# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import numpy as np from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import librosa from scipy import signal from librosa import display import soundfile as sf from paddle import fluid import paddle.fluid.dygraph as dg import paddle.fluid.initializer as I from parakeet.g2p import en from parakeet.models.deepvoice3.encoder import ConvSpec from parakeet.models.deepvoice3 import Encoder, Decoder, Converter, DeepVoice3, WindowRange from parakeet.utils.layer_tools import freeze @fluid.framework.dygraph_only def make_model(n_speakers, speaker_dim, speaker_embed_std, embed_dim, padding_idx, embedding_std, max_positions, n_vocab, freeze_embedding, filter_size, encoder_channels, mel_dim, decoder_channels, r, trainable_positional_encodings, use_memory_mask, query_position_rate, key_position_rate, window_behind, window_ahead, key_projection, value_projection, downsample_factor, linear_dim, use_decoder_states, converter_channels, dropout): """just a simple function to create a deepvoice 3 model""" if n_speakers > 1: spe = dg.Embedding( (n_speakers, speaker_dim), param_attr=I.Normal(scale=speaker_embed_std)) else: spe = None h = encoder_channels k = filter_size encoder_convolutions = ( ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3), ConvSpec(h, k, 9), ConvSpec(h, k, 27), ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3), ConvSpec(h, k, 9), ConvSpec(h, k, 27), ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3), ) enc = Encoder( n_vocab, embed_dim, n_speakers, speaker_dim, padding_idx=None, embedding_weight_std=embedding_std, convolutions=encoder_convolutions, dropout=dropout) if freeze_embedding: freeze(enc.embed) h = decoder_channels prenet_convolutions = (ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3)) attentive_convolutions = ( ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3), ConvSpec(h, k, 9), ConvSpec(h, k, 27), ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ) attention = [True, False, False, False, True] force_monotonic_attention = [True, False, False, False, True] dec = Decoder( n_speakers, speaker_dim, embed_dim, mel_dim, r=r, max_positions=max_positions, preattention=prenet_convolutions, convolutions=attentive_convolutions, attention=attention, dropout=dropout, use_memory_mask=use_memory_mask, force_monotonic_attention=force_monotonic_attention, query_position_rate=query_position_rate, key_position_rate=key_position_rate, window_range=WindowRange(window_behind, window_ahead), key_projection=key_projection, value_projection=value_projection) if not trainable_positional_encodings: freeze(dec.embed_keys_positions) freeze(dec.embed_query_positions) h = converter_channels postnet_convolutions = ( ConvSpec(h, k, 1), ConvSpec(h, k, 3), ConvSpec(2 * h, k, 1), ConvSpec(2 * h, k, 3), ) cvt = Converter( n_speakers, speaker_dim, dec.state_dim if use_decoder_states else mel_dim, linear_dim, time_upsampling=downsample_factor, convolutions=postnet_convolutions, dropout=dropout) dv3 = DeepVoice3(enc, dec, cvt, spe, use_decoder_states) return dv3 @fluid.framework.dygraph_only def eval_model(model, text, replace_pronounciation_prob, min_level_db, ref_level_db, power, n_iter, win_length, hop_length, preemphasis): """generate waveform from text using a deepvoice 3 model""" text = np.array( en.text_to_sequence( text, p=replace_pronounciation_prob), dtype=np.int64) length = len(text) print("text sequence's length: {}".format(length)) text_positions = np.arange(1, 1 + length) text = np.expand_dims(text, 0) text_positions = np.expand_dims(text_positions, 0) model.eval() mel_outputs, linear_outputs, alignments, done = model.transduce( dg.to_variable(text), dg.to_variable(text_positions)) linear_outputs_np = linear_outputs.numpy()[0].T # (C, T) wav = spec_to_waveform(linear_outputs_np, min_level_db, ref_level_db, power, n_iter, win_length, hop_length, preemphasis) alignments_np = alignments.numpy()[0] # batch_size = 1 print("linear_outputs's shape: ", linear_outputs_np.shape) print("alignmnets' shape:", alignments.shape) return wav, alignments_np def spec_to_waveform(spec, min_level_db, ref_level_db, power, n_iter, win_length, hop_length, preemphasis): """Convert output linear spec to waveform using griffin-lim vocoder. Args: spec (ndarray): the output linear spectrogram, shape(C, T), where C means n_fft, T means frames. """ denoramlized = np.clip(spec, 0, 1) * (-min_level_db) + min_level_db lin_scaled = np.exp((denoramlized + ref_level_db) / 20 * np.log(10)) wav = librosa.griffinlim( lin_scaled**power, n_iter=n_iter, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length) if preemphasis > 0: wav = signal.lfilter([1.], [1., -preemphasis], wav) return wav def make_output_tree(output_dir): print("creating output tree: {}".format(output_dir)) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "checkpoints") state_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "states") log_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "log") for x in [ckpt_dir, state_dir]: if not os.path.exists(x): os.makedirs(x) for x in ["alignments", "waveform", "lin_spec", "mel_spec"]: p = os.path.join(state_dir, x) if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) def plot_alignment(alignment, path): """ Plot an attention layer's alignment for a sentence. alignment: shape(T_dec, T_enc). """ plt.figure() plt.imshow(alignment) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('Encoder timestep') plt.ylabel('Decoder timestep') plt.savefig(path) plt.close() def save_state(save_dir, writer, global_step, mel_input=None, mel_output=None, lin_input=None, lin_output=None, alignments=None, win_length=1024, hop_length=256, min_level_db=-100, ref_level_db=20, power=1.4, n_iter=32, preemphasis=0.97, sample_rate=22050): """Save training intermediate results. Save states for the first sentence in the batch, including mel_spec(predicted, target), lin_spec(predicted, target), attn, waveform. Args: save_dir (str): directory to save results. writer (SummaryWriter): tensorboardX summary writer global_step (int): global step. mel_input (Variable, optional): Defaults to None. Shape(B, T_mel, C_mel) mel_output (Variable, optional): Defaults to None. Shape(B, T_mel, C_mel) lin_input (Variable, optional): Defaults to None. Shape(B, T_lin, C_lin) lin_output (Variable, optional): Defaults to None. Shape(B, T_lin, C_lin) alignments (Variable, optional): Defaults to None. Shape(N, B, T_dec, C_enc) wav ([type], optional): Defaults to None. [description] """ if mel_input is not None and mel_output is not None: mel_input = mel_input[0].numpy().T mel_output = mel_output[0].numpy().T path = os.path.join(save_dir, "mel_spec") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) display.specshow(mel_input) plt.colorbar() plt.title("mel_input") plt.savefig( os.path.join(path, "target_mel_spec_step{:09d}.png".format( global_step))) plt.close() writer.add_image( "target/mel_spec", cm.viridis(mel_input), global_step, dataformats="HWC") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) display.specshow(mel_output) plt.colorbar() plt.title("mel_output") plt.savefig( os.path.join(path, "predicted_mel_spec_step{:09d}.png".format( global_step))) plt.close() writer.add_image( "predicted/mel_spec", cm.viridis(mel_output), global_step, dataformats="HWC") if lin_input is not None and lin_output is not None: lin_input = lin_input[0].numpy().T lin_output = lin_output[0].numpy().T path = os.path.join(save_dir, "lin_spec") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) display.specshow(lin_input) plt.colorbar() plt.title("mel_input") plt.savefig( os.path.join(path, "target_lin_spec_step{:09d}.png".format( global_step))) plt.close() writer.add_image( "target/lin_spec", cm.viridis(lin_input), global_step, dataformats="HWC") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) display.specshow(lin_output) plt.colorbar() plt.title("mel_input") plt.savefig( os.path.join(path, "predicted_lin_spec_step{:09d}.png".format( global_step))) plt.close() writer.add_image( "predicted/lin_spec", cm.viridis(lin_output), global_step, dataformats="HWC") if alignments is not None and len(alignments.shape) == 4: path = os.path.join(save_dir, "alignments") alignments = alignments[:, 0, :, :].numpy() for idx, attn_layer in enumerate(alignments): save_path = os.path.join( path, "train_attn_layer_{}_step_{}.png".format(idx, global_step)) plot_alignment(attn_layer, save_path) writer.add_image( "train_attn/layer_{}".format(idx), cm.viridis(attn_layer), global_step, dataformats="HWC") if lin_output is not None: wav = spec_to_waveform(lin_output, min_level_db, ref_level_db, power, n_iter, win_length, hop_length, preemphasis) path = os.path.join(save_dir, "waveform") save_path = os.path.join( path, "train_sample_step_{:09d}.wav".format(global_step)) sf.write(save_path, wav, sample_rate) writer.add_audio( "train_sample", wav, global_step, sample_rate=sample_rate)