diff --git a/configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml b/configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40d39aee3c42c18085ace035944dba057b923245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ use_gpu: true
+ epoch_num: 5
+ log_smooth_window: 20
+ print_batch_step: 20
+ save_model_dir: ./output/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner/
+ save_epoch_step: 1
+ # evaluation is run every 2000 iterations
+ eval_batch_step: [0, 2000]
+ cal_metric_during_train: True
+ pretrained_model:
+ checkpoints:
+ save_inference_dir:
+ use_visualdl: False
+ infer_img: ./inference/rec_inference
+ # for data or label process
+ character_dict_path: ppocr/utils/dict90.txt
+ max_text_length: &max_text_length 40
+ infer_mode: False
+ use_space_char: False
+ rm_symbol: True
+ save_res_path: ./output/rec/predicts_robustscanner.txt
+ name: Adam
+ beta1: 0.9
+ beta2: 0.999
+ lr:
+ name: Piecewise
+ decay_epochs: [3, 4]
+ values: [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
+ regularizer:
+ name: 'L2'
+ factor: 0
+ model_type: rec
+ algorithm: RobustScanner
+ Transform:
+ Backbone:
+ name: ResNet31
+ init_type: KaimingNormal
+ Head:
+ name: RobustScannerHead
+ enc_outchannles: 128
+ hybrid_dec_rnn_layers: 2
+ hybrid_dec_dropout: 0
+ position_dec_rnn_layers: 2
+ start_idx: 91
+ mask: True
+ padding_idx: 92
+ encode_value: False
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ name: SARLoss
+ name: SARLabelDecode
+ name: RecMetric
+ is_filter: True
+ dataset:
+ name: LMDBDataSet
+ data_dir: ./train_data/data_lmdb_release/training/
+ transforms:
+ - DecodeImage: # load image
+ img_mode: BGR
+ channel_first: False
+ - SARLabelEncode: # Class handling label
+ - RobustScannerRecResizeImg:
+ image_shape: [3, 48, 48, 160] # h:48 w:[48,160]
+ width_downsample_ratio: 0.25
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ - KeepKeys:
+ keep_keys: ['image', 'label', 'valid_ratio', 'word_positons'] # dataloader will return list in this order
+ loader:
+ shuffle: True
+ batch_size_per_card: 64
+ drop_last: True
+ num_workers: 8
+ use_shared_memory: False
+ dataset:
+ name: LMDBDataSet
+ data_dir: ./train_data/data_lmdb_release/evaluation/
+ transforms:
+ - DecodeImage: # load image
+ img_mode: BGR
+ channel_first: False
+ - SARLabelEncode: # Class handling label
+ - RobustScannerRecResizeImg:
+ image_shape: [3, 48, 48, 160]
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ width_downsample_ratio: 0.25
+ - KeepKeys:
+ keep_keys: ['image', 'label', 'valid_ratio', 'word_positons'] # dataloader will return list in this order
+ loader:
+ shuffle: False
+ drop_last: False
+ batch_size_per_card: 64
+ num_workers: 4
+ use_shared_memory: False
diff --git a/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_overview.md b/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_overview.md
index b96c1a3b2a2dcd4917a7e9d369eda8a1ad118463..b889d0b8ffbc190664b278a50ac867f1e14cbb7d 100755
--- a/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_overview.md
+++ b/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_overview.md
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
- [x] [ABINet](./algorithm_rec_abinet.md)
- [x] [VisionLAN](./algorithm_rec_visionlan.md)
- [x] [SPIN](./algorithm_rec_spin.md)
+- [x] [RobustScanner](./algorithm_rec_robustscanner.md)
参考[DTRB](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01906)[3]文字识别训练和评估流程,使用MJSynth和SynthText两个文字识别数据集训练,在IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE数据集上进行评估,算法效果如下:
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
|ABINet|Resnet45| 90.75% | rec_r45_abinet | [训练模型](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/rec_r45_abinet_train.tar) |
|VisionLAN|Resnet45| 90.30% | rec_r45_visionlan | [训练模型](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/rec_r45_visionlan_train.tar) |
|SPIN|ResNet32| 90.00% | rec_r32_gaspin_bilstm_att | coming soon |
+|RobustScanner|ResNet31| 87.77% | rec_r31_robustscanner | coming soon |
diff --git a/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_rec_robustscanner.md b/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_rec_robustscanner.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..869f9a7c00b617de87ab3c96326e18e536bc18a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_rec_robustscanner.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# RobustScanner
+- [1. 算法简介](#1)
+- [2. 环境配置](#2)
+- [3. 模型训练、评估、预测](#3)
+ - [3.1 训练](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 评估](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 预测](#3-3)
+- [4. 推理部署](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python推理](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++推理](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving服务化部署](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 更多推理部署](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. 算法简介
+> [RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.07542.pdf)
+> Xiaoyu Yue, Zhanghui Kuang, Chenhao Lin, Hongbin Sun, Wayne
+> ECCV, 2020
+使用MJSynth和SynthText两个合成文字识别数据集训练,在IIIT, SVT, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE数据集上进行评估,算法复现效果如下:
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|RobustScanner|ResNet31|[rec_r31_robustscanner.yml](../../configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml)|87.77%|coming soon|
+## 2. 环境配置
+## 3. 模型训练、评估、预测
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
+# GPU 评估, Global.pretrained_model 为待测权重
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# 预测使用的配置文件必须与训练一致
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. 推理部署
+### 4.1 Python推理
+首先将RobustScanner文本识别训练过程中保存的模型,转换成inference model。可以使用如下命令进行转换:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_r31_robustscanner
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_r31_robustscanner/" --rec_image_shape="3, 48, 48, 160" --rec_algorithm="RobustScanner" --rec_char_dict_path="ppocr/utils/dict90.txt" --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++推理
+### 4.3 Serving服务化部署
+### 4.4 更多推理部署
+## 5. FAQ
+## 引用
+ title={RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition},
+ author={Xiaoyu Yue and Zhanghui Kuang and Chenhao Lin and Hongbin Sun and Wayne Zhang},
+ journal={ECCV2020},
+ year={2020},
diff --git a/doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md
index dfd8ecda5c306aeb41902caccc2b6079f4f86542..3412ccbf76f6c04b61420a6abd91a55efb383db6 100755
--- a/doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md
+++ b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Supported text recognition algorithms (Click the link to get the tutorial):
- [x] [ABINet](./algorithm_rec_abinet_en.md)
- [x] [VisionLAN](./algorithm_rec_visionlan_en.md)
- [x] [SPIN](./algorithm_rec_spin_en.md)
+- [x] [RobustScanner](./algorithm_rec_robustscanner_en.md)
Refer to [DTRB](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01906), the training and evaluation result of these above text recognition (using MJSynth and SynthText for training, evaluate on IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE) is as follow:
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ Refer to [DTRB](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01906), the training and evaluation r
|ABINet|Resnet45| 90.75% | rec_r45_abinet | [trained model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/rec_r45_abinet_train.tar) |
|VisionLAN|Resnet45| 90.30% | rec_r45_visionlan | [trained model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/rec_r45_visionlan_train.tar) |
|SPIN|ResNet32| 90.00% | rec_r32_gaspin_bilstm_att | coming soon |
+|RobustScanner|ResNet31| 87.77% | rec_r31_robustscanner | coming soon |
diff --git a/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_robustscanner_en.md b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_robustscanner_en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a324a6d547a9e448566276234c750ad4497abf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_robustscanner_en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# RobustScanner
+- [1. Introduction](#1)
+- [2. Environment](#2)
+- [3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction](#3)
+ - [3.1 Training](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 Evaluation](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 Prediction](#3-3)
+- [4. Inference and Deployment](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python Inference](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++ Inference](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 More](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. Introduction
+> [RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.07542.pdf)
+> Xiaoyu Yue, Zhanghui Kuang, Chenhao Lin, Hongbin Sun, Wayne
+> ECCV, 2020
+Using MJSynth and SynthText two text recognition datasets for training, and evaluating on IIIT, SVT, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE datasets, the algorithm reproduction effect is as follows:
+|Model|Backbone|config|Acc|Download link|
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|RobustScanner|ResNet31|[rec_r31_robustscanner.yml](../../configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml)|87.77%|coming soon|
+Note:In addition to using the two text recognition datasets MJSynth and SynthText, [SynthAdd](https://pan.baidu.com/share/init?surl=uV0LtoNmcxbO-0YA7Ch4dg) data (extraction code: 627x), and some real data are used in training, the specific data details can refer to the paper.
