提交 1fe73723 编写于 作者: B barrierye

add comment for channel

上级 e9efd633
......@@ -143,6 +143,17 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
1. The ID of the data in the channel must be different.
2. The function add_producer() and add_consumer() are not thread safe,
and can only be called during initialization.
There are two buffers and one queue in Channel:
op_A \ / op_D
op_B - a. input_buf -> b. queue -> c. output_buf - op_E
op_C / \ op_F
a. In input_buf, the input of multiple predecessor Ops is packed by data ID.
b. The packed data will be stored in queue.
c. In order to support multiple successor Ops to retrieve data, output_buf
maintains the data obtained from queue.
def __init__(self, manager, name=None, maxsize=0, timeout=None):
......@@ -162,19 +173,19 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
self._cv = multiprocessing.Condition()
self._producers = []
self._producer_res_count = manager.dict() # {data_id: count}
self._push_res = manager.dict() # {data_id: {op_name: data}}
self.pushed_producer_count = manager.dict() # {data_id: count}
self._input_buf = manager.dict() # {data_id: {op_name: data}}
self._consumers = manager.dict() # {op_name: idx}
self._idx_consumer_num = manager.dict() # {idx: num}
self._consumer_base_idx = manager.Value('i', 0)
self._front_res = manager.list()
self._consumer_cursors = manager.dict() # {op_name: cursor}
self._cursor_count = manager.dict() # {cursor: count}
self._base_cursor = manager.Value('i', 0)
self._output_buf = manager.list()
def get_producers(self):
return self._producers
def get_consumers(self):
return self._consumers.keys()
return self._consumer_cursors.keys()
def _log(self, info_str):
return "[{}] {}".format(self.name, info_str)
......@@ -192,14 +203,14 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
def add_consumer(self, op_name):
""" not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """
if op_name in self._consumers:
if op_name in self._consumer_cursors:
raise ValueError(
self._log("consumer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name)))
self._consumers[op_name] = 0
self._consumer_cursors[op_name] = 0
if self._idx_consumer_num.get(0) is None:
self._idx_consumer_num[0] = 0
self._idx_consumer_num[0] += 1
if self._cursor_count.get(0) is None:
self._cursor_count[0] = 0
self._cursor_count[0] += 1
def push(self, channeldata, op_name=None):
......@@ -235,24 +246,24 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
put_data = None
with self._cv:
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} get lock".format(op_name)))
if data_id not in self._push_res:
self._push_res[data_id] = {
if data_id not in self._input_buf:
self._input_buf[data_id] = {
name: None
for name in self._producers
self._producer_res_count[data_id] = 0
self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] = 0
# see: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/multiprocessing.html?highlight=multiprocess#proxy-objects
# self._push_res[data_id][op_name] = channeldata
tmp_push_res = self._push_res[data_id]
tmp_push_res[op_name] = channeldata
self._push_res[data_id] = tmp_push_res
if self._producer_res_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num:
put_data = self._push_res[data_id]
# self._input_buf[data_id][op_name] = channeldata
tmp_input_buf = self._input_buf[data_id]
tmp_input_buf[op_name] = channeldata
self._input_buf[data_id] = tmp_input_buf
if self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num:
put_data = self._input_buf[data_id]
self._producer_res_count[data_id] += 1
self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] += 1
if put_data is None:
......@@ -276,12 +287,12 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
def front(self, op_name=None):
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} try to get data...".format(op_name)))
if len(self._consumers) == 0:
if len(self._consumer_cursors) == 0:
raise Exception(
"expected number of consumers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0."
elif len(self._consumers) == 1:
elif len(self._consumer_cursors) == 1:
resp = None
with self._cv:
while self._stop is False and resp is None:
......@@ -312,16 +323,26 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
"There are multiple consumers, so op_name cannot be None."))
# In output_buf, different Ops (according to op_name) have different
# cursors. In addition, there is a base_cursor. Their difference is
# the data_idx to be taken by the corresponding Op at the current
# time: data_idx = consumer_cursor - base_cursor
# base_cursor consumer_B_cursor (data_idx: 3)
# | |
# output_buf: | data0 | data1 | data2 | data3 |
# |
# consumer_A_cursor (data_idx: 0)
with self._cv:
# data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx
while self._stop is False and self._consumers[
op_name] - self._consumer_base_idx.value >= len(
# When the data required by the current Op is not in output_buf,
# it is necessary to obtain a data from queue and add it to output_buf.
while self._stop is False and self._consumer_cursors[
op_name] - self._base_cursor.value >= len(self._output_buf):
"({}) B self._consumers: {}, self._consumer_base_idx: {}, len(self._front_res): {}".
format(op_name, self._consumers, self.
_consumer_base_idx.value, len(self._front_res))))
"({}) B self._consumer_cursors: {}, self._base_cursor: {}, len(self._output_buf): {}".
format(op_name, self._consumer_cursors,
self._base_cursor.value, len(self._output_buf))))
self._log("{} try to get(with channel size: {})".format(
......@@ -333,7 +354,7 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
# - https://bugs.python.org/issue18277
# - https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/860fc6a2bd21
channeldata = self.get(timeout=1e-3)
except Queue.Empty:
......@@ -342,29 +363,31 @@ class ProcessChannel(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
format(op_name, self.qsize())))
consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name]
base_idx = self._consumer_base_idx.value
data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx
resp = self._front_res[data_idx]
consumer_cursor = self._consumer_cursors[op_name]
base_cursor = self._base_cursor.value
data_idx = consumer_cursor - base_cursor
resp = self._output_buf[data_idx]
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} get data: {}".format(op_name, resp)))
self._idx_consumer_num[consumer_idx] -= 1
if consumer_idx == base_idx and self._idx_consumer_num[
consumer_idx] == 0:
self._consumer_base_idx.value += 1
self._consumers[op_name] += 1
new_consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name]
if self._idx_consumer_num.get(new_consumer_idx) is None:
self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] = 0
self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] += 1
self._cursor_count[consumer_cursor] -= 1
if consumer_cursor == base_cursor and self._cursor_count[
consumer_cursor] == 0:
# When all the different Ops get the data that data_idx points
# to, pop the data from output_buf.
self._base_cursor.value += 1
self._consumer_cursors[op_name] += 1
new_consumer_cursor = self._consumer_cursors[op_name]
if self._cursor_count.get(new_consumer_cursor) is None:
self._cursor_count[new_consumer_cursor] = 0
self._cursor_count[new_consumer_cursor] += 1
"({}) A self._consumers: {}, self._consumer_base_idx: {}, len(self._front_res): {}".
format(op_name, self._consumers, self._consumer_base_idx.
value, len(self._front_res))))
"({}) A self._consumer_cursors: {}, self._base_cursor: {}, len(self._output_buf): {}".
format(op_name, self._consumer_cursors,
self._base_cursor.value, len(self._output_buf))))
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} notify all".format(op_name)))
......@@ -394,6 +417,17 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
1. The ID of the data in the channel must be different.
2. The function add_producer() and add_consumer() are not thread safe,
and can only be called during initialization.
There are two buffers and one queue in Channel:
op_A \ / op_D
op_B - a. input_buf -> b. queue -> c. output_buf - op_E
op_C / \ op_F
a. In input_buf, the input of multiple predecessor Ops is packed by data ID.
b. The packed data will be stored in queue.
c. In order to support multiple successor Ops to retrieve data, output_buf
maintains the data obtained from queue.
def __init__(self, name=None, maxsize=-1, timeout=None):
......@@ -406,19 +440,19 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
self._cv = threading.Condition()
self._producers = []
self._producer_res_count = {} # {data_id: count}
self._push_res = {} # {data_id: {op_name: data}}
self.pushed_producer_count = {} # {data_id: count}
self._input_buf = {} # {data_id: {op_name: data}}
self._consumers = {} # {op_name: idx}
self._idx_consumer_num = {} # {idx: num}
self._consumer_base_idx = 0
self._front_res = []
self._consumer_cursors = {} # {op_name: idx}
self._cursor_count = {} # {cursor: count}
self._base_cursor = 0
self._output_buf = []
def get_producers(self):
return self._producers
def get_consumers(self):
return self._consumers.keys()
return self._consumer_cursors.keys()
def _log(self, info_str):
return "[{}] {}".format(self.name, info_str)
......@@ -436,14 +470,14 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
def add_consumer(self, op_name):
""" not thread safe, and can only be called during initialization. """
if op_name in self._consumers:
if op_name in self._consumer_cursors:
raise ValueError(
self._log("consumer({}) is already in channel".format(op_name)))
self._consumers[op_name] = 0
self._consumer_cursors[op_name] = 0
if self._idx_consumer_num.get(0) is None:
self._idx_consumer_num[0] = 0
self._idx_consumer_num[0] += 1
if self._cursor_count.get(0) is None:
self._cursor_count[0] = 0
self._cursor_count[0] += 1
def push(self, channeldata, op_name=None):
......@@ -475,19 +509,19 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
put_data = None
with self._cv:
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} get lock".format(op_name)))
if data_id not in self._push_res:
self._push_res[data_id] = {
if data_id not in self._input_buf:
self._input_buf[data_id] = {
name: None
for name in self._producers
self._producer_res_count[data_id] = 0
self._push_res[data_id][op_name] = channeldata
if self._producer_res_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num:
put_data = self._push_res[data_id]
self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] = 0
self._input_buf[data_id][op_name] = channeldata
if self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] + 1 == producer_num:
put_data = self._input_buf[data_id]
self._producer_res_count[data_id] += 1
self.pushed_producer_count[data_id] += 1
if put_data is None:
......@@ -508,12 +542,12 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
def front(self, op_name=None):
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} try to get data".format(op_name)))
if len(self._consumers) == 0:
if len(self._consumer_cursors) == 0:
raise Exception(
"expected number of consumers to be greater than 0, but the it is 0."
elif len(self._consumers) == 1:
elif len(self._consumer_cursors) == 1:
resp = None
with self._cv:
while self._stop is False and resp is None:
......@@ -531,35 +565,48 @@ class ThreadChannel(Queue.Queue):
"There are multiple consumers, so op_name cannot be None."))
# In output_buf, different Ops (according to op_name) have different
# cursors. In addition, there is a base_cursor. Their difference is
# the data_idx to be taken by the corresponding Op at the current
# time: data_idx = consumer_cursor - base_cursor
# base_cursor consumer_B_cursor (data_idx: 3)
# | |
# output_buf: | data0 | data1 | data2 | data3 |
# |
# consumer_A_cursor (data_idx: 0)
with self._cv:
# data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx
while self._stop is False and self._consumers[
op_name] - self._consumer_base_idx >= len(self._front_res):
# When the data required by the current Op is not in output_buf,
# it is necessary to obtain a data from queue and add it to output_buf.
while self._stop is False and self._consumer_cursors[
op_name] - self._base_cursor >= len(self._output_buf):
channeldata = self.get(timeout=0)
except Queue.Empty:
consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name]
base_idx = self._consumer_base_idx
data_idx = consumer_idx - base_idx
resp = self._front_res[data_idx]
consumer_cursor = self._consumer_cursors[op_name]
base_cursor = self._base_cursor
data_idx = consumer_cursor - base_cursor
resp = self._output_buf[data_idx]
_LOGGER.debug(self._log("{} get data: {}".format(op_name, resp)))
self._idx_consumer_num[consumer_idx] -= 1
if consumer_idx == base_idx and self._idx_consumer_num[
consumer_idx] == 0:
self._consumer_base_idx += 1
self._consumers[op_name] += 1
new_consumer_idx = self._consumers[op_name]
if self._idx_consumer_num.get(new_consumer_idx) is None:
self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] = 0
self._idx_consumer_num[new_consumer_idx] += 1
self._cursor_count[consumer_cursor] -= 1
if consumer_cursor == base_cursor and self._cursor_count[
consumer_cursor] == 0:
# When all the different Ops get the data that data_idx points
# to, pop the data from output_buf.
self._base_cursor += 1
self._consumer_cursors[op_name] += 1
new_consumer_cursor = self._consumer_cursors[op_name]
if self._cursor_count.get(new_consumer_cursor) is None:
self._cursor_count[new_consumer_cursor] = 0
self._cursor_count[new_consumer_cursor] += 1
......@@ -146,9 +146,6 @@ class Op(object):
return fetch_dict
def stop(self):
for channel in self._outputs:
self._is_run = False
def _parse_channeldata(self, channeldata_dict):
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ class PipelineService(pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.PipelineServiceServicer):
self._globel_resp_dict = {}
self._id_counter = 0
self._retry = retry
self._is_run = True
self._pack_func = pack_func
self._unpack_func = unpack_func
self._recive_func = threading.Thread(
......@@ -91,8 +92,11 @@ class PipelineService(pipeline_service_pb2_grpc.PipelineServiceServicer):
self._out_channel = out_channel
def stop(self):
self._is_run = False
def _recive_out_channel_func(self):
while True:
while self._is_run:
channeldata_dict = self._out_channel.front(self.name)
if len(channeldata_dict) != 1:
raise Exception("out_channel cannot have multiple input ops")
......@@ -416,22 +420,26 @@ class PipelineServer(object):
return threads_or_proces
def _stop_ops(self):
def _stop_all(self, service):
for op in self._actual_ops:
for chl in self._channels:
def run_server(self):
op_threads_or_proces = self._run_ops()
service = PipelineService(self._in_channel, self._out_channel,
self._unpack_func, self._pack_func,
server = grpc.server(
PipelineService(self._in_channel, self._out_channel,
self._unpack_func, self._pack_func, self._retry),
self._stop_ops() # TODO
self._stop_all() # TODO
for x in op_threads_or_proces:
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