diff --git a/ScreenShotWidget.py b/ScreenShotWidget.py deleted file mode 100644 index 87d46198c04dd9975e8adeef5a269b1ccefdd11d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/ScreenShotWidget.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@ -# coding=utf-8 -# author: fardeas -# from: https://blog.csdn.net/u010501845/article/details/124931326 -import os -import sys -from datetime import datetime - -from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui -from qtpy.QtWidgets import * -from qtpy.QtCore import * -from qtpy.QtGui import * - - -class TextInputWidget(QTextEdit): - '''在截图区域内的文本输入框''' - - def __init__(self, god=None): - super().__init__(god) - self.god = god - # 设置背景透明 - # self.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit{background-color: transparent;}") - palette = self.palette() - palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base, self.god.color_transparent) - self.setPalette(palette) - self.setTextColor(self.god.toolbar.curColor()) - self.setCurrentFont(self.god.toolbar.curFont()) - self._doc = self.document() # QTextDocument - self.textChanged.connect(self.adjustSizeByContent) - self.adjustSizeByContent() # 初始化调整高度为一行 - self.hide() - - def adjustSizeByContent(self, margin=30): - '''限制宽度不超出截图区域,根据文本内容调整高度,不会出现滚动条''' - self._doc.setTextWidth(self.viewport().width()) - margins = self.contentsMargins() - h = int(self._doc.size().height() + margins.top() + margins.bottom()) - self.setFixedHeight(h) - - def beginNewInput(self, pos, endPointF): - '''开始新的文本输入''' - self._maxRect = self.god.screenArea.normalizeRectF(pos, endPointF) - self.waitForInput() - - def waitForInput(self): - self.setGeometry(self._maxRect.toRect()) - # self.setGeometry(self._maxRect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, 0)) # 宽度-1 - self.setFocus() - self.show() - - def loadTextInputBy(self, action): - '''载入修改旧的文本 - action:(type, color, font, rectf, txt)''' - self.setTextColor(action[1]) - self.setCurrentFont(action[2]) - self._maxRect = action[3] - self.append(action[4]) - self.god.isDrawing = True - self.waitForInput() - - -class LineWidthAction(QAction): - - '''画笔粗细选择器''' - - def __init__(self, text, parent, lineWidth): - super().__init__(text, parent) - self._lineWidth = lineWidth - self.refresh(QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.red) - self.triggered.connect(self.onTriggered) - self.setVisible(False) - - def refresh(self, color): - painter = self.parent().god.screenArea._painter - dotRadius = QPointF(self._lineWidth, self._lineWidth) - centerPoint = self.parent().iconPixmapCenter() - pixmap = self.parent().iconPixmapCopy() - painter.begin(pixmap) - painter.setPen(self.parent().god.pen_transparent) - painter.setBrush(color) - painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(centerPoint - dotRadius, centerPoint + dotRadius)) - painter.end() - self.setIcon(QIcon(pixmap)) - - def onTriggered(self): - self.parent()._curLineWidth = self._lineWidth - - -class FontAction(QAction): - - '''字体选择器''' - - def __init__(self, text, parent): - super().__init__(text, parent) - self.setIcon(QIcon(r"img/sys/font.png")) - self._curFont = self.parent().god.font_textInput - self.triggered.connect(self.onTriggered) - self.setVisible(False) - - def onTriggered(self): - font, ok = QFontDialog.getFont(self._curFont, self.parent(), caption='选择字体') - if ok: - self._curFont = font - self.parent().god.textInputWg.setCurrentFont(font) - - -class ColorAction(QAction): - - '''颜色选择器''' - - def __init__(self, text, parent): - super().__init__(text, parent) - self._curColor = QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.red - self._pixmap = QPixmap(32, 32) - self.refresh(self._curColor) - self.triggered.connect(self.onTriggered) - - def refresh(self, color): - self._curColor = color - self._pixmap.fill(color) - self.setIcon(QIcon(self._pixmap)) - self.parent()._at_line_small.refresh(color) - self.parent()._at_line_normal.refresh(color) - self.parent()._at_line_big.refresh(color) - - def onTriggered(self): - col = QColorDialog.getColor(self._curColor, self.parent(), title='选择颜色') - if col.isValid(): - self.refresh(col) - self.parent().god.textInputWg.setTextColor(col) - - -class ScreenShotToolBar(QToolBar): - '''截图区域工具条''' - - def __init__(self, god): - super().__init__(god) - self.god = god - self.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonStyle.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) - self.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {border-radius: 5px;padding: 3px;background-color: #eeeeef;}") - self._style_normal = "QToolBar QToolButton{color: black;}" - self._style_selected = "QToolBar QToolButton{color: #ff7300;border: 1px solid #BEDAF2;background-color: #D6E4F1}" # 与鼠标悬停样式一样 - self._iconPixmap = QPixmap(32, 32) - self._iconPixmap.fill(self.god.color_transparent) - self._iconPixmapCenter = QPointF(self._iconPixmap.rect().center()) - self._curLineWidth = 3 - self._at_line_small = LineWidthAction('细', self, self._curLineWidth - 2) - self._at_line_normal = LineWidthAction('中', self, self._curLineWidth) - self._at_line_big = LineWidthAction('粗', self, self._curLineWidth + 2) - self._at_font = FontAction('字体', self) - self._at_color = ColorAction('颜色', self) - # self._at_rectangle = QAction(QIcon(r"img/sys/rectangle.png"), '矩形', self, triggered=self.beforeDrawRectangle) - # self._at_ellipse = QAction(QIcon(r"img/sys/ellipse.png"), '椭圆', self, triggered=self.beforeDrawEllipse) - # self._at_graffiti = QAction(QIcon(r"img/sys/graffiti.png"), '涂鸦', self, triggered=self.beforeDrawGraffiti) - # self._at_textInput = QAction(QIcon(r"img/sys/write.png"), '文字', self, triggered=self.beforeDrawText) - # self.addAction(self._at_line_small) - # self.addAction(self._at_line_normal) - # self.addAction(self._at_line_big) - # self.addAction(self._at_font) - # self.addAction(self._at_color) - # self.addSeparator() - # self.addAction(self._at_rectangle) - # self.addAction(self._at_ellipse) - # self.addAction(self._at_graffiti) - # self.addAction(self._at_textInput) - # self.addAction(QAction(QIcon(r"img/sys/undo.png"), '撤销', self, triggered=self.undo)) - # self.addSeparator() - self.addAction(QAction(QApplication.style().standardIcon(40), - '退出', self, triggered=self.god.rejectSlot)) - self.addAction(QAction(QApplication.style().standardIcon(45), - '接受', self, triggered=self.god.acceptSlot)) - # self.addAction(QAction(QIcon(r"img/chat/download.png"), '保存', self, triggered=lambda: self.beforeSave('local'))) - # self.addAction(QAction(QIcon(r"img/chat/sendImg.png"), '复制', self, triggered=lambda: self.beforeSave('clipboard'))) - # self.actionTriggered.connect(self.onActionTriggered) - - def curLineWidth(self): - return self._curLineWidth - - def curFont(self): - return self._at_font._curFont - - def curColor(self): - return self._at_color._curColor - # return QColor(self._at_color._curColor.toRgb()) # 颜色的副本 - - def iconPixmapCopy(self): - return self._iconPixmap.copy() - - def iconPixmapCenter(self): - return self._iconPixmapCenter - - # def onActionTriggered(self, action): - # '''突出显示已选中的画笔粗细、编辑模式''' - # for at in [self._at_line_small, self._at_line_normal, self._at_line_big]: - # if at._lineWidth == self._curLineWidth: - # self.widgetForAction(at).setStyleSheet(self._style_selected) - # else: - # self.widgetForAction(at).setStyleSheet(self._style_normal) - # if self.god.isDrawRectangle: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_rectangle).setStyleSheet(self._style_selected) - # else: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_rectangle).setStyleSheet(self._style_normal) - # if self.god.isDrawEllipse: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_ellipse).setStyleSheet(self._style_selected) - # else: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_ellipse).setStyleSheet(self._style_normal) - # if self.god.isDrawGraffiti: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_graffiti).setStyleSheet(self._style_selected) - # else: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_graffiti).setStyleSheet(self._style_normal) - # if self.god.isDrawText: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_textInput).setStyleSheet(self._style_selected) - # else: - # self.widgetForAction(self._at_textInput).setStyleSheet(self._style_normal) - - def setLineWidthActionVisible(self, flag): - self._at_line_small.setVisible(flag) - self._at_line_normal.setVisible(flag) - self._at_line_big.setVisible(flag) - - def beforeDrawRectangle(self): - self.god.clearEditFlags() - self.god.isDrawRectangle = True - self.setLineWidthActionVisible(True) - self._at_font.setVisible(False) - - def beforeDrawEllipse(self): - self.god.clearEditFlags() - self.god.isDrawEllipse = True - self.setLineWidthActionVisible(True) - self._at_font.setVisible(False) - - def beforeDrawGraffiti(self): - self.god.clearEditFlags() - self.god.isDrawGraffiti = True - self.setLineWidthActionVisible(True) - self._at_font.setVisible(False) - - def beforeDrawText(self): - self.god.clearEditFlags() - self.god.isDrawText = True - self.setLineWidthActionVisible(False) - self._at_font.setVisible(True) - - def undo(self): - '''撤销上次编辑行为''' - if self.god.screenArea.undoEditAction(): - self.god.update() - - def beforeSave(self, target): - # 若正在编辑文本未保存,先完成编辑 - if self.god.isDrawing and self.god.isDrawText: - self.god.screenArea.saveTextInputAction() - if target == 'local': - self.god.save2Local() - elif target == 'clipboard': - self.god.save2Clipboard() - - def enterEvent(self, event): - self.god.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.ArrowCursor) # 工具条上显示标准箭头cursor - - def leaveEvent(self, event): - self.god.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor) # 十字无箭头 - - -class ScreenArea(QtCore.QObject): - '''屏幕区域(提供各种算法的核心类),划分为9个子区域: - TopLeft,Top,TopRight - Left,Center,Right - BottomLeft,Bottom,BottomRight - 其中Center根据start、end两个QPointF确定 - ''' - - def __init__(self, god): - super().__init__() - self.god = god - self._pt_start = QPointF() # 划定截图区域时鼠标左键按下的位置(topLeft) - self._pt_end = QPointF() # 划定截图区域时鼠标左键松开的位置(bottomRight) - self._rt_toolbar = QRectF() # 工具条的矩形 - self._actions = [] # 在截图区域上的所有编辑行为(矩形、椭圆、涂鸦、文本输入等) - self._pt_startEdit = QPointF() # 在截图区域上绘制矩形、椭圆时鼠标左键按下的位置(topLeft) - self._pt_endEdit = QPointF() # 在截图区域上绘制矩形、椭圆时鼠标左键松开的位置(bottomRight) - self._pointfs = [] # 涂鸦经过的所有点 - self._painter = QPainter() # 独立于ScreenShotWidget之外的画家类 - self._textOption = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop) - self._textOption.setWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WrapMode.WrapAnywhere) # 文本在矩形内自动换行 - # self._textOption.setWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WrapMode.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere) - self.captureScreen() - - def captureScreen(self): - '''抓取整个屏幕的截图''' - # screen = QtGui.QGuiApplication.primaryScreen() - self._screenPixmap = QApplication.primaryScreen().grabWindow(0) - self._pixelRatio = self._screenPixmap.devicePixelRatio() # 设备像素比 - self._rt_screen = self.screenLogicalRectF() - self.remakeNightArea() - - def normalizeRectF(self, topLeftPoint, bottomRightPoint): - '''根据起止点生成宽高非负数的QRectF,通常用于bottomRightPoint比topLeftPoint更左更上的情况 - 入参可以是QPoint或QPointF''' - rectf = QRectF(topLeftPoint, bottomRightPoint) - x = rectf.x() - y = rectf.y() - w = rectf.width() - h = rectf.height() - if w < 0: # bottomRightPoint在topLeftPoint左侧时,topLeftPoint往左移动 - x = x + w - w = -w - if h < 0: # bottomRightPoint在topLeftPoint上侧时,topLeftPoint往上移动 - y = y + h - h = -h - return QRectF(x, y, w, h) - - def physicalRectF(self, rectf): - '''计算划定的截图区域的(缩放倍率1.0的)原始矩形(会变大) - rectf:划定的截图区域的矩形。