# Copyright (c) 2021 Institute for Quantum Computing, Baidu Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gc import math from functools import reduce from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from numpy import binary_repr, eye, identity import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import paddle from paddle.complex import kron as pp_kron from paddle.complex import reshape as complex_reshape from paddle.complex import matmul, transpose, trace from paddle.complex.tensor.math import elementwise_mul import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid import dygraph from paddle.fluid.layers import reshape, cast, eye, zeros from paddle.fluid.framework import ComplexVariable from paddle_quantum.simulator import StateTranfer, init_state_gen, measure_state from paddle_quantum.utils import dagger, pauli_str_to_matrix from paddle_quantum.intrinsic import * from paddle_quantum.state import density_op __all__ = [ "UAnsatz", "H_prob" ] class UAnsatz: r"""基于 PaddlePaddle 的动态图机制实现量子线路的 ``class`` 。 用户可以通过实例化该 ``class`` 来搭建自己的量子线路。 Attributes: n (int): 该线路的量子比特数 """ def __init__(self, n): r"""UAnsatz 的构造函数,用于实例化一个 UAnsatz 对象 Args: n (int): 该线路的量子比特数 """ self.n = n self.__state = None self.__run_state = '' # Record history of adding gates to the circuit self.__history = [] def run_state_vector(self, input_state=None, store_state=True): r"""运行当前的量子线路,输入输出的形式为态矢量。 Args: input_state (ComplexVariable, optional): 输入的态矢量,默认为 :math:`|00...0\rangle` store_state (Bool, optional): 是否存储输出的态矢量,默认为 ``True`` ,即存储 Returns: ComplexVariable: 量子线路输出的态矢量 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 2 theta = np.ones(3) input_state = np.ones(2**n)+0j input_state = input_state / np.linalg.norm(input_state) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): input_state_var = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(input_state) theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.rx(theta[0], 0) cir.ry(theta[1], 1) cir.rz(theta[2], 1) vec = cir.run_state_vector(input_state_var).numpy() print(f"The output state vector is {vec}") :: The output state vector is [0.17470783-0.09544332j 0.59544332+0.32529217j 0.17470783-0.09544332j 0.59544332+0.32529217j] """ state = init_state_gen(self.n, 0) if input_state is None else input_state old_shape = state.shape assert reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, old_shape) == 2 ** self.n, 'The length of the input vector is not right' state = complex_reshape(state, (2 ** self.n,)) state_conj = ComplexVariable(state.real, -state.imag) assert fluid.layers.abs(paddle.complex.sum(elementwise_mul(state_conj, state)).real - 1) < 1e-8, \ 'Input state is not a normalized vector' for history_ele in self.__history: if history_ele[0] == 'u': state = StateTranfer(state, 'u', history_ele[1], history_ele[2]) elif history_ele[0] in {'x', 'y', 'z', 'h'}: state = StateTranfer(state, history_ele[0], history_ele[1], params=history_ele[2]) elif history_ele[0] == 'SWAP': state = StateTranfer(state, 'SWAP', history_ele[1]) elif history_ele[0] == 'CNOT': state = StateTranfer(state, 'CNOT', history_ele[1]) if store_state: self.__state = state # Add info about which function user called self.__run_state = 'state_vector' return complex_reshape(state, old_shape) def run_density_matrix(self, input_state=None, store_state=True): r"""运行当前的量子线路,输入输出的形式为密度矩阵。 Args: input_state (ComplexVariable, optional): 输入的密度矩阵,默认为 :math:`|00...0\rangle \langle00...0|` store_state (bool, optional): 是否存储输出的密度矩阵,默认为 ``True`` ,即存储 Returns: ComplexVariable: 量子线路输出的密度矩阵 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 1 theta = np.ones(3) input_state = np.diag(np.arange(2**n))+0j input_state = input_state / np.trace(input_state) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): input_state_var = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(input_state) theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.rx(theta[0], 0) cir.ry(theta[1], 0) cir.rz(theta[2], 0) density = cir.run_density_matrix(input_state_var).numpy() print(f"The output density matrix is\n{density}") :: The output density matrix is [[ 0.35403671+0.j -0.47686058-0.03603751j] [-0.47686058+0.03603751j 0.64596329+0.j ]] """ state = dygraph.to_variable(density_op(self.n)) if input_state is None else input_state assert state.real.shape == [2 ** self.n, 2 ** self.n], "The dimension is not right" state = matmul(self.U, matmul(state, dagger(self.U))) if store_state: self.