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......@@ -37,6 +37,31 @@ Paddle Serving 旨在帮助深度学习开发者轻易部署在线预测服务
<img src="doc/demo.gif" width="700">
<h2 align="center">教程</h2>
Paddle Serving开发者为您提供了简单易用的[AIStudio教程](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/1553883)
<li>Paddle Serving环境安装</li>
<li>pip安装Paddle Serving
<li>使用Paddle Serving部署图像检测服务</li>
<li>使用Paddle Serving部署OCR Pipeline在线服务</li>
<li>Pipeline 客户端和 RPC客户端的异同</li>
<h2 align="center">安装</h2>
......@@ -179,19 +204,11 @@ curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"feed":[{"x": [0.0137, -0.1
### 新手教程
- [怎样保存用于Paddle Serving的模型?](doc/SAVE_CN.md)
- [端到端完成从训练到部署全流程](doc/TRAIN_TO_SERVICE_CN.md)
- [十分钟构建Bert-As-Service](doc/BERT_10_MINS_CN.md)
### AIStudio教程
- [PaddleServing作业](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/605819)
- [PaddleServing图像分割](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/457715)
- [PaddleServing情感分析](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/509014)
### 开发者教程
- [如何配置Server端的计算图?](doc/SERVER_DAG_CN.md)
- [如何开发一个新的General Op?](doc/NEW_OPERATOR_CN.md)
- [如何开发一个新的Web Service?](doc/NEW_WEB_SERVICE_CN.md)
- [如何在Paddle Serving使用Go Client?](doc/IMDB_GO_CLIENT_CN.md)
- [如何编译PaddleServing?](doc/COMPILE_CN.md)
- [如何使用uWSGI部署Web Service](doc/UWSGI_DEPLOY_CN.md)
- [如何实现模型文件热加载](doc/HOT_LOADING_IN_SERVING_CN.md)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
| 组件 | 版本要求 |
| :--------------------------: | :-------------------------------: |
| OS | Ubuntu16/CentOS 7 |
| OS | Ubuntu16 and 18/CentOS 7 |
| gcc | 4.8.5(Cuda 9.0 and 10.0) and 8.2(Others) |
| gcc-c++ | 4.8.5(Cuda 9.0 and 10.0) and 8.2(Others) |
| cmake | 3.2.0 and later |
......@@ -70,34 +70,35 @@ hub.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/serving:xpu-beta
| Env | Version | Docker images tag | OS |
| CPU | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-devel | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-devel | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda9.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.1 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.2-cudnn8-devel | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan |
| Cuda11.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8-devel | Ubuntu 18 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan |
| Env | Version | Docker images tag | OS | Gcc Version |
| CPU | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-devel | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-devel | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda9.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 | 4.8.5 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 | 4.8.5 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.1 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.2-cudnn8-devel | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan | Nan |
| Cuda11.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8-devel | Ubuntu 18 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan | Nan |
| Env | Version | Docker images tag | OS |
| CPU | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0 | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0 | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda9.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.1 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 |
| Cuda10.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.2-cudnn8 | Ubuntu 16 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan |
| Cuda11.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8 | Ubuntu 18 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan |
| Env | Version | Docker images tag | OS | Gcc Version |
| CPU | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0 | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0 | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda9.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 | 4.8.5 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda9.0-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 | 4.8.5 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.1 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7 | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | 0.4.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7 | CentOS 7 | 4.8.5 |
| Cuda10.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda10.2-cudnn8 | Ubuntu 16 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan | Nan |
| Cuda11.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.5.0-cuda11.0-cudnn8 | Ubuntu 18 | 8.2.0 |
| | <=0.4.0 | Nan | Nan | Nan |
......@@ -87,3 +87,34 @@ https://paddle-serving.bj.bcebos.com/whl/xpu/paddle_serving_client-0.0.0-cp36-no
# App
### Binary Package
for most users, we do not need to read this section. But if you deploy your Paddle Serving on a machine without network, you will encounter a problem that the binary executable tar file cannot be downloaded. Therefore, here we give you all the download links for various environment.
