import io import numpy as np import six class Query(object): def __init__(self, lac_query): self.set_query(lac_query) def set_query(self, lac_query): """ self.lac_query_list = ["我/r", "和/c", "妈妈/n", "经常/d", "过去/v", "那儿/r", "散步/v"] self.seg_query_list = ["我", "和", "妈妈", "经常", "过去", "那儿", "散步"] self.seg_query_str = "我 和 妈妈 经常 过去 那儿 散步" self.ori_query_str = "我和妈妈经常过去那儿散步" """ length = len(lac_query['word']) if six.PY2: self.lac_query_list = [ lac_query["word"][index].encode("utf8") + "/" + lac_query["tag"][index].encode("utf8") for index in range(length) ] else: self.lac_query_list = [lac_query["word"][index] + "/" + lac_query["tag"][index] for index in range(length)] self.seg_query_list = [] for phrase in self.lac_query_list: index = phrase.rfind("/") word = phrase[0:index] self.seg_query_list.append(word) self.seg_query_str = " ".join(self.seg_query_list) self.ori_query_str = "".join(self.seg_query_list) class Bound(object): def __init__(self, start_index=0, end_index=0, left_bound=0, right_bound=0, left_char_bound=0, right_char_bound=0): self.start_index = start_index # 命中的词的起始位置,char级别 self.end_index = end_index # 命中的词的结束位置,char级别 self.left_bound = left_bound # 原分词级别的起始位置 self.right_bound = right_bound # 原分词级别的结束位置 self.left_char_bound = left_char_bound # 原 char 级别的起始位置 self.right_char_bound = right_char_bound # 原 char 级别的结束位置 class Interventer(object): def __init__(self, ngram_dict_path, user_dict_path): self.ngram_dict_path = ngram_dict_path self.user_dict_path = user_dict_path self.init_pos_types() self.load_dict() def init_pos_types(self): all_pos_types = "n f s t nr ns nt nw nz v vd vn" \ + " a ad an d m q r p c u xc w PER LOC ORG TIME" self.all_pos_types = set([pos_type.lower() for pos_type in all_pos_types.split(" ")]) def load_dict(self): """load unigram dict and user dict""" import ahocorasick self.total_count = 0.0 self.ngram_dict = {} print("Loading dict...") for line in, mode="r", encoding="utf-8"): if six.PY2: word, pos, wordfreq = line.encode("utf-8").strip('\n').split('\t') else: word, pos, wordfreq = line.strip('\n').split('\t') wordfreq = int(wordfreq) if pos.lower() not in self.all_pos_types: continue assert wordfreq > 0, "Word frequency must be postive integer!" self.total_count += wordfreq self.ngram_dict[word + "/" + pos] = wordfreq for key in self.ngram_dict: wordfreq = self.ngram_dict[key] self.ngram_dict[key] = np.log(wordfreq / self.total_count) self.oov_score = np.log(1 / self.total_count) self.user_dict = ahocorasick.Automaton() for line in, mode="r", encoding="utf-8"): if six.PY2: word, pos, wordfreq = line.encode("utf-8").strip('\n').split('\t') else: word, pos, wordfreq = line.strip('\n').split('\t') wordfreq = int(wordfreq) assert pos in self.all_pos_types, "Invalid POS type" assert wordfreq > 0, "Word frequency must be postive integer!" self.ngram_dict[word + "/" + pos] = np.log(wordfreq / self.total_count) self.user_dict.add_word(word, (word, pos, wordfreq)) self.user_dict.make_automaton() def find_min_bound(self, match_info, query): """ find minimum Bound for match_word """ end_index, (match_word, pos, wordfreq) = match_info start_index = end_index - len(match_word) + 1 bound = Bound(start_index=start_index, end_index=end_index) # find left bound query_len = 0 for word_index, word in enumerate(query.seg_query_list): query_len += len(word) if query_len > start_index: bound.left_bound = word_index bound.left_char_bound = query_len - len(word) break # find right bound query_len = 0 for word_index, word in enumerate(query.seg_query_list): query_len += len(word) if query_len > end_index: bound.right_bound = word_index bound.right_char_bound = query_len - 1 break return bound def calc_lm_score(self, phrase_list): """calculate the language model score""" lm_score = 0.0 if len(phrase_list) == 0: return 0.0 for phrase in phrase_list: lm_score += self.ngram_dict.get(phrase, self.oov_score) return lm_score / len(phrase_list) def get_new_phrase_list(self, match_info, bound, query): """ 比较用户词典给出的词和原分词结果,根据打分决定是否替换 """ new_phrase_list = [] phrase_left = query.ori_query_str[bound.left_char_bound:bound.start_index] phrase_right = query.ori_query_str[bound.end_index + 1:bound.right_char_bound + 1] if phrase_left != "": phrase_left += "/" + query.lac_query_list[bound.left_bound].split('/')[1] new_phrase_list.append(phrase_left) new_phrase_list.append(match_info[1][0] + "/" + match_info[1][1]) if phrase_right != "": phrase_right += "/" + query.lac_query_list[bound.right_bound].split('/')[1] new_phrase_list.append(phrase_right) new_query_list = query.lac_query_list[0: bound.left_bound] + new_phrase_list + \ query.lac_query_list[bound.right_bound + 1: ] new_lm_score = self.calc_lm_score(new_query_list) return new_lm_score, new_phrase_list def run(self, query): """ step 1, 用AC自动机检测出匹配到的用户词 step 2, 每个用户词查找最小分词边界,计算每种分词结果的打分,PK step 3, 怎么处理冲突? 