from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr from paddle.fluid.initializer import MSRA from paddle.fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr import os, sys, time, math import numpy as np from collections import namedtuple BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU = 'BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU' BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP = 'BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP' BlockConfig = namedtuple('BlockConfig', 'stride, num_outputs, preact_bn, block_type') __all__ = ['PVANet'] class PVANet(): def __init__(self): pass def net(self, input, include_last_bn_relu=True, class_dim=1000): conv1 = self._conv_bn_crelu(input, 16, 7, stride=2, name="conv1_1") pool1 = fluid.layers.pool2d( input=conv1, pool_size=3, pool_stride=2, pool_padding=1, pool_type='max', name='pool1') end_points = {} conv2 = self._conv_stage( pool1, block_configs=[ BlockConfig(1, (24, 24, 48), False, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU), BlockConfig(1, (24, 24, 48), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU), BlockConfig(1, (24, 24, 48), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU) ], name='conv2', end_points=end_points) conv3 = self._conv_stage( conv2, block_configs=[ BlockConfig(2, (48, 48, 96), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU), BlockConfig(1, (48, 48, 96), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU), BlockConfig(1, (48, 48, 96), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU), BlockConfig(1, (48, 48, 96), True, BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU) ], name='conv3', end_points=end_points) conv4 = self._conv_stage( conv3, block_configs=[ BlockConfig(2, '64 48-96 24-48-48 96 128', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig(1, '64 64-96 24-48-48 128', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig(1, '64 64-96 24-48-48 128', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig(1, '64 64-96 24-48-48 128', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP) ], name='conv4', end_points=end_points) conv5 = self._conv_stage( conv4, block_configs=[ BlockConfig(2, '64 96-128 32-64-64 128 196', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig(1, '64 96-128 32-64-64 196', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig(1, '64 96-128 32-64-64 196', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP), BlockConfig( 1, '64 96-128 32-64-64 196', True, BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP) ], name='conv5', end_points=end_points) if include_last_bn_relu: conv5 = self._bn(conv5, 'relu', 'conv5_4_last_bn') end_points['conv5'] = conv5 output = fluid.layers.fc(input=input, size=class_dim, act='softmax', param_attr=ParamAttr( initializer=MSRA(), name="fc_weights"), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name="fc_offset")) return output def _conv_stage(self, input, block_configs, name, end_points): net = input for idx, bc in enumerate(block_configs): if bc.block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_MCRELU: block_scope = '{}_{}'.format(name, idx + 1) fn = self._mCReLU elif bc.block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_INCEP: block_scope = '{}_{}_incep'.format(name, idx + 1) fn = self._inception_block net = fn(net, bc, block_scope) end_points[block_scope] = net end_points[name] = net return net def _mCReLU(self, input, mc_config, name): """ every cReLU has at least three conv steps: conv_bn_relu, conv_bn_crelu, conv_bn_relu if the inputs has a different number of channels as crelu output, an extra 1x1 conv is added before sum. """ if mc_config.preact_bn: conv1_fn = self._bn_relu_conv conv1_scope = name + '_1' else: conv1_fn = self._conv conv1_scope = name + '_1_conv' sub_conv1 = conv1_fn(input, mc_config.num_outputs[0], 1, conv1_scope, mc_config.stride) sub_conv2 = self._bn_relu_conv(sub_conv1, mc_config.num_outputs[1], 3, name + '_2') sub_conv3 = self._bn_crelu_conv(sub_conv2, mc_config.num_outputs[2], 1, name + '_3') if int(input.shape[1]) == mc_config.num_outputs[2]: conv_proj = input else: conv_proj = self._conv(input, mc_config.num_outputs[2], 1, name + '_proj', mc_config.stride) conv = sub_conv3 + conv_proj return conv def _inception_block(self, input, block_config, name): num_outputs = block_config.num_outputs.split() # e.g. 64 24-48-48 128 num_outputs = [map(int, s.split('-')) for s in num_outputs] inception_outputs = num_outputs[-1][0] num_outputs = num_outputs[:-1] stride = block_config.stride pool_path_outputs = None if stride > 1: pool_path_outputs = num_outputs[-1][0] num_outputs = num_outputs[:-1] scopes = [['_0']] # follow the name