可为QRect或QRectF''' - return QRectF(rectf.x() * self._pixelRatio, rectf.y() * self._pixelRatio, - rectf.width() * self._pixelRatio, rectf.height() * self._pixelRatio) - - def logicalRectF(self, physicalRectF): - '''根据原始矩形计算缩放后的矩形(会变小) - physicalRectF:缩放倍率1.0的原始矩形。可为QRect或QRectF''' - return QRectF(physicalRectF.x() / self._pixelRatio, physicalRectF.y() / self._pixelRatio, - physicalRectF.width() / self._pixelRatio, physicalRectF.height() / self._pixelRatio) - - def physicalPixmap(self, rectf, editAction=False): - '''根据指定区域获取其原始大小的(缩放倍率1.0的)QPixmap - rectf:指定区域。可为QRect或QRectF - editAction:是否带上编辑结果''' - if editAction: - canvasPixmap = self.screenPhysicalPixmapCopy() - self._painter.begin(canvasPixmap) - self.paintEachEditAction(self._painter, textBorder=False) - self._painter.end() - return canvasPixmap.copy(self.physicalRectF(rectf).toRect()) - else: - return self._screenPixmap.copy(self.physicalRectF(rectf).toRect()) - - def screenPhysicalRectF(self): - return QRectF(self._screenPixmap.rect()) - - def screenLogicalRectF(self): - return QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), self.screenLogicalSizeF()) # 即当前屏幕显示的大小 - - def screenPhysicalSizeF(self): - return QSizeF(self._screenPixmap.size()) - - def screenLogicalSizeF(self): - return QSizeF(self._screenPixmap.width() / self._pixelRatio, self._screenPixmap.height() / self._pixelRatio) - - def screenPhysicalPixmapCopy(self): - return self._screenPixmap.copy() - - def screenLogicalPixmapCopy(self): - return self._screenPixmap.scaled(self.screenLogicalSizeF().toSize()) - - def centerPhysicalRectF(self): - return self.physicalRectF(self._rt_center) - - def centerLogicalRectF(self): - '''根据屏幕上的start、end两个QPointF确定''' - return self._rt_center - - def centerPhysicalPixmap(self, editAction=True): - '''截图区域的QPixmap - editAction:是否带上编辑结果''' - return self.physicalPixmap(self._rt_center + QMarginsF(-1, -1, 1, 1), editAction=editAction) - - def centerTopMid(self): - return self._pt_centerTopMid - - def centerBottomMid(self): - return self._pt_centerBottomMid - - def centerLeftMid(self): - return self._pt_centerLeftMid - - def centerRightMid(self): - return self._pt_centerRightMid - - def setStartPoint(self, pointf, remake=False): - self._pt_start = pointf - if remake: - self.remakeNightArea() - - def setEndPoint(self, pointf, remake=False): - self._pt_end = pointf - if remake: - self.remakeNightArea() - - def setCenterArea(self, start, end): - self._pt_start = start - self._pt_end = end - self.remakeNightArea() - - def remakeNightArea(self): - '''重新划分九宫格区域。根据中央截图区域计算出来的其他8个区域、截图区域四个边框中点坐标等都是logical的''' - self._rt_center = self.normalizeRectF(self._pt_start, self._pt_end) - # 中央区域上下左右边框的中点,用于调整大小 - self._pt_centerTopMid = (self._rt_center.topLeft() + self._rt_center.topRight()) / 2 - self._pt_centerBottomMid = (self._rt_center.bottomLeft() + self._rt_center.bottomRight()) / 2 - self._pt_centerLeftMid = (self._rt_center.topLeft() + self._rt_center.bottomLeft()) / 2 - self._pt_centerRightMid = (self._rt_center.topRight() + self._rt_center.bottomRight()) / 2 - # 以截图区域左上、上中、右上、左中、右中、左下、下中、右下为中心的正方形区域,用于调整大小 - self._square_topLeft = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._rt_center.topLeft()) - self._square_topRight = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._rt_center.topRight()) - self._square_bottomLeft = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._rt_center.bottomLeft()) - self._square_bottomRight = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._rt_center.bottomRight()) - self._square_topMid = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._pt_centerTopMid) - self._square_bottomMid = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._pt_centerBottomMid) - self._square_leftMid = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._pt_centerLeftMid) - self._square_rightMid = self.squareAreaByCenter(self._pt_centerRightMid) - # 除中央截图区域外的8个区域 - self._rt_topLeft = QRectF(self._rt_screen.topLeft(), self._rt_center.topLeft()) - self._rt_top = QRectF(QPointF(self._rt_center.topLeft().x(), 0), self._rt_center.topRight()) - self._rt_topRight = QRectF(QPointF(self._rt_center.topRight().x(), 0), QPointF(self._rt_screen.width(), self._rt_center.topRight().y())) - self._rt_left = QRectF(QPointF(0, self._rt_center.topLeft().y()), self._rt_center.bottomLeft()) - self._rt_right = QRectF(self._rt_center.topRight(), QPointF(self._rt_screen.width(), self._rt_center.bottomRight().y())) - self._rt_bottomLeft = QRectF(QPointF(0, self._rt_center.bottomLeft().y()), QPointF(self._rt_center.bottomLeft().x(), self._rt_screen.height())) - self._rt_bottom = QRectF(self._rt_center.bottomLeft(), QPointF(self._rt_center.bottomRight().x(), self._rt_screen.height())) - self._rt_bottomRight = QRectF(self._rt_center.bottomRight(), self._rt_screen.bottomRight()) - - def squareAreaByCenter(self, pointf): - '''以QPointF为中心的正方形QRectF''' - rectf = QRectF(0, 0, 15, 15) - rectf.moveCenter(pointf) - return rectf - - def aroundAreaIn8Direction(self): - '''中央区域周边的8个方向的区域(无交集)''' - return [self._rt_topLeft, self._rt_top, self._rt_topRight, - self._rt_left, self._rt_right, - self._rt_bottomLeft, self._rt_bottom, self._rt_bottomRight] - - def aroundAreaIn4Direction(self): - '''中央区域周边的4个方向的区域(有交集) - 上区域(左上、上、右上):0, 0, maxX, topRight.y - 下区域(左下、下、右下):0, bottomLeft.y, maxX, maxY-bottomLeft.y - 左区域(左上、左、左下):0, 0, bottomLeft.x, maxY - 右区域(右上、右、右下):topRight.x, 0, maxX - topRight.x, maxY''' - screenSizeF = self.screenLogicalSizeF() - pt_topRight = self._rt_center.topRight() - pt_bottomLeft = self._rt_center.bottomLeft() - return [QRectF(0, 0, screenSizeF.width(), pt_topRight.y()), - QRectF(0, pt_bottomLeft.y(), screenSizeF.width(), screenSizeF.height() - pt_bottomLeft.y()), - QRectF(0, 0, pt_bottomLeft.x(), screenSizeF.height()), - QRectF(pt_topRight.x(), 0, screenSizeF.width() - pt_topRight.x(), screenSizeF.height())] - - def aroundAreaWithoutIntersection(self): - '''中央区域周边的4个方向的区域(无交集) - 上区域(左上、上、右上):0, 0, maxX, topRight.y - 下区域(左下、下、右下):0, bottomLeft.y, maxX, maxY-bottomLeft.y - 左区域(左):0, topRight.y, bottomLeft.x-1, center.height - 右区域(右):topRight.x+1, topRight.y, maxX - topRight.x, center.height''' - screenSizeF = self.screenLogicalSizeF() - pt_topRight = self._rt_center.topRight() - pt_bottomLeft = self._rt_center.bottomLeft() - centerHeight = pt_bottomLeft.y() - pt_topRight.y() - return [QRectF(0, 0, screenSizeF.width(), pt_topRight.y()), - QRectF(0, pt_bottomLeft.y(), screenSizeF.width(), screenSizeF.height() - pt_bottomLeft.y()), - QRectF(0, pt_topRight.y(), pt_bottomLeft.x() - 1, centerHeight), - QRectF(pt_topRight.x() + 1, pt_topRight.y(), screenSizeF.width() - pt_topRight.x(), centerHeight)] - - def setBeginDragPoint(self, pointf): - '''计算开始拖拽位置距离截图区域左上角的向量''' - self._drag_vector = pointf - self._rt_center.topLeft() - - def getNewPosAfterDrag(self, pointf): - '''计算拖拽后截图区域左上角的新位置''' - return pointf - self._drag_vector - - def moveCenterAreaTo(self, pointf): - '''限制拖拽不能超出屏幕范围''' - self._rt_center.moveTo(self.getNewPosAfterDrag(pointf)) - startPointF = self._rt_center.topLeft() - if startPointF.x() < 0: - self._rt_center.moveTo(0, startPointF.y()) - startPointF = self._rt_center.topLeft() - if startPointF.y() < 0: - self._rt_center.moveTo(startPointF.x(), 0) - screenSizeF = self.screenLogicalSizeF() - endPointF = self._rt_center.bottomRight() - if endPointF.x() > screenSizeF.width(): - self._rt_center.moveBottomRight(QPointF(screenSizeF.width(), endPointF.y())) - endPointF = self._rt_center.bottomRight() - if endPointF.y() > screenSizeF.height(): - self._rt_center.moveBottomRight(QPointF(endPointF.x(), screenSizeF.height())) - self.setCenterArea(self._rt_center.topLeft(), self._rt_center.bottomRight()) - - def setBeginAdjustPoint(self, pointf): - '''判断开始调整截图区域大小时鼠标左键在哪个区(不可能是中央区域),用于判断调整大小的意图方向''' - self._mousePos = self.getMousePosBy(pointf) - - def getMousePosBy(self, pointf): - if self._square_topLeft.contains(pointf): - return 'TL' - elif self._square_topMid.contains(pointf): - return 'T' - elif self._square_topRight.contains(pointf): - return 'TR' - elif self._square_leftMid.contains(pointf): - return 'L' - elif self._rt_center.contains(pointf): - return 'CENTER' - elif self._square_rightMid.contains(pointf): - return 'R' - elif self._square_bottomLeft.contains(pointf): - return 'BL' - elif self._square_bottomMid.contains(pointf): - return 'B' - elif self._square_bottomRight.contains(pointf): - return 'BR' - else: - return 'ERROR' - - def adjustCenterAreaBy(self, pointf): - '''根据开始调整截图区域大小时鼠标左键在哪个区(不可能是中央区域),判断调整大小的意图方向,判定新的开始、结束位置''' - startPointF = self._rt_center.topLeft() - endPointF = self._rt_center.bottomRight() - if self._mousePos == 'TL': - startPointF = pointf - elif self._mousePos == 'T': - startPointF = QPointF(startPointF.x(), pointf.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'TR': - startPointF = QPointF(startPointF.x(), pointf.y()) - endPointF = QPointF(pointf.x(), endPointF.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'L': - startPointF = QPointF(pointf.x(), startPointF.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'R': - endPointF = QPointF(pointf.x(), endPointF.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'BL': - startPointF = QPointF(pointf.x(), startPointF.y()) - endPointF = QPointF(endPointF.x(), pointf.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'B': - endPointF = QPointF(endPointF.x(), pointf.y()) - elif self._mousePos == 'BR': - endPointF = pointf - else: # 'ERROR' - return - newRectF = self.normalizeRectF(startPointF, endPointF) - self.setCenterArea(newRectF.topLeft(), newRectF.bottomRight()) - - def getMouseShapeBy(self, pointf): - '''根据鼠标位置返回对应的鼠标样式''' - if self._rt_center.contains(pointf): - if self.god.isDrawRectangle or self.god.isDrawEllipse: - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.ArrowCursor - elif self.god.isDrawGraffiti: - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.PointingHandCursor # 超链接上的手势 - elif self.god.isDrawText: - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.IBeamCursor # 工字 - else: - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.SizeAllCursor # 十字有箭头 - # return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.OpenHandCursor # 打开的手,表示可拖拽 - elif self._square_topLeft.contains(pointf) or self._square_bottomRight.contains(pointf): - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.SizeFDiagCursor # ↖↘ - elif self._square_topMid.contains(pointf) or self._square_bottomMid.contains(pointf): - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.SizeVerCursor # ↑↓ - elif self._square_topRight.contains(pointf) or self._square_bottomLeft.contains(pointf): - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.SizeBDiagCursor # ↙↗ - elif self._square_leftMid.contains(pointf) or self._square_rightMid.contains(pointf): - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.SizeHorCursor # ←→ - else: - return QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor # 十字无箭头 - - def isMousePosInCenterRectF(self, pointf): - return self._rt_center.contains(pointf) - - def paintMagnifyingGlassPixmap(self, pos, glassSize): - '''绘制放大镜内的图像(含纵横十字线) - pos:鼠标光标位置 - glassSize:放大镜边框大小''' - pixmapRect = QRect(0, 0, 20, 20) # 以鼠标光标为中心的正方形区域,最好是偶数 - pixmapRect.moveCenter(pos) - glassPixmap = self.physicalPixmap(pixmapRect) - glassPixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(1.0) - glassPixmap = glassPixmap.scaled(glassSize, glassSize, QtCore.Qt.AspectRatioMode.KeepAspectRatio) - # 在放大后的QPixmap上画纵横十字线 - self._painter.begin(glassPixmap) - halfWidth = glassPixmap.width() / 2 - halfHeight = glassPixmap.height() / 2 - self._painter.setPen(self.god.pen_SolidLine_lightBlue) - self._painter.drawLine(QPointF(0, halfHeight), QPointF(glassPixmap.width(), halfHeight)) - self._painter.drawLine(QPointF(halfWidth, 0), QPointF(halfWidth, glassPixmap.height())) - self._painter.end() - return glassPixmap - - def paintEachEditAction(self, painter, textBorder=True): - '''绘制所有已保存的编辑行为。