3.a. 假设 AC自动机检测到的关键词都是顺序的,那么只需要考虑前后两个的替换词即可 3.b. 假如前后两个替换词没有位置冲突,那么直接把前一个加到替换列表里 3.c. 假如前后两个替换词有冲突,比较分数,舍弃一个,更新上一个替换的位置 step 4, 最终依次执行替换 """ last_bound = None last_phrase_list = None last_lm_score = None all_result = [] old_lm_score = self.calc_lm_score(query.lac_query_list) for match_info in self.user_dict.iter(query.ori_query_str): #print "matched: \"%s\" in query: \"%s\"" % (match_info[1][0], query.seg_query_str) bound = self.find_min_bound(match_info, query) new_lm_score, new_phrase_list = self.get_new_phrase_list(match_info, bound, query) # 如果打分比原 LAC 结果低,抛弃用户词典里的结果 if new_lm_score <= old_lm_score: #print >> sys.stderr, "skipped %s, old_lm_score: %.5f, " \ # "new_lm_score: %.5f" % (" ".join(new_phrase_list), old_lm_score, new_lm_score) continue # 遇到的第一个匹配到的结果 if last_bound is None: last_bound = bound last_phrase_list = new_phrase_list last_lm_score = new_lm_score continue if bound.left_bound > last_bound.right_bound: # 位置上没有冲突,则把上次的结果加到最终结果中去 all_result.append((last_bound, last_phrase_list)) last_bound = bound last_phrase_list = new_phrase_list last_lm_score = new_lm_score else: # 位置上有冲突 if new_lm_score > last_lm_score: # 若分数高于上次结果,则覆盖;否则丢弃 last_bound = bound last_phrase_list = new_phrase_list last_lm_score = new_lm_score if last_bound is not None: all_result.append((last_bound, last_phrase_list)) # 合并所有替换的结果 final_phrase_list = [] last_index = -1 for bound, phrase_list in all_result: final_phrase_list += query.lac_query_list[last_index + 1:bound.left_bound] + phrase_list last_index = bound.right_bound final_phrase_list += query.lac_query_list[last_index + 1:] final_result = {'word': [], 'tag': []} for phrase in final_phrase_list: index = phrase.rfind("/") word = phrase[0:index] tag = phrase[index + 1:] final_result['word'].append(word) final_result['tag'].append(tag) return final_result def load_kv_dict(dict_path, reverse=False, delimiter="\t", key_func=None, value_func=None): """ Load key-value dict from file """ result_dict = {} for line in, "r", encoding='utf8'): terms = line.strip("\n").split(delimiter) if len(terms) != 2: continue if reverse: value, key = terms else: key, value = terms if key in result_dict: raise KeyError("key duplicated with [%s]" % (key)) if key_func: key = key_func(key) if value_func: value = value_func(value) result_dict[key] = value return result_dict def word_to_ids(words, word2id_dict, word_replace_dict, oov_id=None): """convert word to word index""" word_ids = [] for word in words: word = word_replace_dict.get(word, word) word_id = word2id_dict.get(word, oov_id) word_ids.append(word_id) return word_ids def parse_result(lines, crf_decode, id2label_dict, interventer=None): """Convert model's output tensor into string and tags """ offset_list = crf_decode.lod()[0] crf_decode = crf_decode.copy_to_cpu() batch_size = len(offset_list) - 1 batch_out = [] for sent_index in range(batch_size): begin, end = offset_list[sent_index], offset_list[sent_index + 1] sent = lines[sent_index] tags = [id2label_dict[str(tag_id[0])] for tag_id in crf_decode[begin:end]] if interventer: interventer.parse_customization(sent, tags) sent_out = [] tags_out = [] for ind, tag in enumerate(tags): # for the first char if len(sent_out) == 0 or tag.endswith("B") or tag.endswith("S"): sent_out.append(sent[ind]) tags_out.append(tag[:-2]) continue sent_out[-1] += sent[ind] tags_out[-1] = tag[:-2] seg_result = {"word": sent_out, "tag": tags_out} batch_out.append(seg_result) return batch_out # sent_out = [] # tags_out = [] # parital_word = "" # for ind, tag in enumerate(tags): # # for the first word # if parital_word == "": # parital_word = sent[ind] # tags_out.append(tag.split('-')[0]) # continue # # for the beginning of word # if tag.endswith("-B") or (tag == "O" and tags[ind - 1] != "O"): # sent_out.append(parital_word) # tags_out.append(tag.split('-')[0]) # parital_word = sent[ind] # continue # parital_word += sent[ind] # # append the last word, except for len(tags)=0 # if len(sent_out) < len(tags_out): # sent_out.append(parital_word) # seg_result = {"word": sent_out, "tag": tags_out} # batch_out.append(seg_result) # return batch_out