// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. # include "mask_detector.h" // Normalize the image by (pix - mean) * scale void NormalizeImage( const std::vector &mean, const std::vector &scale, cv::Mat& im, // NOLINT float* input_buffer) { int height = im.rows; int width = im.cols; int stride = width * height; for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { int base = h * width + w; input_buffer[base + 0 * stride] = (im.at(h, w)[0] - mean[0]) * scale[0]; input_buffer[base + 1 * stride] = (im.at(h, w)[1] - mean[1]) * scale[1]; input_buffer[base + 2 * stride] = (im.at(h, w)[2] - mean[2]) * scale[2]; } } } // Load Model and return model predictor void LoadModel( const std::string& model_dir, bool use_gpu, std::unique_ptr* predictor) { // Config the model info paddle::AnalysisConfig config; config.SetModel(model_dir + "/__model__", model_dir + "/__params__"); if (use_gpu) { config.EnableUseGpu(100, 0); } else { config.DisableGpu(); } config.SwitchUseFeedFetchOps(false); config.SwitchSpecifyInputNames(true); // Memory optimization config.EnableMemoryOptim(); *predictor = std::move(CreatePaddlePredictor(config)); } // Visualiztion MaskDetector results void VisualizeResult(const cv::Mat& img, const std::vector& results, cv::Mat* vis_img) { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) { int w = results[i].rect[1] - results[i].rect[0]; int h = results[i].rect[3] - results[i].rect[2]; cv::Rect roi = cv::Rect(results[i].rect[0], results[i].rect[2], w, h); // Configure color and text size cv::Scalar roi_color; std::string text; if (results[i].class_id == 1) { text = "MASK: "; roi_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0); } else { text = "NO MASK: "; roi_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255); } text += std::to_string(static_cast(results[i].confidence * 100)) + "%"; int font_face = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX; double font_scale = 1.f; float thickness = 1; cv::Size text_size = cv::getTextSize(text, font_face, font_scale, thickness, nullptr); float new_font_scale = roi.width * font_scale / text_size.width; text_size = cv::getTextSize(text, font_face, new_font_scale, thickness, nullptr); cv::Point origin; origin.x = roi.x; origin.y = roi.y; // Configure text background cv::Rect text_back = cv::Rect(results[i].rect[0], results[i].rect[2] - text_size.height, text_size.width, text_size.height); // Draw roi object, text, and background *vis_img = img; cv::rectangle(*vis_img, roi, roi_color, 2); cv::rectangle(*vis_img, text_back, cv::Scalar(225, 225, 225), -1); cv::putText(*vis_img, text, origin, font_face, new_font_scale, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), thickness); } } void FaceDetector::Preprocess(const cv::Mat& image_mat, float shrink) { // Clone the image : keep the original mat for postprocess cv::Mat im = image_mat.clone(); cv::resize(im, im, cv::Size(), shrink, shrink, cv::INTER_CUBIC); im.convertTo(im, CV_32FC3, 1.0); int rc = im.channels(); int rh = im.rows; int rw = im.cols; input_shape_ = {1, rc, rh, rw}; input_data_.resize(1 * rc * rh * rw); float* buffer = input_data_.data(); NormalizeImage(mean_, scale_, im, input_data_.data()); } void FaceDetector::Postprocess( const cv::Mat& raw_mat, float shrink, std::vector* result) { result->clear(); int rect_num = 0; int rh = input_shape_[2]; int rw = input_shape_[3]; int total_size = output_data_.size() / 6; for (int j = 0; j < total_size; ++j) { // Class id int class_id = static_cast(round(output_data_[0 + j * 6])); // Confidence score float score = output_data_[1 + j * 6]; int xmin = (output_data_[2 + j * 6] * rw) / shrink; int ymin = (output_data_[3 + j * 6] * rh) / shrink; int xmax = (output_data_[4 + j * 6] * rw) / shrink; int ymax = (output_data_[5 + j * 6] * rh) / shrink; int wd = xmax - xmin; int hd = ymax - ymin; if (score > threshold_) { auto roi = cv::Rect(xmin, ymin, wd, hd) & cv::Rect(0, 0, rw / shrink, rh / shrink); // A view ref to original mat cv::Mat roi_ref(raw_mat, roi); FaceResult result_item; result_item.rect = {xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax}; result_item.roi_rect = roi_ref; result->push_back(result_item); } } } void FaceDetector::Predict(const cv::Mat& im, std::vector* result, float shrink) { // Preprocess image Preprocess(im, shrink); // Prepare input tensor auto input_names = predictor_->GetInputNames(); auto in_tensor = predictor_->GetInputTensor(input_names[0]); in_tensor->Reshape(input_shape_); in_tensor->copy_from_cpu(input_data_.data()); // Run predictor predictor_->ZeroCopyRun(); // Get output tensor auto output_names = predictor_->GetOutputNames(); auto out_tensor = predictor_->GetOutputTensor(output_names[0]); std::vector output_shape = out_tensor->shape(); // Calculate output length int output_size = 1; for (int j = 0; j < output_shape.size(); ++j) { output_size *= output_shape[j]; } output_data_.resize(output_size); out_tensor->copy_to_cpu(output_data_.data()); // Postprocessing result Postprocess(im, shrink, result); } inline void MaskClassifier::Preprocess(std::vector* faces) { int batch_size = faces->size(); input_shape_ = { batch_size, EVAL_CROP_SIZE_[0], EVAL_CROP_SIZE_[1], EVAL_CROP_SIZE_[2] }; // Reallocate input buffer int input_size = 1; for (int x : input_shape_) { input_size *= x; } input_data_.resize(input_size); auto buffer_base = input_data_.data(); for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) { cv::Mat im = (*faces)[i].roi_rect; // Resize int rc = im.channels(); int rw = im.cols; int rh = im.rows; cv::Size resize_size(input_shape_[3], input_shape_[2]); if (rw != input_shape_[3] || rh != input_shape_[2]) { cv::resize(im, im, resize_size, 0.f, 0.f, cv::INTER_CUBIC); } im.convertTo(im, CV_32FC3, 1.0 / 256.0); rc = im.channels(); rw = im.cols; rh = im.rows; float* buffer_i = buffer_base + i * rc * rw * rh; NormalizeImage(mean_, scale_, im, buffer_i); } } void MaskClassifier::Postprocess(std::vector* faces) { float* data = output_data_.data(); int batch_size = faces->size(); int out_num = output_data_.size(); for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) { auto out_addr = data + (out_num / batch_size) * i; int best_class_id = 0; float best_class_score = *(best_class_id + out_addr); for (int j = 0; j < (out_num / batch_size); ++j) { auto infer_class = j; auto score = *(j + out_addr); if (score > best_class_score) { best_class_id = infer_class; best_class_score = score; } } (*faces)[i].class_id = best_class_id; (*faces)[i].confidence = best_class_score; } } void MaskClassifier::Predict(std::vector* faces) { Preprocess(faces); // Prepare input tensor auto input_names = predictor_->GetInputNames(); auto in_tensor = predictor_->GetInputTensor(input_names[0]); in_tensor->Reshape(input_shape_); in_tensor->copy_from_cpu(input_data_.data()); // Run predictor predictor_->ZeroCopyRun(); // Get output tensor auto output_names = predictor_->GetOutputNames(); auto out_tensor = predictor_->GetOutputTensor(output_names[1]); std::vector output_shape = out_tensor->shape(); // Calculate output length int output_size = 1; for (int j = 0; j < output_shape.size(); ++j) { output_size *= output_shape[j]; } output_data_.resize(output_size); out_tensor->copy_to_cpu(output_data_.data()); Postprocess(faces); }