#### Bin links
# Cuda 9
# Cuda 10
# Cuda 10.1
# Cuda 10.2
# Cuda 11
#### How to setup SERVING_BIN offline?
- download the serving server whl package and bin package, and make sure they are for the same environment
- download the serving client whl and serving app whl, pay attention to the Python version.
- `pip install ` the serving and `tar xf ` the binary package, then `export SERVING_BIN=$PWD/serving-gpu-cuda10-0.0.0/serving` (take Cuda 10.0 as the example)
# An End-to-end Tutorial from Training to Inference Service Deployment
Paddle Serving is Paddle's high-performance online inference service framework, which can flexibly support the deployment of most models. In this article, the IMDB review sentiment analysis task is used as an example to show the entire process from model training to deployment of inference service through 9 steps.
## Step1:Prepare for Running Environment
Paddle Serving can be deployed on Linux environments.Currently the server supports deployment on Centos7. [Docker deployment is recommended](RUN_IN_DOCKER.md). The rpc client supports deploymen on Centos7 and Ubuntu 18.On other systems or in environments where you do not want to install the serving module, you can still access the server-side prediction service through the http service.
You can choose to install the cpu or gpu version of the server module according to the requirements and machine environment, and install the client module on the client machine. When you want to access the server with http, there is not need to install client module.
pip install paddle_serving_server #cpu version server side
pip install paddle_serving_server_gpu #gpu version server side
pip install paddle_serving_client #client version
After simple preparation, we will take the IMDB review sentiment analysis task as an example to show the process from model training to deployment of prediction services. All the code in the example can be found in the [IMDB example](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/tree/develop/python/examples/imdb) of the Paddle Serving code base, the data and dictionary used in the example The file can be obtained by executing the get_data.sh script in the IMDB sample code.
## Step2:Determine Tasks and Raw Data Format
IMDB review sentiment analysis task is to classify the content of movie reviews to determine whether the review is a positive review or a negative review.
First let's take a look at the raw data:
saw a trailer for this on another video, and decided to rent when it came out. boy, was i disappointed! the story is extremely boring, the acting (aside from christopher walken) is bad, and i couldn't care less about the characters, aside from really wanting to see nora's husband get thrashed. christopher walken's role is such a throw-away, what a tease! | 0
This is a sample of English comments. The sample uses | as the separator. The content of the comment is before the separator. The label is the sample after the separator. 0 is the negative while 1 is the positive.
## Step3:Define Reader, divide training set and test set
For the original text we need to convert it to a numeric id that the neural network can use. The imdb_reader.py script defines the method of text idization, and the words are mapped to integers through the dictionary file imdb.vocab.
