An example containing multiple input nodes is given in the [Model_Ensemble]( A example graph and the corresponding DAG definition code is as follows.
An example containing multiple input nodes is given in the [Model_Ensemble](./ A example graph and the corresponding DAG definition code is as follows.
C++ Serving主打性能,如果您想搭建企业级的高性能线上推理服务,对高并发、低延时有一定的要求。C++ Serving框架可能会更适合您。目前无论是使用同步/异步模型,[C++ Serving与TensorFlow Serving性能对比](均有优势。
C++ Serving主打性能,如果您想搭建企业级的高性能线上推理服务,对高并发、低延时有一定的要求。C++ Serving框架可能会更适合您。目前无论是使用同步/异步模型,[C++ Serving与TensorFlow Serving性能对比](./均有优势。
C++ Serving网络框架使用brpc,核心执行引擎是基于C/C++编写,并且提供强大的工业级应用能力,包括模型热加载、模型加密部署、A/B Test、多模型组合、同步/异步模式、支持多语言多协议Client等功能。
## 1.网络框架(BRPC)
C++ Serving采用[brpc框架](进行Client/Server端的通信。brpc是百度开源的一款PRC网络框架,具有高并发、低延时等特点,已经支持了包括百度在内上百万在线预估实例、上千个在线预估服务,稳定可靠。与gRPC网络框架相比,具有更低的延时,更高的并发性能,且底层支持<mark>**brpc/grpc/http+json/http+proto**</mark>等多种协议;缺点是跨操作系统平台能力不足。详细的框架性能开销见[C++ Serving框架性能测试](。
C++ Serving采用[brpc框架](进行Client/Server端的通信。brpc是百度开源的一款PRC网络框架,具有高并发、低延时等特点,已经支持了包括百度在内上百万在线预估实例、上千个在线预估服务,稳定可靠。与gRPC网络框架相比,具有更低的延时,更高的并发性能,且底层支持<mark>**brpc/grpc/http+json/http+proto**</mark>等多种协议;缺点是跨操作系统平台能力不足。详细的框架性能开销见[C++ Serving框架性能测试](./。
## 2.核心执行引擎
C++ Serving的核心执行引擎是一个有向无环图(也称作[DAG图](,DAG图中的每个节点(在PaddleServing中,借用模型中operator算子的概念,将DAG图中的节点也称为[OP](代表预估服务的一个环节,DAG图支持多个OP按照串并联的方式进行组合,从而实现在一个服务中完成多个模型的预测整合最终产出结果。整个框架原理如下图所示,可分为Client Side 和 Server Side。
C++ Serving的核心执行引擎是一个有向无环图(也称作[DAG图](./,DAG图中的每个节点(在PaddleServing中,借用模型中operator算子的概念,将DAG图中的节点也称为[OP](./代表预估服务的一个环节,DAG图支持多个OP按照串并联的方式进行组合,从而实现在一个服务中完成多个模型的预测整合最终产出结果。整个框架原理如下图所示,可分为Client Side 和 Server Side。
C++ Serving框架支持[自定义DAG图](的方式来表示多模型之间串并联组合关系,也支持用户[使用C++开发自定义OP节点](。相比于使用内外两层服务来提供多模型组合处理的方式,由于节省了一次RPC网络传输的开销,把多模型在一个服务中处理性能上会有一定的提升,尤其当RPC通信传输的数据量较大时。
C++ Serving框架支持[自定义DAG图](./的方式来表示多模型之间串并联组合关系,也支持用户[使用C++开发自定义OP节点](./。相比于使用内外两层服务来提供多模型组合处理的方式,由于节省了一次RPC网络传输的开销,把多模型在一个服务中处理性能上会有一定的提升,尤其当RPC通信传输的数据量较大时。
### 3.4 模型管理与热加载
C++ Serving的引擎支持模型管理功能,支持多种模型和模型不同版本的管理。为了保证在模型更换期间推理服务的可用性,需要在服务不中断的情况下对模型进行热加载。C++ Serving对该特性进行了支持,并提供了一个监控产出模型更新本地模型的工具,具体例子请参考《[C++ Serving中的模型热加载](》。
C++ Serving的引擎支持模型管理功能,支持多种模型和模型不同版本的管理。为了保证在模型更换期间推理服务的可用性,需要在服务不中断的情况下对模型进行热加载。C++ Serving对该特性进行了支持,并提供了一个监控产出模型更新本地模型的工具,具体例子请参考《[C++ Serving中的模型热加载](./》。
### 3.5 模型加解密
C++ Serving采用对称加密算法对模型进行加密,在服务加载模型过程中在内存中解密。目前,提供基础的模型安全能力,并不保证模型绝对安全性,用户可根据我们的设计加以完善,实现更高级别的安全性。说明文档参考《[C++ Serving加密模型预测](》。
C++ Serving采用对称加密算法对模型进行加密,在服务加载模型过程中在内存中解密。目前,提供基础的模型安全能力,并不保证模型绝对安全性,用户可根据我们的设计加以完善,实现更高级别的安全性。说明文档参考《[C++ Serving加密模型预测](./》。
In this document, we mainly focus on how to develop a new server side operator for PaddleServing. Before we start to write a new operator, let's look at some sample code to get the basic idea of writing a new operator for server. We assume you have known the basic computation logic on server side of PaddleServing, please reference to []() if you do not know much about it. The following code can be visited at `core/general-server/op` of Serving repo.