+## 2. Environment
+Please refer to ["Environment Preparation"](./environment_en.md) to configure the PaddleOCR environment, and refer to ["Project Clone"](./clone_en.md) to clone the project code.
+## 3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction
+Please refer to [Text Recognition Tutorial](./recognition_en.md). PaddleOCR modularizes the code, and training different recognition models only requires **changing the configuration file**.
+Specifically, after the data preparation is completed, the training can be started. The training command is as follows:
+#Single GPU training (long training period, not recommended)
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
+#Multi GPU training, specify the gpu number through the --gpus parameter
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
+# GPU evaluation
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# The configuration file used for prediction must match the training
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. Inference and Deployment
+### 4.1 Python Inference
+First, the model saved during the RobustScanner text recognition training process is converted into an inference model. you can use the following command to convert:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_r31_robustscanner
+For RobustScanner text recognition model inference, the following commands can be executed:
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_r31_robustscanner/" --rec_image_shape="3, 48, 48, 160" --rec_algorithm="RobustScanner" --rec_char_dict_path="ppocr/utils/dict90.txt" --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++ Inference
+Not supported
+### 4.3 Serving
+Not supported
+### 4.4 More
+Not supported
+## 5. FAQ
+## Citation
+ title={RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition},
+ author={Xiaoyu Yue and Zhanghui Kuang and Chenhao Lin and Hongbin Sun and Wayne Zhang},
+ journal={ECCV2020},
+ year={2020},
diff --git a/ppocr/data/imaug/__init__.py b/ppocr/data/imaug/__init__.py
index a2332b6c07be63ecfe2fa9003cbe9d0c1b0e8001..102f48fcc19e59d9f8ffb0ad496f54cc64864f7d 100644
--- a/ppocr/data/imaug/__init__.py
+++ b/ppocr/data/imaug/__init__.py
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ from .make_pse_gt import MakePseGt
from .rec_img_aug import BaseDataAugmentation, RecAug, RecConAug, RecResizeImg, ClsResizeImg, \
SRNRecResizeImg, GrayRecResizeImg, SARRecResizeImg, PRENResizeImg, \
- ABINetRecResizeImg, SVTRRecResizeImg, ABINetRecAug, VLRecResizeImg, SPINRecResizeImg
+ ABINetRecResizeImg, SVTRRecResizeImg, ABINetRecAug, VLRecResizeImg, SPINRecResizeImg, RobustScannerRecResizeImg
from .ssl_img_aug import SSLRotateResize
from .randaugment import RandAugment
from .copy_paste import CopyPaste
diff --git a/ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py b/ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py
index 725b4b0617c2f0808c7bf99077e2f62caa3afbf0..a5e0de8496559a40d42641a043848d5d43c98de1 100644
--- a/ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py
+++ b/ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py
@@ -414,6 +414,23 @@ class SVTRRecResizeImg(object):
data['valid_ratio'] = valid_ratio
return data
+class RobustScannerRecResizeImg(object):
+ def __init__(self, image_shape, max_text_length, width_downsample_ratio=0.25, **kwargs):
+ self.image_shape = image_shape
+ self.width_downsample_ratio = width_downsample_ratio
+ self.max_text_length = max_text_length
+ def __call__(self, data):
+ img = data['image']
+ norm_img, resize_shape, pad_shape, valid_ratio = resize_norm_img_sar(
+ img, self.image_shape, self.width_downsample_ratio)
+ word_positons = np.array(range(0, self.max_text_length)).astype('int64')
+ data['image'] = norm_img
+ data['resized_shape'] = resize_shape
+ data['pad_shape'] = pad_shape
+ data['valid_ratio'] = valid_ratio
+ data['word_positons'] = word_positons
+ return data
def resize_norm_img_sar(img, image_shape, width_downsample_ratio=0.25):
imgC, imgH, imgW_min, imgW_max = image_shape
diff --git a/ppocr/modeling/backbones/rec_resnet_31.py b/ppocr/modeling/backbones/rec_resnet_31.py
index 965170138d00a53fca720b3b5f535a3dd34272d9..46dc374008b56a20dbd4be257775368e9cbbace4 100644
--- a/ppocr/modeling/backbones/rec_resnet_31.py
+++ b/ppocr/modeling/backbones/rec_resnet_31.py
@@ -29,27 +29,29 @@ import numpy as np
__all__ = ["ResNet31"]
-def conv3x3(in_channel, out_channel, stride=1):
+def conv3x3(in_channel, out_channel, stride=1, conv_weight_attr=None):
return nn.Conv2D(
+ weight_attr=conv_weight_attr,
class BasicBlock(nn.Layer):
expansion = 1
- def __init__(self, in_channels, channels, stride=1, downsample=False):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, channels, stride=1, downsample=False, conv_weight_attr=None, bn_weight_attr=None):
- self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_channels, channels, stride)
- self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels)
+ self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_channels, channels, stride,
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels, weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
- self.conv2 = conv3x3(channels, channels)
- self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels)
+ self.conv2 = conv3x3(channels, channels,
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels, weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.downsample = downsample
if downsample:
self.downsample = nn.Sequential(
@@ -58,8 +60,9 @@ class BasicBlock(nn.Layer):
channels * self.expansion,
+ weight_attr=conv_weight_attr,
- nn.BatchNorm2D(channels * self.expansion), )
+ nn.BatchNorm2D(channels * self.expansion, weight_attr=bn_weight_attr))
self.downsample = nn.Sequential()
self.stride = stride
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ class ResNet31(nn.Layer):
channels (list[int]): List of out_channels of Conv2d layer.
out_indices (None | Sequence[int]): Indices of output stages.
last_stage_pool (bool): If True, add `MaxPool2d` layer to last stage.