__state = state # Add info about which function user called self.__run_state = 'density_matrix' return state @property def U(self): r"""量子线路的酉矩阵形式。 Returns: ComplexVariable: 当前线路的酉矩阵表示 代码示例: .. code-block:: python from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 2 with fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(2) cir.h(0) cir.cnot([0, 1]) matrix = cir.U print("The unitary matrix of the circuit for Bell state preparation is\n",matrix.numpy()) :: The unitary matrix of the circuit for Bell state preparation is [[ 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j] [ 0. +0.j 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j 0.70710678+0.j] [ 0. +0.j 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j -0.70710678+0.j] [ 0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j -0.70710678+0.j 0. +0.j]] """ state = ComplexVariable(eye(2 ** self.n, dtype='float64'), zeros([2 ** self.n, 2 ** self.n], dtype='float64')) shape = (2 ** self.n, 2 ** self.n) num_ele = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape) state = ComplexVariable(reshape(state.real, [num_ele]), reshape(state.imag, [num_ele])) for history_ele in self.__history: if history_ele[0] == 'u': state = StateTranfer(state, 'u', history_ele[1], history_ele[2]) elif history_ele[0] in {'x', 'y', 'z', 'h'}: state = StateTranfer(state, history_ele[0], history_ele[1], params=history_ele[2]) elif history_ele[0] == 'SWAP': state = StateTranfer(state, 'SWAP', history_ele[1]) elif history_ele[0] == 'CNOT': state = StateTranfer(state, 'CNOT', history_ele[1]) return ComplexVariable(reshape(state.real, shape), reshape(state.imag, shape)) """ Common Gates """ def rx(self, theta, which_qubit): r"""添加关于 x 轴的单量子比特旋转门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \cos\frac{\theta}{2} & -i\sin\frac{\theta}{2} \\ -i\sin\frac{\theta}{2} & \cos\frac{\theta}{2} \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Variable): 旋转角度 which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz theta = np.array([np.pi], np.float64) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.rx(theta[0], which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [theta, dygraph.to_variable(np.array([-math.pi / 2])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([math.pi / 2]))]]) def ry(self, theta, which_qubit): r"""添加关于 y 轴的单量子比特旋转门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \cos\frac{\theta}{2} & -\sin\frac{\theta}{2} \\ \sin\frac{\theta}{2} & \cos\frac{\theta}{2} \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Variable): 旋转角度 which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz theta = np.array([np.pi], np.float64) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.ry(theta[0], which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [theta, dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0]))]]) def rz(self, theta, which_qubit): r"""添加关于 z 轴的单量子比特旋转门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\theta} \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Variable): 旋转角度 which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz theta = np.array([np.pi], np.float64) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.ry(theta[0], which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), theta]]) def cnot(self, control): r"""添加一个 CNOT 门。 