style of caffe pva kernel_sizes = [[1]] for path_idx, path_outputs in enumerate(num_outputs[1:]): path_idx += 1 path_scopes = ['_{}_reduce'.format(path_idx)] path_scopes.extend([ '_{}_{}'.format(path_idx, i - 1) for i in range(1, len(path_outputs)) ]) scopes.append(path_scopes) path_kernel_sizes = [1, 3, 3][:len(path_outputs)] kernel_sizes.append(path_kernel_sizes) paths = [] if block_config.preact_bn: preact = self._bn(input, 'relu', name + '_bn') else: preact = input path_params = zip(num_outputs, scopes, kernel_sizes) for path_idx, path_param in enumerate(path_params): path_net = preact for conv_idx, (num_output, scope, kernel_size) in enumerate(zip(*path_param)): if conv_idx == 0: conv_stride = stride else: conv_stride = 1 path_net = self._conv_bn_relu(path_net, num_output, kernel_size, name + scope, conv_stride) paths.append(path_net) if stride > 1: path_net = fluid.layers.pool2d( input, pool_size=3, pool_stride=2, pool_padding=1, pool_type='max', name=name + '_pool') path_net = self._conv_bn_relu(path_net, pool_path_outputs, 1, name + '_poolproj') paths.append(path_net) block_net = fluid.layers.concat(paths, axis=1) block_net = self._conv(block_net, inception_outputs, 1, name + '_out_conv') if int(input.shape[1]) == inception_outputs: proj = input else: proj = self._conv(input, inception_outputs, 1, name + '_proj', stride) return block_net + proj def _scale(self, input, name, axis=1, num_axes=1): assert num_axes == 1, "layer scale not support this num_axes[%d] now" % ( num_axes) prefix = name + '_' scale_shape = input.shape[axis:axis + num_axes] param_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name=prefix + 'gamma') scale_param = fluid.layers.create_parameter( shape=scale_shape, dtype=input.dtype, name=name, attr=param_attr, is_bias=True, default_initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=1.0)) offset_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name=prefix + 'beta') offset_param = fluid.layers.create_parameter( shape=scale_shape, dtype=input.dtype, name=name, attr=offset_attr, is_bias=True, default_initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(value=0.0)) output = fluid.layers.elementwise_mul( input, scale_param, axis=axis, name=prefix + 'mul') output = fluid.layers.elementwise_add( output, offset_param, axis=axis, name=prefix + 'add') return output def _conv(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1, act=None): net = fluid.layers.conv2d( input=input, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=(filter_size - 1) // 2, groups=groups, act=act, use_cudnn=True, param_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_weights'), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_bias'), name=name) return net def _bn(self, input, act, name): net = fluid.layers.batch_norm( input=input, act=act, name=name, moving_mean_name=name + '_mean', moving_variance_name=name + '_variance', param_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_scale'), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_offset')) return net def _bn_relu_conv(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1): net = self._bn(input, 'relu', name + '_bn') net = self._conv(net, num_filters, filter_size, name + '_conv', stride, groups) return net def _conv_bn_relu(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1): net = self._conv(input, num_filters, filter_size, name + '_conv', stride, groups) net = self._bn(net, 'relu', name + '_bn') return net def _bn_crelu(self, input, name): net = self._bn(input, None, name + '_bn_1') neg_net = fluid.layers.scale(net, scale=-1.0, name=name + '_neg') net = fluid.layers.concat([net, neg_net], axis=1) net = self._scale(net, name + '_scale') net = fluid.layers.relu(net, name=name + '_relu') return net def _conv_bn_crelu(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1, act=None): net = self._conv(input, num_filters, filter_size, name + '_conv', stride, groups) net = self._bn_crelu(net, name) return net def _bn_crelu_conv(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1, act=None): net = self._bn_crelu(input, name) net = self._conv(net, num_filters, filter_size, name + '_conv', stride, groups) return net def deconv_bn_layer(self, input, num_filters, filter_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, act='relu', name=None): """Deconv bn layer.""" deconv = fluid.layers.conv2d_transpose( input=input, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, act=None, param_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_weights'), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_bias'), name=name + 'deconv') return self._bn(deconv, act, name + '_bn') def conv_bn_layer(self, input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride=1, groups=1): return self._conv_bn_relu(input, num_filters, filter_size, name, stride, groups) def Fpn_Fusion(blocks, net): f = [blocks['conv5'], blocks['conv4'], blocks['conv3'], blocks['conv2']] num_outputs = [64] * len(f) g = [None] * len(f) h = [None] * len(f) for i in range(len(f)): h[i] = net.conv_bn_layer(f[i], num_outputs[i], 1, 'fpn_pre_' + str(i)) for i in range(len(f) - 1): if i == 0: g[i] = net.deconv_bn_layer(h[i], num_outputs[i], name='fpn_0') else: out = fluid.layers.elementwise_add(x=g[i - 1], y=h[i]) out = net.conv_bn_layer(out, num_outputs[i], 1, 'fpn_trans_' + str(i)) g[i] = net.deconv_bn_layer( out, num_outputs[i], name='fpn_' + str(i)) out = fluid.layers.elementwise_add(x=g[-2], y=h[-1]) out = net.conv_bn_layer(out, num_outputs[-1], 1, 'fpn_post_0') out = net.conv_bn_layer(out, num_outputs[-1], 3, 'fpn_post_1') return out def Detector_Header(f_common, net, class_num): """Detector header.""" f_geo = net.conv_bn_layer(f_common, 64, 1, name='geo_1') f_geo = net.conv_bn_layer(f_geo, 64, 3, name='geo_2') f_geo = net.conv_bn_layer(f_geo, 64, 1, name='geo_3') f_geo = fluid.layers.conv2d( f_geo, 8, 1, use_cudnn=True, param_attr=ParamAttr(name='geo_4_conv_weights'), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name='geo_4_conv_bias'), name='geo_4_conv') name = 'score_class_num' + str(class_num + 1) f_score = net.conv_bn_layer(f_common, 64, 1, 'score_1') f_score = net.conv_bn_layer(f_score, 64, 3, 'score_2') f_score = net.conv_bn_layer(f_score, 64, 1, 'score_3') f_score = fluid.layers.conv2d( f_score, class_num + 1, 1, use_cudnn=True, param_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_conv_weights'), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + '_conv_bias'), name=name + '_conv') f_score = fluid.layers.transpose(f_score, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) f_score = fluid.layers.reshape(f_score, shape=[-1, class_num + 1]) f_score = fluid.layers.softmax(input=f_score) return f_score, f_geo def east(input, class_num=31): net = PVANet() out = blocks = [] for i, j, k in zip(['conv2', 'conv3', 'conv4', 'conv5'], [1, 2, 4, 8], [64, 64, 64, 64]): if j == 1: conv = net.conv_bn_layer( out[i], k, 1, name='fusion_' + str(len(blocks))) elif j <= 4: conv = net.deconv_bn_layer( out[i], k, 2 * j, j, j // 2, name='fusion_' + str(len(blocks))) else: conv = net.deconv_bn_layer( out[i], 32, 8, 4, 2, name='fusion_' + str(len(blocks)) + '_1') conv = net.deconv_bn_layer( conv, k, j // 2, j // 4, j // 8, name='fusion_' + str(len(blocks)) + '_2') blocks.append(conv) conv = fluid.layers.concat(blocks, axis=1) f_score, f_geo = Detector_Header(conv, net, class_num) return f_score, f_geo def inference(input, class_num=1, nms_thresh=0.2, score_thresh=0.5): f_score, f_geo = east(input, class_num) print("f_geo shape={}".format(f_geo.shape)) print("f_score shape={}".format(f_score.shape)) f_score = fluid.layers.transpose(f_score, perm=[1, 0]) return f_score, f_geo def loss(f_score, f_geo, l_score, l_geo, l_mask, class_num=1): ''' predictions: f_score: -1 x 1 x H x W; f_geo: -1 x 8 x H x W targets: l_score: -1 x 1 x H x W; l_geo: -1 x 1 x H x W; l_mask: -1 x 1 x H x W return: dice_loss + smooth_l1_loss ''' #smooth_l1_loss channels = 8 l_geo_split, l_short_edge = fluid.layers.split( l_geo, num_or_sections=[channels, 1], dim=1) #last channel is short_edge_norm f_geo_split = fluid.layers.split(f_geo, num_or_sections=[channels], dim=1) f_geo_split = f_geo_split[0] geo_diff = l_geo_split - f_geo_split abs_geo_diff = fluid.layers.abs(geo_diff) l_flag = l_score >= 1 l_flag = fluid.layers.cast(x=l_flag, dtype="float32") l_flag = fluid.layers.expand(x=l_flag, expand_times=[1, channels, 1, 1]) smooth_l1_sign = abs_geo_diff < l_flag smooth_l1_sign = fluid.layers.cast(x=smooth_l1_sign, dtype="float32") in_loss = abs_geo_diff * abs_geo_diff * smooth_l1_sign + ( abs_geo_diff - 0.5) * (1.0 - smooth_l1_sign) l_short_edge = fluid.layers.expand( x=l_short_edge, expand_times=[1, channels, 1, 1]) out_loss = l_short_edge * in_loss * l_flag out_loss = out_loss * l_flag smooth_l1_loss = fluid.layers.reduce_mean(out_loss) ##softmax_loss l_score.stop_gradient = True l_score = fluid.layers.transpose(l_score, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) l_score.stop_gradient = True l_score = fluid.layers.reshape(l_score, shape=[-1, 1]) l_score.stop_gradient = True l_score = fluid.layers.cast(x=l_score, dtype="int64") l_score.stop_gradient = True softmax_loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=f_score, label=l_score) softmax_loss = fluid.layers.reduce_mean(softmax_loss) return softmax_loss, smooth_l1_loss