diff --git a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/README.md b/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index c85e52d2bcaf23662582125360efe167ab82fc00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -# ernie_vilg - -|模型名称|ernie_vilg| -| :--- | :---: | -|类别|图像-文图生成| -|网络|ERNIE-ViLG| -|数据集|-| -|是否支持Fine-tuning|否| -|模型大小|-| -|最新更新日期|2022-08-02| -|数据指标|-| - -## 一、模型基本信息 - -### 应用效果展示 - - - 输入文本 "宁静的小镇" 风格 "油画" - - - 输出图像 -
-### 模型介绍
-## 二、安装
-- ### 1、环境依赖
- - paddlepaddle >= 2.0.0
- - paddlehub >= 2.2.0 | [如何安装PaddleHub](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/installation.rst)
-- ### 2、安装
- - ```shell
- $ hub install ernie_vilg
- ```
- - 如您安装时遇到问题,可参考:[零基础windows安装](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/windows_quickstart.md)
- | [零基础Linux安装](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/linux_quickstart.md) | [零基础MacOS安装](../../../../docs/docs_ch/get_start/mac_quickstart.md)
-## 三、模型API预测
-- ### 1、命令行预测
- - ```shell
- $ hub run ernie_vilg --text_prompts "宁静的小镇" --output_dir ernie_vilg_out
- ```
-- ### 2、预测代码示例
- - ```python
- import paddlehub as hub
- module = hub.Module(name="ernie_vilg")
- text_prompts = ["宁静的小镇"]
- images = module.generate_image(text_prompts=text_prompts, output_dir='./ernie_vilg_out/')
- ```
-- ### 3、API
- - ```python
- def __init__(ak: Optional[str]=None, sk: Optional[str]=None)
- ```
- - 初始化模块,可自定义用于申请访问文心API的ak和sk。
- - **参数**
- - ak:(Optional[str]): 用于申请文心api使用token的ak,可不填。
- - sk:(Optional[str]): 用于申请文心api使用token的sk,可不填。
- - ```python
- def generate_image(
- text_prompts:str,
- style: Optional[str] = "油画",
- topk: Optional[int] = 10,
- output_dir: Optional[str] = 'ernievilg_output')
- ```
- - 文图生成API,生成文本描述内容的图像。
- - **参数**
- - text_prompts(str): 输入的语句,描述想要生成的图像的内容。
- - style(Optional[str]): 生成图像的风格,当前支持'油画','水彩','粉笔画','卡通','儿童画','蜡笔画'。
- - topk(Optional[int]): 保存前多少张图,最多保存10张。
- - output_dir(Optional[str]): 保存输出图像的目录,默认为"ernievilg_output"。
- - **返回**
- - images(List(PIL.Image)): 返回生成的所有图像列表,PIL的Image格式。
-## 四、更新历史
-* 1.0.0
- 初始发布
- ```shell
- $ hub install ernie_vilg == 1.0.0
- ```
diff --git a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/module.py b/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/module.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af5abb0c3a335402823c19e39a26aed71787528..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/module.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import ast
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-from functools import partial
-from io import BytesIO
-from typing import List
-from typing import Optional
-import requests
-from PIL import Image
-from tqdm.auto import tqdm
-import paddlehub as hub
-from paddlehub.module.module import moduleinfo
-from paddlehub.module.module import runnable
-from paddlehub.module.module import serving
- version="1.0.0",
- type="image/text_to_image",
- summary="",
- author="baidu-nlp",
- author_email="paddle-dev@baidu.com")
-class ErnieVilG:
- def __init__(self, ak=None, sk=None):
- """
- :param ak: ak for applying token to request wenxin api.
- :param sk: sk for applying token to request wenxin api.
- """
- if ak is None or sk is None:
- self.ak = 'G26BfAOLpGIRBN5XrOV2eyPA25CE01lE'
- self.sk = 'txLZOWIjEqXYMU3lSm05ViW4p9DWGOWs'
- else:
- self.ak = ak
- self.sk = sk
- self.token_host = 'https://wenxin.baidu.com/younger/portal/api/oauth/token'
- self.token = self._apply_token(self.ak, self.sk)
- def _apply_token(self, ak, sk):
- if ak is None or sk is None:
- ak = self.ak
- sk = self.sk
- response = requests.get(self.token_host,
- params={
- 'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
- 'client_id': ak,
- 'client_secret': sk
- })
- if response:
- res = response.json()
- if res['code'] != 0:
- print('Request access token error.')
- raise RuntimeError("Request access token error.")
- else:
- print('Request access token error.')
- raise RuntimeError("Request access token error.")
- return res['data']
- def generate_image(self,
- text_prompts,
- style: Optional[str] = "油画",
- topk: Optional[int] = 10,
- output_dir: Optional[str] = 'ernievilg_output'):
- """
- Create image by text prompts using ErnieVilG model.
- :param text_prompts: Phrase, sentence, or string of words and phrases describing what the image should look like.
