未验证 提交 49d99835 编写于 作者: C chenjian 提交者: GitHub

remove fluid api (#2112)

上级 e8f5bf8e
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial
from functools import reduce
import paddle
from paddle.fluid import core
from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_dtype
from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_type
from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import convert_dtype
from paddle.fluid.framework import default_main_program
from paddle.fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode
from paddle.fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from paddle.fluid.layers import control_flow
from paddle.fluid.layers import nn
from paddle.fluid.layers import sequence_lod
from paddle.fluid.layers import tensor
from paddle.fluid.layers import utils
from paddle.fluid.layers.utils import *
from paddle.fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr
from paddle.utils import deprecated
#import paddle.nn as nn
class ArrayWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.array = [x]
def append(self, x):
return self
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.array.__getitem__(item)
def _maybe_copy(state, new_state, step_mask):
"""update rnn state or just pass the old state through"""
new_state = nn.elementwise_mul(new_state, step_mask, axis=0) \
+ nn.elementwise_mul(state, (1 - step_mask), axis=0)
return new_state
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
perm = [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(x.shape)))
return nn.transpose(x, perm)
class Decoder(object):
:api_attr: Static Graph
Decoder is the base class for any decoder instance used in `dynamic_decode`.
It provides interface for output generation for one time step, which can be
used to generate sequences.
The key abstraction provided by Decoder is:
1. :code:`(initial_input, initial_state, finished) = initialize(inits)` ,
which generates the input and state for the first decoding step, and gives the
initial status telling whether each sequence in the batch is finished.
It would be called once before the decoding iterations.
2. :code:`(output, next_state, next_input, finished) = step(time, input, state)` ,
which transforms the input and state to the output and new state, generates
input for the next decoding step, and emits the flag indicating finished status.
It is the main part for each decoding iteration.
3. :code:`(final_outputs, final_state) = finalize(outputs, final_state, sequence_lengths)` ,
which revises the outputs(stack of all time steps' output) and final state(state from the
last decoding step) to get the counterpart for special usage.
Not necessary to be implemented if no need to revise the stacked outputs and
state from the last decoding step. If implemented, it would be called after
the decoding iterations.
Decoder is more general compared to RNNCell, since the returned `next_input`
and `finished` make it can determine the input and when to finish by itself
when used in dynamic decoding. Decoder always wraps a RNNCell instance though
not necessary.
def initialize(self, inits):
Called once before the decoding iterations.
inits: Argument provided by the caller.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_states, finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` and `initial_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and `finished` is a tensor with \
bool data type.
raise NotImplementedError
def step(self, time, inputs, states, **kwargs):
Called per step of decoding.
time(Variable): A Tensor with shape :math:`[1]` provided by the caller.
The data type is int64.
inputs(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, provided by the caller.
tuple: A tuple( :code:(outputs, next_states, next_inputs, finished)` ). \
`next_inputs` and `next_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and the structure, shape and \
data type must be same as the counterpart from input arguments. \
`outputs` is a (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s]. \
`finished` is a Tensor with bool data type.
raise NotImplementedError
def finalize(self, outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths):
Called once after the decoding iterations if implemented.
outputs(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
The structure and data type is same as `output_dtype`.
The tensor stacks all time steps' output thus has shape
:math:`[time\_step, batch\_size, ...]` , which is done by the caller.
final_states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is the `next_states` returned by `decoder.step` at last decoding step,
thus has the same structure, shape and data type with states at any time
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(final_outputs, final_states)` ). \
`final_outputs` and `final_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s].
raise NotImplementedError
def tracks_own_finished(self):
Describes whether the Decoder keeps track of finished states by itself.
`decoder.step()` would emit a bool `finished` value at each decoding
step. The emited `finished` can be used to determine whether every
batch entries is finished directly, or it can be combined with the
finished tracker keeped in `dynamic_decode` by performing a logical OR
to take the already finished into account.
If `False`, the latter would be took when performing `dynamic_decode`,
which is the default. Otherwise, the former would be took, which uses
the finished value emited by the decoder as all batch entry finished
status directly, and it is the case when batch entries might be
reordered such as beams in BeamSearchDecoder.
bool: A python bool `False`.
return False
class BeamSearchDecoder(Decoder):
Decoder with beam search decoding strategy. It wraps a cell to get probabilities,
and follows a beam search step to calculate scores and select candidate
token ids for each decoding step.
Please refer to `Beam search <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_search>`_
for more details.
**NOTE** When decoding with beam search, the `inputs` and `states` of cell
would be tiled to `beam_size` (unsqueeze and tile), resulting to shapes like
`[batch_size * beam_size, ...]` , which is built into `BeamSearchDecoder` and
done automatically. Thus any other tensor with shape `[batch_size, ...]` used
in `cell.call` needs to be tiled manually first, which can be completed by using
:code:`BeamSearchDecoder.tile_beam_merge_with_batch` . The most common case
for this is the encoder output in attention mechanism.
BeamSearchDecoder: An instance of decoder which can be used in \
`paddle.nn.dynamic_decode` to implement decoding.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import paddle
from paddle.nn import BeamSearchDecoder, dynamic_decode
from paddle.nn import GRUCell, Linear, Embedding
trg_embeder = Embedding(100, 32)
output_layer = Linear(32, 32)
decoder_cell = GRUCell(input_size=32, hidden_size=32)
decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(decoder_cell,
def __init__(self, cell, start_token, end_token, beam_size, embedding_fn=None, output_fn=None):
Constructor of BeamSearchDecoder.
cell(RNNCellBase): An instance of `RNNCellBase` or object with the same interface.
start_token(int): The start token id.
end_token(int): The end token id.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
embedding_fn(optional): A callable to apply to selected candidate ids.
