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# 单卡多模型预测服务
当客户端发送的请求数并不频繁的情况下,会造成服务端机器计算资源尤其是GPU资源的浪费,这种情况下,可以在服务端启动多个预测服务来提高资源利用率。Paddle Serving支持在单张显卡上部署多个预测服务,使用时只需要在启动单个服务时通过--gpu_ids参数将服务与显卡进行绑定,这样就可以将多个服务都绑定到同一张卡上。
python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model bert_seq128_model --port 9292 --gpu_ids 0
python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ResNet50_vd_model --port 9393 --gpu_ids 0
**注意:** 单张显卡内部进行推理计算时仍然为串行计算,这种方式是为了减少server端显卡的空闲时间。
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
# Deploy HTTP service with uWSGI
In fit_a_line example, after starting the HTTP prediction service, you will see the following information:
web service address:
* Serving Flask app "serve" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Here you will be prompted that the HTTP service started is in development mode and cannot be used for production deployment.
The prediction service started by Flask is not stable enough to withstand the concurrency of a large number of requests. In the actual deployment process, WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) is used.
Next, we will show how to use the [uWSGI](https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi) module to deploy HTTP prediction services for production environments.
from paddle_serving_server.web_service import WebService
#Define prediction service
uci_service = WebService(name = "uci")
uci_service.prepare_server(workdir="./workdir", port=int(9500), device="cpu")
#Get flask application
app_instance = uci_service.get_app_instance()
Start service with uWSGI
uwsgi --http :9393 --module uwsgi_service:app_instance
Use the --processes parameter to specify the number of service processes.
For more information about uWSGI, please refer to [uWSGI documentation](https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
# 使用uwsgi启动HTTP预测服务
web service address:
* Serving Flask app "serve" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
这里会提示启动的HTTP服务是开发模式,并不能用于生产环境的部署。Flask启动的服务环境不够稳定也无法承受大量请求的并发,实际部署过程中配合需要WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface)使用。
from paddle_serving_server.web_service import WebService
uci_service = WebService(name = "uci")
uci_service.prepare_server(workdir="./workdir", port=int(9500), device="cpu")
app_instance = uci_service.get_app_instance()
uwsgi --http :9393 --module uwsgi_service:app_instance
# Multiple Serving Instances over Single GPU Card
Paddle Serving依托PaddlePaddle预测库执行实际的预测计算。由于当前GPU预测库的限制,单个Serving实例只可以绑定1张GPU卡,且进程内所有worker线程共用1个GPU stream。也就是说,不管Serving启动多少个worker线程,所有的请求在GPU是严格串行计算的,起不到加速作用。这会带来一个问题,就是如果模型计算量不大,那么Serving进程实际上不会用满GPU的算力。
为了充分利用GPU卡的算力,考虑在单张卡上启动多个Serving实例,通过多个GPU stream,力争用满GPU的算力。启动命令可以如下所示:
bin/serving --gpuid=0 --bthread_concurrency=4 --bthread_min_concurrency=4 --port=8010&
bin/serving --gpuid=0 --bthread_concurrency=4 --bthread_min_concurrency=4 --port=8011&
上述2条命令,启动2个Serving实例,分别监听8010端口和8011端口。但他们都绑定同一张卡 (gpuid = 0)。
-port xxx:Serving实例监听的端口
1. 单个stream占用GPU算力;假如单个stream已经将GPU算力占用超过50%,那么增加stream很可能会导致2个stream的job分别排队,拖慢各自的响应时间
2. GPU显存:Serving进程需要将模型参数加载到显存中,并且计算时要在GPU显存池分配临时变量;假如单个Serving进程已经用掉超过50%的显存,则增加Serving进程会造成显存不足,导致进程报错退出
1. 加载模型时,在model_toolkit.prototxt中,model type选择FLUID_GPU_ANALYSIS或FLUID_GPU_ANALYSIS_DIR;会对模型进行静态分析,进行一定程度显存优化
2. 在步骤1完成后,启动单个Serving进程,启动参数:`--gpuid=N --bthread_concurrency=4 --bthread_min_concurrency=4`;启动一个client,进行并发度为1的压力测试,batch size从小到大,记下平响;由于算力的限制,当batch size增大到一定程度,应该会出现响应时间明显变大;或虽然没有明显变大,但已经不满足系统需求
3. 再启动1个Serving进程,与步骤2启动时使用相同的参数略有不同: `--gpuid=N --bthread_concurrency=4 --bthread_min_concurrency=4 --port=8011` 其中--port=8011用来让新启动的进程使用一个新的服务端口;然后同时对这2个Serving进程进行压测,继续观察batch size从小到大时平均响应时间的变化,直到取得batch size和响应时间的折中