- :param style: Image stype, currently supported 油画、水彩、粉笔画、卡通、儿童画、蜡笔画
- :param topk: Top k images to save.
- :output_dir: Output directory
- """
- if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
- os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
- token = self.token
- create_url = 'https://wenxin.baidu.com/younger/portal/api/rest/1.0/ernievilg/v1/txt2img?from=paddlehub'
- get_url = 'https://wenxin.baidu.com/younger/portal/api/rest/1.0/ernievilg/v1/getImg?from=paddlehub'
- if isinstance(text_prompts, str):
- text_prompts = [text_prompts]
- taskids = []
- for text_prompt in text_prompts:
- res = requests.post(create_url,
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data={
- 'access_token': token,
- "text": text_prompt,
- "style": style
- })
- res = res.json()
- if res['code'] == 4001:
- print('请求参数错误')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数错误")
- elif res['code'] == 4002:
- print('请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等")
- elif res['code'] == 4003:
- print('请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内")
- elif res['code'] == 4004:
- print('API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等')
- raise RuntimeError("API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等")
- elif res['code'] == 100 or res['code'] == 110 or res['code'] == 111:
- token = self._apply_token(self.ak, self.sk)
- res = requests.post(create_url,
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data={
- 'access_token': token,
- "text": text_prompt,
- "style": style
- })
- res = res.json()
- if res['code'] != 0:
- print("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数")
- raise RuntimeError("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数")
- taskids.append(res['data']["taskId"])
- start_time = time.time()
- process_bar = tqdm(total=100, unit='%')
- results = {}
- first_iter = True
- while True:
- if not taskids:
- break
- total_time = 0
- has_done = []
- for taskid in taskids:
- res = requests.post(get_url,
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data={
- 'access_token': token,
- 'taskId': {taskid}
- })
- res = res.json()
- if res['code'] == 4001:
- print('请求参数错误')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数错误")
- elif res['code'] == 4002:
- print('请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等")
- elif res['code'] == 4003:
- print('请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内')
- raise RuntimeError("请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内")
- elif res['code'] == 4004:
- print('API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等')
- raise RuntimeError("API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等")
- elif res['code'] == 100 or res['code'] == 110 or res['code'] == 111:
- token = self._apply_token(self.ak, self.sk)
- res = requests.post(get_url,
- headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data={
- 'access_token': token,
- 'taskId': {taskid}
- })
- res = res.json()
- if res['code'] != 0:
- print("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数")
- raise RuntimeError("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数")
- if res['data']['status'] == 1:
- has_done.append(res['data']['taskId'])
- results[res['data']['text']] = {
- 'imgUrls': res['data']['imgUrls'],
- 'waiting': res['data']['waiting'],
- 'taskId': res['data']['taskId']
- }
- total_time = int(re.match('[0-9]+', str(res['data']['waiting'])).group(0)) * 60
- end_time = time.time()
- progress_rate = int(((end_time - start_time) / total_time * 100)) if total_time != 0 else 100
- if progress_rate > process_bar.n:
- increase_rate = progress_rate - process_bar.n
- if progress_rate >= 100:
- increase_rate = 100 - process_bar.n
- else:
- increase_rate = 0
- process_bar.update(increase_rate)
- time.sleep(5)
- for taskid in has_done:
- taskids.remove(taskid)
- print('Saving Images...')
- result_images = []
- for text, data in results.items():
- for idx, imgdata in enumerate(data['imgUrls']):
- image = Image.open(BytesIO(requests.get(imgdata['image']).content))
- image.save(os.path.join(output_dir, '{}_{}.png'.format(text, idx)))
- result_images.append(image)
- if idx + 1 >= topk:
- break
- print('Done')
- return result_images
- @runnable
- def run_cmd(self, argvs):
- """
- Run as a command.
- """
- self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the {} module.".format(self.name),
- prog='hub run {}'.format(self.name),
- usage='%(prog)s',
- add_help=True)
- self.arg_input_group = self.parser.add_argument_group(title="Input options", description="Input data. Required")
- self.add_module_input_arg()
- args = self.parser.parse_args(argvs)
- if args.ak is not None and args.sk is not None:
- self.ak = args.ak
- self.sk = args.sk
- self.token = self._apply_token(self.ak, self.sk)
- results = self.generate_image(text_prompts=args.text_prompts,
- style=args.style,
- topk=args.topk,
- output_dir=args.output_dir)
- return results
- def add_module_input_arg(self):
- """
- Add the command input options.
- """
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--text_prompts', type=str)
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--style',
- type=str,
- default='油画',
- choices=['油画', '水彩', '粉笔画', '卡通', '儿童画', '蜡笔画'],
- help="绘画风格")
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--topk', type=int, default=10, help="选取保存前多少张图,最多10张")
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--ak', type=str, default=None, help="申请文心api使用token的ak")
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--sk', type=str, default=None, help="申请文心api使用token的sk")
- self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='ernievilg_output')
diff --git a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/requirements.txt b/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb8c66c68ea2361106e2f5bbca7f136537e62b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/image/text_to_image/ernie_vilg/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@