# coding: utf8 # Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import random from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from PIL import Image import cv2 from .functional import * class Compose: def __init__(self, transforms, to_rgb=True): if not isinstance(transforms, list): raise TypeError('The transforms must be a list!') if len(transforms) < 1: raise ValueError('The length of transforms ' + \ 'must be equal or larger than 1!') self.transforms = transforms self.to_rgb = to_rgb def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if im_info is None: im_info = list() if isinstance(im, str): im = cv2.imread(im).astype('float32') if isinstance(label, str): label = np.asarray(Image.open(label)) if im is None: raise ValueError('Can\'t read The image file {}!'.format(im)) if self.to_rgb: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for op in self.transforms: outputs = op(im, im_info, label) im = outputs[0] if len(outputs) >= 2: im_info = outputs[1] if len(outputs) == 3: label = outputs[2] im = permute(im) if len(outputs) == 3: label = label[np.newaxis, :, :] return (im, im_info, label) class RandomHorizontalFlip: def __init__(self, prob=0.5): self.prob = prob def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if random.random() < self.prob: im = horizontal_flip(im) if label is not None: label = horizontal_flip(label) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomVerticalFlip: def __init__(self, prob=0.1): self.prob = prob def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if random.random() < self.prob: im = vertical_flip(im) if label is not None: label = vertical_flip(label) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class Resize: # The interpolation mode interp_dict = { 'NEAREST': cv2.INTER_NEAREST, 'LINEAR': cv2.INTER_LINEAR, 'CUBIC': cv2.INTER_CUBIC, 'AREA': cv2.INTER_AREA, 'LANCZOS4': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 } def __init__(self, target_size=512, interp='LINEAR'): self.interp = interp if not (interp == "RANDOM" or interp in self.interp_dict): raise ValueError("interp should be one of {}".format( self.interp_dict.keys())) if isinstance(target_size, list) or isinstance(target_size, tuple): if len(target_size) != 2: raise TypeError( 'when target is list or tuple, it should include 2 elements, but it is {}' .format(target_size)) elif not isinstance(target_size, int): raise TypeError( "Type of target_size is invalid. Must be Integer or List or tuple, now is {}" .format(type(target_size))) self.target_size = target_size def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if im_info is None: im_info = list() im_info.append(('resize', im.shape[:2])) if not isinstance(im, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Resize: image type is not numpy.") if len(im.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Resize: image is not 3-dimensional.') if self.interp == "RANDOM": interp = random.choice(list(self.interp_dict.keys())) else: interp = self.interp im = resize(im, self.target_size, self.interp_dict[interp]) if label is not None: label = resize(label, self.target_size, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class ResizeByLong: def __init__(self, long_size): self.long_size = long_size def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if im_info is None: im_info = list() im_info.append(('resize', im.shape[:2])) im = resize_long(im, self.long_size) if label is not None: label = resize_long(label, self.long_size, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class ResizeRangeScaling: def __init__(self, min_value=400, max_value=600): if min_value > max_value: raise ValueError('min_value must be less than max_value, ' 'but they are {} and {}.'.format( min_value, max_value)) self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if self.min_value == self.max_value: random_size = self.max_value else: random_size = int( np.random.uniform(self.min_value, self.max_value) + 0.5) im = resize_long(im, random_size, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if label is not None: label = resize_long(label, random_size, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class ResizeStepScaling: def __init__(self, min_scale_factor=0.75, max_scale_factor=1.25, scale_step_size=0.25): if min_scale_factor > max_scale_factor: raise ValueError( 'min_scale_factor must be less than max_scale_factor, ' 'but they are {} and {}.'