""" setup for fleet-rec. """ import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages import tempfile import shutil requires = [ "paddlepaddle == 1.7.2", "pyyaml >= 5.1.1" ] about = {} about["__title__"] = "fleet-rec" about["__version__"] = "0.0.2" about["__description__"] = "fleet-rec" about["__author__"] = "seiriosPlus" about["__author_email__"] = "tangwei12@baidu.com" about["__url__"] = "https://github.com/seiriosPlus/FleetRec" readme = "..." def run_cmd(command): assert command is not None and isinstance(command, str) return os.popen(command).read().strip() def build(dirname): package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) run_cmd("cp -r {}/* {}".format(package_dir, dirname)) run_cmd("mkdir {}".format(os.path.join(dirname, "fleetrec"))) run_cmd("mv {}/* {}".format(os.path.join(dirname, "fleet_rec"), os.path.join(dirname, "fleetrec"))) run_cmd("mv {} {}".format(os.path.join(dirname, "doc"), os.path.join(dirname, "fleetrec"))) run_cmd("mv {} {}".format(os.path.join(dirname, "models"), os.path.join(dirname, "fleetrec"))) run_cmd("mv {} {}".format(os.path.join(dirname, "tools"), os.path.join(dirname, "fleetrec"))) packages = find_packages(dirname, include=('fleetrec.*')) package_dir = {'': dirname} package_data = {} need_copy = ['data/*/*.txt', '*.yaml', 'tree/*.npy','tree/*.txt'] for package in packages: if package.startswith("fleetrec.models."): package_data[package] = need_copy setup( name=about["__title__"], version=about["__version__"], description=about["__description__"], long_description=readme, author=about["__author__"], author_email=about["__author_email__"], url=about["__url__"], packages=packages, package_dir=package_dir, package_data=package_data, python_requires=">=2.7", install_requires=requires, zip_safe=False ) dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() build(dirname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) print(''' \033[32m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( F | L | E | E | T | - | R | E | C ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \033[0m \033[34m Installation Complete. Congratulations! How to use it ? Please visit our webside: https://github.com/seiriosPlus/FleetRec \033[0m ''')