+ init_type (None | str): the config to control the initialization.
def __init__(self,
@@ -98,7 +102,8 @@ class ResNet31(nn.Layer):
layers=[1, 2, 5, 3],
channels=[64, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512, 512],
- last_stage_pool=False):
+ last_stage_pool=False,
+ init_type=None):
super(ResNet31, self).__init__()
assert isinstance(in_channels, int)
assert isinstance(last_stage_pool, bool)
@@ -106,42 +111,55 @@ class ResNet31(nn.Layer):
self.out_indices = out_indices
self.last_stage_pool = last_stage_pool
+ conv_weight_attr = None
+ bn_weight_attr = None
+ if init_type is not None:
+ support_dict = ['KaimingNormal']
+ assert init_type in support_dict, Exception(
+ "resnet31 only support {}".format(support_dict))
+ conv_weight_attr = nn.initializer.KaimingNormal()
+ bn_weight_attr = ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform(), learning_rate=1)
# conv 1 (Conv Conv)
self.conv1_1 = nn.Conv2D(
- in_channels, channels[0], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn1_1 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[0])
+ in_channels, channels[0], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn1_1 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[0], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu1_1 = nn.ReLU()
self.conv1_2 = nn.Conv2D(
- channels[0], channels[1], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn1_2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[1])
+ channels[0], channels[1], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn1_2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[1], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu1_2 = nn.ReLU()
# conv 2 (Max-pooling, Residual block, Conv)
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2D(
kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, ceil_mode=True)
- self.block2 = self._make_layer(channels[1], channels[2], layers[0])
+ self.block2 = self._make_layer(channels[1], channels[2], layers[0],
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr, bn_weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(
- channels[2], channels[2], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[2])
+ channels[2], channels[2], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[2], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu2 = nn.ReLU()
# conv 3 (Max-pooling, Residual block, Conv)
self.pool3 = nn.MaxPool2D(
kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, ceil_mode=True)
- self.block3 = self._make_layer(channels[2], channels[3], layers[1])
+ self.block3 = self._make_layer(channels[2], channels[3], layers[1],
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr, bn_weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2D(
- channels[3], channels[3], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[3])
+ channels[3], channels[3], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[3], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu3 = nn.ReLU()
# conv 4 (Max-pooling, Residual block, Conv)
self.pool4 = nn.MaxPool2D(
kernel_size=(2, 1), stride=(2, 1), padding=0, ceil_mode=True)
- self.block4 = self._make_layer(channels[3], channels[4], layers[2])
+ self.block4 = self._make_layer(channels[3], channels[4], layers[2],
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr, bn_weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.conv4 = nn.Conv2D(
- channels[4], channels[4], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[4])
+ channels[4], channels[4], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[4], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu4 = nn.ReLU()
# conv 5 ((Max-pooling), Residual block, Conv)
@@ -149,15 +167,16 @@ class ResNet31(nn.Layer):
if self.last_stage_pool:
self.pool5 = nn.MaxPool2D(
kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, ceil_mode=True)
- self.block5 = self._make_layer(channels[4], channels[5], layers[3])
+ self.block5 = self._make_layer(channels[4], channels[5], layers[3],
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr, bn_weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.conv5 = nn.Conv2D(
- channels[5], channels[5], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
- self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[5])
+ channels[5], channels[5], kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv_weight_attr)
+ self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2D(channels[5], weight_attr=bn_weight_attr)
self.relu5 = nn.ReLU()
self.out_channels = channels[-1]
- def _make_layer(self, input_channels, output_channels, blocks):
+ def _make_layer(self, input_channels, output_channels, blocks, conv_weight_attr=None, bn_weight_attr=None):
layers = []
for _ in range(blocks):
downsample = None
@@ -168,12 +187,14 @@ class ResNet31(nn.Layer):
+ weight_attr=conv_weight_attr,
- nn.BatchNorm2D(output_channels), )
+ nn.BatchNorm2D(output_channels, weight_attr=bn_weight_attr))
- input_channels, output_channels, downsample=downsample))
+ input_channels, output_channels, downsample=downsample,
+ conv_weight_attr=conv_weight_attr, bn_weight_attr=bn_weight_attr))
input_channels = output_channels
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
diff --git a/ppocr/modeling/heads/__init__.py b/ppocr/modeling/heads/__init__.py
index 3f6ff0c4e0240ff4f241f475e70dc6211106a659..0feda6c6e062fa314d97b8949d8545ed3305c22e 100755
--- a/ppocr/modeling/heads/__init__.py
+++ b/ppocr/modeling/heads/__init__.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ def build_head(config):
from .rec_multi_head import MultiHead
from .rec_spin_att_head import SPINAttentionHead
from .rec_abinet_head import ABINetHead
+ from .rec_robustscanner_head import RobustScannerHead
from .rec_visionlan_head import VLHead
# cls head
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def build_head(config):
'ClsHead', 'AttentionHead', 'SRNHead', 'PGHead', 'Transformer',
'TableAttentionHead', 'SARHead', 'AsterHead', 'SDMGRHead', 'PRENHead',
'MultiHead', 'ABINetHead', 'TableMasterHead', 'SPINAttentionHead',
- 'VLHead', 'SLAHead'
+ 'VLHead', 'SLAHead', 'RobustScannerHead'
#table head
diff --git a/ppocr/modeling/heads/rec_robustscanner_head.py b/ppocr/modeling/heads/rec_robustscanner_head.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7956059ecfe01f27db364d3d748d6af24dad0aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ppocr/modeling/heads/rec_robustscanner_head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+# copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This code is refer from:
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import math
+import paddle
+from paddle import ParamAttr
+import paddle.nn as nn
+import paddle.nn.functional as F
+class BaseDecoder(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ def forward_train(self, feat, out_enc, targets, img_metas):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def forward_test(self, feat, out_enc, img_metas):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def forward(self,
+ feat,
+ out_enc,
+ label=None,
+ valid_ratios=None,
+ word_positions=None,
+ train_mode=True):
+ self.train_mode = train_mode
+ if train_mode:
+ return self.forward_train(feat, out_enc, label, valid_ratios, word_positions)
+ return self.forward_test(feat, out_enc, valid_ratios, word_positions)
+class ChannelReductionEncoder(nn.Layer):
+ """Change the channel number with a one by one convoluational layer.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int): Number of input channels.
