# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import paddle.fluid.layers as F import paddle.fluid.initializer as I import paddle.fluid.dygraph as dg from parakeet.modules.weight_norm import Conv1D, Linear from parakeet.models.deepvoice3.conv1dglu import Conv1DGLU from parakeet.models.deepvoice3.encoder import ConvSpec from parakeet.models.deepvoice3.attention import Attention, WindowRange from parakeet.models.deepvoice3.position_embedding import PositionEmbedding def gen_mask(valid_lengths, max_len, dtype="float32"): """ Generate a mask tensor from valid lengths. note that it return a *reverse* mask. Indices within valid lengths correspond to 0, and those within padding area correspond to 1. Assume that valid_lengths = [2,5,7], and max_len = 7, the generated mask is [[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]. Args: valid_lengths (Variable): shape(B, ), dtype: int64. A rank-1 Tensor containing the valid lengths (timesteps) of each example, where B means beatch_size. max_len (int): The length (number of time steps) of the mask. dtype (str, optional): A string that specifies the data type of the returned mask. Defaults to 'float32'. Returns: mask (Variable): shape(B, max_len), dtype: float, a mask computed from valid lengths. """ mask = F.sequence_mask(valid_lengths, maxlen=max_len, dtype=dtype) mask = 1 - mask return mask def fold_adjacent_frames(frames, r): """fold multiple adjacent frames. Args: frames (Variable): shape(B, T, C), the spectrogram. r (int): frames per step. Returns: Variable: shape(B, T // r, r * C), folded frames. """ if r == 1: return frames batch_size, time_steps, channels = frames.shape if time_steps % r != 0: print( "time_steps cannot be divided by r, you would lose {} tailing frames" .format(time_steps % r)) frames = frames[:, :time_steps - time_steps % r, :] frames = F.reshape(frames, (batch_size, -1, channels * r)) return frames def unfold_adjacent_frames(folded_frames, r): """unfold the folded frames. Args: folded_frames (Variable): shape(B, T, C), the folded spectrogram. r (int): frames per step. Returns: Variable: shape(B, T * r, C // r), unfolded frames. """ if r == 1: return folded_frames batch_size, time_steps, channels = folded_frames.shape folded_frames = F.reshape(folded_frames, (batch_size, -1, channels // r)) return folded_frames class Decoder(dg.Layer): def __init__(self, n_speakers, speaker_dim, embed_dim, mel_dim, r=1, max_positions=512, preattention=(ConvSpec(128, 5, 1), ) * 4, convolutions=(ConvSpec(128, 5, 1), ) * 4, attention=True, dropout=0.0, use_memory_mask=False, force_monotonic_attention=False, query_position_rate=1.0, key_position_rate=1.0, window_range=WindowRange(-1, 3), key_projection=True, value_projection=True): """Decoder of the Deep Voice 3 model. Args: n_speakers (int): number of speakers. speaker_dim (int): speaker embedding size. embed_dim (int): text embedding size. mel_dim (int): channel of mel input.(mel bands) r (int, optional): number of frames generated per decoder step. Defaults to 1. max_positions (int, optional): max position for text and decoder steps. Defaults to 512. convolutions (Iterable[ConvSpec], optional): specification of causal convolutional layers inside the decoder. ConvSpec is a namedtuple of output_channels, filter_size and dilation. Defaults to (ConvSpec(128, 5, 1), )*4. attention (bool or List[bool], optional): whether to use attention, it should have the same length with `convolutions` if it is a list of bool, indicating whether to have an Attention layer coupled with the corresponding convolutional layer. If it is a bool, it is repeated len(convolutions) times internally. Defaults to True. dropout (float, optional): dropout probability. Defaults to 0.0. use_memory_mask (bool, optional): whether to use memory mask at the Attention layer. It should have the same length with `attention` if it is a list of bool, indicating whether to use memory mask at the corresponding Attention layer. If it is a bool, it is repeated len(attention) times internally. Defaults to False. force_monotonic_attention (bool, optional): whether to use monotonic_attention at the Attention layer when inferencing. It should have the same length with `attention` if it is a list of bool, indicating whether to use monotonic_attention at the corresponding Attention layer. If it is a bool, it is repeated len(attention) times internally. Defaults to False. query_position_rate (float, optional): position_rate of the PositionEmbedding for query. Defaults to 1.0. key_position_rate (float, optional): position_rate