.format(min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor)) self.min_scale_factor = min_scale_factor self.max_scale_factor = max_scale_factor self.scale_step_size = scale_step_size def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if self.min_scale_factor == self.max_scale_factor: scale_factor = self.min_scale_factor elif self.scale_step_size == 0: scale_factor = np.random.uniform(self.min_scale_factor, self.max_scale_factor) else: num_steps = int((self.max_scale_factor - self.min_scale_factor) / self.scale_step_size + 1) scale_factors = np.linspace(self.min_scale_factor, self.max_scale_factor, num_steps).tolist() np.random.shuffle(scale_factors) scale_factor = scale_factors[0] w = int(round(scale_factor * im.shape[1])) h = int(round(scale_factor * im.shape[0])) im = resize(im, (w, h), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if label is not None: label = resize(label, (w, h), cv2.INTER_NEAREST) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class Normalize: def __init__(self, mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]): self.mean = mean self.std = std if not (isinstance(self.mean, list) and isinstance(self.std, list)): raise ValueError("{}: input type is invalid.".format(self)) from functools import reduce if reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.std) == 0: raise ValueError('{}: std is invalid!'.format(self)) def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): mean = np.array(self.mean)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] std = np.array(self.std)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] im = normalize(im, mean, std) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class Padding: def __init__(self, target_size, im_padding_value=[127.5, 127.5, 127.5], label_padding_value=255): if isinstance(target_size, list) or isinstance(target_size, tuple): if len(target_size) != 2: raise ValueError( 'when target is list or tuple, it should include 2 elements, but it is {}' .format(target_size)) elif not isinstance(target_size, int): raise TypeError( "Type of target_size is invalid. Must be Integer or List or tuple, now is {}" .format(type(target_size))) self.target_size = target_size self.im_padding_value = im_padding_value self.label_padding_value = label_padding_value def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if im_info is None: im_info = list() im_info.append(('padding', im.shape[:2])) im_height, im_width = im.shape[0], im.shape[1] if isinstance(self.target_size, int): target_height = self.target_size target_width = self.target_size else: target_height = self.target_size[1] target_width = self.target_size[0] pad_height = target_height - im_height pad_width = target_width - im_width if pad_height < 0 or pad_width < 0: raise ValueError( 'the size of image should be less than target_size, but the size of image ({}, {}), is larger than target_size ({}, {})' .format(im_width, im_height, target_width, target_height)) else: im = cv2.copyMakeBorder( im, 0, pad_height, 0, pad_width, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=self.im_padding_value) if label is not None: label = cv2.copyMakeBorder( label, 0, pad_height, 0, pad_width, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=self.label_padding_value) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomPaddingCrop: def __init__(self, crop_size=512, im_padding_value=[127.5, 127.5, 127.5], label_padding_value=255): if isinstance(crop_size, list) or isinstance(crop_size, tuple): if len(crop_size) != 2: raise ValueError( 'when crop_size is list or tuple, it should include 2 elements, but it is {}' .format(crop_size)) elif not isinstance(crop_size, int): raise TypeError( "Type of crop_size is invalid. Must be Integer or List or tuple, now is {}" .format(type(crop_size))) self.crop_size = crop_size self.im_padding_value = im_padding_value self.label_padding_value = label_padding_value def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if isinstance(self.crop_size, int): crop_width = self.crop_size crop_height = self.crop_size else: crop_width = self.crop_size[0] crop_height = self.crop_size[1] img_height = im.shape[0] img_width = im.shape[1] if img_height == crop_height and img_width == crop_width: if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) else: pad_height = max(crop_height - img_height, 0) pad_width = max(crop_width - img_width, 0) if (pad_height > 0 or pad_width > 0): im = cv2.copyMakeBorder( im, 0, pad_height, 0, pad_width, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=self.im_padding_value) if label is not None: label = cv2.copyMakeBorder( label, 0, pad_height, 0, pad_width, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=self.label_padding_value) img_height = im.shape[0] img_width = im.shape[1] if crop_height > 0 and crop_width > 0: h_off = np.random.randint(img_height - crop_height + 1) w_off = np.random.randint(img_width - crop_width + 1) im = im[h_off:(crop_height + h_off), w_off:( w_off + crop_width), :] if label is not None: label = label[h_off:(crop_height + h_off), w_off:( w_off + crop_width)] if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomBlur: def __init__(self, prob=0.1): self.prob = prob def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if self.prob <= 0: n = 0 elif self.prob >= 1: n = 1 else: n = int(1.0 / self.prob) if n > 0: if np.random.randint(0, n) == 0: radius = np.random.randint(3, 10) if radius % 2 != 1: radius = radius + 1 if radius > 9: radius = 9 im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (radius, radius), 0, 0) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomRotation: def __init__(self, max_rotation=15, im_padding_value=[127.5, 127.5, 127.5], label_padding_value=255): self.max_rotation = max_rotation self.im_padding_value = im_padding_value self.label_padding_value = label_padding_value def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if self.max_rotation > 0: (h, w) = im.shape[:2] do_rotation = np.random.uniform(-self.max_rotation, self.max_rotation) pc = (w // 2, h // 2) r = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(pc, do_rotation, 1.0) cos = np.abs(r[0, 0]) sin = np.abs(r[0, 1]) nw = int((h * sin) + (w * cos)) nh = int((h * cos) + (w * sin)) (cx, cy) = pc r[0, 2] += (nw / 2) - cx r[1, 2] += (nh / 2) - cy dsize = (nw, nh) im = cv2.warpAffine( im, r, dsize=dsize, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=self.im_padding_value) label = cv2.warpAffine( label, r, dsize=dsize, flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=self.label_padding_value) if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomScaleAspect: def __init__(self, min_scale=0.5, aspect_ratio=0.33): self.min_scale = min_scale self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): if self.min_scale != 0 and self.aspect_ratio != 0: img_height = im.shape[0] img_width = im.shape[1] for i in range(0, 10): area = img_height * img_width target_area = area * np.random.uniform(self.min_scale, 1.0) aspectRatio = np.random.uniform(self.aspect_ratio, 1.0 / self.aspect_ratio) dw = int(np.sqrt(target_area * 1.0 * aspectRatio)) dh = int(np.sqrt(target_area * 1.0 / aspectRatio)) if (np.random.randint(10) < 5): tmp = dw dw = dh dh = tmp if (dh < img_height and dw < img_width): h1 = np.random.randint(0, img_height - dh) w1 = np.random.randint(0, img_width - dw) im = im[h1:(h1 + dh), w1:(w1 + dw), :] label = label[h1:(h1 + dh), w1:(w1 + dw)] im = cv2.resize( im, (img_width, img_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) label = cv2.resize( label, (img_width, img_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) break if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label) class RandomDistort: def __init__(self, brightness_range=0.5, brightness_prob=0.5, contrast_range=0.5, contrast_prob=0.5, saturation_range=0.5, saturation_prob=0.5, hue_range=18, hue_prob=0.5): self.brightness_range = brightness_range self.brightness_prob = brightness_prob self.contrast_range = contrast_range self.contrast_prob = contrast_prob self.saturation_range = saturation_range self.saturation_prob = saturation_prob self.hue_range = hue_range self.hue_prob = hue_prob def __call__(self, im, im_info=None, label=None): brightness_lower = 1 - self.brightness_range brightness_upper = 1 + self.brightness_range contrast_lower = 1 - self.contrast_range contrast_upper = 1 + self.contrast_range saturation_lower = 1 - self.saturation_range saturation_upper = 1 + self.saturation_range hue_lower = -self.hue_range hue_upper = self.hue_range ops = [brightness, contrast, saturation, hue] random.shuffle(ops) params_dict = { 'brightness': { 'brightness_lower': brightness_lower, 'brightness_upper': brightness_upper }, 'contrast': { 'contrast_lower': contrast_lower, 'contrast_upper': contrast_upper }, 'saturation': { 'saturation_lower': saturation_lower, 'saturation_upper': saturation_upper }, 'hue': { 'hue_lower': hue_lower, 'hue_upper': hue_upper } } prob_dict = { 'brightness': self.brightness_prob, 'contrast': self.contrast_prob, 'saturation': self.saturation_prob, 'hue': self.hue_prob } im = im.astype('uint8') im = Image.fromarray(im) for id in range(4): params = params_dict[ops[id].__name__] prob = prob_dict[ops[id].__name__] params['im'] = im if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < prob: im = ops[id](**params) im = np.asarray(im).astype('float32') if label is None: return (im, im_info) else: return (im, im_info, label)