midped_data = self.midprocess(preped_data, use_future) except Exception as e: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) else: for i in range(self._retry): try: midped_data = func_timeout.func_timeout( self._timeout, self.midprocess, args=(preped_data, use_future)) except func_timeout.FunctionTimedOut as e: if i + 1 >= self._retry: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TIMEOUT.value error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) else: logging.warn( log("timeout, retry({})".format(i + 1))) except Exception as e: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) break else: break if ecode != ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ecode, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue _profiler.record("{}-midp_1".format(op_info_prefix)) else: midped_data = preped_data # postprocess output_data = None _profiler.record("{}-postp_0".format(op_info_prefix)) if self.with_serving and client_type == 'grpc' and use_future: # use call_future output_data = ChannelData( datatype=ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value, future=midped_data, data_id=data_id, callback_func=self.postprocess) else: try: postped_data = self.postprocess(midped_data) except Exception as e: ecode = ChannelDataEcode.UNKNOW.value error_info = log(e) logging.error(error_info) self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ecode, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue if not isinstance(postped_data, dict): ecode = ChannelDataEcode.TYPE_ERROR.value error_info = log("output of postprocess funticon must be " \ "dict type, but get {}".format(type(postped_data))) logging.error(error_info) self._push_to_output_channels( ChannelData( ecode=ecode, error_info=error_info, data_id=data_id), output_channels) continue output_data = ChannelData( ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value, npdata=postped_data, data_id=data_id) _profiler.record("{}-postp_1".format(op_info_prefix)) # push data to channel (if run succ) _profiler.record("{}-push_0".format(op_info_prefix)) self._push_to_output_channels(output_data, output_channels) _profiler.record("{}-push_1".format(op_info_prefix)) def _log(self, info): return "{} {}".format(self.name, info) def _get_log_func(self, op_info_prefix): def log_func(info_str): return "{} {}".format(op_info_prefix, info_str) return log_func def get_concurrency(self): return self._concurrency class VirtualOp(Op): ''' For connecting two channels. ''' def __init__(self, name, concurrency=1): super(VirtualOp, self).__init__( name=name, inputs=None, concurrency=concurrency) self._virtual_pred_ops = [] def add_virtual_pred_op(self, op): self._virtual_pred_ops.append(op) def add_output_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): raise TypeError( self._log('output channel must be Channel type, not {}'.format( type(channel)))) for op in self._virtual_pred_ops: channel.add_producer(op.name) self._outputs.append(channel) def _run(self, concurrency_idx, input_channel, output_channels, client_type, use_future): op_info_prefix = "[{}|{}]".format(self.name, concurrency_idx) log = self._get_log_func(op_info_prefix) self._is_run = True while self._is_run: _profiler.record("{}-get_0".format(op_info_prefix)) channeldata = input_channel.front(self.name) _profiler.record("{}-get_1".format(op_info_prefix)) _profiler.record("{}-push_0".format(op_info_prefix)) if isinstance(channeldata, dict): for name, data in channeldata.items(): self._push_to_output_channels( data, channels=output_channels, name=name) else: self._push_to_output_channels( channeldata, channels=output_channels, name=self._virtual_pred_ops[0].name) _profiler.record("{}-push_1".format(op_info_prefix)) class GeneralPythonService( general_python_service_pb2_grpc.GeneralPythonServiceServicer): def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, retry=2): super(GeneralPythonService, self).