import os from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from paddlehub.common.logger import logger from lda_webpage.vocab import Vocab, WordCount class TopicModel(object): """Storage Structure of Topic model, including vocabulary and word topic count. """ def __init__(self, model_dir, config): """ Args: model_dir: the path of model directory config: ModelConfig class. """ self.__word_topic = None # Model parameter of word topic. self.__vocab = Vocab() # Vocab data structure of model. self.__num_topics = config.num_topics # Number of topics. self.__alpha = config.alpha self.__alpha_sum = self.__alpha * self.__num_topics self.__beta = config.beta self.__beta_sum = None self.__type = config.type # Model type. self.__topic_sum = np.zeros( self.__num_topics, dtype="int64") # Accum sum of each topic in word topic. self.__topic_words = [[] for _ in range(self.__num_topics)] word_topic_path = os.path.join(model_dir, config.word_topic_file) vocab_path = os.path.join(model_dir, config.vocab_file) self.load_model(word_topic_path, vocab_path) def term_id(self, term): return self.__vocab.get_id(term) def load_model(self, word_topic_path, vocab_path): # Loading vocabulary self.__vocab.load(vocab_path) self.__beta_sum = self.__beta * self.__vocab.size() self.__word_topic = [{} for _ in range(self.__vocab.size())] # 字典列表 self.__load_word_dict(word_topic_path) "Model Info: #num_topics=%d #vocab_size=%d alpha=%f beta=%f" % (self.num_topics(), self.vocab_size(), self.alpha(), self.beta())) def word_topic_value(self, word_id, topic_id): """Return value of specific word under specific topic in the model. """ word_dict = self.__word_topic[word_id] if topic_id not in word_dict: return 0 return word_dict[topic_id] def word_topic(self, term_id): """Return the topic distribution of a word. """ return self.__word_topic[term_id] def topic_sum_value(self, topic_id): return self.__topic_sum[topic_id] def topic_sum(self): return self.__topic_sum def num_topics(self): return self.__num_topics def vocab_size(self): return self.__vocab.size() def alpha(self): return self.__alpha def alpha_sum(self): return self.__alpha_sum def beta(self): return self.__beta def beta_sum(self): return self.__beta_sum def type(self): return self.__type def __load_word_dict(self, word_dict_path): """Load the word topic parameters. """"Loading word topic.") with open(word_dict_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in tqdm(f.readlines()): fields = line.strip().split(" ") assert len(fields) > 0, "Model file format error!" term_id = int(fields[0]) assert term_id < self.vocab_size(), "Term id out of range!" assert term_id >= 0, "Term id out of range!" for i in range(1, len(fields)): topic_count = fields[i].split(":") assert len(topic_count) == 2, "Topic count format error!" topic_id = int(topic_count[0]) assert topic_id >= 0, "Topic out of range!" assert topic_id < self.__num_topics, "Topic out of range!" count = int(topic_count[1]) assert count >= 0, "Topic count error!" self.__word_topic[term_id][topic_id] = count self.__topic_sum[topic_id] += count self.__topic_words[topic_id].append( WordCount(term_id, count)) new_dict = OrderedDict() for key in sorted(self.__word_topic[term_id]): new_dict[key] = self.__word_topic[term_id][key] self.__word_topic[term_id] = new_dict def get_vocab(self): return self.__vocab.vocabulary() def topic_words(self): return self.__topic_words