# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This code is refer from:https://github.com/pqzx/html2docx/blob/8f6695a778c68befb302e48ac0ed5201ddbd4524/htmldocx/h2d.py """ import re, argparse import io, os import urllib.request from urllib.parse import urlparse from html.parser import HTMLParser import docx, docx.table from docx import Document from docx.shared import RGBColor, Pt, Inches from docx.enum.text import WD_COLOR, WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH from docx.oxml import OxmlElement from docx.oxml.ns import qn from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # values in inches INDENT = 0.25 LIST_INDENT = 0.5 MAX_INDENT = 5.5 # To stop indents going off the page # Style to use with tables. By default no style is used. DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE = None # Style to use with paragraphs. By default no style is used. DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_STYLE = None def get_filename_from_url(url): return os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path) def is_url(url): """ Not to be used for actually validating a url, but in our use case we only care if it's a url or a file path, and they're pretty distinguishable """ parts = urlparse(url) return all([parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path]) def fetch_image(url): """ Attempts to fetch an image from a url. If successful returns a bytes object, else returns None :return: """ try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: # security flaw? return io.BytesIO(response.read()) except urllib.error.URLError: return None def remove_last_occurence(ls, x): ls.pop(len(ls) - ls[::-1].index(x) - 1) def remove_whitespace(string, leading=False, trailing=False): """Remove white space from a string. Args: string(str): The string to remove white space from. leading(bool, optional): Remove leading new lines when True. trailing(bool, optional): Remove trailing new lines when False. Returns: str: The input string with new line characters removed and white space squashed. Examples: Single or multiple new line characters are replaced with space. >>> remove_whitespace("abc\\ndef") 'abc def' >>> remove_whitespace("abc\\n\\n\\ndef") 'abc def' New line characters surrounded by white space are replaced with a single space. >>> remove_whitespace("abc \\n \\n \\n def") 'abc def' >>> remove_whitespace("abc \\n \\n \\n def") 'abc def' Leading and trailing new lines are replaced with a single space. >>> remove_whitespace("\\nabc") ' abc' >>> remove_whitespace(" \\n abc") ' abc' >>> remove_whitespace("abc\\n") 'abc ' >>> remove_whitespace("abc \\n ") 'abc ' Use ``leading=True`` to remove leading new line characters, including any surrounding white space: >>> remove_whitespace("\\nabc", leading=True) 'abc' >>> remove_whitespace(" \\n abc", leading=True) 'abc' Use ``trailing=True`` to remove trailing new line characters, including any surrounding white space: >>> remove_whitespace("abc \\n ", trailing=True) 'abc' """ # Remove any leading new line characters along with any surrounding white space if leading: string = re.sub(r'^\s*\n+\s*', '', string) # Remove any trailing new line characters along with any surrounding white space if trailing: string = re.sub(r'\s*\n+\s*$', '', string) # Replace new line characters and absorb any surrounding space. string = re.sub(r'\s*\n\s*', ' ', string) # TODO need some way to get rid of extra spaces in e.g. text text return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', string) def delete_paragraph(paragraph): # https://github.com/python-openxml/python-docx/issues/33#issuecomment-77661907 p = paragraph._element p.getparent().remove(p) p._p = p._element = None font_styles = { 'b': 'bold', 'strong': 'bold', 'em': 'italic', 'i': 'italic', 'u': 'underline', 's': 'strike', 'sup': 'superscript', 'sub': 'subscript', 'th': 'bold', } font_names = { 'code': 'Courier', 'pre': 'Courier', } styles = { 'LIST_BULLET': 'List Bullet', 'LIST_NUMBER': 'List Number', } class HtmlToDocx(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.options = { 'fix-html': True, 'images': True, 'tables': True, 'styles': True, } self.table_row_selectors = [ 'table > tr', 'table > thead > tr', 'table > tbody > tr', 'table > tfoot > tr' ] self.table_style = DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE self.paragraph_style = DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_STYLE def set_initial_attrs(self, document=None): self.tags = { 'span': [], 'list': [], } if document: self.doc = document else: self.doc = Document() self.bs = self.options['fix-html'] # whether or not to clean with BeautifulSoup self.document = self.doc self.include_tables = True #TODO add this option back in? self.include_images = self.options['images'] self.include_styles = self.options['styles'] self.paragraph = None self.skip = False self.skip_tag = None self.instances_to_skip = 0 def copy_settings_from(self, other): """Copy settings from another instance of HtmlToDocx""" self.table_style = other.table_style self.paragraph_style = other.paragraph_style def get_cell_html(self, soup): # Returns string of td element with opening and closing tags removed # Cannot use find_all as it only finds element tags and does not find text which # is not inside an element return ' '.join([str(i) for i in soup.contents]) def add_styles_to_paragraph(self, style): if 'text-align' in style: align = style['text-align'] if align == 'center': self.paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER elif align == 'right': self.paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.RIGHT elif align == 'justify': self.paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.JUSTIFY if 'margin-left' in style: margin = style['margin-left'] units = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', margin) margin = int(float(re.sub(r'[a-z]+', '', margin))) if units == 'px': self.paragraph.paragraph_format.left_indent = Inches(min(margin // 10 * INDENT, MAX_INDENT)) # TODO handle non px units def add_styles_to_run(self, style): if 'color' in style: if 'rgb' in style['color']: color = re.sub(r'[a-z()]+', '', style['color']) colors = [int(x) for x in color.split(',')] elif '#' in style['color']: color = style['color'].lstrip('#') colors = tuple(int(color[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) else: colors = [0, 0, 0] # TODO map colors to named colors (and extended colors...) # For now set color to black to prevent crashing self.run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(*colors) if 'background-color' in style: if 'rgb' in style['background-color']: color = color = re.sub(r'[a-z()]+', '', style['background-color']) colors = [int(x) for x in color.split(',')] elif '#' in style['background-color']: color = style['background-color'].lstrip('#') colors = tuple(int(color[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) else: colors = [0, 0, 0] # TODO map colors to named colors (and extended colors...) # For now set color to black to prevent crashing self.run.font.highlight_color = WD_COLOR.GRAY_25 #TODO: map colors def apply_paragraph_style(self, style=None): try: if style: self.paragraph.style = style elif self.paragraph_style: self.paragraph.style = self.paragraph_style except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unable to apply style {self.paragraph_style}.") from e def parse_dict_string(self, string, separator=';'): new_string = string.replace(" ", '').split(separator) string_dict = dict([x.split(':') for x in new_string if ':' in x]) return string_dict def handle_li(self): # check list stack to determine style and depth list_depth = len(self.tags['list']) if list_depth: list_type = self.tags['list'][-1] else: list_type = 'ul' # assign unordered if no tag if list_type == 'ol': list_style = styles['LIST_NUMBER'] else: list_style = styles['LIST_BULLET'] self.paragraph = self.doc.add_paragraph(style=list_style) self.paragraph.paragraph_format.left_indent = Inches(min(list_depth * LIST_INDENT, MAX_INDENT)) self.paragraph.paragraph_format.line_spacing = 1 def add_image_to_cell(self, cell, image): # python-docx doesn't have method yet for adding images to table cells. For now we use this paragraph = cell.add_paragraph() run = paragraph.add_run() run.add_picture(image) def handle_img(self, current_attrs): if not self.include_images: self.skip = True self.skip_tag = 'img' return src = current_attrs['src'] # fetch image src_is_url = is_url(src) if src_is_url: try: image = fetch_image(src) except urllib.error.URLError: image = None else: image = src # add image to doc if image: try: if isinstance(self.doc, docx.document.Document): self.doc.add_picture(image) else: self.add_image_to_cell(self.doc, image) except FileNotFoundError: image = None if not image: if src_is_url: self.doc.add_paragraph("" % src) else: # avoid exposing filepaths in document self.doc.add_paragraph("" % get_filename_from_url(src)) def