import sys
import os
import paddle
import re
import paddle.fluid.incubate.data_generator as dg
class IMDBDataset(dg.MultiSlotDataGenerator):
def load_resource(self, dictfile):
self._vocab = {}
wid = 0
with open(dictfile) as f:
for line in f:
self._vocab[line.strip()] = wid
wid += 1
self._unk_id = len(self._vocab)
self._pattern = re.compile(r'(;|,|\.|\?|!|\s|\(|\))')
self.return_value = ("words", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), ("label", [0])
def get_words_only(self, line):
sent = line.lower().replace("<br />", " ").strip()
words = [x for x in self._pattern.split(sent) if x and x != " "]
feas = [
self._vocab[x] if x in self._vocab else self._unk_id for x in words
return feas
def get_words_and_label(self, line):
send = '|'.join(line.split('|')[:-1]).lower().replace("<br />",
" ").strip()
label = [int(line.split('|')[-1])]
words = [x for x in self._pattern.split(send) if x and x != " "]
feas = [
self._vocab[x] if x in self._vocab else self._unk_id for x in words
return feas, label
def infer_reader(self, infer_filelist, batch, buf_size):
def local_iter():
for fname in infer_filelist:
with open(fname, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
feas, label = self.get_words_and_label(line)
yield feas, label
import paddle
batch_iter = paddle.batch(
local_iter, buf_size=buf_size),
return batch_iter
def generate_sample(self, line):
def memory_iter():
for i in range(1000):
yield self.return_value
def data_iter():
feas, label = self.get_words_and_label(line)
yield ("words", feas), ("label", label)
return data_iter
The sample after mapping is similar to the following format:
257 142 52 898 7 0 12899 1083 824 122 89527 134 6 65 47 48 904 89527 13 0 87 170 8 248 9 15 4 25 1365 4360 89527 702 89527 1 89527 240 3 28 89527 19 7 0 216 219 614 89527 0 84 89527 225 3 0 15 67 2356 89527 0 498 117 2 314 282 7 38 1097 89527 1 0 174 181 38 11 71 198 44 1 3110 89527 454 89527 34 37 89527 0 15 5912 80 2 9856 7748 89527 8 421 80 9 15 14 55 2218 12 4 45 6 58 25 89527 154 119 224 41 0 151 89527 871 89527 505 89527 501 89527 29 2 773 211 89527 54 307 90 0 893 89527 9 407 4 25 2 614 15 46 89527 89527 71 8 1356 35 89527 12 0 89527 89527 89 527 577 374 3 39091 22950 1 3771 48900 95 371 156 313 89527 37 154 296 4 25 2 217 169 3 2759 7 0 15 89527 0 714 580 11 2094 559 34 0 84 539 89527 1 0 330 355 3 0 15 15607 935 80 0 5369 3 0 622 89527 2 15 36 9 2291 2 7599 6968 2449 89527 1 454 37 256 2 211 113 0 480 218 1152 700 4 1684 1253 352 10 2449 89527 39 4 1819 129 1 316 462 29 0 12957 3 6 28 89527 13 0 457 8952 7 225 89527 8 2389 0 1514 89527 1
In this way, the neural network can train the transformed text information as feature values.
## Step4:Define CNN network for training and saving
Net we use [CNN Model](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/user_guides/nlp_case/understand_sentiment/README.cn.html#cnn) for training, in nets.py we define the network structure.
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
def cnn_net(data,
""" conv net. """
emb = fluid.layers.embedding(
input=data, size=[dict_dim, emb_dim], is_sparse=True)
conv_3 = fluid.nets.sequence_conv_pool(
fc_1 = fluid.layers.fc(input=[conv_3], size=hid_dim2)
prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input=[fc_1], size=class_dim, act="softmax")
cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=prediction, label=label)
avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost)
acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=prediction, label=label)
return avg_cost, acc, prediction
Use training dataset for training. The training script is local_train.py. After training, use the paddle_serving_client.io.save_model function to save the model files and configuration files used by the servingdeployment.
import os
import sys
import paddle
import logging
import paddle.fluid as fluid
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger("fluid")
# load dict file
def load_vocab(filename):
vocab = {}
with open(filename) as f:
wid = 0
for line in f:
vocab[line.strip()] = wid
wid += 1
vocab["<unk>"] = len(vocab)
return vocab
if __name__ == "__main__":
from nets import cnn_net
model_name = "imdb_cnn"
vocab = load_vocab('imdb.vocab')
dict_dim = len(vocab)
#define model input
data = fluid.layers.data(
name="words", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1)
label = fluid.layers.data(name="label", shape=[1], dtype="int64")
#define dataset,train_data is the dataset directory
dataset = fluid.DatasetFactory().create_dataset()
filelist = ["train_data/%s" % x for x in os.listdir("train_data")]
dataset.set_use_var([data, label])
pipe_command = "python imdb_reader.py"
#define model
avg_cost, acc, prediction = cnn_net(data, label, dict_dim)
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.001)
#execute training
exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CPUPlace())
epochs = 100
import paddle_serving_client.io as serving_io
for i in range(epochs):
program=fluid.default_main_program(), dataset=dataset, debug=False)
logger.info("TRAIN --> pass: {}".format(i))
if i == 64:
#At the end of training, use the model save interface in PaddleServing to save the models and configuration files required by Serving
{"words": data}, {"prediction": prediction},
![Training process](./imdb_loss.png) As can be seen from the above figure, the loss of the model starts to converge after the 65th round. We save the model and configuration file after the 65th round of training is completed. The saved files are divided into imdb_cnn_client_conf and imdb_cnn_model folders. The former contains client-side configuration files, and the latter contains server-side configuration files and saved model files.
