| general | Without authentication, you can directly access the download file by `wget` (such as FTP and BOS which do not need authentication) | `general_host` General remote host. |
| general | Without authentication, you can directly access the download file by `wget` (such as FTP and BOS which do not need authentication) | `general_host` General remote host. |
| HDFS | The remote is HDFS, and relevant commands are executed through HDFS binary | `hdfs_bin` Path of HDFS binary file. |
| hdfs | The remote is HDFS, and relevant commands are executed through HDFS binary | `hdfs_bin` Path of HDFS binary file. |
| ftp | The remote is FTP, and relevant commands are executed through `ftplib`(Using this monitor, you need to install `ftplib` with command `pip install ftplib`) | `ftp_host` FTP remote host.<br>`ftp_port` FTP remote port.<br>`ftp_username` FTP username. Not used if anonymous access.<br>`ftp_password` FTP password. Not used if anonymous access. |
| ftp | The remote is FTP, and relevant commands are executed through `ftplib`(Using this monitor, you need to install `ftplib` with command `pip install ftplib`) | `ftp_host` FTP remote host.<br>`ftp_port` FTP remote port.<br>`ftp_username` FTP username. Not used if anonymous access.<br>`ftp_password` FTP password. Not used if anonymous access. |
| Afs | The remote is AFS, and relevant commands are executed through Hadoop-client | `hadoop_bin` Path of Hadoop binary file.<br>`hadoop_host` AFS host. Not used if set in Hadoop-client.<br>`hadoop_ugi` AFS ugi, Not used if set in Hadoop-client. |
| afs | The remote is AFS, and relevant commands are executed through Hadoop-client | `hadoop_bin` Path of Hadoop binary file.<br>`hadoop_host` AFS host. Not used if set in Hadoop-client.<br>`hadoop_ugi` AFS ugi, Not used if set in Hadoop-client. |