The model configuration is generated by converting PaddleServing model and named serving_client_conf.prototxt/serving_server_conf.prototxt. It specifies the info of input/output so that users can fill parameters easily. The model configuration file should not be modified. See the [Saving guide]( for model converting. The model configuration file provided must be a `core/configure/proto/general_model_config.proto`.
Mostly, the flags can meet the demand. However, the model configuration files can be modified by user that include service.prototxt、workflow.prototxt、resource.prototxt、model_toolkit.prototxt、proj.conf.
To set listening port, modify service.prototxt. You can set the `--inferservice_path` and `--inferservice_file` to instruct the server to check for service.prototxt. The `service.prototxt` file provided must be a `core/configure/server_configure.protobuf:InferServiceConf`.
To server user-defined OP, modify workflow.prototxt. You can set the `--workflow_path` and `--inferservice_file` to instruct the server to check for workflow.prototxt. The `workflow.prototxt` provided must be a `core/configure/server_configure.protobuf:Workflow`.
In the blow example, you are serving model with 3 OPs. The GeneralReaderOp converts the input data to tensor. The GeneralInferOp which depends the output of GeneralReaderOp predicts the tensor. The GeneralResponseOp return the output data.
You may modify resource.prototxt to set the path of model files. You can set the `--resource_path` and `--resource_file` to instruct the server to check for resource.prototxt. The `resource.prototxt` provided must be a `core/configure/server_configure.proto:Workflow`.
The model_toolkit.prototxt specifies the parameters of predictor engines. The `model_toolkit.prototxt` provided must be a `core/configure/server_configure.proto:ModelToolkitConf`.
#RPC port. The RPC port and HTTP port cannot be empyt at the same time. If the RPC port is empty and the HTTP port is not empty, the RPC port is automatically set to HTTP port+1.
#HTTP port. The RPC port and the HTTP port cannot be empty at the same time. If the RPC port is available and the HTTP port is empty, the HTTP port is not automatically generated
Single-machine multi-card inference can be abstracted into M OP processes bound to N GPU cards. It is related to the configuration of three parameters in config.yml. First, select the process mode, the number of concurrent processes is the number of processes, and devices is the GPU card ID.The binding method is to traverse the GPU card ID when the process starts, for example, start 7 OP processes, set devices:0,1,2 in config.yml, then the first, fourth, and seventh started processes are bound to the 0 card, and the second , 4 started processes are bound to 1 card, 3 and 6 processes are bound to card 2.
In addition to supporting CPU and GPU, Pipeline also supports the deployment of a variety of heterogeneous hardware. It consists of device_type and devices in config.yml. Use device_type to specify the type first, and judge according to devices when it is vacant. The device_type is described as follows: