提交 db3fc626 编写于 作者: T tink2123

update en doc

上级 27c9faed
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ paddleocr -h
* Whole image prediction (detection + recognition)
Paddleocr currently supports 80 languages, which can be switched by modifying the --lang parameter.
PaddleOCR currently supports 80 languages, which can be switched by modifying the --lang parameter.
The specific supported [language](#language_abbreviations) can be viewed in the table.
``` bash
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ The result is a list, each item contains only text boxes
<a name="python_script_running"></a>
### 2.2 Python Script Running
PPocr also supports running in python scripts for easy embedding in your own code:
PaddleOCR also supports running in python scripts for easy embedding in your own code:
* Whole image prediction (detection + recognition)
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ ppocr also supports direction classification. For more usage methods, please ref
<a name="Custom_training"></a>
## 3 Custom Training
PPOCR supports using your own data for custom training or finetune, where the configuration file can refer to [French model](../../configs/rec/multi_language/rec_french_lite_train.yml)
PaddleOCR supports using your own data for custom training or finetune, where the configuration file can refer to [French model](../../configs/rec/multi_language/rec_french_lite_train.yml)
Modify the training data path, dictionary and other parameters.
For specific data preparation and training process, please refer to: [Text Detection](../doc_en/detection_en.md), [Text Recognition](../doc_en/recognition_en.md), more functions such as predictive deployment,
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