handle_table(self, html): """ To handle nested tables, we will parse tables manually as follows: Get table soup Create docx table Iterate over soup and fill docx table with new instances of this parser Tell HTMLParser to ignore any tags until the corresponding closing table tag """ doc = Document() table_soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') rows, cols_len = self.get_table_dimensions(table_soup) table = doc.add_table(len(rows), cols_len) table.style = doc.styles['Table Grid'] cell_row = 0 for index, row in enumerate(rows): cols = self.get_table_columns(row) cell_col = 0 for col in cols: colspan = int(col.attrs.get('colspan', 1)) rowspan = int(col.attrs.get('rowspan', 1)) cell_html = self.get_cell_html(col) if col.name == 'th': cell_html = "%s" % cell_html docx_cell = table.cell(cell_row, cell_col) while docx_cell.text != '': # Skip the merged cell cell_col += 1 docx_cell = table.cell(cell_row, cell_col) cell_to_merge = table.cell(cell_row + rowspan - 1, cell_col + colspan - 1) if docx_cell != cell_to_merge: docx_cell.merge(cell_to_merge) child_parser = HtmlToDocx() child_parser.copy_settings_from(self) child_parser.add_html_to_cell(cell_html or ' ', docx_cell) # occupy the position cell_col += colspan cell_row += 1 # skip all tags until corresponding closing tag self.instances_to_skip = len(table_soup.find_all('table')) self.skip_tag = 'table' self.skip = True self.table = None return table def handle_link(self, href, text): # Link requires a relationship is_external = href.startswith('http') rel_id = self.paragraph.part.relate_to( href, docx.opc.constants.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE.HYPERLINK, is_external=True # don't support anchor links for this library yet ) # Create the w:hyperlink tag and add needed values hyperlink = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:hyperlink') hyperlink.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('r:id'), rel_id) # Create sub-run subrun = self.paragraph.add_run() rPr = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:rPr') # add default color c = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:color') c.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('w:val'), "0000EE") rPr.append(c) # add underline u = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:u') u.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('w:val'), 'single') rPr.append(u) subrun._r.append(rPr) subrun._r.text = text # Add subrun to hyperlink hyperlink.append(subrun._r) # Add hyperlink to run self.paragraph._p.append(hyperlink) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if self.skip: return if tag == 'head': self.skip = True self.skip_tag = tag self.instances_to_skip = 0 return elif tag == 'body': return current_attrs = dict(attrs) if tag == 'span': self.tags['span'].append(current_attrs) return elif tag == 'ol' or tag == 'ul': self.tags['list'].append(tag) return # don't apply styles for now elif tag == 'br': self.run.add_break() return self.tags[tag] = current_attrs if tag in ['p', 'pre']: self.paragraph = self.doc.add_paragraph() self.apply_paragraph_style() elif tag == 'li': self.handle_li() elif tag == "hr": # This implementation was taken from: # https://github.com/python-openxml/python-docx/issues/105#issuecomment-62806373 self.paragraph = self.doc.add_paragraph() pPr = self.paragraph._p.get_or_add_pPr() pBdr = OxmlElement('w:pBdr') pPr.insert_element_before(pBdr, 'w:shd', 'w:tabs', 'w:suppressAutoHyphens', 'w:kinsoku', 'w:wordWrap', 'w:overflowPunct', 'w:topLinePunct', 'w:autoSpaceDE', 'w:autoSpaceDN', 'w:bidi', 'w:adjustRightInd', 'w:snapToGrid', 'w:spacing', 'w:ind', 'w:contextualSpacing', 'w:mirrorIndents', 'w:suppressOverlap', 'w:jc', 'w:textDirection', 'w:textAlignment', 'w:textboxTightWrap', 'w:outlineLvl', 'w:divId', 'w:cnfStyle', 'w:rPr', 'w:sectPr', 'w:pPrChange' ) bottom = OxmlElement('w:bottom') bottom.set(qn('w:val'), 'single') bottom.set(qn('w:sz'), '6') bottom.set(qn('w:space'), '1') bottom.set(qn('w:color'), 'auto') pBdr.append(bottom) elif re.match('h[1-9]', tag): if isinstance(self.doc, docx.document.Document): h_size = int(tag[1]) self.paragraph = self.doc.add_heading(level=min(h_size, 9)) else: self.paragraph = self.doc.add_paragraph() elif tag == 'img': self.handle_img(current_attrs) return elif tag == 'table': self.handle_table() return # set new run reference point in case of leading line breaks if tag in ['p', 'li', 'pre']: self.run = self.paragraph.add_run() # add