对于 2 量子比特的量子线路,当 ``control`` 为 ``[0, 1]`` 时,其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{align} CNOT &=|0\rangle \langle 0|\otimes I + |1 \rangle \langle 1|\otimes X\\ &=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{align} Args: control (list): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,``control[0]`` 为控制位,``control[1]`` 为目标位,其值都应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz num_qubits = 2 with fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) cir.cnot([0, 1]) """ assert 0 <= control[0] < self.n and 0 <= control[1] < self.n,\ "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" assert control[0] != control[1], "the control qubit is the same as the target qubit" self.__history.append(['CNOT', control]) def swap(self, control): r"""添加一个 SWAP 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{align} SWAP &=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \end{align} Args: control (list): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,``control[0]`` 和``control[1]`` 是想要交换的位,其值都应该在 :math:`[0, n)`范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz num_qubits = 2 with fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) cir.swap([0, 1]) """ assert 0 <= control[0] < self.n and 0 <= control[1] < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" assert control[0] != control[1], "the indices needed to be swapped should not be the same" self.__history.append(['SWAP', control]) def x(self, which_qubit): r"""添加单量子比特 X 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的qubit的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with fluid.dygraph.guard(): num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.x(which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['x', [which_qubit], None]) def y(self, which_qubit): r"""添加单量子比特 Y 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with fluid.dygraph.guard(): num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.y(which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['y', [which_qubit], None]) def z(self, which_qubit): r"""添加单量子比特 Z 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的qubit的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 .. code-block:: python from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with fluid.dygraph.guard(): num_qubits = 1 cir = UAnsatz(num_qubits) which_qubit = 0 cir.z(which_qubit) """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['z', [which_qubit], None]) def h(self, which_qubit): r"""添加一个单量子比特的 Hadamard 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: H = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\1&-1 \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['h', [which_qubit], None]) def s(self, which_qubit): r"""添加一个单量子比特的 S 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: S = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0\\0&i \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([math.pi / 2]))]]) def t(self, which_qubit): r"""添加一个单量子比特的 T 门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: T = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0\\0&e^\frac{i\pi}{4} \end{bmatrix} Args: which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([0.0])), dygraph.to_variable(np.array([math.pi / 4]))]]) def u3(self, theta, phi, lam, which_qubit): r"""添加一个单量子比特的旋转门。 其矩阵形式为: .. math:: \begin{align} U3(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\frac\theta2&-e^{i\lambda}\sin\frac\theta2\\ e^{i\phi}\sin\frac\theta2&e^{i(\phi+\lambda)}\cos\frac\theta2 \end{bmatrix} \end{align} Args: theta (Variable): 旋转角度 :math:`\theta` 。 phi (Variable): 旋转角度 :math:`\phi` 。 lam (Variable): 旋转角度 :math:`\lambda` 。 which_qubit (int): 作用在的 qubit 的编号,其值应该在 :math:`[0, n)` 范围内, :math:`n` 为该量子线路的量子比特数 """ assert 0 <= which_qubit < self.n, "the qubit should >= 0 and < n(the number of qubit)" self.__history.append(['u', [which_qubit], [theta, phi, lam]]) def universal_2_qubit_gate(self, theta, which_qubits): r"""添加 2-qubit 通用门,这个通用门需要 15 个参数。 