4. 重复步骤2-3
5. 以2-4步的测试,来决定:单张GPU卡可以由多少个Serving进程共用; 实际部署时,就在一张GPU卡上启动这么多个Serving进程同时提供服务
# How to develop a new Web service?
This document will take the image classification service based on the Imagenet data set as an example to introduce how to develop a new web service. The complete code can be visited at [here](../../python/examples/imagenet/resnet50_web_service.py).
## WebService base class
Paddle Serving implements the [WebService](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/blob/develop/python/paddle_serving_server/web_service.py#L23) base class. You need to override its `preprocess` and `postprocess` method. The default implementation is as follows:
class WebService(object):
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
return feed, fetch
def postprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[], fetch_map=None):
return fetch_map
### preprocess
The preprocess method has two input parameters, `feed` and `fetch`. For an HTTP request `request`:
- The value of `feed` is the feed part `request.json["feed"]` in the request data
- The value of `fetch` is the fetch part `request.json["fetch"]` in the request data
The return values are the feed and fetch values used in the prediction.
### postprocess
The postprocess method has three input parameters, `feed`, `fetch` and `fetch_map`:
- The value of `feed` is the feed part `request.json["feed"]` in the request data
- The value of `fetch` is the fetch part `request.json["fetch"]` in the request data
- The value of `fetch_map` is the model output value.
The return value will be processed as `{"reslut": fetch_map}` as the return of the HTTP request.
## Develop ImageService class
class ImageService(WebService):
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
reader = ImageReader()
feed_batch = []
for ins in feed:
if "image" not in ins:
raise ("feed data error!")
sample = base64.b64decode(ins["image"])
img = reader.process_image(sample)
feed_batch.append({"image": img})
return feed_batch, fetch
For the above `ImageService`, only the `preprocess` method is rewritten to process the image data in Base64 format into the data format required by prediction.
# 如何开发一个新的Web Service?
本文档将以Imagenet图像分类服务为例,来介绍如何开发一个新的Web Service。您可以在[这里](../../python/examples/imagenet/resnet50_web_service.py)查阅完整的代码。
## WebService基类
Paddle Serving实现了[WebService](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/blob/develop/python/paddle_serving_server/web_service.py#L23)基类,您需要重写它的`preprocess`方法和`postprocess`方法,默认实现如下:
class WebService(object):
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
return feed, fetch
def postprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[], fetch_map=None):
return fetch_map
### preprocess方法
- `feed`的值为请求数据中的feed部分`request.json["feed"]`
- `fetch`的值为请求数据中的fetch部分`request.json["fetch"]`
### postprocess方法
- `feed`的值为请求数据中的feed部分`request.json["feed"]`
- `fetch`的值为请求数据中的fetch部分`request.json["fetch"]`
- `fetch_map`的值为fetch到的模型输出值
返回值将会被处理成`{"reslut": fetch_map}`作为HTTP请求的返回。
## 开发ImageService类
class ImageService(WebService):
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
reader = ImageReader()
feed_batch = []
for ins in feed:
if "image" not in ins:
raise ("feed data error!")
sample = base64.b64decode(ins["image"])
img = reader.process_image(sample)
feed_batch.append({"image": img})
return feed_batch, fetch
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