from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import paddle.fluid as fluid import numpy as np # import paddle_hub as hub import tempfile import os from collections import defaultdict from paddle_hub.downloader import download_and_uncompress class Module(object): def __init__(self, module_url): # donwload module #module_dir = downloader.download_and_uncompress(module_url) module_dir = download_and_uncompress(module_url) # load paddle inference model place = fluid.CPUPlace() self.exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CPUPlace()) [self.inference_program, self.feed_target_names, self.fetch_targets] = dirname=module_dir, executor=self.exe) print("inference_program") print(self.inference_program) print("feed_target_names") print(self.feed_target_names) print("fetch_targets") print(self.fetch_targets) # load assets # self._load_assets(module_dir) def __call__(self, inputs=None, signature=None): word_ids_lod_tensor = self._process_input(inputs) np_words_id = np.array(word_ids_lod_tensor) print("word_ids_lod_tensor\n", np_words_id) results = self.inference_program, feed={self.feed_target_names[0]: word_ids_lod_tensor}, fetch_list=self.fetch_targets, return_numpy=False) # return_numpy=Flase is important print(self.feed_target_names) print(self.fetch_targets) # np_result = np.array(results[0]) return np_result def get_vars(self): return self.inference_program.list_vars() def get_input_vars(self): for var in self.inference_program.list_vars(): print(var) if == "words": return var # return self.fetch_targets def get_module_output(self): for var in self.inference_program.list_vars(): print(var) if == "embedding_0.tmp_0": return var def get_inference_program(self): return self.inference_program # for text sequence input, transform to lod tensor as paddle graph's input def _process_input(self, inputs): # words id mapping and dealing with oov # transform to lod tensor seq = [] for s in inputs: seq.append(self._word_id_mapping(s)) lod_tensor = self.seq2lod_tensor(seq) return lod_tensor def seq2lod_tensor(self, seq_inputs, place=fluid.CPUPlace()): """ sequence to lod tensor, need to determine which space""" lod = [] lod.append([]) for s in seq_inputs: # generate lod lod[0].append(len(s)) # print("seq", seq_inputs) # print("lod", lod) lod_tensor = fluid.create_lod_tensor(seq_inputs, lod, place) return lod_tensor def _word_id_mapping(self, inputs): return list(map(lambda x: self.dict[x], inputs)) # load assets folder def _load_assets(self, module_dir): self.dict = defaultdict(int) self.dict.setdefault(0) assets_dir = os.path.join(module_dir, "assets") tokens_path = os.path.join(assets_dir, "tokens.txt") word_id = 0 with open(tokens_path) as fi: words = fi.readlines() words = map(str.strip, words) for w in words: self.dict[w] = word_id word_id += 1 print(w, word_id) def add_module_feed_list(self, feed_list): self.feed_list = feed_list def add_module_output_list(self, output_list): self.output_list = output_list def _mkdir(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) class ModuleImpl(object): def get_signature_name(): pass class ModuleDesc(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def _mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): print("mkdir", path) os.makedirs(path) @staticmethod def save_dict(path, word_dict): ModuleDesc._mkdir(path) with open(os.path.join(path, "tokens.txt"), "w") as fo: print("tokens.txt path", os.path.join(path, "tokens.txt")) dict_str = "\n".join(word_dict) fo.write(dict_str) @staticmethod def save_module_dict(module_path, word_dict): assets_path = os.path.join(module_path, "assets") print("save_module_dict", assets_path) ModuleDesc.save_dict(assets_path, word_dict) pass if __name__ == "__main__": module_link = "" m = Module(module_link) inputs = [["it", "is", "new"], ["hello", "world"]] #tensor = m._process_input(inputs) #print(tensor) result = m(inputs) print(result)