of the PositionEmbedding for key. Defaults to 1.0. window_range (WindowRange, optional): window range of monotonic attention. Defaults to WindowRange(-1, 3). key_projection (bool, optional): `key_projection` of Attention layers. Defaults to True. value_projection (bool, optional): `value_projection` of Attention layers Defaults to True. """ super(Decoder, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout self.mel_dim = mel_dim self.r = r self.query_position_rate = query_position_rate self.key_position_rate = key_position_rate self.window_range = window_range self.n_speakers = n_speakers conv_channels = convolutions[0].out_channels # only when padding idx is 0 can we easilt handle it self.embed_keys_positions = PositionEmbedding(max_positions, embed_dim) self.embed_query_positions = PositionEmbedding(max_positions, conv_channels) if n_speakers > 1: std = np.sqrt((1 - dropout) / speaker_dim) self.speaker_proj1 = Linear( speaker_dim, 1, act="sigmoid", param_attr=I.Normal(scale=std)) self.speaker_proj2 = Linear( speaker_dim, 1, act="sigmoid", param_attr=I.Normal(scale=std)) # prenet self.prenet = dg.LayerList() in_channels = mel_dim * r # multiframe std_mul = 1.0 for (out_channels, filter_size, dilation) in preattention: if in_channels != out_channels: # conv1d & relu std = np.sqrt(std_mul / in_channels) self.prenet.append( Conv1D( in_channels, out_channels, 1, act="relu", param_attr=I.Normal(scale=std))) in_channels = out_channels std_mul = 2.0 self.prenet.append( Conv1DGLU( n_speakers, speaker_dim, in_channels, out_channels, filter_size, dilation, std_mul, dropout, causal=True, residual=True)) in_channels = out_channels std_mul = 4.0 # attention self.use_memory_mask = use_memory_mask if isinstance(attention, bool): self.attention = [attention] * len(convolutions) else: self.attention = attention if isinstance(force_monotonic_attention, bool): self.force_monotonic_attention = [force_monotonic_attention ] * len(convolutions) else: self.force_monotonic_attention = force_monotonic_attention for x, y in zip(self.force_monotonic_attention, self.attention): if x is True and y is False: raise ValueError("When not using attention, there is no " "monotonic attention at all") # causual convolution & attention self.conv_attn = [] for use_attention, (out_channels, filter_size, dilation) in zip(self.attention, convolutions): assert ( in_channels == out_channels ), "the stack of convolution & attention does not change channels" conv_layer = Conv1DGLU( n_speakers, speaker_dim, in_channels, out_channels, filter_size, dilation, std_mul, dropout, causal=True, residual=False) attn_layer = Attention( out_channels, embed_dim, dropout, window_range, key_projection=key_projection, value_projection=value_projection) if use_attention else None in_channels = out_channels std_mul = 4.0 self.conv_attn.append((conv_layer, attn_layer)) for i, (conv_layer, attn_layer) in enumerate(self.conv_attn): self.add_sublayer("conv_{}".format(i), conv_layer) if attn_layer is not None: self.add_sublayer("attn_{}".format(i), attn_layer) # 1 * 1 conv to transform channels std = np.sqrt(std_mul * (1 - dropout) / in_channels) self.last_conv = Conv1D( in_channels, mel_dim * r, 1, param_attr=I.Normal(scale=std)) # mel (before sigmoid) to done hat std = np.sqrt(1 / in_channels) self.fc = Conv1D(mel_dim * r, 1, 1, param_attr=I.Normal(scale=std)) # decoding configs self.max_decoder_steps = 200 self.min_decoder_steps = 10 assert convolutions[-1].out_channels % r == 0, \ "decoder_state dim must be divided by r" self.state_dim = convolutions[-1].out_channels // self.r def forward(self, encoder_out, lengths, frames, text_positions, frame_positions, speaker_embed=None): """ Compute decoder outputs with ground truth mel spectrogram. Args: encoder_out (keys, values): keys (Variable): shape(B, T_enc, C_emb), dtype: float, the key representation from an encoder, where C_emb means text embedding size. values (Variable): shape(B, T_enc, C_emb), dtype: float, the value representation from an encoder, where C_emb means text embedding size. lengths (Variable): shape(batch_size,), dtype: int64, valid lengths of text inputs for each example. inputs (Variable): shape(B, T_mel, C_mel), ground truth mel-spectrogram, which is used as decoder inputs when training. text_positions (Variable): shape(B, T_enc), dtype: int64. Positions indices for text inputs for the encoder, where T_enc means the encoder timesteps. frame_positions (Variable): shape(B, T_mel // r), dtype: int64. Positions indices for each decoder time steps. speaker_embed (Variable, optionals): shape(batch_size, speaker_dim), speaker embedding, only used for multispeaker model. Returns: outputs (Variable): shape(B, T_mel, C_mel), dtype: float, decoder outputs, where C_mel means the channels of mel-spectrogram, T_mel means the length(time steps) of mel spectrogram. alignments (Variable): shape(N, B, T_mel // r, T_enc), dtype: float, the alignment tensor between the decoder and the encoder, where N means number of Attention Layers, T_mel means the length of mel spectrogram, r means the outputs per decoder step, T_enc means the encoder time steps. done (Variable): shape(B, T_mel // r), dtype: float, probability that the last frame has been generated. decoder_states (Variable): shape(B, T_mel, C_dec // r), ddtype: float, decoder hidden states, where C_dec means the channels of decoder states (the output channels of the last `convolutions`). Note that it should be perfectlt devided by `r`. """ if speaker_embed is not None: speaker_embed = F.dropout( speaker_embed, self.dropout, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train") keys, values = encoder_out enc_time_steps = keys.shape[1] if self.use_memory_mask and lengths is not None: mask = gen_mask(lengths, enc_time_steps) else: mask = None if text_positions is not None: w = self.key_position_rate if self.n_speakers > 1: w = w * F.squeeze(self.speaker_proj1(speaker_embed), [-1]) text_pos_embed = self.embed_keys_positions(text_positions, w) keys += text_pos_embed # (B, T, C) if frame_positions is not None: w = self.query_position_rate if self.n_speakers > 1: w = w * F.squeeze(self.speaker_proj2(speaker_embed), [-1]) frame_pos_embed = self.embed_query_positions(frame_positions, w) else: frame_pos_embed = None # pack multiple frames if necessary frames = fold_adjacent_frames(frames, self.r) # assume (B, T, C) input # (B, C, T) frames = F.transpose(frames, [0, 2, 1]) x = frames x = F.dropout( x, self.dropout, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train") # Prenet for layer in self.prenet: if isinstance(layer, Conv1DGLU): x = layer(x, speaker_embed) else: x = layer(x) # Convolution & Multi-hop Attention alignments = [] for (conv, attn) in self.conv_attn: residual = x x = conv(x, speaker_embed) if attn is not None: x = F.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]) # (B, T, C) if frame_pos_embed is not None: x = x + frame_pos_embed x, attn_scores = attn(x, (keys, values), mask) alignments.append(attn_scores) x = F.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]) #(B, C, T) x = F.scale(residual + x, np.sqrt(0.5)) alignments = F.stack(alignments) decoder_states = x x = self.last_conv(x) outputs = F.sigmoid(x) done = F.sigmoid(self.fc(x)) outputs = F.transpose(outputs, [0, 2, 1]) decoder_states = F.transpose(decoder_states, [0, 2, 1]) done = F.squeeze(done, [1]) outputs = unfold_adjacent_frames(outputs, self.r) decoder_states = unfold_adjacent_frames(decoder_states, self.r) return outputs, alignments, done, decoder_states @property def receptive_field(self): """Whole receptive field of the causally convolutional decoder.""" r = 1 for conv in self.prenet: r += conv.dilation[1] * (conv.filter_size[1] - 1) for (conv, _) in self.conv_attn: r += conv.dilation[1] * (conv.filter_size[1] - 1) return r def start_sequence(self): """Prepare the Decoder to decode. This method is called by `decode`. """ for layer in self.prenet: if isinstance(layer, Conv1DGLU): layer.start_sequence() for conv, _ in self.conv_attn: if isinstance(conv, Conv1DGLU): conv.start_sequence() def decode(self, encoder_out, text_positions, speaker_embed=None, test_inputs=None): """Decode from the encoder's output and other conditions. Args: encoder_out (keys, values): keys (Variable): shape(B, T_enc, C_emb), dtype: float, the key representation from an encoder, where C_emb means text embedding size. values (Variable): shape(B, T_enc, C_emb), dtype: float, the value representation from an encoder, where C_emb means text embedding size. text_positions (Variable): shape(B, T_enc), dtype: int64. Positions indices for text inputs for the encoder, where T_enc means the encoder timesteps. speaker_embed (Variable, optional): shape(B, C_sp), speaker embedding, only used for multispeaker model. test_inputs (Variable, optional): shape(B, T_test, C_mel). test input, it is only used for debugging. Defaults to None. Returns: outputs (Variable): shape(B, T_mel, C_mel), dtype: float, decoder outputs, where C_mel means the channels of mel-spectrogram, T_mel means the length(time steps) of mel spectrogram. alignments (Variable): shape(N, B, T_mel // r, T_enc), dtype: float, the alignment tensor between the decoder and the encoder, where N means number of Attention Layers, T_mel means the length of mel spectrogram, r means the outputs per decoder step, T_enc means the encoder time steps. done (Variable): shape(B, T_mel // r), dtype: float, probability that the last frame has been generated. If the probability is larger than 0.5 at a step, the generation stops. decoder_states (Variable): shape(B, T_mel, C_dec // r), ddtype: float, decoder hidden states, where C_dec means the channels of decoder states (the output channels of the last `convolutions`). Note that it should be perfectlt devided by `r`. Note: Only single instance inference is supported now, so B = 1. """ self.start_sequence() keys, values = encoder_out batch_size = keys.shape[0] assert batch_size == 1, "now only supports single instance inference" mask = None # no mask because we use single instance decoding # no dropout in inference if speaker_embed is not None: speaker_embed = F.dropout( speaker_embed, self.dropout, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train") # since we use single example inference, there is no text_mask if text_positions is not None: w = self.key_position_rate if self.n_speakers > 1: # shape (B, ) w = w * F.squeeze(self.speaker_proj1(speaker_embed), [-1]) text_pos_embed = self.embed_keys_positions(text_positions, w) keys += text_pos_embed # (B, T, C) # statr decoding decoder_states = [] # (B, C, 1) tensors mel_outputs = [] # (B, C, 1) tensors alignments = [] # (B, 1, T_enc) tensors dones = [] # (B, 1, 1) tensors last_attended = [None] * len(self.conv_attn) for idx, monotonic_attn in enumerate(self.force_monotonic_attention): if monotonic_attn: last_attended[idx] = 0 if test_inputs is not None: # pack multiple frames if necessary # assume (B, T, C) input test_inputs = fold_adjacent_frames(test_inputs, self.r) test_inputs = F.transpose(test_inputs, [0, 2, 1]) initial_input = F.zeros( (batch_size, self.mel_dim * self.r, 1), dtype=keys.dtype) t = 0 # decoder time step while True: frame_pos = F.fill_constant( (batch_size, 1), value=t + 1, dtype="int64") w = self.query_position_rate if self.n_speakers > 1: w = w * F.squeeze(self.speaker_proj2(speaker_embed), [-1]) # (B, T=1, C) frame_pos_embed = self.embed_query_positions(frame_pos, w) if test_inputs is not None: if t >= test_inputs.shape[-1]: break current_input = test_inputs[:, :, t:t + 1] else: if t > 0: current_input = mel_outputs[-1] # auto-regressive else: current_input = initial_input x_t = current_input x_t = F.dropout( x_t, self.dropout, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train") # Prenet for layer in self.prenet: if isinstance(layer, Conv1DGLU): x_t = layer.add_input(x_t, speaker_embed) else: x_t = layer(x_t) # (B, C, T=1) step_attn_scores = [] # causal convolutions + multi-hop attentions for i, (conv, attn) in enumerate(self.conv_attn): residual = x_t #(B, C, T=1) x_t = conv.add_input(x_t, speaker_embed) if attn is not None: x_t = F.transpose(x_t, [0, 2, 1]) if frame_pos_embed is not None: x_t += frame_pos_embed x_t, attn_scores = attn(x_t, (keys, values), mask, last_attended[i] if test_inputs is None else None) x_t = F.transpose(x_t, [0, 2, 1]) step_attn_scores.append(attn_scores) #(B, T_dec=1, T_enc) # update last attended when necessary if self.force_monotonic_attention[i]: last_attended[i] = np.argmax( attn_scores.numpy(), axis=-1)[0][0] x_t = F.scale(residual + x_t, np.sqrt(0.5)) if len(step_attn_scores): # (B, 1, T_enc) again average_attn_scores = F.reduce_mean( F.stack(step_attn_scores, 0), 0) else: average_attn_scores = None decoder_state_t = x_t x_t = self.last_conv(x_t) mel_output_t = F.sigmoid(x_t) done_t = F.sigmoid(self.fc(x_t)) decoder_states.append(decoder_state_t) mel_outputs.append(mel_output_t) if average_attn_scores is not None: alignments.append(average_attn_scores) dones.append(done_t) t += 1 if test_inputs is None: if F.reduce_min(done_t).numpy()[ 0] > 0.5 and t > self.min_decoder_steps: break elif t > self.max_decoder_steps: break # concat results mel_outputs = F.concat(mel_outputs, axis=-1) decoder_states = F.concat(decoder_states, axis=-1) dones = F.concat(dones, axis=-1) alignments = F.concat(alignments, axis=1) mel_outputs = F.transpose(mel_outputs, [0, 2, 1]) decoder_states = F.transpose(decoder_states, [0, 2, 1]) dones = F.squeeze(dones, [1]) mel_outputs = unfold_adjacent_frames(mel_outputs, self.r) decoder_states = unfold_adjacent_frames(decoder_states, self.r) return mel_outputs, alignments, dones, decoder_states