编辑行为超出截图区域也无所谓,保存图像时只截取截图区域内 - textBorder:是否绘制文本边框''' - for action in self.getEditActions(): - if action[0] == 'rectangle': # (type, color, lineWidth, startPoint, endPoint) - self.paintRectangle(painter, action[1], action[2], action[3], action[4]) - elif action[0] == 'ellipse': # (type, color, lineWidth, startPoint, endPoint) - self.paintEllipse(painter, action[1], action[2], action[3], action[4]) - elif action[0] == 'graffiti': # (type, color, lineWidth, points) - self.paintGraffiti(painter, action[1], action[2], action[3]) - elif action[0] == 'text': # (type, color, font, rectf, txt) - self.paintTextInput(painter, action[1], action[2], action[3], action[4], textBorder=textBorder) - - def paintRectangle(self, painter, color, lineWidth, startPoint=None, endPoint=None): - if not startPoint: - startPoint = self._pt_startEdit - if not endPoint: - endPoint = self._pt_endEdit - qrectf = self.normalizeRectF(startPoint, endPoint) - if qrectf.isValid(): - pen = QPen(color) - pen.setWidth(lineWidth) - painter.setPen(pen) - painter.setBrush(self.god.color_transparent) - painter.drawRect(qrectf) - - def paintEllipse(self, painter, color, lineWidth, startPoint=None, endPoint=None): - if not startPoint: - startPoint = self._pt_startEdit - if not endPoint: - endPoint = self._pt_endEdit - qrectf = self.normalizeRectF(startPoint, endPoint) - if qrectf.isValid(): - pen = QPen(color) - pen.setWidth(lineWidth) - painter.setPen(pen) - painter.setBrush(self.god.color_transparent) - painter.drawEllipse(qrectf) - - def paintGraffiti(self, painter, color, lineWidth, pointfs=None): - if not pointfs: - pointfs = self.getGraffitiPointFs() - pen = QPen(color) - pen.setWidth(lineWidth) - painter.setPen(pen) - total = len(pointfs) - if total == 0: - return - elif total == 1: - painter.drawPoint(pointfs[0]) - else: - previousPoint = pointfs[0] - for i in range(1, total): - nextPoint = pointfs[i] - painter.drawLine(previousPoint, nextPoint) - previousPoint = nextPoint - - def paintTextInput(self, painter, color, font, rectf, txt, textBorder=True): - painter.setPen(color) - painter.setFont(font) - painter.drawText(rectf, txt, self._textOption) - if textBorder: - painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.DotLine) # 点线 - painter.setBrush(self.god.color_transparent) - painter.drawRect(rectf) - - def getEditActions(self): - return self._actions.copy() - - def takeTextInputActionAt(self, pointf): - '''根据鼠标位置查找已保存的文本输入结果,找到后取出''' - for i in range(len(self._actions)): - action = self._actions[i] - if action[0] == 'text' and action[3].contains(pointf): - return self._actions.pop(i) - return None - - def undoEditAction(self): - reply = False - if self._actions: - reply = self._actions.pop() - if not self._actions: # 所有编辑行为都被撤销后退出编辑模式 - self.god.exitEditMode() - else: - self.god.exitEditMode() - return reply - - def clearEditActions(self): - self._actions.clear() - - def setBeginEditPoint(self, pointf): - '''在截图区域上绘制矩形、椭圆时鼠标左键按下的位置(topLeft)''' - self._pt_startEdit = pointf - self.god.isDrawing = True - - def setEndEditPoint(self, pointf): - '''在截图区域上绘制矩形、椭圆时鼠标左键松开的位置(bottomRight)''' - self._pt_endEdit = pointf - - def saveRectangleAction(self): - rectf = self.normalizeRectF(self._pt_startEdit, self._pt_endEdit) - self._actions.append(('rectangle', self.god.toolbar.curColor(), self.god.toolbar.curLineWidth(), - rectf.topLeft(), rectf.bottomRight())) - self._pt_startEdit = QPointF() - self._pt_endEdit = QPointF() - self.god.isDrawing = False - - def saveEllipseleAction(self): - rectf = self.normalizeRectF(self._pt_startEdit, self._pt_endEdit) - self._actions.append(('ellipse', self.god.toolbar.curColor(), self.god.toolbar.curLineWidth(), - rectf.topLeft(), rectf.bottomRight())) - self._pt_startEdit = QPointF() - self._pt_endEdit = QPointF() - self.god.isDrawing = False - - def saveGraffitiPointF(self, pointf, first=False): - self._pointfs.append(pointf) - if first: - self.god.isDrawing = True - - def getGraffitiPointFs(self): - return self._pointfs.copy() - - def saveGraffitiAction(self): - if self._pointfs: - self._actions.append(('graffiti', self.god.toolbar.curColor(), self.god.toolbar.curLineWidth(), self._pointfs.copy())) - self._pointfs.clear() - self.god.isDrawing = False - - def setBeginInputTextPoint(self, pointf): - '''在截图区域上输入文字时鼠标左键按下的位置(topLeft)''' - self.god.isDrawing = True - self.god.textInputWg.beginNewInput(pointf, self._pt_end) - - def saveTextInputAction(self): - txt = self.god.textInputWg.toPlainText() - if txt: - rectf = self.god.textInputWg._maxRect # 取最大矩形的topLeft - rectf.setSize(QRectF(self.god.textInputWg.rect()).size()) # 取实际矩形的宽高 - self._actions.append(('text', self.god.toolbar.curColor(), self.god.toolbar.curFont(), - rectf, txt)) - self.god.textInputWg.clear() - self.god.textInputWg.hide() # 不管保存成功与否都取消编辑 - self.god.isDrawing = False - - def saveNightAreaImg(self): - '''将九宫格区域保存为本地图片,仅用于开发测试''' - screenPixmap = self.screenPhysicalPixmapCopy() - self._painter.begin(screenPixmap) - self._painter.setPen(self.pen_SolidLine_lightBlue) - self._painter.setFont(self.god.font_normal) - self._painter.drawRect(self._rt_center) - for area in self.aroundAreaIn8Direction(): - self._painter.drawRect(area) - for pointf in [self._rt_center.topLeft(), self._rt_center.topRight(), - self._rt_center.bottomLeft(), self._rt_center.bottomRight(), - self._pt_centerTopMid, self._pt_centerBottomMid, - self._pt_centerLeftMid, self._pt_centerRightMid]: - self._painter.drawText(pointf + QPointF(5, -5), '(%s, %s)' % (pointf.x(), pointf.y())) - self._painter.end() - screenPixmap.save('1.jpg', quality=100) - self.centerPhysicalPixmap().save('2.jpg', quality=100) - - -class ScreenShotWidget(QWidget): - - fileType_all = '所有文件 (*);;Excel文件 (*.xls *.xlsx);;图片文件 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.gif *.png *.bmp)' - fileType_img = '图片文件 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.gif *.png *.bmp)' - dir_lastAccess = os.getcwd() # 最后访问目录 - - def __init__(self): - super().__init__() - self.setMouseTracking(True) - self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowType.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowType.WindowStaysOnTopHint) - self.initPainterTool() - self.initFunctionalFlag() - self.screenArea = ScreenArea(self) - self.toolbar = ScreenShotToolBar(self) - self.textInputWg = TextInputWidget(self) - - self.captureImage = None - # 设置 screenPixmap 为窗口背景 - # palette = QtGui.QPalette() - # palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Window, QtGui.QBrush(self.screenArea.screenPhysicalPixmapCopy())) - # self.setPalette(palette) - - def rejectSlot(self): - self.captureImage = None - self.close() - - def acceptSlot(self): - self.captureImage = self.screenArea.centerPhysicalPixmap().toImage() - self.close() - - def start(self): - self.screenArea.captureScreen() - self.setGeometry(self.screenArea.screenPhysicalRectF().toRect()) - self.clearScreenShotArea() - self.showFullScreen() - - def initPainterTool(self): - self.painter = QPainter() - self.color_transparent = QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.transparent - self.color_black = QColor(0, 0, 0, 64) # 黑色背景 - self.color_lightBlue = QColor(30, 120, 255) # 浅蓝色。深蓝色QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.blue - self.font_normal = QtGui.QFont('Times New Roman', 11, QtGui.QFont.Weight.Normal) - self.font_textInput = QtGui.QFont('微软雅黑', 16, QtGui.QFont.Weight.Normal) # 工具条文字工具默认字体 - self.pen_transparent = QPen(QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.NoPen) # 没有笔迹,画不出线条 - self.pen_white = QPen(QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.white) - self.pen_SolidLine_lightBlue = QPen(self.color_lightBlue) # 实线,浅蓝色 - self.pen_SolidLine_lightBlue.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.DashLine) # 实线SolidLine,虚线DashLine,点线DotLine - self.pen_SolidLine_lightBlue.setWidthF(0) # 0表示线宽为1 - self.pen_DashLine_lightBlue = QPen(self.color_lightBlue) # 虚线,浅蓝色 - self.pen_DashLine_lightBlue.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.DashLine) - - def initFunctionalFlag(self): - self.hasScreenShot = False # 是否已通过拖动鼠标左键划定截图区域 - self.isCapturing = False # 正在拖动鼠标左键选定截图区域时 - self.isMoving = False # 在截图区域内拖动时 - self.isAdjusting = False # 在截图区域的边框按住鼠标左键调整大小时 - self.isDrawing = False # 是否已在截图区域内开始绘制 - self.isDrawRectangle = False # 正在截图区域内画矩形 - self.isDrawEllipse = False # 正在截图区域内画椭圆 - self.isDrawGraffiti = False # 正在截图区域内进行涂鸦 - self.isDrawText = False # 正在截图区域内画文字 - self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor) # 设置鼠标样式 十字 - - def paintEvent(self, event): - centerRectF = self.screenArea.centerLogicalRectF() - screenSizeF = self.screenArea.screenLogicalSizeF() - canvasPixmap = self.screenArea.screenPhysicalPixmapCopy() - # canvasPixmap = QPixmap(screenSizeF.toSize()) - # canvasPixmap.fill(self.color_transparent) - # 在屏幕截图的副本上绘制已选定的截图区域 - self.painter.begin(canvasPixmap) - if self.hasScreenShot: - self.paintCenterArea(centerRectF) # 绘制中央截图区域 - self.paintMaskLayer(screenSizeF, fullScreen=False) # 绘制截图区域的周边区域遮罩层 - else: - self.paintMaskLayer(screenSizeF) - self.paintMagnifyingGlass(screenSizeF) # 在鼠标光标右下角显示放大镜 - self.paintToolbar(centerRectF, screenSizeF) # 在截图区域右下角显示工具条 - self.paintEditActions() # 在截图区域绘制编辑行为结果 - self.painter.end() - # 把画好的绘制结果显示到窗口上 - self.painter.begin(self) - self.painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvasPixmap) # 从坐标(0, 0)开始绘制 - self.painter.end() - - def paintCenterArea(self, centerRectF): - '''绘制已选定的截图区域''' - self.painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, True) # 反走样 - # 1.绘制矩形线框 - self.painter.setPen(self.pen_DashLine_lightBlue) - self.painter.drawRect(centerRectF) - # 2.绘制矩形线框4个端点和4条边框的中间点 - if centerRectF.width() >= 100 and centerRectF.height() >= 100: - points = [ # 点坐标 - centerRectF.topLeft(), centerRectF.topRight(), centerRectF.bottomLeft(), centerRectF.bottomRight(), - self.screenArea.centerLeftMid(), self.screenArea.centerRightMid(), - self.screenArea.centerTopMid(), self.screenArea.centerBottomMid() - ] - blueDotRadius = QPointF(2, 2) # 椭圆蓝点 - self.painter.setBrush(self.color_lightBlue) - for point in points: - self.painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(point - blueDotRadius, point + blueDotRadius)) - # 3.在截图区域左上角显示截图区域宽高 - if centerRectF.topLeft().y() > 20: - labelPos = centerRectF.topLeft() + QPointF(5, -5) - else: # 拖拽截图区域到贴近屏幕上边缘时“宽x高”移动到截图区域左上角的下侧 - labelPos = centerRectF.topLeft() + QPointF(5, 15) - centerPhysicalRect = self.screenArea.centerPhysicalRectF().toRect() - self.painter.setPen(self.pen_white) - self.painter.setFont(self.font_normal) - self.painter.drawText(labelPos, '%s x %s' % (centerPhysicalRect.width(), centerPhysicalRect.height())) - # 4.