Args: theta (Variable): 2-qubit 通用门的参数,其维度为 ``(15, )`` which_qubits(list): 作用的量子比特编号 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 2 theta = np.ones(15) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.universal_2_qubit_gate(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), [0, 1]) cir.run_state_vector() print(cir.measure(shots = 0)) :: {'00': 0.4306256106527819, '01': 0.07994547866706268, '10': 0.07994547866706264, '11': 0.40948343201309334} """ assert len(theta.shape) == 1, 'The shape of theta is not right' assert len(theta) == 15, 'This Ansatz accepts 15 parameters' assert len(which_qubits) == 2, "You should add this gate on two qubits" a, b = which_qubits self.u3(theta[0], theta[1], theta[2], a) self.u3(theta[3], theta[4], theta[5], b) self.cnot([b, a]) self.rz(theta[6], a) self.ry(theta[7], b) self.cnot([a, b]) self.ry(theta[8], b) self.cnot([b, a]) self.u3(theta[9], theta[10], theta[11], a) self.u3(theta[12], theta[13], theta[14], b) def __u3qg_U(self, theta, which_qubits): r""" 用于构建 universal_3_qubit_gate """ self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.ry(theta[0], which_qubits[1]) self.cnot(which_qubits[:2]) self.ry(theta[1], which_qubits[1]) self.cnot(which_qubits[:2]) self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.h(which_qubits[2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[1], which_qubits[0]]) self.cnot([which_qubits[0], which_qubits[2]]) self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.rz(theta[2], which_qubits[2]) self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.cnot([which_qubits[0], which_qubits[2]]) def __u3qg_V(self, theta, which_qubits): r""" 用于构建 universal_3_qubit_gate """ self.cnot([which_qubits[2], which_qubits[0]]) self.cnot(which_qubits[:2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[2], which_qubits[1]]) self.ry(theta[0], which_qubits[2]) self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.ry(theta[1], which_qubits[2]) self.cnot(which_qubits[1:]) self.s(which_qubits[2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[2], which_qubits[0]]) self.cnot(which_qubits[:2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[1], which_qubits[0]]) self.h(which_qubits[2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[0], which_qubits[2]]) self.rz(theta[2], which_qubits[2]) self.cnot([which_qubits[0], which_qubits[2]]) def universal_3_qubit_gate(self, theta, which_qubits): r"""添加 3-qubit 通用门,这个通用门需要 81 个参数。 Note: 参考: https://cds.cern.ch/record/708846/files/0401178.pdf Args: theta (Variable): 3-qubit 通用门的参数,其维度为 ``(81, )`` which_qubits(list): 作用的量子比特编号 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 3 theta = np.ones(81) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.universal_3_qubit_gate(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), [0, 1, 2]) cir.run_state_vector() print(cir.measure(shots = 0)) :: {'000': 0.06697926831547105, '001': 0.13206788591381013, '010': 0.2806525391078656, '011': 0.13821526515701105, '100': 0.1390530116439897, '101': 0.004381404333075108, '110': 0.18403296778911565, '111': 0.05461765773966483} """ assert len(which_qubits) == 3, "You should add this gate on three qubits" assert len(theta) == 81, "The length of theta is supposed to be 81" psi = fluid.layers.reshape(x=theta[: 60], shape=[4, 15]) phi = fluid.layers.reshape(x=theta[60:], shape=[7, 3]) self.universal_2_qubit_gate(psi[0], which_qubits[:2]) self.u3(phi[0][0], phi[0][1], phi[0][2], which_qubits[2]) self.__u3qg_U(phi[1], which_qubits) self.universal_2_qubit_gate(psi[1], which_qubits[:2]) self.u3(phi[2][0], phi[2][1], phi[2][2], which_qubits[2]) self.__u3qg_V(phi[3], which_qubits) self.universal_2_qubit_gate(psi[2], which_qubits[:2]) self.u3(phi[4][0], phi[4][1], phi[4][2], which_qubits[2]) self.__u3qg_U(phi[5], which_qubits) self.universal_2_qubit_gate(psi[3], which_qubits[:2]) self.u3(phi[6][0], phi[6][1], phi[6][2], which_qubits[2]) """ Measurements """ def __process_string(self, s, which_qubits): r""" This functions return part of string s baesd on which_qubits If s = 'abcdefg', which_qubits = [0,2,5], then it returns 'acf' Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ new_s = ''.join(s[j] for j in which_qubits) return new_s def __process_similiar(self, result): r""" This functions merges values based on identical keys. If result = [('00', 10), ('01', 20), ('11', 30), ('11', 40), ('11', 50), ('00', 60)], then it returns {'00': 70, '01': 20, '11': 120} Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ data = defaultdict(int) for idx, val in result: data[idx] += val return dict(data) def __measure_hist(self, result, which_qubits, shots): r"""将测量的结果以柱状图的形式呈现。 Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 Args: result (dictionary): 测量结果 which_qubits (list): 测量的量子比特,如测量所有则是 ``None`` shots(int): 测量次数 Returns dict: 测量结果 """ n = self.n if which_qubits is None else len(which_qubits) assert n < 6, "Too many qubits to plot" ylabel = "Measured Probabilities" if shots == 0: shots = 1 ylabel = "Probabilities" state_list = [np.binary_repr(index, width=n) for index in range(0, 2 ** n)] freq = [] for state in state_list: freq.append(result.get(state, 0.0) / shots) plt.bar(range(2 ** n), freq, tick_label=state_list) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlabel("Qubit State") plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.show() return result # Which_qubits is list-like def measure(self, which_qubits=None, shots=2 ** 10, plot=False): r"""对量子线路输出的量子态进行测量。 Warning: 当 ``plot`` 为 ``True`` 时,当前量子线路的量子比特数需要小于 6 ,否则无法绘制图片,会抛出异常。 Args: which_qubits (list, optional): 要测量的qubit的编号,默认全都测量 shots (int, optional): 该量子线路输出的量子态的测量次数,默认为 1024 次;若为 0,则返回测量结果的精确概率分布 plot (bool, optional): 是否绘制测量结果图,默认为 ``False`` ,即不绘制 Returns: dict: 测量的结果 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(2) cir.h(0) cir.cnot([0,1]) cir.run_state_vector() result = cir.measure(shots = 2048, which_qubits = [1]) print(f"The results of measuring qubit 1 2048 times are {result}") :: The results of measuring qubit 1 2048 times are {'0': 964, '1': 1084} .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(2) cir.h(0) cir.cnot([0,1]) cir.run_state_vector() result = cir.measure(shots = 0, which_qubits = [1]) print(f"The probability distribution of measurement results on qubit 1 is {result}") :: The probability distribution of measurement results on qubit 1 is {'0': 0.4999999999999999, '1': 0.4999999999999999} """ if self.__run_state == 'state_vector': state = self.__state elif self.__run_state == 'density_matrix': # Take the diagonal of the density matrix as a probability distribution diag = np.diag(self.__state.numpy()) state = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(np.sqrt(diag)) else: # Raise error raise ValueError("no state for measurement; please run the circuit first") if shots == 0: # Returns probability distribution over all measurement results dic2to10, dic10to2 = dic_between2and10(self.n) result = {} for i in range(2 ** self.n): result[dic10to2[i]] = (state.real[i] ** 2 + state.imag[i] ** 2).numpy()[0] if which_qubits is not None: new_result = [(self.__process_string(key, which_qubits), value) for key, value in result.items()] result = self.__process_similiar(new_result) else: if which_qubits is None: # Return all the qubits result = measure_state(state, shots) else: assert all([e < self.n for e in which_qubits]), 'Qubit index out of range' which_qubits.sort() # Sort in ascending order collapse_all = measure_state(state, shots) new_collapse_all = [(self.__process_string(key, which_qubits), value) for key, value in collapse_all.items()] result = self.__process_similiar(new_collapse_all) return result if not plot else self.__measure_hist(result, which_qubits, shots) def expecval(self, H): r"""量子线路输出的量子态关于可观测量 H 的期望值。 Hint: 如果想输入的可观测量的矩阵为 :math:`0.7Z\otimes X\otimes I+0.2I\otimes Z\otimes I` 。则 ``H`` 应为 ``[[0.7, 'z0,x1'], [0.2, 'z1']]`` 。 Args: H (list): 可观测量的相关信息 Returns: Variable: 量子线路输出的量子态关于 H 的期望值 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 5 H_info = [[0.1, 'x1'], [0.2, 'y0,z4']] theta = np.ones(3) input_state = np.ones(2**n)+0j input_state = input_state / np.linalg.norm(input_state) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): input_state_var = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(input_state) theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.rx(theta[0], 0) cir.rz(theta[1], 1) cir.rx(theta[2], 2) cir.run_state_vector(input_state_var) expect_value = cir.expecval(H_info).numpy() print(f'Calculated expectation value of {H_info} is {expect_value}') :: Calculated expectation value of [[0.1, 'x1'], [0.2, 'y0,z4']] is [0.05403023] .