+ out_channels (int): Number of output channels.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ **kwargs):
+ super(ChannelReductionEncoder, self).__init__()
+ self.layer = nn.Conv2D(
+ in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, weight_attr=nn.initializer.XavierNormal())
+ def forward(self, feat):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Image features with the shape of
+ :math:`(N, C_{in}, H, W)`.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{out}, H, W)`.
+ """
+ return self.layer(feat)
+def masked_fill(x, mask, value):
+ y = paddle.full(x.shape, value, x.dtype)
+ return paddle.where(mask, y, x)
+class DotProductAttentionLayer(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self, dim_model=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.scale = dim_model**-0.5 if dim_model is not None else 1.
+ def forward(self, query, key, value, h, w, valid_ratios=None):
+ query = paddle.transpose(query, (0, 2, 1))
+ logits = paddle.matmul(query, key) * self.scale
+ n, c, t = logits.shape
+ # reshape to (n, c, h, w)
+ logits = paddle.reshape(logits, [n, c, h, w])
+ if valid_ratios is not None:
+ # cal mask of attention weight
+ for i, valid_ratio in enumerate(valid_ratios):
+ valid_width = min(w, int(w * valid_ratio + 0.5))
+ if valid_width < w:
+ logits[i, :, :, valid_width:] = float('-inf')
+ # reshape to (n, c, h, w)
+ logits = paddle.reshape(logits, [n, c, t])
+ weights = F.softmax(logits, axis=2)
+ value = paddle.transpose(value, (0, 2, 1))
+ glimpse = paddle.matmul(weights, value)
+ glimpse = paddle.transpose(glimpse, (0, 2, 1))
+ return glimpse
+class SequenceAttentionDecoder(BaseDecoder):
+ """Sequence attention decoder for RobustScanner.
+ RobustScanner: `RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for
+ Robust Text Recognition `_
+ Args:
+ num_classes (int): Number of output classes :math:`C`.
+ rnn_layers (int): Number of RNN layers.
+ dim_input (int): Dimension :math:`D_i` of input vector ``feat``.
+ dim_model (int): Dimension :math:`D_m` of the model. Should also be the
+ same as encoder output vector ``out_enc``.
+ max_seq_len (int): Maximum output sequence length :math:`T`.
+ start_idx (int): The index of ``.
+ mask (bool): Whether to mask input features according to
+ ``img_meta['valid_ratio']``.
+ padding_idx (int): The index of ``.
+ dropout (float): Dropout rate.
+ return_feature (bool): Return feature or logits as the result.
+ encode_value (bool): Whether to use the output of encoder ``out_enc``
+ as `value` of attention layer. If False, the original feature
+ ``feat`` will be used.
+ Warning:
+ This decoder will not predict the final class which is assumed to be
+ ``. Therefore, its output size is always :math:`C - 1`. ``
+ is also ignored by loss as specified in
+ :obj:`mmocr.models.textrecog.recognizer.EncodeDecodeRecognizer`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ num_classes=None,
+ rnn_layers=2,
+ dim_input=512,
+ dim_model=128,
+ max_seq_len=40,
+ start_idx=0,
+ mask=True,
+ padding_idx=None,
+ dropout=0,
+ return_feature=False,
+ encode_value=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_classes = num_classes
+ self.dim_input = dim_input
+ self.dim_model = dim_model
+ self.return_feature = return_feature
+ self.encode_value = encode_value
+ self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
+ self.start_idx = start_idx
+ self.mask = mask
+ self.embedding = nn.Embedding(
+ self.num_classes, self.dim_model, padding_idx=padding_idx)
+ self.sequence_layer = nn.LSTM(
+ input_size=dim_model,
+ hidden_size=dim_model,
+ num_layers=rnn_layers,
+ time_major=False,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ self.attention_layer = DotProductAttentionLayer()
+ self.prediction = None
+ if not self.return_feature:
+ pred_num_classes = num_classes - 1
+ self.prediction = nn.Linear(
+ dim_model if encode_value else dim_input, pred_num_classes)
+ def forward_train(self, feat, out_enc, targets, valid_ratios):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ targets (Tensor): a tensor of shape :math:`(N, T)`. Each element is the index of a
+ character.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor): valid length ratio of img.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A raw logit tensor of shape :math:`(N, T, C-1)` if
+ ``return_feature=False``. Otherwise it would be the hidden feature
+ before the prediction projection layer, whose shape is
+ :math:`(N, T, D_m)`.
+ """
+ tgt_embedding = self.embedding(targets)
+ n, c_enc, h, w = out_enc.shape
+ assert c_enc == self.dim_model
+ _, c_feat, _, _ = feat.shape
+ assert c_feat == self.dim_input
+ _, len_q, c_q = tgt_embedding.shape
+ assert c_q == self.dim_model
+ assert len_q <= self.max_seq_len
+ query, _ = self.sequence_layer(tgt_embedding)
+ query = paddle.transpose(query, (0, 2, 1))
+ key = paddle.reshape(out_enc, [n, c_enc, h * w])
+ if self.encode_value:
+ value = key
+ else:
+ value = paddle.reshape(feat, [n, c_feat, h * w])
+ attn_out = self.attention_layer(query, key, value, h, w, valid_ratios)
+ attn_out = paddle.transpose(attn_out, (0, 2, 1))
+ if self.return_feature:
+ return attn_out
+ out = self.prediction(attn_out)
+ return out
+ def forward_test(self, feat, out_enc, valid_ratios):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor): valid length ratio of img.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: The output logit sequence tensor of shape
+ :math:`(N, T, C-1)`.
+ """
+ seq_len = self.max_seq_len
+ batch_size = feat.shape[0]
+ decode_sequence = (paddle.ones((batch_size, seq_len), dtype='int64') * self.start_idx)
+ outputs = []
+ for i in range(seq_len):
+ step_out = self.forward_test_step(feat, out_enc, decode_sequence,
+ i, valid_ratios)
+ outputs.append(step_out)
+ max_idx = paddle.argmax(step_out, axis=1, keepdim=False)
+ if i < seq_len - 1:
+ decode_sequence[:, i + 1] = max_idx
+ outputs = paddle.stack(outputs, 1)
+ return outputs
+ def forward_test_step(self, feat, out_enc, decode_sequence, current_step,
+ valid_ratios):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ decode_sequence (Tensor): Shape :math:`(N, T)`. The tensor that
+ stores history decoding result.