__init__() self.name = "#G" self.set_in_channel(in_channel) self.set_out_channel(out_channel) logging.debug(self._log(in_channel.debug())) logging.debug(self._log(out_channel.debug())) #TODO: # multi-lock for different clients # diffenert lock for server and client self._id_lock = threading.Lock() self._cv = threading.Condition() self._globel_resp_dict = {} self._id_counter = 0 self._retry = retry self._recive_func = threading.Thread( target=GeneralPythonService._recive_out_channel_func, args=(self, )) self._recive_func.start() def _log(self, info_str): return "[{}] {}".format(self.name, info_str) def set_in_channel(self, in_channel): if not isinstance(in_channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): raise TypeError( self._log('in_channel must be Channel type, but get {}'.format( type(in_channel)))) in_channel.add_producer(self.name) self._in_channel = in_channel def set_out_channel(self, out_channel): if not isinstance(out_channel, (ThreadChannel, ProcessChannel)): raise TypeError( self._log('out_channel must be Channel type, but get {}'.format( type(out_channel)))) out_channel.add_consumer(self.name) self._out_channel = out_channel def _recive_out_channel_func(self): while True: channeldata = self._out_channel.front(self.name) if not isinstance(channeldata, ChannelData): raise TypeError( self._log('data must be ChannelData type, but get {}'. format(type(channeldata)))) with self._cv: data_id = channeldata.id self._globel_resp_dict[data_id] = channeldata self._cv.notify_all() def _get_next_id(self): with self._id_lock: self._id_counter += 1 return self._id_counter - 1 def _get_data_in_globel_resp_dict(self, data_id): resp = None with self._cv: while data_id not in self._globel_resp_dict: self._cv.wait() resp = self._globel_resp_dict.pop(data_id) self._cv.notify_all() return resp def _pack_data_for_infer(self, request): logging.debug(self._log('start inferce')) data_id = self._get_next_id() npdata = {} try: for idx, name in enumerate(request.feed_var_names): logging.debug( self._log('name: {}'.format(request.feed_var_names[idx]))) logging.debug( self._log('data: {}'.format(request.feed_insts[idx]))) npdata[name] = np.frombuffer( request.feed_insts[idx], dtype=request.type[idx]) npdata[name].shape = np.frombuffer( request.shape[idx], dtype="int32") except Exception as e: return ChannelData( ecode=ChannelDataEcode.RPC_PACKAGE_ERROR.value, error_info="rpc package error", data_id=data_id), data_id else: return ChannelData( datatype=ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value, npdata=npdata, data_id=data_id), data_id def _pack_data_for_resp(self, channeldata): logging.debug(self._log('get channeldata')) resp = pyservice_pb2.Response() resp.ecode = channeldata.ecode if resp.ecode == ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: if channeldata.datatype == ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_PBDATA.value: for inst in channeldata.pbdata.insts: resp.fetch_insts.append(inst.data) resp.fetch_var_names.append(inst.name) resp.shape.append(inst.shape) resp.type.append(inst.type) elif channeldata.datatype in (ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_FUTURE.value, ChannelDataType.CHANNEL_NPDATA.value): feed = channeldata.parse() for name, var in feed.items(): resp.fetch_insts.append(var.tobytes()) resp.fetch_var_names.append(name) resp.shape.append( np.array( var.shape, dtype="int32").tobytes()) resp.type.append(str(var.dtype)) else: raise TypeError( self._log("Error type({}) in datatype.".format( channeldata.datatype))) else: resp.error_info = channeldata.error_info return resp def inference(self, request, context): _profiler.record("{}-prepack_0".format(self.name)) data, data_id = self._pack_data_for_infer(request) _profiler.record("{}-prepack_1".format(self.name)) resp_channeldata = None for i in range(self._retry): logging.debug(self._log('push data')) _profiler.record("{}-push_0".format(self.name)) self._in_channel.push(data, self.name) _profiler.record("{}-push_1".format(self.name)) logging.debug(self._log('wait for infer')) _profiler.record("{}-fetch_0".format(self.name)) resp_channeldata = self._get_data_in_globel_resp_dict(data_id) _profiler.record("{}-fetch_1".format(self.name)) if resp_channeldata.ecode == ChannelDataEcode.OK.value: break if i + 1 < self._retry: logging.warn("retry({}): {}".format( i + 1, resp_channeldata.error_info)) _profiler.record("{}-postpack_0".format(self.name)) resp = self._pack_data_for_resp(resp_channeldata) _profiler.record("{}-postpack_1".format(self.name)) _profiler.print_profile() return resp class PyServer(object): def __init__(self, use_multithread=True, client_type='brpc', use_future=False, retry=2, profile=False): self._channels = [] self._user_ops = [] self._actual_ops = [] self._port = None self._worker_num = None self._in_channel = None self._out_channel = None self._retry = retry self._use_multithread = use_multithread self._client_type = client_type self._use_future = use_future if not self._use_multithread: self._manager = multiprocessing.Manager() if profile: raise Exception( "profile cannot be used in multiprocess version temporarily") if self._use_future: raise Exception("cannot use future in multiprocess") if self._client_type == 'brpc' and self._use_future: logging.warn("brpc impl cannot use future") _profiler.enable(profile) def add_channel(self, channel): self._channels.append(channel) def add_op(self, op): self._user_ops.append(op) def add_ops(self, ops): self._user_ops.extend(ops) def gen_desc(self): logging.info('here will generate desc for PAAS') pass def _topo_sort(self): indeg_num = {} que_idx = 0 # scroll queue ques = [Queue.Queue() for _ in range(2)] for op in self._user_ops: if len(op.get_input_ops()) == 0: op.name = "#G" # update read_op.name break outdegs = {op.name: [] for op in self._user_ops} zero_indeg_num, zero_outdeg_num = 0, 0 for idx, op in enumerate(self._user_ops): # check the name of op is globally unique if op.name in indeg_num: raise Exception("the name of Op must be unique") indeg_num[op.name] = len(op.get_input_ops()) if indeg_num[op.name] == 0: ques[que_idx].put(op) zero_indeg_num += 1 for pred_op in op.get_input_ops(): outdegs[pred_op.name].append(op) if zero_indeg_num != 1: raise Exception("DAG contains multiple input Ops") for _, succ_list in outdegs.items(): if len(succ_list) == 0: zero_outdeg_num += 1 if zero_outdeg_num != 1: raise Exception("DAG contains multiple output Ops") # topo sort to get dag_views dag_views = [] sorted_op_num = 0 while True: que = ques[que_idx] next_que = ques[(que_idx + 1) % 2] dag_view = [] while que.qsize() != 0: op = que.get() dag_view.append(op) sorted_op_num += 1 for succ_op in outdegs[op.name]: indeg_num[succ_op.name] -= 1 if indeg_num[succ_op.name] == 0: next_que.put(succ_op) dag_views.append(dag_view) if next_que.qsize() == 0: break que_idx = (que_idx + 1) % 2 if sorted_op_num < len(self._user_ops): raise Exception("not legal DAG") # create channels and virtual ops def name_generator(prefix): def number_generator(): idx = 0 while True: yield "{}{}".format(prefix, idx) idx += 1 return number_generator() def gen_channel(name_gen): channel = None if self._use_multithread: if sys.version_info.major == 2: channel = ThreadChannel(name=name_gen.next()) elif sys.version_info.major == 3: channel = ThreadChannel(name=name_gen.__next__()) else: raise Exception("Error Python version") else: if sys.version_info.major == 2: channel = ProcessChannel( self._manager, name=name_gen.next()) elif sys.version_info.major == 3: channel = ProcessChannel( self._manager, name=name_gen.__next__()) else: raise Exception("Error Python version") return channel def gen_virtual_op(name_gen): virtual_op = None if sys.version_info.major == 2: virtual_op = VirtualOp(name=name_gen.next()) elif sys.version_info.major == 3: virtual_op = VirtualOp(name=op_name_gen.__next__()) else: raise Exception("Error Python version") return virtual_op virtual_op_name_gen = name_generator("vir") channel_name_gen = name_generator("chl") virtual_ops = [] channels = [] input_channel = None actual_view = None for v_idx, view in enumerate(dag_views): if v_idx + 1 >= len(dag_views): break next_view = dag_views[v_idx + 1] if actual_view is None: actual_view = view actual_next_view = [] pred_op_of_next_view_op = {} for op in actual_view: # find actual succ op in next view and create virtual op for succ_op in outdegs[op.name]: if succ_op in next_view: if succ_op not in actual_next_view: actual_next_view.append(succ_op) if succ_op.name not in pred_op_of_next_view_op: pred_op_of_next_view_op[succ_op.name] = [] pred_op_of_next_view_op[succ_op.name].append(op) else: # create virtual op virtual_op = gen_virtual_op(virtual_op_name_gen) virtual_ops.append(virtual_op) outdegs[virtual_op.name] = [succ_op] actual_next_view.append(virtual_op) pred_op_of_next_view_op[virtual_op.name] = [op] virtual_op.add_virtual_pred_op(op) actual_view = actual_next_view # create channel processed_op = set() for o_idx, op in enumerate(actual_next_view): if op.name in processed_op: continue channel = gen_channel(channel_name_gen) channels.append(channel) logging.debug("{} => {}".format(channel.name, op.name)) op.add_input_channel(channel) pred_ops = pred_op_of_next_view_op[op.name] if v_idx == 0: input_channel = channel else: # if pred_op is virtual op, it will use ancestors as producers to channel for pred_op in pred_ops: logging.debug("{} => {}".format(pred_op.name, channel.name)) pred_op.add_output_channel(channel) processed_op.add(op.name) # find same input op to combine channel for other_op in actual_next_view[o_idx + 1:]: if other_op.name in processed_op: continue other_pred_ops = pred_op_of_next_view_op[other_op.name] if len(other_pred_ops) != len(pred_ops): continue same_flag = True for pred_op in pred_ops: if pred_op not in other_pred_ops: same_flag = False break if same_flag: logging.debug("{} => {}".format(channel.name, other_op.name)) other_op.add_input_channel(channel) processed_op.add(other_op.name) output_channel = gen_channel(channel_name_gen) channels.append(output_channel) last_op = dag_views[-1][0] last_op.add_output_channel(output_channel) self._actual_ops = virtual_ops for op in self._user_ops: if len(op.get_input_ops()) == 0: # pass read op continue self._actual_ops.append(op) self._channels = channels for c in channels: logging.debug(c.debug()) return input_channel, output_channel def prepare_server(self, port, worker_num): self._port = port self._worker_num = worker_num input_channel, output_channel = self._topo_sort() self._in_channel = input_channel self._out_channel = output_channel for op in self._actual_ops: if op.with_serving: self.prepare_serving(op) self.gen_desc() def _run_ops(self): threads_or_proces = [] for op in self._actual_ops: if self._use_multithread: threads_or_proces.extend( op.start_with_thread(self._client_type, self._use_future)) else: threads_or_proces.extend( op.start_with_process(self._client_type, self._use_future)) return threads_or_proces def _stop_ops(self): for op in self._actual_ops: op.stop() def run_server(self): op_threads_or_proces = self._run_ops() server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._worker_num)) general_python_service_pb2_grpc.add_GeneralPythonServiceServicer_to_server( GeneralPythonService(self._in_channel, self._out_channel, self._retry), server) server.add_insecure_port('[::]:{}'.format(self._port)) server.start() server.wait_for_termination() self._stop_ops() # TODO for x in op_threads_or_proces: x.join() def prepare_serving(self, op): model_path = op._server_model port = op._server_port device = op._device if self._client_type == "grpc": if device == "cpu": cmd = "(Use grpc impl) python -m paddle_serving_server.serve" \ " --model {} --thread 4 --port {} --use_multilang &>/dev/null &".format(model_path, port) else: cmd = "(Use grpc impl) python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve" \ " --model {} --thread 4 --port {} --use_multilang &>/dev/null &".format(model_path, port) elif self._client_type == "brpc": if device == "cpu": cmd = "(Use brpc impl) python -m paddle_serving_server.serve" \ " --model {} --thread 4 --port {} &>/dev/null &".format(model_path, port) else: cmd = "(Use brpc impl) python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve" \ " --model {} --thread 4 --port {} &>/dev/null &".format(model_path, port) else: raise Exception("unknow client type: {}".format(self._client_type)) # run a server (not in PyServing) logging.info("run a server (not in PyServing): {}".format(cmd))