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 5 H_info = [[0.1, 'x1'], [0.2, 'y0,z4']] theta = np.ones(3) input_state = np.diag(np.arange(2**n))+0j input_state = input_state / np.trace(input_state) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): input_state_var = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(input_state) theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.rx(theta[0], 0) cir.ry(theta[1], 1) cir.rz(theta[2], 2) cir.run_density_matrix(input_state_var) expect_value = cir.expecval(H_info).numpy() print(f'Calculated expectation value of {H_info} is {expect_value}') :: Calculated expectation value of [[0.1, 'x1'], [0.2, 'y0,z4']] is [-0.02171538] """ if self.__run_state == 'state_vector': return vec_expecval(H, self.__state).real elif self.__run_state == 'density_matrix': state = self.__state H_mat = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(pauli_str_to_matrix(H, self.n)) return trace(matmul(state, H_mat)).real else: # Raise error raise ValueError("no state for measurement; please run the circuit first") """ Circuit Templates """ def superposition_layer(self): r"""添加一层 Hadamard 门。 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(2) cir.superposition_layer() cir.run_state_vector() result = cir.measure(shots = 0) print(f"The probability distribution of measurement results on both qubits is {result}") :: The probability distribution of measurement results on both qubits is {'00': 0.2499999999999999, '01': 0.2499999999999999, '10': 0.2499999999999999, '11': 0.2499999999999999} """ for i in range(self.n): self.h(i) def weak_superposition_layer(self): r"""添加一层旋转角度为 :math:`\pi/4` 的 Ry 门。 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(): cir = UAnsatz(2) cir.weak_superposition_layer() cir.run_state_vector() result = cir.measure(shots = 0) print(f"The probability distribution of measurement results on both qubits is {result}") :: The probability distribution of measurement results on both qubits is {'00': 0.7285533905932737, '01': 0.12500000000000003, '10': 0.12500000000000003, '11': 0.021446609406726238} """ _theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(np.array([np.pi / 4])) # Used in fixed Ry gate for i in range(self.n): self.ry(_theta, i) def real_entangled_layer(self, theta, depth, which_qubits=None): r"""添加 ``depth`` 层包含 Ry 门和 CNOT 门的强纠缠层。 Note: 这一层量子门的数学表示形式为实数酉矩阵。 Attention: ``theta`` 的维度为 ``(depth, n, 1)`` Args: theta (Variable): Ry 门的旋转角度 depth (int): 纠缠层的深度 which_qubits(list): 作用的量子比特编号 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 2 DEPTH = 3 theta = np.ones([DEPTH, n, 1]) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.real_entangled_layer(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), DEPTH, [0, 1]) cir.run_state_vector() print(cir.measure(shots = 0)) :: {'00': 2.52129874867343e-05, '01': 0.295456784923382, '10': 0.7045028818254718, '11': 1.5120263659845063e-05} """ assert self.n > 1, 'you need at least 2 qubits' assert len(theta.shape) == 3, 'the shape of theta is not right' assert theta.shape[2] == 1, 'the shape of theta is not right' #assert theta.shape[1] == self.n, 'the shape of theta is not right' assert theta.shape[0] == depth, 'the depth of theta has a mismatch' if which_qubits is None: which_qubits = np.arange(self.n) for repeat in range(depth): for i, q in enumerate(which_qubits): self.ry(theta=theta[repeat][i][0], which_qubit=q) for i in range(len(which_qubits) - 1): self.cnot([which_qubits[i], which_qubits[i + 1]]) self.cnot([which_qubits[-1], which_qubits[0]]) def complex_entangled_layer(self, theta, depth, which_qubits=None): r"""添加 ``depth`` 层包含 U3 门和 CNOT 门的强纠缠层。 Note: 这一层量子门的数学表示形式为复数酉矩阵。 