import os import numpy as np from paddle.inference import create_predictor, Config __all__ = ['Model'] class Model(): # 初始化函数 def __init__(self, modelpath, use_gpu=False, use_mkldnn=True, combined=True): # 加载模型预测器 self.predictor = self.load_model(modelpath, use_gpu, use_mkldnn, combined) # 获取模型的输入输出 self.input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names() self.output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() self.input_handle = self.predictor.get_input_handle(self.input_names[0]) self.output_handle = self.predictor.get_output_handle(self.output_names[0]) # 模型加载函数 def load_model(self, modelpath, use_gpu, use_mkldnn, combined): # 对运行位置进行配置 if use_gpu: try: int(os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES')) except Exception: print('Error! Unable to use GPU. Please set the environment variables "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_id" to use GPU.') use_gpu = False # 加载模型参数 if combined: model = os.path.join(modelpath, "__model__") params = os.path.join(modelpath, "__params__") config = Config(model, params) else: config = Config(modelpath) # 设置参数 if use_gpu: config.enable_use_gpu(100, 0) else: config.disable_gpu() if use_mkldnn: config.enable_mkldnn() config.disable_glog_info() config.switch_ir_optim(True) config.enable_memory_optim() config.switch_use_feed_fetch_ops(False) config.switch_specify_input_names(True) # 通过参数加载模型预测器 predictor = create_predictor(config) # 返回预测器 return predictor # 模型预测函数 def predict(self, input_datas): outputs = [] # 遍历输入数据进行预测 for input_data in input_datas: inputs = input_data.copy() self.input_handle.copy_from_cpu(inputs) output = self.output_handle.copy_to_cpu() outputs.append(output) # 预测结果合并 outputs = np.concatenate(outputs, 0) # 返回预测结果 return outputs