Running Images is lighter than Develop Images, and Running Images are made up with serving whl and bin, but without develop tools like cmake because of lower image size. If you want to know about it, plese check the document [Paddle Serving on Kubernetes.](
Running Images is lighter than Develop Images, and Running Images are made up with serving whl and bin, but without develop tools like cmake because of lower image size. If you want to know about it, plese check the document [Paddle Serving on Kubernetes.](./
We **highly recommend** you to **run Paddle Serving in Docker**, please visit [Run in Docker]( See the [document]( for more docker images.
We **highly recommend** you to **run Paddle Serving in Docker**, please visit [Run in Docker]( See the [document](./ for more docker images.
**Attention:**: Currently, the default GPU environment of paddlepaddle 2.1 is Cuda 10.2, so the sample code of GPU Docker is based on Cuda 10.2. We also provides docker images and whl packages for other GPU environments. If users use other environments, they need to carefully check and select the appropriate version.
You may need to use a domestic mirror source(in China, you can use the Tsinghua mirror source, add `-i` to pip command) to speed up the download.
If you need install modules compiled with develop branch, please download packages from [latest packages list]( and install with `pip install` command. If you want to compile by yourself, please refer to [How to compile Paddle Serving?](
If you need install modules compiled with develop branch, please download packages from [latest packages list](./ and install with `pip install` command. If you want to compile by yourself, please refer to [How to compile Paddle Serving?](
Packages of paddle-serving-server and paddle-serving-server-gpu support Centos 6/7, Ubuntu 16/18, Windows 10.
for kunlun user who uses arm-xpu or x86-xpu can download the wheel packages as follows. Users should use the xpu-beta docker [DOCKER IMAGES](./
for kunlun user who uses arm-xpu or x86-xpu can download the wheel packages as follows. Users should use the xpu-beta docker [DOCKER IMAGES](./
Here, we build a simple imdb model enable example to show how to use Pipeline Serving. The relevant code can be found in the `python/examples/pipeline/imdb_model_ensemble` folder. The Server-side structure in the example is shown in the following figure:
Paddle Serving provides industry-leading multi-model tandem services, which strongly supports the actual operating business scenarios of major companies, please refer to [OCR word recognition](./python/examples/pipeline/ocr).
Paddle Serving provides industry-leading multi-model tandem services, which strongly supports the actual operating business scenarios of major companies, please refer to [OCR word recognition](../examples/Pipeline/PaddleOCR/ocr/).
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This guide focuses on Paddle C++ Serving and Python Pipeline configuration:
## Model Configuration
The model configuration is generated by converting PaddleServing model and named serving_client_conf.prototxt/serving_server_conf.prototxt. It specifies the info of input/output so that users can fill parameters easily. The model configuration file should not be modified. See the [Saving guide]( for model converting. The model configuration file provided must be a `core/configure/proto/general_model_config.proto`.