Attention: ``theta`` 的维度为 ``(depth, n, 3)`` ,最低维内容为对应的 ``u3`` 的参数 ``(theta, phi, lam)`` Args: theta (Variable): U3 门的旋转角度 depth (int): 纠缠层的深度 which_qubits(list): 作用的量子比特编号 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz n = 2 DEPTH = 3 theta = np.ones([DEPTH, n, 1]) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.complex_entangled_layer(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), DEPTH, [0, 1]) cir.run_state_vector() print(cir.measure(shots = 0)) :: {'00': 0.15032627279218896, '01': 0.564191201239618, '10': 0.03285998070292556, '11': 0.25262254526526823} """ assert self.n > 1, 'you need at least 2 qubits' assert len(theta.shape) == 3, 'the shape of theta is not right' assert theta.shape[2] == 3, 'the shape of theta is not right' # assert theta.shape[1] == self.n, 'the shape of theta is not right' assert theta.shape[0] == depth, 'the depth of theta has a mismatch' if which_qubits is None: which_qubits = np.arange(self.n) for repeat in range(depth): for i, q in enumerate(which_qubits): self.u3(theta[repeat][i][0], theta[repeat][i][1], theta[repeat][i][2], which_qubit=q) for i in range(len(which_qubits) - 1): self.cnot([which_qubits[i], which_qubits[i + 1]]) self.cnot([which_qubits[-1], which_qubits[0]]) def __add_real_block(self, theta, position): r""" Add a real block to the circuit in (position). theta is a one dimensional tensor Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ assert len(theta) == 4, 'the length of theta is not right' assert 0 <= position[0] < self.n and 0 <= position[1] < self.n, 'position is out of range' self.ry(theta[0], position[0]) self.ry(theta[1], position[1]) self.cnot([position[0], position[1]]) self.ry(theta[2], position[0]) self.ry(theta[3], position[1]) def __add_complex_block(self, theta, position): r""" Add a complex block to the circuit in (position). theta is a one dimensional tensor Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ assert len(theta) == 12, 'the length of theta is not right' assert 0 <= position[0] < self.n and 0 <= position[1] < self.n, 'position is out of range' self.u3(theta[0], theta[1], theta[2], position[0]) self.u3(theta[3], theta[4], theta[5], position[1]) self.cnot([position[0], position[1]]) self.u3(theta[6], theta[7], theta[8], position[0]) self.u3(theta[9], theta[10], theta[11], position[1]) def __add_real_layer(self, theta, position): r""" Add a real layer on the circuit. theta is a two dimensional tensor. position is the qubit range the layer needs to cover Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ assert theta.shape[1] == 4 and theta.shape[0] == (position[1] - position[0] + 1) / 2,\ 'the shape of theta is not right' for i in range(position[0], position[1], 2): self.__add_real_block(theta[int((i - position[0]) / 2)], [i, i + 1]) def __add_complex_layer(self, theta, position): r""" Add a complex layer on the circuit. theta is a two dimensional tensor. position is the qubit range the layer needs to cover Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ assert theta.shape[1] == 12 and theta.shape[0] == (position[1] - position[0] + 1) / 2,\ 'the shape of theta is not right' for i in range(position[0], position[1], 2): self.__add_complex_block(theta[int((i - position[0]) / 2)], [i, i + 1]) def real_block_layer(self, theta, depth): r"""添加 ``depth`` 层包含 Ry 门和 CNOT 门的弱纠缠层。 Note: 这一层量子门的数学表示形式为实数酉矩阵。 Attention: ``theta`` 的维度为 ``(depth, n-1, 4)`` Args: theta(Variable): Ry 门的旋转角度 depth(int): 纠缠层的深度 代码示例: .. code-block:: python n = 4 DEPTH = 3 theta = np.ones([DEPTH, n-1, 4]) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.real_block_layer(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), DEPTH) cir.run_density_matrix() print(cir.measure(shots = 0, which_qubits = [0])) :: {'0': 0.9646724056906162, '1': 0.035327594309385896} """ assert self.n > 1, 'you need at least 2 qubits' assert len(theta.shape) == 3, 'The dimension of theta is not right' _depth, m, block = theta.shape assert depth > 0, 'depth must be greater than zero' assert _depth == depth, 'the depth of parameters has a mismatch' assert m == self.n - 1 and block == 4, 'The shape of theta is not right' if self.n % 2 == 0: for i in range(depth): self.