提交 d80c7d77 编写于 作者: M MRXLT

fix go client cn doc

上级 ed1d72b0
......@@ -28,71 +28,71 @@ python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ./serving_server_model/ --port 929
### 客户端代码示例
``` go
// imdb_client.go
package main
import (
       serving_client "github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/go/serving_client"
serving_client "github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/go/serving_client"
func main () {
     var config_file_path string
     config_file_path = os.Args [1]
     handle: = serving_client.LoadModelConfig (config_file_path)
     handle = serving_client.Connect ("", "9292", handle)
func main() {
var config_file_path string
config_file_path = os.Args[1]
handle := serving_client.LoadModelConfig(config_file_path)
handle = serving_client.Connect("", "9292", handle)
     test_file_path: = os.Args [2]
     fi, err: = os.Open (test_file_path)
     if err! = nil {
     fmt.Print (err)
test_file_path := os.Args[2]
fi, err := os.Open(test_file_path)
if err != nil {
     defer fi.Close ()
     br: = bufio.NewReader (fi)
defer fi.Close()
br := bufio.NewReader(fi)
     fetch: = [] string {"cost", "acc", "prediction"}
fetch := []string{"cost", "acc", "prediction"}
     var result map [string] [] float32
var result map[string][]float32
     for {
     line, err: = br.ReadString ('\ n')
if err == io.EOF {
for {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
line = strings.Trim (line, "\ n")
line = strings.Trim(line, "\n")
var words = [] int64 {}
var words = []int64{}
s: = strings.Split (line, "")
value, err: = strconv.Atoi (s [0])
var feed_int_map map [string] [] int64
for _, v: = range s [1: value + 1] {
int_v, _: = strconv.Atoi (v)
words = append (words, int64 (int_v))
s := strings.Split(line, " ")
value, err := strconv.Atoi(s[0])
var feed_int_map map[string][]int64
label, err: = strconv.Atoi (s [len (s) -1])
for _, v := range s[1:value + 1] {
int_v, _ := strconv.Atoi(v)
words = append(words, int64(int_v))
if err! = nil {
panic (err)
label, err := strconv.Atoi(s[len(s)-1])
feed_int_map = map [string] [] int64 {}
feed_int_map ["words"] = words
feed_int_map ["label"] = [] int64 {int64 (label)}
result = serving_client.Predict (handle, feed_int_map, fetch)
fmt.Println (result ["prediction"] [1], "\ t", int64 (label))
if err != nil {
feed_int_map = map[string][]int64{}
feed_int_map["words"] = words
feed_int_map["label"] = []int64{int64(label)}
result = serving_client.Predict(handle, feed_int_map, fetch)
fmt.Println(result["prediction"][1], "\t", int64(label))
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