The model configuration is generated by converting PaddleServing model and named serving_client_conf.prototxt/serving_server_conf.prototxt. It specifies the info of input/output so that users can fill parameters easily. The model configuration file should not be modified. See the [Saving guide](./ for model converting. The model configuration file provided must be a `core/configure/proto/general_model_config.proto`.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fetch_var {
- fetch_var:model output
- name:node name
- alias_name:alias name
- is_lod_tensor:lod tensor, ref to [Lod Introduction](
- is_lod_tensor:lod tensor, ref to [Lod Introduction](./
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Paddle Serving uses a symmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt the model, and d
### 3.5 A/B Test
After sufficient offline evaluation of the model, online A/B test is usually needed to decide whether to enable the service on a large scale. The following figure shows the basic structure of A/B test with Paddle Serving. After the client is configured with the corresponding configuration, the traffic will be automatically distributed to different servers to achieve A/B test. Please refer to [ABTEST in Paddle Serving](C++_Serving/ for specific examples.
After sufficient offline evaluation of the model, online A/B test is usually needed to decide whether to enable the service on a large scale. The following figure shows the basic structure of A/B test with Paddle Serving. After the client is configured with the corresponding configuration, the traffic will be automatically distributed to different servers to achieve A/B test. Please refer to [ABTEST in Paddle Serving](C++_Serving/ for specific examples.
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
The user only needs to follow the above instructions and implement the relevant content in the corresponding function. For more information, please refer to [How to develop a new Web Service? ](./C++_Serving/
The user only needs to follow the above instructions and implement the relevant content in the corresponding function. For more information, please refer to [How to develop a new Web Service? ](./C++_Serving/
**Notice:** If you need to concatenate det model and rec model, and do pre-processing and post-processing in Paddle Serving C++ framework, you need to use the C++ server compiled with WITH_OPENCV option,see the [](../../../doc/
**Notice:** If you need to concatenate det model and rec model, and do pre-processing and post-processing in Paddle Serving C++ framework, you need to use the C++ server compiled with WITH_OPENCV option,see the [](../../../../doc/
### Start Service
Select a startup mode according to CPU / GPU device
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ Specific operation: Open the chrome browser, enter `chrome://tracing/` in the ad
The data visualization output is shown as follow, it uses [bert as service example]( GPU inference service. The server starts 4 GPU prediction, the client starts 4 `processes`, and the timeline of each stage when the batch size is 1. Among them, `bert_pre` represents the data preprocessing stage of the client, and `client_infer` represents the stage where the client completes sending and receiving prediction requests. `process` represents the process number of the client, and the second line of each process shows the timeline of each op of the server.
1.In the example, all models(not pipeline) need to use `--use_multilang` to start GRPC multi-programming language support, and the port number is 9393. If you need another port, you need to modify it in the java file
2.Currently Serving has launched the Pipeline mode (see [Pipeline Serving](../doc/ for details). Pipeline Serving Client for Java is released.
2.Currently Serving has launched the Pipeline mode (see [Pipeline Serving](../doc/Python_Pipeline/ for details). Pipeline Serving Client for Java is released.
3.The parameters`ip` and`port` in[](./examples/src/main/java/,needs to be connected with the corresponding pipeline server parameters`ip` and`port` which is defined in the config.yaml(Taking IMDB model ensemble as an example,path:python/examples/pipeline/imdb_model_ensemble/[config.yaml](../python/examples/pipeline/imdb_model_ensemble/config.yml))
3.注意PipelineClientExample.java中的ip和port(位于java/examples/src/main/java/[](./examples/src/main/java/,需要与对应Pipeline server的config.yaml文件中配置的ip和port相对应。(以IMDB model ensemble模型为例,位于python/examples/pipeline/imdb_model_ensemble/[config.yaml](../python/examples/pipeline/imdb_model_ensemble/config.yml))
**Notice:** If you need to concatenate det model and rec model, and do pre-processing and post-processing in Paddle Serving C++ framework, you need to use the C++ server compiled with WITH_OPENCV option,see the [](../../../doc/
**Notice:** If you need to concatenate det model and rec model, and do pre-processing and post-processing in Paddle Serving C++ framework, you need to use the C++ server compiled with WITH_OPENCV option,see the [](../../../doc/
### Start Service
Select a startup mode according to CPU / GPU device