__add_real_layer(theta[i][:int(self.n / 2)], [0, self.n - 1]) self.__add_real_layer(theta[i][int(self.n / 2):], [1, self.n - 2]) if self.n > 2 else None else: for i in range(depth): self.__add_real_layer(theta[i][:int((self.n - 1) / 2)], [0, self.n - 2]) self.__add_real_layer(theta[i][int((self.n - 1) / 2):], [1, self.n - 1]) def complex_block_layer(self, theta, depth): r"""添加 ``depth`` 层包含 U3 门和 CNOT 门的弱纠缠层。 Note: 这一层量子门的数学表示形式为复数酉矩阵。 Attention: ``theta`` 的维度为 ``(depth, n-1, 12)`` Args: theta (Variable): U3 门的角度信息 depth (int): 纠缠层的深度 代码示例: .. code-block:: python n = 4 DEPTH = 3 theta = np.ones([DEPTH, n-1, 12]) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.complex_block_layer(fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta), DEPTH) cir.run_density_matrix() print(cir.measure(shots = 0, which_qubits = [0])) :: {'0': 0.5271554811768046, '1': 0.4728445188231988} """ assert self.n > 1, 'you need at least 2 qubits' assert len(theta.shape) == 3, 'The dimension of theta is not right' assert depth > 0, 'depth must be greater than zero' _depth, m, block = theta.shape assert _depth == depth, 'the depth of parameters has a mismatch' assert m == self.n - 1 and block == 12, 'The shape of theta is not right' if self.n % 2 == 0: for i in range(depth): self.__add_complex_layer(theta[i][:int(self.n / 2)], [0, self.n - 1]) self.__add_complex_layer(theta[i][int(self.n / 2):], [1, self.n - 2]) if self.n > 2 else None else: for i in range(depth): self.__add_complex_layer(theta[i][:int((self.n - 1) / 2)], [0, self.n - 2]) self.__add_complex_layer(theta[i][int((self.n - 1) / 2):], [1, self.n - 1]) def __local_H_prob(cir, hamiltonian, shots=1024): r""" 构造出 Pauli 测量电路并测量 ancilla,处理实验结果来得到 ``H`` (只有一项)期望值的实验测量值。 Note: 这是内部函数,你并不需要直接调用到该函数。 """ # Add one ancilla, which we later measure and process the result new_cir = UAnsatz(cir.n + 1) input_state = pp_kron(cir.run_state_vector(store_state=False), init_state_gen(1)) # Used in fixed Rz gate _theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(np.array([-np.pi / 2])) op_list = hamiltonian.split(',') # Set up pauli measurement circuit for op in op_list: element = op[0] index = int(op[1:]) if element == 'x': new_cir.h(index) new_cir.cnot([index, cir.n]) elif element == 'z': new_cir.cnot([index, cir.n]) elif element == 'y': new_cir.rz(_theta, index) new_cir.h(index) new_cir.cnot([index, cir.n]) new_cir.run_state_vector(input_state) prob_result = new_cir.measure(shots=shots, which_qubits=[cir.n]) if shots > 0: if len(prob_result) == 1: if '0' in prob_result: result = (prob_result['0']) / shots else: result = (prob_result['1']) / shots else: result = (prob_result['0'] - prob_result['1']) / shots else: result = (prob_result['0'] - prob_result['1']) return result def H_prob(cir, H, shots=1024): r"""构造 Pauli 测量电路并测量关于 H 的期望值。 Args: cir (UAnsatz): UAnsatz 的一个实例化对象 H (list): 记录哈密顿量信息的列表 shots (int, optional): 默认为 1024,表示测量次数;若为 0,则表示返回测量期望值的精确值,即测量无穷次后的期望值 Returns: float: 测量得到的H的期望值 代码示例: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle_quantum.circuit import UAnsatz, H_prob n = 4 theta = np.ones(3) experiment_shots = 2**10 H_info = [[0.1, 'x2'], [0.3, 'y1,z3']] input_state = np.ones(2**n)+0j input_state = input_state / np.linalg.norm(input_state) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): theta = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(theta) cir = UAnsatz(n) cir.rx(theta[0], 0) cir.ry(theta[1], 1) cir.rz(theta[2], 1) result_1 = H_prob(cir, H_info, shots = experiment_shots) result_2 = H_prob(cir, H_info, shots = 0) print(f'The expectation value obtained by {experiment_shots} measurements is {result_1}') print(f'The accurate expectation value of H is {result_2}') :: The expectation value obtained by 1024 measurements is 0.2326171875 The accurate expectation value of H is 0.21242202548207134 """ expval = 0 for term in H: expval += term[0] * __local_H_prob(cir, term[1], shots=shots) return expval