+ current_step (int): Current decoding step.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor): valid length ratio of img
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Shape :math:`(N, C-1)`. The logit tensor of predicted
+ tokens at current time step.
+ """
+ embed = self.embedding(decode_sequence)
+ n, c_enc, h, w = out_enc.shape
+ assert c_enc == self.dim_model
+ _, c_feat, _, _ = feat.shape
+ assert c_feat == self.dim_input
+ _, _, c_q = embed.shape
+ assert c_q == self.dim_model
+ query, _ = self.sequence_layer(embed)
+ query = paddle.transpose(query, (0, 2, 1))
+ key = paddle.reshape(out_enc, [n, c_enc, h * w])
+ if self.encode_value:
+ value = key
+ else:
+ value = paddle.reshape(feat, [n, c_feat, h * w])
+ # [n, c, l]
+ attn_out = self.attention_layer(query, key, value, h, w, valid_ratios)
+ out = attn_out[:, :, current_step]
+ if self.return_feature:
+ return out
+ out = self.prediction(out)
+ out = F.softmax(out, dim=-1)
+ return out
+class PositionAwareLayer(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self, dim_model, rnn_layers=2):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dim_model = dim_model
+ self.rnn = nn.LSTM(
+ input_size=dim_model,
+ hidden_size=dim_model,
+ num_layers=rnn_layers,
+ time_major=False)
+ self.mixer = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2D(
+ dim_model, dim_model, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ nn.ReLU(),
+ nn.Conv2D(
+ dim_model, dim_model, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1))
+ def forward(self, img_feature):
+ n, c, h, w = img_feature.shape
+ rnn_input = paddle.transpose(img_feature, (0, 2, 3, 1))
+ rnn_input = paddle.reshape(rnn_input, (n * h, w, c))
+ rnn_output, _ = self.rnn(rnn_input)
+ rnn_output = paddle.reshape(rnn_output, (n, h, w, c))
+ rnn_output = paddle.transpose(rnn_output, (0, 3, 1, 2))
+ out = self.mixer(rnn_output)
+ return out
+class PositionAttentionDecoder(BaseDecoder):
+ """Position attention decoder for RobustScanner.
+ RobustScanner: `RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for
+ Robust Text Recognition `_
+ Args:
+ num_classes (int): Number of output classes :math:`C`.
+ rnn_layers (int): Number of RNN layers.
+ dim_input (int): Dimension :math:`D_i` of input vector ``feat``.
+ dim_model (int): Dimension :math:`D_m` of the model. Should also be the
+ same as encoder output vector ``out_enc``.
+ max_seq_len (int): Maximum output sequence length :math:`T`.
+ mask (bool): Whether to mask input features according to
+ ``img_meta['valid_ratio']``.
+ return_feature (bool): Return feature or logits as the result.
+ encode_value (bool): Whether to use the output of encoder ``out_enc``
+ as `value` of attention layer. If False, the original feature
+ ``feat`` will be used.
+ Warning:
+ This decoder will not predict the final class which is assumed to be
+ ``. Therefore, its output size is always :math:`C - 1`. ``
+ is also ignored by loss
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ num_classes=None,
+ rnn_layers=2,
+ dim_input=512,
+ dim_model=128,
+ max_seq_len=40,
+ mask=True,
+ return_feature=False,
+ encode_value=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_classes = num_classes
+ self.dim_input = dim_input
+ self.dim_model = dim_model
+ self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
+ self.return_feature = return_feature
+ self.encode_value = encode_value
+ self.mask = mask
+ self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.max_seq_len + 1, self.dim_model)
+ self.position_aware_module = PositionAwareLayer(
+ self.dim_model, rnn_layers)
+ self.attention_layer = DotProductAttentionLayer()
+ self.prediction = None
+ if not self.return_feature:
+ pred_num_classes = num_classes - 1
+ self.prediction = nn.Linear(
+ dim_model if encode_value else dim_input, pred_num_classes)
+ def _get_position_index(self, length, batch_size):
+ position_index_list = []
+ for i in range(batch_size):
+ position_index = paddle.arange(0, end=length, step=1, dtype='int64')
+ position_index_list.append(position_index)
+ batch_position_index = paddle.stack(position_index_list, axis=0)
+ return batch_position_index
+ def forward_train(self, feat, out_enc, targets, valid_ratios, position_index):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ targets (dict): A dict with the key ``padded_targets``, a
+ tensor of shape :math:`(N, T)`. Each element is the index of a
+ character.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor): valid length ratio of img.
+ position_index (Tensor): The position of each word.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A raw logit tensor of shape :math:`(N, T, C-1)` if
+ ``return_feature=False``. Otherwise it will be the hidden feature
+ before the prediction projection layer, whose shape is
+ :math:`(N, T, D_m)`.
+ """
+ n, c_enc, h, w = out_enc.shape
+ assert c_enc == self.dim_model
+ _, c_feat, _, _ = feat.shape
+ assert c_feat == self.dim_input
+ _, len_q = targets.shape
+ assert len_q <= self.max_seq_len
+ position_out_enc = self.position_aware_module(out_enc)
+ query = self.embedding(position_index)
+ query = paddle.transpose(query, (0, 2, 1))
+ key = paddle.reshape(position_out_enc, (n, c_enc, h * w))
+ if self.encode_value:
+ value = paddle.reshape(out_enc,(n, c_enc, h * w))
+ else:
+ value = paddle.reshape(feat,(n, c_feat, h * w))
+ attn_out = self.attention_layer(query, key, value, h, w, valid_ratios)
+ attn_out = paddle.transpose(attn_out, (0, 2, 1)) # [n, len_q, dim_v]
+ if self.return_feature:
+ return attn_out
+ return self.prediction(attn_out)
+ def forward_test(self, feat, out_enc, valid_ratios, position_index):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor): valid length ratio of img
+ position_index (Tensor): The position of each word.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A raw logit tensor of shape :math:`(N, T, C-1)` if
+ ``return_feature=False``. Otherwise it would be the hidden feature
+ before the prediction projection layer, whose shape is
+ :math:`(N, T, D_m)`.