style if not self.include_styles: return if 'style' in current_attrs and self.paragraph: style = self.parse_dict_string(current_attrs['style']) self.add_styles_to_paragraph(style) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if self.skip: if not tag == self.skip_tag: return if self.instances_to_skip > 0: self.instances_to_skip -= 1 return self.skip = False self.skip_tag = None self.paragraph = None if tag == 'span': if self.tags['span']: self.tags['span'].pop() return elif tag == 'ol' or tag == 'ul': remove_last_occurence(self.tags['list'], tag) return elif tag == 'table': self.table_no += 1 self.table = None self.doc = self.document self.paragraph = None if tag in self.tags: self.tags.pop(tag) # maybe set relevant reference to None? def handle_data(self, data): if self.skip: return # Only remove white space if we're not in a pre block. if 'pre' not in self.tags: # remove leading and trailing whitespace in all instances data = remove_whitespace(data, True, True) if not self.paragraph: self.paragraph = self.doc.add_paragraph() self.apply_paragraph_style() # There can only be one nested link in a valid html document # You cannot have interactive content in an A tag, this includes links # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#interactive-content link = self.tags.get('a') if link: self.handle_link(link['href'], data) else: # If there's a link, dont put the data directly in the run self.run = self.paragraph.add_run(data) spans = self.tags['span'] for span in spans: if 'style' in span: style = self.parse_dict_string(span['style']) self.add_styles_to_run(style) # add font style and name for tag in self.tags: if tag in font_styles: font_style = font_styles[tag] setattr(self.run.font, font_style, True) if tag in font_names: font_name = font_names[tag] self.run.font.name = font_name def ignore_nested_tables(self, tables_soup): """ Returns array containing only the highest level tables Operates on the assumption that bs4 returns child elements immediately after the parent element in `find_all`. If this changes in the future, this method will need to be updated :return: """ new_tables = [] nest = 0 for table in tables_soup: if nest: nest -= 1 continue new_tables.append(table) nest = len(table.find_all('table')) return new_tables def get_table_rows(self, table_soup): # If there's a header, body, footer or direct child tr tags, add row dimensions from there return table_soup.select(', '.join(self.table_row_selectors), recursive=False) def get_table_columns(self, row): # Get all columns for the specified row tag. return row.find_all(['th', 'td'], recursive=False) if row else [] def get_table_dimensions(self, table_soup): # Get rows for the table rows = self.get_table_rows(table_soup) # Table is either empty or has non-direct children between table and tr tags # Thus the row dimensions and column dimensions are assumed to be 0 cols = self.get_table_columns(rows[0]) if rows else [] # Add colspan calculation column number col_count = 0 for col in cols: colspan = col.attrs.get('colspan', 1) col_count += int(colspan) # return len(rows), col_count return rows, col_count def get_tables(self): if not hasattr(self, 'soup'): self.include_tables = False return # find other way to do it, or require this dependency? self.tables = self.ignore_nested_tables(self.soup.find_all('table')) self.table_no = 0 def run_process(self, html): if self.bs and BeautifulSoup: self.soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') html = str(self.soup) if self.include_tables: self.get_tables() self.feed(html) def add_html_to_document(self, html, document): if not isinstance(html, str): raise ValueError('First argument needs to be a %s' % str) elif not isinstance(document, docx.document.Document) and not isinstance(document, docx.table._Cell): raise ValueError('Second argument needs to be a %s' % docx.document.Document) self.set_initial_attrs(document) self.run_process(html) def add_html_to_cell(self, html, cell): self.set_initial_attrs(cell) self.run_process(html) def parse_html_file(self, filename_html, filename_docx=None): with open(filename_html, 'r') as infile: html = infile.read() self.set_initial_attrs() self.run_process(html) if not filename_docx: path, filename = os.path.split(filename_html) filename_docx = '%s/new_docx_file_%s' % (path, filename) self.doc.save('%s.docx' % filename_docx) def parse_html_string(self, html): self.set_initial_attrs() self.run_process(html) return self.doc