在屏幕左上角预览截图结果 - # self.painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.screenArea.centerPhysicalPixmap()) # 从坐标(0, 0)开始绘制 - - def paintMaskLayer(self, screenSizeF, fullScreen=True): - if fullScreen: # 全屏遮罩层 - maskPixmap = QPixmap(screenSizeF.toSize()) - maskPixmap.fill(self.color_black) - self.painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap) - else: # 绘制截图区域的周边区域遮罩层,以凸显截图区域 - # 方法一:截图区域以外的8个方向区域 - # for area in self.screenArea.aroundAreaIn8Direction(): - # area = area.normalized() - # maskPixmap = QPixmap(area.size().toSize()) # 由于float转int的精度问题,可能会存在黑线条缝隙 - # maskPixmap.fill(self.color_black) - # self.painter.drawPixmap(area.topLeft(), maskPixmap) - # 方法二:截图区域以外的上下左右区域(有交集,交集部分颜色加深,有明显的纵横效果) - # for area in self.screenArea.aroundAreaIn4Direction(): - # maskPixmap = QPixmap(area.size().toSize()) - # maskPixmap.fill(self.color_black) - # self.painter.drawPixmap(area.topLeft(), maskPixmap) - # 方法三:截图区域以外的上下左右区域(无交集) - for area in self.screenArea.aroundAreaWithoutIntersection(): - maskPixmap = QPixmap(area.size().toSize()) - maskPixmap.fill(self.color_black) - self.painter.drawPixmap(area.topLeft(), maskPixmap) - - def paintMagnifyingGlass(self, screenSizeF, glassSize=150, offset=30, labelHeight=30): - '''未划定截图区域模式时、正在划定截取区域时、调整截取区域大小时在鼠标光标右下角显示放大镜 - glassSize:放大镜正方形边长 - offset:放大镜任意一个端点距离鼠标光标位置的最近距离 - labelHeight:pos和rgb两行文字的高度''' - if self.hasScreenShot and (not self.isCapturing) and (not self.isAdjusting): - return - pos = QtGui.QCursor.pos() - glassPixmap = self.screenArea.paintMagnifyingGlassPixmap(pos, glassSize) # 画好纵横十字线后的放大镜内QPixmap - # 限制放大镜显示不超出屏幕外 - glassRect = glassPixmap.rect() - if (pos.x() + glassSize + offset) < screenSizeF.width(): - if (pos.y() + offset + glassSize + labelHeight) < screenSizeF.height(): - glassRect.moveTo(pos + QPoint(offset, offset)) - else: - glassRect.moveBottomLeft(pos + QPoint(offset, -offset)) - else: - if (pos.y() + offset + glassSize + labelHeight) < screenSizeF.height(): - glassRect.moveTopRight(pos + QPoint(-offset, offset)) - else: - glassRect.moveBottomRight(pos + QPoint(-offset, -offset)) - self.painter.drawPixmap(glassRect.topLeft(), glassPixmap) - # 显示pos:(x, y)、rgb:(255,255,255) - qrgb = QtGui.QRgba64.fromArgb32(glassPixmap.toImage().pixel(glassPixmap.rect().center())) - labelRectF = QRectF(glassRect.bottomLeft().x(), glassRect.bottomLeft().y(), glassSize, labelHeight) - self.painter.setPen(self.pen_transparent) - self.painter.setBrush(self.color_black) # 黑底 - self.painter.drawRect(labelRectF) - self.painter.setPen(self.pen_white) - self.painter.setFont(self.font_normal) - self.painter.drawText(labelRectF, - QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter, - 'pos:(%s, %s)\nrgb:(%s, %s, %s)' % (pos.x(), pos.y(), qrgb.red8(), qrgb.green8(), qrgb.blue8())) - - def paintToolbar(self, centerRectF, screenSizeF): - '''在截图区域右下角显示工具条''' - if self.hasScreenShot: - if self.isCapturing or self.isAdjusting: - self.toolbar.hide() # 正在划定截取区域时、调整截图区域大小时不显示工具条 - else: - self.toolbar.adjustSize() - toolbarRectF = QRectF(self.toolbar.rect()) - # 工具条位置优先顺序:右下角下侧,右上角上侧,右下角上侧 - if (screenSizeF.height() - centerRectF.bottomRight().y()) > toolbarRectF.height(): - toolbarRectF.moveTopRight(centerRectF.bottomRight() + QPointF(-5, 5)) - elif centerRectF.topRight().y() > toolbarRectF.height(): - toolbarRectF.moveBottomRight(centerRectF.topRight() + QPointF(-5, -5)) - else: - toolbarRectF.moveBottomRight(centerRectF.bottomRight() + QPointF(-5, -5)) - # 限制工具条的x坐标不为负数,不能移出屏幕外 - if toolbarRectF.x() < 0: - pos = toolbarRectF.topLeft() - pos.setX(centerRectF.x() + 5) - toolbarRectF.moveTo(pos) - self.toolbar.move(toolbarRectF.topLeft().toPoint()) - self.toolbar.show() - else: - self.toolbar.hide() - - def paintEditActions(self): - '''在截图区域绘制编辑行为结果。编辑行为超出截图区域也无所谓,保存图像时只截取截图区域内''' - # 1.绘制正在拖拽编辑中的矩形、椭圆、涂鸦 - if self.isDrawRectangle: - self.screenArea.paintRectangle(self.painter, self.toolbar.curColor(), self.toolbar.curLineWidth()) - elif self.isDrawEllipse: - self.screenArea.paintEllipse(self.painter, self.toolbar.curColor(), self.toolbar.curLineWidth()) - elif self.isDrawGraffiti: - self.screenArea.paintGraffiti(self.painter, self.toolbar.curColor(), self.toolbar.curLineWidth()) - # 2.绘制所有已保存的编辑行为 - self.screenArea.paintEachEditAction(self.painter) - - def clearEditFlags(self): - self.isDrawing = False - self.isDrawRectangle = False - self.isDrawEllipse = False - self.isDrawGraffiti = False - self.isDrawText = False - - def exitEditMode(self): - '''退出编辑模式''' - self.clearEditFlags() - # self.toolbar.onActionTriggered(None) # 清空工具条工具按钮选中状态 - self.textInputWg.hide() - - def clearScreenShotArea(self): - '''清空已划定的截取区域''' - self.screenArea.clearEditActions() # 清除已保存的编辑行为 - self.exitEditMode() - self.hasScreenShot = False - self.isCapturing = False - pos = QPointF() - self.screenArea.setCenterArea(pos, pos) - self.update() - self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor) # 设置鼠标样式 十字 - - def mousePressEvent(self, event): - if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: - pos = event.pos() - if self.hasScreenShot: - if self.isDrawRectangle or self.isDrawEllipse: - self.screenArea.setBeginEditPoint(pos) - elif self.isDrawGraffiti: # 保存涂鸦经过的每一个点 - self.screenArea.saveGraffitiPointF(pos, first=True) - elif self.isDrawText: - if self.isDrawing: - if QRectF(self.textInputWg.rect()).contains(pos): - pass # 在输入框内调整光标位置,忽略 - else: # 鼠标点到输入框之外,完成编辑 - self.screenArea.saveTextInputAction() - else: # 未开始编辑时(暂不支持文本拖拽) - action = self.screenArea.takeTextInputActionAt(pos) - if action: # 鼠标点到输入框之内,修改旧的文本输入 - self.textInputWg.loadTextInputBy(action) - else: # 鼠标点到输入框之外,开始新的文本输入 - self.screenArea.setBeginInputTextPoint(pos) - elif self.screenArea.isMousePosInCenterRectF(pos): - self.isMoving = True # 进入拖拽移动模式 - self.screenArea.setBeginDragPoint(pos) - else: - self.isAdjusting = True # 进入调整大小模式 - self.screenArea.setBeginAdjustPoint(pos) - else: - self.screenArea.setCenterArea(pos, pos) - self.isCapturing = True # 进入划定截图区域模式 - if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.RightButton: - if self.hasScreenShot or self.isCapturing: # 清空已划定的的截图区域 - self.clearScreenShotArea() - else: - self.close() - - def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): - if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: - if self.isDrawRectangle: - self.screenArea.saveRectangleAction() - elif self.isDrawEllipse: - self.screenArea.saveEllipseleAction() - elif self.isDrawGraffiti: - self.screenArea.saveGraffitiAction() - self.isCapturing = False - self.isMoving = False - self.isAdjusting = False - self.toolbar.show() - - def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): - pos = event.pos() - if self.isDrawing: - if self.isDrawRectangle or self.isDrawEllipse: - self.screenArea.setEndEditPoint(pos) - elif self.isDrawGraffiti: - self.screenArea.saveGraffitiPointF(pos) - elif self.isCapturing: - self.hasScreenShot = True - self.screenArea.setEndPoint(pos, remake=True) - elif self.isMoving: - self.screenArea.moveCenterAreaTo(pos) - elif self.isAdjusting: - self.screenArea.adjustCenterAreaBy(pos) - self.update() - if self.hasScreenShot: - self.setCursor(self.screenArea.getMouseShapeBy(pos)) - else: - self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor) # 设置鼠标样式 十字 - - def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): - if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: - if self.screenArea.isMousePosInCenterRectF(event.pos()): - self.save2Clipboard() - self.close() - - def keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent): - if QKeyEvent.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Escape: - self.close() - if QKeyEvent.key() in (QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Enter): # 大键盘、小键盘回车 - self.save2Clipboard() - self.close() - - def save2Clipboard(self): - '''将截图区域复制到剪贴板''' - if self.hasScreenShot: - mimData = QtCore.QMimeData() - mimData.setImageData(self.screenArea.centerPhysicalPixmap().toImage()) - QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(mimData) - # self.screenArea.saveNightAreaImg() - self.close() - - def save2Local(self): - fileType = self.fileType_img - filePath, fileFormat = self.sys_selectSaveFilePath(self, fileType=fileType) - if filePath: - self.screenArea.centerPhysicalPixmap().save(filePath, quality=100) - self.close() - - def sys_getCurTime(self, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): - '''获取字符串格式的当前时间''' - # return QtCore.QDateTime.currentDateTime().toString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') - return datetime.now().strftime(fmt) - - def sys_selectSaveFilePath(self, widget, title='选择文件保存路径', saveFileDir=None, - saveFileName='', defaultFileFmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', fileType=None): - '''选择文件保存路径 - title:选择窗口标题 - saveFileDir:指定保存目录 - saveFileName:默认保存文件名 - defaultFileFmt:不指定saveFileName时,自动以此格式的时间字符串命名文件 - fileType:可以选择的文件类型 - return:(所选的文件保存路径, 文件的类型) - ''' - options = QFileDialog.Option.ReadOnly - if saveFileName == '': - saveFileName = self.sys_getCurTime(defaultFileFmt) - if not saveFileDir: - saveFileDir = self.dir_lastAccess - saveFilePath = os.path.join(saveFileDir, saveFileName) - if not fileType: - fileType = self.fileType_all - filePath, fileFormat = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(widget, title, saveFilePath, fileType, options=options) - if filePath: - self.dir_lastAccess = os.path.dirname(filePath) - return (filePath, fileFormat) - - diff --git a/ppstructure/pdf2word/pdf2word.py b/ppstructure/pdf2word/pdf2word.py index add8a6f40501de6a9053fb4fb78c6463b3047966..18e2eee86a9776963901da4f0e81974943772bbe 100644 --- a/ppstructure/pdf2word/pdf2word.py +++ b/ppstructure/pdf2word/pdf2word.py @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from ppstructure.predict_system import StructureSystem, save_structure_res from ppstructure.utility import parse_args, draw_structure_result from ppocr.utils.network import download_with_progressbar from ppstructure.recovery.recovery_to_doc import sorted_layout_boxes, convert_info_docx -from ScreenShotWidget import ScreenShotWidget +# from ScreenShotWidget import ScreenShotWidget __APPNAME__ = "pdf2word" __VERSION__ = "0.1.1" @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class APP_Image2Doc(QWidget): # settings self.imagePaths = [] - self.screenShotWg = ScreenShotWidget() + # self.screenShotWg = ScreenShotWidget() self.screenShot = None self.save_pdf = False self.output_dir = None @@ -358,17 +358,17 @@ class APP_Image2Doc(QWidget): self.pb.setRange(0, len(self.imagePaths)) self.pb.setValue(0) - def screenShotSlot(self): - ''' - 选定图像文件和截图的转换过程只能同时进行一个 - 截图只能同时转换一个 - ''' - self.screenShotWg.start() - if self.screenShotWg.captureImage: - self.screenShot = self.screenShotWg.captureImage - self.imagePaths.clear() # discard openfile temp list - self.pb.setRange(0, 1) - self.pb.setValue(0) + # def screenShotSlot(self): + # ''' + # 选定图像文件和截图的转换过程只能同时进行一个 + # 截图只能同时转换一个 + # ''' + # self.screenShotWg.start() + # if self.screenShotWg.captureImage: + # self.screenShot = self.screenShotWg.captureImage + # self.imagePaths.clear() # discard openfile temp list + # self.pb.setRange(0, 1) + # self.pb.setValue(0) def handleStartSignal(self, lang): if self.screenShot: # for screenShot