The parameter list of the save_model function is as follows:
| Parameter | Meaning |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| server_model_folder | Directory for server-side configuration files and model files |
| client_config_folder | Directory for saving client configuration files |
| feed_var_dict | The input of the inference model. The dict type and key can be customized. The value is the input variable in the model. Each key corresponds to a variable. When using the prediction service, the input data uses the key as the input name. |
| fetch_var_dict | The output of the model used for prediction, dict type, key can be customized, value is the input variable in the model, and each key corresponds to a variable. When using the prediction service, use the key to get the returned data |
| main_program | Model's program |
## Step5: Deploy RPC Prediction Service
The Paddle Serving framework supports two types of prediction service methods. One is to communicate through RPC and the other is to communicate through HTTP. The deployment and use of RPC prediction service will be introduced first. The deployment and use of HTTP prediction service will be introduced at Step 8. .
python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_cnn_model / --port 9292 #cpu prediction service
python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model imdb_cnn_model / --port 9292 --gpu_ids 0 #gpu prediction service
The parameter --model in the command specifies the server-side model and configuration file directory previously saved, --port specifies the port of the prediction service. When deploying the gpu prediction service using the gpu version, you can use --gpu_ids to specify the gpu used.
After executing one of the above commands, the RPC prediction service deployment of the IMDB sentiment analysis task is completed.
## Step6: Reuse Reader, define remote RPC client
Below we access the RPC prediction service through Python code, the script is test_client.py
from paddle_serving_client import Client
from imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
client = Client()
#The code of the data preprocessing part is reused here to convert the original text into a numeric id
imdb_dataset = IMDBDataset()
for line in sys.stdin:
word_ids, label = imdb_dataset.get_words_and_label(line)
feed = {"words": word_ids}
fetch = ["acc", "cost", "prediction"]
fetch_map = client.predict(feed=feed, fetch=fetch)
print("{} {}".format(fetch_map["prediction"][1], label[0]))
The script receives data from standard input and prints out the probability that the sample whose infer result is 1 and its real label.
## Step7: Call the RPC service to test the model effect
The client implemented in the previous step runs the prediction service as an example. The usage method is as follows:
cat test_data/part-0 | python test_client.py imdb_lstm_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
Using 2084 samples in the test_data/part-0 file for test testing, the model prediction accuracy is 88.19%.
**Note**: The effect of each model training may be slightly different, and the accuracy of predictions using the trained model will be close to the examples but may not be exactly the same.
## Step8: Deploy HTTP Prediction Service
When using the HTTP prediction service, the client does not need to install any modules of Paddle Serving, it only needs to be able to send HTTP requests. Of course, the HTTP method consumes more time in the communication phase than the RPC method.
For the IMDB sentiment analysis task, the original text needs to be preprocessed before prediction. In the RPC prediction service, we put the preprocessing in the client's script, and in the HTTP prediction service, we put the preprocessing on the server. Paddle Serving's HTTP prediction service framework prepares data pre-processing and post-processing interfaces for this situation. We just need to rewrite it according to the needs of the task.
Serving provides sample code, which is obtained by executing the imdb_web_service_demo.sh script in [IMDB Example](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/tree/develop/python/examples/imdb).
Let's take a look at the script text_classify_service.py that starts the HTTP prediction service.
from paddle_serving_server.web_service import WebService
from imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
#extend class WebService
class IMDBService(WebService):
def prepare_dict(self, args={}):
if len(args) == 0:
self.dataset = IMDBDataset()
#rewrite preprocess() to implement data preprocessing, here we reuse reader script for training
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
if "words" not in feed:
res_feed = {}
res_feed["words"] = self.dataset.get_words_only(feed["words"])[0]
return res_feed, fetch
#Here you need to use the name parameter to specify the name of the prediction service.
imdb_service = IMDBService(name="imdb")
workdir=sys.argv[2], port=int(sys.argv[3]), device="cpu")
imdb_service.prepare_dict({"dict_file_path": sys.argv[4]})
python text_classify_service.py imdb_cnn_model/ workdir/ 9292 imdb.vocab
In the above command, the first parameter is the saved server-side model and configuration file. The second parameter is the working directory, which will save some configuration files for the prediction service. The directory may not exist but needs to be specified. The prediction service will be created by itself. the third parameter is Port number, the fourth parameter is the dictionary file.
## Step9: Call the prediction service with plaintext data
After starting the HTTP prediction service, you can make prediction with a single command:
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"feed":[{"words": "i am very sad | 0"}], "fetch":["prediction"]}'
When the inference process is normal, the prediction probability is returned, as shown below.
**Note**: The effect of each model training may be slightly different, and the inferred probability value using the trained model may not be consistent with the example.
# 端到端完成从训练到部署全流程
Paddle Serving是Paddle的高性能在线预测服务框架,可以灵活支持大多数模型的部署。本文中将以IMDB评论情感分析任务为例通过9步展示从模型的训练到部署预测服务的全流程。
## Step1:准备环境
Paddle Serving可以部署在Linux环境上,目前server端支持在Centos7上部署,推荐使用[Docker部署](RUN_IN_DOCKER_CN.md)。rpc client端可以在Centos7和Ubuntu18上部署,在其他系统上或者不希望安装serving模块的环境中仍然可以通过http服务来访问server端的预测服务。
pip install paddle_serving_server #cpu版本server端
pip install paddle_serving_server_gpu #gpu版本server端
pip install paddle_serving_client #client端
简单准备后,我们将以IMDB评论情感分析任务为例,展示从模型训练到部署预测服务的流程。示例中的所有代码都可以在Paddle Serving代码库的[IMDB示例](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/tree/develop/python/examples/imdb)中找到,示例中使用的数据和词典文件可以通过执行IMDB示例代码中的get_data.sh脚本得到。
## Step2:确定任务和原始数据格式
saw a trailer for this on another video, and decided to rent when it came out. boy, was i disappointed! the story is extremely boring, the acting (aside from christopher walken) is bad, and i couldn't care less about the characters, aside from really wanting to see nora's husband get thrashed. christopher walken's role is such a throw-away, what a tease! | 0
## Step3:定义Reader,划分训练集、测试集
import sys
import os
import paddle
import re
import paddle.fluid.incubate.data_generator as dg
class IMDBDataset(dg.MultiSlotDataGenerator):
def load_resource(self, dictfile):
self._vocab = {}
wid = 0
with open(dictfile) as f:
for line in f:
self._vocab[line.strip()] = wid
wid += 1
self._unk_id = len(self._vocab)
self._pattern = re.compile(r'(;|,|\.|\?|!|\s|\(|\))')
self.return_value = ("words", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), ("label", [0])
def get_words_only(self, line):
sent = line.lower().replace("<br />", " ").strip()
words = [x for x in self._pattern.split(sent) if x and x != " "]
feas = [
self._vocab[x] if x in self._vocab else self._unk_id for x in words
return feas
def get_words_and_label(self, line):
send = '|'.join(line.split('|')[:-1]).lower().replace("<br />",
" ").strip()
label = [int(line.split('|')[-1])]
words = [x for x in self._pattern.split(send) if x and x != " "]
feas = [
self._vocab[x] if x in self._vocab else self._unk_id for x in words
return feas, label
def infer_reader(self, infer_filelist, batch, buf_size):
def local_iter():
for fname in infer_filelist:
with open(fname, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
feas, label = self.get_words_and_label(line)
yield feas, label
import paddle
batch_iter = paddle.batch(
local_iter, buf_size=buf_size),
return batch_iter
def generate_sample(self, line):
def memory_iter():
for i in range(1000):
yield self.return_value
def data_iter():
feas, label = self.get_words_and_label(line)
yield ("words", feas), ("label", label)
return data_iter
257 142 52 898 7 0 12899 1083 824 122 89527 134 6 65 47 48 904 89527 13 0 87 170 8 248 9 15 4 25 1365 4360 89527 702 89527 1 89527 240 3 28 89527 19 7 0 216 219 614 89527 0 84 89527 225 3 0 15 67 2356 89527 0 498 117 2 314 282 7 38 1097 89527 1 0 174 181 38 11 71 198 44 1 3110 89527 454 89527 34 37 89527 0 15 5912 80 2 9856 7748 89527 8 421 80 9 15 14 55 2218 12 4 45 6 58 25 89527 154 119 224 41 0 151 89527 871 89527 505 89527 501 89527 29 2 773 211 89527 54 307 90 0 893 89527 9 407 4 25 2 614 15 46 89527 89527 71 8 1356 35 89527 12 0 89527 89527 89 527 577 374 3 39091 22950 1 3771 48900 95 371 156 313 89527 37 154 296 4 25 2 217 169 3 2759 7 0 15 89527 0 714 580 11 2094 559 34 0 84 539 89527 1 0 330 355 3 0 15 15607 935 80 0 5369 3 0 622 89527 2 15 36 9 2291 2 7599 6968 2449 89527 1 454 37 256 2 211 113 0 480 218 1152 700 4 1684 1253 352 10 2449 89527 39 4 1819 129 1 316 462 29 0 12957 3 6 28 89527 13 0 457 8952 7 225 89527 8 2389 0 1514 89527 1
## Step4:定义CNN网络进行训练并保存
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
def cnn_net(data,
""" conv net. """
emb = fluid.layers.embedding(
input=data, size=[dict_dim, emb_dim], is_sparse=True)
conv_3 = fluid.nets.sequence_conv_pool(
fc_1 = fluid.layers.fc(input=[conv_3], size=hid_dim2)
prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input=[fc_1], size=class_dim, act="softmax")
cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=prediction, label=label)
avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost)
acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=prediction, label=label)
return avg_cost, acc, prediction
import os
import sys
import paddle
import logging
import paddle.fluid as fluid
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger("fluid")
# 加载词典文件
def load_vocab(filename):
vocab = {}
with open(filename) as f:
wid = 0
for line in f:
vocab[line.strip()] = wid
wid += 1
vocab["<unk>"] = len(vocab)
return vocab
if __name__ == "__main__":
from nets import cnn_net
model_name = "imdb_cnn"
vocab = load_vocab('imdb.vocab')
dict_dim = len(vocab)
data = fluid.layers.data(
name="words", shape=[1], dtype="int64", lod_level=1)
label = fluid.layers.data(name="label", shape=[1], dtype="int64")
dataset = fluid.DatasetFactory().create_dataset()
filelist = ["train_data/%s" % x for x in os.listdir("train_data")]
dataset.set_use_var([data, label])
pipe_command = "python imdb_reader.py"
avg_cost, acc, prediction = cnn_net(data, label, dict_dim)
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.001)
exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CPUPlace())
epochs = 100
import paddle_serving_client.io as serving_io
for i in range(epochs):
program=fluid.default_main_program(), dataset=dataset, debug=False)
logger.info("TRAIN --> pass: {}".format(i))
if i == 64:
{"words": data}, {"prediction": prediction},
| 参数 | 含义 |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| server_model_folder | 保存server端配置文件和模型文件的目录 |
| client_config_folder | 保存client端配置文件的目录 |
| feed_var_dict | 用于预测的模型的输入,dict类型,key可以自定义,value为模型中的input variable,每个key对应一个variable,使用预测服务时,输入数据使用key作为输入的名称 |
| fetch_var_dict | 用于预测的模型的输出,dict类型,key可以自定义,value为模型中的input variable,每个key对应一个variable,使用预测服务时,通过key来获取返回数据 |
| main_program | 模型的program |
## Step5:部署RPC预测服务
Paddle Serving框架支持两种预测服务方式,一种是通过RPC进行通信,一种是通过HTTP进行通信,下面将先介绍RPC预测服务的部署和使用方法,在Step8开始介绍HTTP预测服务的部署和使用。
python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_cnn_model/ --port 9292 #cpu预测服务
python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model imdb_cnn_model/ --port 9292 --gpu_ids 0 #gpu预测服务
命令中参数--model 指定在之前保存的server端的模型和配置文件目录,--port指定预测服务的端口,当使用gpu版本部署gpu预测服务时可以使用--gpu_ids指定使用的gpu 。
执行完以上命令之一,就完成了IMDB 情感分析任务的RPC预测服务部署。
## Step6:复用Reader,定义远程RPC客户端
from paddle_serving_client import Client
from imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
client = Client()
imdb_dataset = IMDBDataset()
for line in sys.stdin:
word_ids, label = imdb_dataset.get_words_and_label(line)
feed = {"words": word_ids}
fetch = ["acc", "cost", "prediction"]
fetch_map = client.predict(feed=feed, fetch=fetch)
print("{} {}".format(fetch_map["prediction"][1], label[0]))
## Step7:调用RPC服务,测试模型效果
cat test_data/part-0 | python test_client.py imdb_lstm_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
## Step8:部署HTTP预测服务
使用HTTP预测服务时,client端不需要安装Paddle Serving的任何模块,仅需要能发送HTTP请求即可。当然HTTP的通信方式会相较于RPC的通信方式在通信阶段消耗更多的时间。
对于IMDB情感分析任务原始文本在预测之前需要进行预处理,在RPC预测服务中我们将预处理放在client的脚本中,而在HTTP预测服务中我们将预处理放在server端。Paddle Serving的HTTP预测服务框架为这种情况准备了数据预处理和后处理的接口,我们只要根据任务需要重写即可。
from paddle_serving_server.web_service import WebService
from imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
class IMDBService(WebService):
def prepare_dict(self, args={}):
if len(args) == 0:
self.dataset = IMDBDataset()
def preprocess(self, feed={}, fetch=[]):
if "words" not in feed:
res_feed = {}
res_feed["words"] = self.dataset.get_words_only(feed["words"])[0]
return res_feed, fetch
imdb_service = IMDBService(name="imdb")
workdir=sys.argv[2], port=int(sys.argv[3]), device="cpu")
imdb_service.prepare_dict({"dict_file_path": sys.argv[4]})
python text_classify_service.py imdb_cnn_model/ workdir/ 9292 imdb.vocab
## Step9:明文数据调用预测服务
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"feed":[{"words": "i am very sad | 0"}], "fetch":["prediction"]}'
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import paddle.fluid as fluid
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger("fluid")
def load_vocab(filename):
vocab = {}
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if '${PACK}' == 'ON':
'six >= 1.10.0', 'sentencepiece<=0.1.83', 'opencv-python<=', 'pillow',
'pyclipper', 'shapely'
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