提交 125bc2a8 编写于 作者: S sunyanfang01

fix the seg transf

上级 8eee60e2
......@@ -44,13 +44,14 @@ class Compose(SegTransform):
def __init__(self, transforms):
def __init__(self, transforms, batch_transforms=None):
if not isinstance(transforms, list):
raise TypeError('The transforms must be a list!')
if len(transforms) < 1:
raise ValueError('The length of transforms ' + \
'must be equal or larger than 1!')
self.transforms = transforms
self.batch_transforms = batch_transforms
self.to_rgb = False
# 检查transforms里面的操作,目前支持PaddleX定义的或者是imgaug操作
for op in self.transforms:
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