+ """
+ n, c_enc, h, w = out_enc.shape
+ assert c_enc == self.dim_model
+ _, c_feat, _, _ = feat.shape
+ assert c_feat == self.dim_input
+ position_out_enc = self.position_aware_module(out_enc)
+ query = self.embedding(position_index)
+ query = paddle.transpose(query, (0, 2, 1))
+ key = paddle.reshape(position_out_enc, (n, c_enc, h * w))
+ if self.encode_value:
+ value = paddle.reshape(out_enc,(n, c_enc, h * w))
+ else:
+ value = paddle.reshape(feat,(n, c_feat, h * w))
+ attn_out = self.attention_layer(query, key, value, h, w, valid_ratios)
+ attn_out = paddle.transpose(attn_out, (0, 2, 1)) # [n, len_q, dim_v]
+ if self.return_feature:
+ return attn_out
+ return self.prediction(attn_out)
+class RobustScannerFusionLayer(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self, dim_model, dim=-1):
+ super(RobustScannerFusionLayer, self).__init__()
+ self.dim_model = dim_model
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.linear_layer = nn.Linear(dim_model * 2, dim_model * 2)
+ def forward(self, x0, x1):
+ assert x0.shape == x1.shape
+ fusion_input = paddle.concat([x0, x1], self.dim)
+ output = self.linear_layer(fusion_input)
+ output = F.glu(output, self.dim)
+ return output
+class RobustScannerDecoder(BaseDecoder):
+ """Decoder for RobustScanner.
+ RobustScanner: `RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for
+ Robust Text Recognition `_
+ Args:
+ num_classes (int): Number of output classes :math:`C`.
+ dim_input (int): Dimension :math:`D_i` of input vector ``feat``.
+ dim_model (int): Dimension :math:`D_m` of the model. Should also be the
+ same as encoder output vector ``out_enc``.
+ max_seq_len (int): Maximum output sequence length :math:`T`.
+ start_idx (int): The index of ``.
+ mask (bool): Whether to mask input features according to
+ ``img_meta['valid_ratio']``.
+ padding_idx (int): The index of ``.
+ encode_value (bool): Whether to use the output of encoder ``out_enc``
+ as `value` of attention layer. If False, the original feature
+ ``feat`` will be used.
+ Warning:
+ This decoder will not predict the final class which is assumed to be
+ ``. Therefore, its output size is always :math:`C - 1`. ``
+ is also ignored by loss as specified in
+ :obj:`mmocr.models.textrecog.recognizer.EncodeDecodeRecognizer`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ num_classes=None,
+ dim_input=512,
+ dim_model=128,
+ hybrid_decoder_rnn_layers=2,
+ hybrid_decoder_dropout=0,
+ position_decoder_rnn_layers=2,
+ max_seq_len=40,
+ start_idx=0,
+ mask=True,
+ padding_idx=None,
+ encode_value=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_classes = num_classes
+ self.dim_input = dim_input
+ self.dim_model = dim_model
+ self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
+ self.encode_value = encode_value
+ self.start_idx = start_idx
+ self.padding_idx = padding_idx
+ self.mask = mask
+ # init hybrid decoder
+ self.hybrid_decoder = SequenceAttentionDecoder(
+ num_classes=num_classes,
+ rnn_layers=hybrid_decoder_rnn_layers,
+ dim_input=dim_input,
+ dim_model=dim_model,
+ max_seq_len=max_seq_len,
+ start_idx=start_idx,
+ mask=mask,
+ padding_idx=padding_idx,
+ dropout=hybrid_decoder_dropout,
+ encode_value=encode_value,
+ return_feature=True
+ )
+ # init position decoder
+ self.position_decoder = PositionAttentionDecoder(
+ num_classes=num_classes,
+ rnn_layers=position_decoder_rnn_layers,
+ dim_input=dim_input,
+ dim_model=dim_model,
+ max_seq_len=max_seq_len,
+ mask=mask,
+ encode_value=encode_value,
+ return_feature=True
+ )
+ self.fusion_module = RobustScannerFusionLayer(
+ self.dim_model if encode_value else dim_input)
+ pred_num_classes = num_classes - 1
+ self.prediction = nn.Linear(dim_model if encode_value else dim_input,
+ pred_num_classes)
+ def forward_train(self, feat, out_enc, target, valid_ratios, word_positions):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ target (dict): A dict with the key ``padded_targets``, a
+ tensor of shape :math:`(N, T)`. Each element is the index of a
+ character.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor):
+ word_positions (Tensor): The position of each word.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A raw logit tensor of shape :math:`(N, T, C-1)`.
+ """
+ hybrid_glimpse = self.hybrid_decoder.forward_train(
+ feat, out_enc, target, valid_ratios)
+ position_glimpse = self.position_decoder.forward_train(
+ feat, out_enc, target, valid_ratios, word_positions)
+ fusion_out = self.fusion_module(hybrid_glimpse, position_glimpse)
+ out = self.prediction(fusion_out)
+ return out
+ def forward_test(self, feat, out_enc, valid_ratios, word_positions):
+ """
+ Args:
+ feat (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, D_i, H, W)`.
+ out_enc (Tensor): Encoder output of shape
+ :math:`(N, D_m, H, W)`.
+ valid_ratios (Tensor):
+ word_positions (Tensor): The position of each word.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: The output logit sequence tensor of shape
+ :math:`(N, T, C-1)`.
+ """
+ seq_len = self.max_seq_len
+ batch_size = feat.shape[0]
+ decode_sequence = (paddle.ones((batch_size, seq_len), dtype='int64') * self.start_idx)
+ position_glimpse = self.position_decoder.forward_test(
+ feat, out_enc, valid_ratios, word_positions)
+ outputs = []
+ for i in range(seq_len):
+ hybrid_glimpse_step = self.hybrid_decoder.forward_test_step(
+ feat, out_enc, decode_sequence, i, valid_ratios)
+ fusion_out = self.fusion_module(hybrid_glimpse_step,
+ position_glimpse[:, i, :])
+ char_out = self.prediction(fusion_out)
+ char_out = F.softmax(char_out, -1)
+ outputs.append(char_out)
+ max_idx = paddle.argmax(char_out, axis=1, keepdim=False)
+ if i < seq_len - 1:
+ decode_sequence[:, i + 1] = max_idx
+ outputs = paddle.stack(outputs, 1)
+ return outputs
+class RobustScannerHead(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self,
+ out_channels, # 90 + unknown + start + padding
+ in_channels,
+ enc_outchannles=128,
+ hybrid_dec_rnn_layers=2,
+ hybrid_dec_dropout=0,
+ position_dec_rnn_layers=2,
+ start_idx=0,
+ max_text_length=40,
+ mask=True,
+ padding_idx=None,
+ encode_value=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ super(RobustScannerHead, self).__init__()
+ # encoder module
+ self.encoder = ChannelReductionEncoder(
+ in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=enc_outchannles)
+ # decoder module
+ self.decoder =RobustScannerDecoder(
+ num_classes=out_channels,
+ dim_input=in_channels,
+ dim_model=enc_outchannles,
+ hybrid_decoder_rnn_layers=hybrid_dec_rnn_layers,
+ hybrid_decoder_dropout=hybrid_dec_dropout,
+ position_decoder_rnn_layers=position_dec_rnn_layers,
+ max_seq_len=max_text_length,
+ start_idx=start_idx,
+ mask=mask,
+ padding_idx=padding_idx,
+ encode_value=encode_value)
+ def forward(self, inputs, targets=None):
+ '''
+ targets: [label, valid_ratio, word_positions]
+ '''
+ out_enc = self.encoder(inputs)
+ valid_ratios = None
+ word_positions = targets[-1]
+ if len(targets) > 1:
+ valid_ratios = targets[-2]
+ if self.training:
+ label = targets[0] # label
+ label = paddle.to_tensor(label, dtype='int64')
+ final_out = self.decoder(
+ inputs, out_enc, label, valid_ratios, word_positions)
+ if not self.training:
+ final_out = self.decoder(
+ inputs,
+ out_enc,
+ label=None,
+ valid_ratios=valid_ratios,
+ word_positions=word_positions,
+ train_mode=False)
+ return final_out
diff --git a/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml b/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5466d4478be27d6fd152ee467f7f25731c8dce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ use_gpu: true
+ epoch_num: 5
+ log_smooth_window: 20
+ print_batch_step: 20
+ save_model_dir: ./output/rec/rec_r31_robustscanner/
+ save_epoch_step: 1
+ # evaluation is run every 2000 iterations
+ eval_batch_step: [0, 2000]
+ cal_metric_during_train: True
+ pretrained_model:
+ checkpoints:
+ save_inference_dir:
+ use_visualdl: False
+ infer_img: ./inference/rec_inference
+ # for data or label process
+ character_dict_path: ppocr/utils/dict90.txt
+ max_text_length: &max_text_length 40
+ infer_mode: False
+ use_space_char: False
+ rm_symbol: True
+ save_res_path: ./output/rec/predicts_robustscanner.txt
+ name: Adam
+ beta1: 0.9
+ beta2: 0.999
+ lr:
+ name: Piecewise
+ decay_epochs: [3, 4]
+ values: [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
+ regularizer:
+ name: 'L2'
+ factor: 0
+ model_type: rec
+ algorithm: RobustScanner
+ Transform:
+ Backbone:
+ name: ResNet31
+ init_type: KaimingNormal
+ Head:
+ name: RobustScannerHead
+ enc_outchannles: 128
+ hybrid_dec_rnn_layers: 2
+ hybrid_dec_dropout: 0
+ position_dec_rnn_layers: 2
+ start_idx: 91
+ mask: True
+ padding_idx: 92
+ encode_value: False
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ name: SARLoss
+ name: SARLabelDecode
+ name: RecMetric
+ is_filter: True
+ dataset:
+ name: SimpleDataSet
+ data_dir: ./train_data/ic15_data/
+ label_file_list: ["./train_data/ic15_data/rec_gt_train.txt"]
+ transforms:
+ - DecodeImage: # load image
+ img_mode: BGR
+ channel_first: False
+ - SARLabelEncode: # Class handling label
+ - RobustScannerRecResizeImg:
+ image_shape: [3, 48, 48, 160] # h:48 w:[48,160]
+ width_downsample_ratio: 0.25
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ - KeepKeys:
+ keep_keys: ['image', 'label', 'valid_ratio', 'word_positons'] # dataloader will return list in this order
+ loader:
+ shuffle: True
+ batch_size_per_card: 16
+ drop_last: True
+ num_workers: 0
+ use_shared_memory: False
+ dataset:
+ name: SimpleDataSet
+ data_dir: ./train_data/ic15_data
+ label_file_list: ["./train_data/ic15_data/rec_gt_test.txt"]
+ transforms:
+ - DecodeImage: # load image
+ img_mode: BGR
+ channel_first: False
+ - SARLabelEncode: # Class handling label
+ - RobustScannerRecResizeImg:
+ image_shape: [3, 48, 48, 160]
+ max_text_length: *max_text_length
+ width_downsample_ratio: 0.25
+ - KeepKeys:
+ keep_keys: ['image', 'label', 'valid_ratio', 'word_positons'] # dataloader will return list in this order
+ loader:
+ shuffle: False
+ drop_last: False
+ batch_size_per_card: 16
+ num_workers: 0
+ use_shared_memory: False
diff --git a/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/train_infer_python.txt b/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/train_infer_python.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07498c9e81ada9652343b8d8fff0f102d4684380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/train_infer_python.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+norm_train:tools/train.py -c test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o
+eval:tools/eval.py -c test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o
+norm_export:tools/export_model.py -c test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o
+infer_export:tools/export_model.py -c test_tipc/configs/rec_r31_robustscanner/rec_r31_robustscanner.yml -o
+inference:tools/infer/predict_rec.py --rec_char_dict_path=./ppocr/utils/dict90.txt --rec_image_shape="3,48,48,160" --use_space_char=False --rec_algorithm="RobustScanner"
diff --git a/test_tipc/readme.md b/test_tipc/readme.md
index f9e9d89e4198c1ad5fabdf58775c6f7b6d190322..1442ee1c86a7c1319446a0eb22c08287e1ce689a 100644
--- a/test_tipc/readme.md
+++ b/test_tipc/readme.md
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
| NRTR |rec_mtb_nrtr | 识别 | 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
| SAR |rec_r31_sar | 识别 | 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
| SPIN |rec_r32_gaspin_bilstm_att | 识别 | 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
+| RobustScanner |rec_r31_robustscanner | 识别 | 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
| PGNet |rec_r34_vd_none_none_ctc_v2.0 | 端到端| 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
| TableMaster |table_structure_tablemaster_train | 表格识别| 支持 | 多机多卡
混合精度 | - | - |
diff --git a/tools/eval.py b/tools/eval.py
index 2fc53488efa2c4c475d31af47f69b3560e6cc69a..38d72d178db45a4787ddc09c865afba9222f385a 100755
--- a/tools/eval.py
+++ b/tools/eval.py
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def main():
config['Architecture']["Head"]['out_channels'] = char_num
model = build_model(config['Architecture'])
- extra_input_models = ["SRN", "NRTR", "SAR", "SEED", "SVTR", "VisionLAN"]
+ extra_input_models = ["SRN", "NRTR", "SAR", "SEED", "SVTR", "VisionLAN", "RobustScanner"]
extra_input = False
if config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == 'Distillation':
for key in config['Architecture']["Models"]:
diff --git a/tools/export_model.py b/tools/export_model.py
index cf9df78dd03eb52b0e0790e1bb2c32e09a1faeb6..193988cc1b62a6c4536a8d2ec640e3e5fc81a79c 100755
--- a/tools/export_model.py
+++ b/tools/export_model.py
@@ -111,6 +111,22 @@ def export_single_model(model,
shape=[None, 3, 64, 256], dtype="float32"),
model = to_static(model, input_spec=other_shape)
+ elif arch_config["algorithm"] == "RobustScanner":
+ max_text_length = arch_config["Head"]["max_text_length"]
+ other_shape = [
+ paddle.static.InputSpec(
+ shape=[None, 3, 48, 160], dtype="float32"),
+ [
+ paddle.static.InputSpec(
+ shape=[None, ],
+ dtype="float32"),
+ paddle.static.InputSpec(
+ shape=[None, max_text_length],
+ dtype="int64")
+ ]
+ ]
+ model = to_static(model, input_spec=other_shape)
elif arch_config["algorithm"] in ["LayoutLM", "LayoutLMv2", "LayoutXLM"]:
input_spec = [
diff --git a/tools/infer/predict_rec.py b/tools/infer/predict_rec.py
index 1a483da751037c5c49242725871d0708afd48a07..53dab6f26d8b84a224360f2fa6fe5f411eea751f 100755
--- a/tools/infer/predict_rec.py
+++ b/tools/infer/predict_rec.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class TextRecognizer(object):
'name': 'SARLabelDecode',
"character_dict_path": args.rec_char_dict_path,
"use_space_char": args.use_space_char
- }
+ }
elif self.rec_algorithm == "VisionLAN":
postprocess_params = {
'name': 'VLLabelDecode',
@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ class TextRecognizer(object):
"character_dict_path": args.rec_char_dict_path,
"use_space_char": args.use_space_char
+ elif self.rec_algorithm == "RobustScanner":
+ postprocess_params = {
+ 'name': 'SARLabelDecode',
+ "character_dict_path": args.rec_char_dict_path,
+ "use_space_char": args.use_space_char,
+ "rm_symbol": True
+ }
self.postprocess_op = build_post_process(postprocess_params)
self.predictor, self.input_tensor, self.output_tensors, self.config = \
utility.create_predictor(args, 'rec', logger)
@@ -390,6 +397,18 @@ class TextRecognizer(object):
img_list[indices[ino]], self.rec_image_shape)
norm_img = norm_img[np.newaxis, :]
+ elif self.rec_algorithm == "RobustScanner":
+ norm_img, _, _, valid_ratio = self.resize_norm_img_sar(
+ img_list[indices[ino]], self.rec_image_shape, width_downsample_ratio=0.25)
+ norm_img = norm_img[np.newaxis, :]
+ valid_ratio = np.expand_dims(valid_ratio, axis=0)
+ valid_ratios = []
+ valid_ratios.append(valid_ratio)
+ norm_img_batch.append(norm_img)
+ word_positions_list = []
+ word_positions = np.array(range(0, 40)).astype('int64')
+ word_positions = np.expand_dims(word_positions, axis=0)
+ word_positions_list.append(word_positions)
norm_img = self.resize_norm_img(img_list[indices[ino]],
@@ -442,6 +461,35 @@ class TextRecognizer(object):
[valid_ratios], dtype=np.float32),
+ if self.use_onnx:
+ input_dict = {}
+ input_dict[self.input_tensor.name] = norm_img_batch
+ outputs = self.predictor.run(self.output_tensors,
+ input_dict)
+ preds = outputs[0]
+ else:
+ input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names()
+ for i in range(len(input_names)):
+ input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(
+ input_names[i])
+ input_tensor.copy_from_cpu(inputs[i])
+ self.predictor.run()
+ outputs = []
+ for output_tensor in self.output_tensors:
+ output = output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
+ outputs.append(output)
+ if self.benchmark:
+ self.autolog.times.stamp()
+ preds = outputs[0]
+ elif self.rec_algorithm == "RobustScanner":
+ valid_ratios = np.concatenate(valid_ratios)
+ word_positions_list = np.concatenate(word_positions_list)
+ inputs = [
+ norm_img_batch,
+ valid_ratios,
+ word_positions_list
+ ]
if self.use_onnx:
input_dict = {}
input_dict[self.input_tensor.name] = norm_img_batch
diff --git a/tools/infer_rec.py b/tools/infer_rec.py
index 182694e6cda12ead0e263bb94a7d6483a6f7f212..14b14544eb11e9fb0a0c2cdf92aff9d7cb4b5ba7 100755
--- a/tools/infer_rec.py
+++ b/tools/infer_rec.py
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ def main():
elif config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "SAR":
op[op_name]['keep_keys'] = ['image', 'valid_ratio']
+ elif config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "RobustScanner":
+ op[op_name]['keep_keys'] = ['image', 'valid_ratio', 'word_positons']
op[op_name]['keep_keys'] = ['image']
@@ -131,12 +133,20 @@ def main():
if config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "SAR":
valid_ratio = np.expand_dims(batch[-1], axis=0)
img_metas = [paddle.to_tensor(valid_ratio)]
+ if config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "RobustScanner":
+ valid_ratio = np.expand_dims(batch[1], axis=0)
+ word_positons = np.expand_dims(batch[2], axis=0)
+ img_metas = [paddle.to_tensor(valid_ratio),
+ paddle.to_tensor(word_positons),
+ ]
images = np.expand_dims(batch[0], axis=0)
images = paddle.to_tensor(images)
if config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "SRN":
preds = model(images, others)
elif config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "SAR":
preds = model(images, img_metas)
+ elif config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "RobustScanner":
+ preds = model(images, img_metas)
preds = model(images)
post_result = post_process_class(preds)
diff --git a/tools/program.py b/tools/program.py
index b450bc5a3abf0be500b42712d72c81c190412f34..195b09b43da93d8c9285c064ef267e01623a733c 100755
--- a/tools/program.py
+++ b/tools/program.py
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def train(config,
use_srn = config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == "SRN"
extra_input_models = [
- "SRN", "NRTR", "SAR", "SEED", "SVTR", "SPIN", "VisionLAN"
+ "SRN", "NRTR", "SAR", "SEED", "SVTR", "SPIN", "VisionLAN", "RobustScanner"
extra_input = False
if config['Architecture']['algorithm'] == 'Distillation':
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ def preprocess(is_train=False):
'CLS', 'PGNet', 'Distillation', 'NRTR', 'TableAttn', 'SAR', 'PSE',
'SEED', 'SDMGR', 'LayoutXLM', 'LayoutLM', 'LayoutLMv2', 'PREN', 'FCE',
'SVTR', 'ViTSTR', 'ABINet', 'DB++', 'TableMaster', 'SPIN', 'VisionLAN',
- 'Gestalt', 'SLANet'
+ 'Gestalt', 'SLANet', 'RobustScanner'
if use_xpu: