# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import requests import json import numpy as np import os from .proto import general_model_config_pb2 as m_config import google.protobuf.text_format import gzip from collections import Iterable import base64 #param 'type'(which is in feed_var or fetch_var) = 0 means dataType is int64 #param 'type'(which is in feed_var or fetch_var) = 1 means dataType is float32 #param 'type'(which is in feed_var or fetch_var) = 2 means dataType is int32 #param 'type'(which is in feed_var or fetch_var) = 3 means dataType is string(also called bytes in proto) int64_type = 0 float32_type = 1 int32_type = 2 bytes_type = 3 # this is corresponding to the proto proto_data_key_list = ["int64_data", "float_data", "int_data", "data"] def list_flatten(items, ignore_types=(str, bytes)): for x in items: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, ignore_types): yield from list_flatten(x) else: yield x def data_bytes_number(datalist): total_bytes_number = 0 if isinstance(datalist, list): if len(datalist) == 0: return total_bytes_number else: for data in datalist: if isinstance(data, str): total_bytes_number = total_bytes_number + len(data) else: total_bytes_number = total_bytes_number + 4 * len(datalist) break else: raise ValueError( "In the Function data_bytes_number(), data must be list.") class HttpClient(object): def __init__(self, ip="", port="9393", service_name="/GeneralModelService/inference"): self.feed_names_ = [] self.feed_real_names = [] self.fetch_names_ = [] self.feed_shapes_ = {} self.feed_types_ = {} self.feed_names_to_idx_ = {} self.http_timeout_ms = 200000 self.ip = ip self.port = port self.server_port = port self.service_name = service_name self.key = None self.try_request_gzip = False self.try_response_gzip = False def load_client_config(self, model_config_path_list): if isinstance(model_config_path_list, str): model_config_path_list = [model_config_path_list] elif isinstance(model_config_path_list, list): pass file_path_list = [] for single_model_config in model_config_path_list: if os.path.isdir(single_model_config): file_path_list.append("{}/serving_client_conf.prototxt".format( single_model_config)) elif os.path.isfile(single_model_config): file_path_list.append(single_model_config) model_conf = m_config.GeneralModelConfig() f = open(file_path_list[0], 'r') model_conf = google.protobuf.text_format.Merge( str(f.read()), model_conf) # load configuraion here # get feed vars, fetch vars # get feed shapes, feed types # map feed names to index self.feed_names_ = [var.alias_name for var in model_conf.feed_var] self.feed_real_names = [var.name for var in model_conf.feed_var] self.feed_names_to_idx_ = {} #this is useful self.lod_tensor_set = set() self.feed_tensor_len = {} #this is only used for shape check self.key = None for i, var in enumerate(model_conf.feed_var): self.feed_names_to_idx_[var.alias_name] = i self.feed_types_[var.alias_name] = var.feed_type self.feed_shapes_[var.alias_name] = [dim for dim in var.shape] if var.is_lod_tensor: self.lod_tensor_set.add(var.alias_name) else: counter = 1 for dim in self.feed_shapes_[var.alias_name]: counter *= dim self.feed_tensor_len[var.alias_name] = counter if len(file_path_list) > 1: model_conf = m_config.GeneralModelConfig() f = open(file_path_list[-1], 'r') model_conf = google.protobuf.text_format.Merge( str(f.read()), model_conf) self.fetch_names_ = [var.alias_name for var in model_conf.fetch_var] self.fetch_names_to_type_ = {} self.fetch_names_to_idx_ = {} for i, var in enumerate(model_conf.fetch_var): self.fetch_names_to_idx_[var.alias_name] = i self.fetch_names_to_type_[var.alias_name] = var.fetch_type if var.is_lod_tensor: self.lod_tensor_set.add(var.alias_name) return def set_http_timeout_ms(self, http_timeout_ms): if not isinstance(http_timeout_ms, int): raise ValueError("http_timeout_ms must be int type.") else: self.http_timeout_ms = http_timeout_ms def set_request_compress(self, try_request_gzip): self.try_request_gzip = try_request_gzip def set_response_compress(self, try_response_gzip): self.try_response_gzip = try_response_gzip # use_key is the function of encryption. def use_key(self, key_filename): with open(key_filename, "rb") as f: self.key = f.read() self.get_serving_port() def get_serving_port(self): encrypt_url = "http://" + str(self.ip) + ":" + str(self.port) if self.key is not None: req = json.dumps({"key": base64.b64encode(self.key).decode()}) else: req = json.dumps({}) r = requests.post(encrypt_url, req) result = r.json() print(result) if "endpoint_list" not in result: raise ValueError("server not ready") else: self.server_port = str(result["endpoint_list"][0]) print("rpc port is ", self.server_port) def get_feed_names(self): return self.feed_names_ def get_fetch_names(self): return self.fetch_names_ # feed 支持Numpy类型,以及直接List、tuple # 不支持str类型,因为proto中为repeated. def predict(self, feed=None, fetch=None, batch=False, need_variant_tag=False, log_id=0): if feed is None or fetch is None: raise ValueError("You should specify feed and fetch for prediction") fetch_list = [] if isinstance(fetch, str): fetch_list = [fetch] elif isinstance(fetch, (list, tuple)): fetch_list = fetch else: raise ValueError("Fetch only accepts string and list of string") feed_batch = [] if isinstance(feed, dict): feed_batch.append(feed) elif isinstance(feed, (list, str, tuple)): # if input is a list or str or tuple, and the number of feed_var is 1. # create a temp_dict { key = feed_var_name, value = list} # put the temp_dict into the feed_batch. if len(self.feed_names_) != 1: raise ValueError( "input is a list, but we got 0 or 2+ feed_var, don`t know how to divide the feed list" ) temp_dict = {} temp_dict[self.feed_names_[0]] = feed feed_batch.append(temp_dict) else: raise ValueError("Feed only accepts dict and list of dict") # batch_size must be 1, cause batch is already in Tensor. if len(feed_batch) != 1: raise ValueError("len of feed_batch can only be 1.") fetch_names = [] for key in fetch_list: if key in self.fetch_names_: fetch_names.append(key) if len(fetch_names) == 0: raise ValueError( "Fetch names should not be empty or out of saved fetch list.") return {} feed_i = feed_batch[0] Request = {} Request["fetch_var_names"] = fetch_list Request["log_id"] = int(log_id) Request["tensor"] = [] index = 0 total_data_number = 0 for key in feed_i: if ".lod" not in key and key not in self.feed_names_: raise ValueError("Wrong feed name: {}.".format(key)) if ".lod" in key: continue Request["tensor"].append('') Request["tensor"][index] = {} lod = [] if "{}.lod".format(key) in feed_i: lod = feed_i["{}.lod".format(key)] shape = self.feed_shapes_[key].copy() elem_type = self.feed_types_[key] data_value = feed_i[key] data_key = proto_data_key_list[elem_type] # feed_i[key] 可以是np.ndarray # 也可以是list或tuple # 当np.ndarray需要处理为list if isinstance(feed_i[key], np.ndarray): shape_lst = [] # 0维numpy 需要在外层再加一个[] if feed_i[key].ndim == 0: data_value = [feed_i[key].tolist()] shape_lst.append(1) else: shape_lst.extend(list(feed_i[key].shape)) shape = shape_lst data_value = feed_i[key].flatten().tolist() # 当Batch为False,shape字段前插一个1,表示batch维 # 当Batch为True,则直接使用numpy.shape作为batch维度 if batch == False: shape.insert(0, 1) # 当是list或tuple时,需要把多层嵌套展开 elif isinstance(feed_i[key], (list, tuple)): # 当Batch为False,shape字段前插一个1,表示batch维 # 当Batch为True, 由于list并不像numpy那样规整,所以 # 无法获取shape,此时取第一维度作为Batch维度. # 插入到feedVar.shape前面. if batch == False: shape.insert(0, 1) else: shape.insert(0, len(feed_i[key])) feed_i[key] = [x for x in list_flatten(feed_i[key])] data_value = feed_i[key] else: # 输入可能是单个的str或int值等 # 此时先统一处理为一个list # 由于输入比较特殊,shape保持原feedvar中不变 data_value = [] data_value.append(feed_i[key]) if isinstance(feed_i[key], str): if self.feed_types_[key] != bytes_type: raise ValueError( "feedvar is not string-type,feed can`t be a single string." ) else: if self.feed_types_[key] == bytes_type: raise ValueError( "feedvar is string-type,feed, feed can`t be a single int or others." ) total_data_number = total_data_number + data_bytes_number( data_value) Request["tensor"][index]["elem_type"] = elem_type Request["tensor"][index]["shape"] = shape Request["tensor"][index][data_key] = data_value proto_index = self.feed_names_to_idx_[key] Request["tensor"][index]["name"] = self.feed_real_names[proto_index] Request["tensor"][index]["alias_name"] = key if len(lod) > 0: Request["tensor"][index]["lod"] = lod index = index + 1 result = None # request web_url = "http://" + self.ip + ":" + self.server_port + self.service_name postData = json.dumps(Request) headers = {} # 当数据区长度大于512字节时才压缩. if self.try_request_gzip and total_data_number > 512: postData = gzip.compress(bytes(postData, 'utf-8')) headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" if self.try_response_gzip: headers["Accept-encoding"] = "gzip" # requests支持自动识别解压 result = requests.post(url=web_url, headers=headers, data=postData) if result == None: return None if result.status_code == 200: return result.json() return result