Mostly it is an embedding layer to transform ids to embeddings,
and the returned value acts as the `input` argument for `cell.call`.
If not provided, the id to embedding transformation must be built into
`cell.call`. Default None.
output_fn(optional): A callable to apply to the cell's output prior to
calculate scores and select candidate token ids. Default None.
self.cell = cell
self.embedding_fn = embedding_fn
self.output_fn = output_fn
self.start_token = start_token
self.end_token = end_token
self.beam_size = beam_size
def tile_beam_merge_with_batch(x, beam_size):
Tile the batch dimension of a tensor. Specifically, this function takes
a tensor t shaped `[batch_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch
entries `t[0], ..., t[batch_size - 1]` and tiles it to have a shape
`[batch_size * beam_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch entries
`t[0], t[0], ..., t[1], t[1], ...` where each minibatch entry is repeated
`beam_size` times.
x(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, ...]`. The data type
should be float32, float64, int32, int64 or bool.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
Variable: A tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]`, whose \
data type is same as `x`.
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder.tile_beam_merge_with_batch')
x = nn.unsqueeze(x, [1]) # [batch_size, 1, ...]
expand_times = [1] * len(x.shape)
expand_times[1] = beam_size
x = paddle.tile(x, expand_times) # [batch_size, beam_size, ...]
x = nn.transpose(x, list(range(2, len(x.shape))) + [0, 1]) # [..., batch_size, beam_size]
# use 0 to copy to avoid wrong shape
x = nn.reshape(x, shape=[0] * (len(x.shape) - 2) + [-1]) # [..., batch_size * beam_size]
x = nn.transpose(x, [len(x.shape) - 1] + list(range(0, len(x.shape) - 1))) # [batch_size * beam_size, ...]
return x
def _split_batch_beams(self, x):
Reshape a tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]` to a new
tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`.
x(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]`. The
data type should be float32, float64, int32, int64 or bool.
Variable: A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`, whose \
data type is same as `x`.
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._split_batch_beams')
# TODO: avoid fake shape in compile-time like tile_beam_merge_with_batch
return nn.reshape(x, shape=[-1, self.beam_size] + list(x.shape[1:]))
def _merge_batch_beams(self, x):
Reshape a tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]` to a new
tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]`.
x(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`. The
data type should be float32, float64, int32, int64 or bool.
Variable: A tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]`, whose \
data type is same as `x`.
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._merge_batch_beams')
# TODO: avoid fake shape in compile-time like tile_beam_merge_with_batch
return nn.reshape(x, shape=[-1] + list(x.shape[2:]))
def _expand_to_beam_size(self, x):
This function takes a tensor t shaped `[batch_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed
of minibatch entries `t[0], ..., t[batch_size - 1]` and tiles it to have a
shape `[batch_size, beam_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch entries
`t[0], t[0], ..., t[1], t[1], ...` where each minibatch entry is repeated
`beam_size` times.
x(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, ...]`, The data type
should be float32, float64, int32, int64 or bool.
Variable: A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`, whose \
data type is same as `x`.
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._expand_to_beam_size')
x = nn.unsqueeze(x, [1])
expand_times = [1] * len(x.shape)
expand_times[1] = self.beam_size
x = paddle.tile(x, expand_times)
return x
def _mask_probs(self, probs, finished):
Mask log probabilities. It forces finished beams to allocate all probability
mass to eos and unfinished beams to remain unchanged.
probs(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size]`,
representing the log probabilities. Its data type should be float32 or float64.
finished(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size]`,
representing the finished status for all beams. Its data type
should be bool.
Variable: A tensor with the same shape and data type as `x`, \
where unfinished beams stay unchanged and finished beams are \
replaced with a tensor with all probability on the EOS token.
check_type(probs, 'probs', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._mask_probs')
check_type(finished, 'finished', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._mask_probs')
# TODO: use where_op
finished = tensor.cast(finished, dtype=probs.dtype)
probs = nn.elementwise_mul(paddle.tile(nn.unsqueeze(finished, [2]), [1, 1, self.vocab_size]),
axis=-1) - nn.elementwise_mul(probs, (finished - 1), axis=0)
return probs
def _gather(self, x, indices, batch_size):
Gather from the tensor `x` using `indices`.
x(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`.
indices(Variable): A `int64` tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size]`,
representing the indices that we use to gather.
batch_size(Variable): A tensor with shape `[1]`. Its data type should
be int32 or int64.
Variable: A tensor with the same shape and data type as `x`, \
representing the gathered tensor.
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._gather')
check_type(indices, 'indices', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._gather')
check_type(batch_size, 'batch_size', (Variable), 'BeamSearchDecoder._gather')
# TODO: compatibility of int32 and int64
batch_size = tensor.cast(batch_size, indices.dtype) if batch_size.dtype != indices.dtype else batch_size
batch_size.stop_gradient = True # TODO: remove this
batch_pos = paddle.tile(nn.unsqueeze(tensor.range(0, batch_size, 1, dtype=indices.dtype), [1]),
[1, self.beam_size])
topk_coordinates = nn.stack([batch_pos, indices], axis=2)
topk_coordinates.stop_gradient = True
return nn.gather_nd(x, topk_coordinates)
class OutputWrapper(collections.namedtuple("OutputWrapper", ("scores", "predicted_ids", "parent_ids"))):
The structure for the returned value `outputs` of `decoder.step`.
A namedtuple includes scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids as fields.
class StateWrapper(collections.namedtuple("StateWrapper", ("cell_states", "log_probs", "finished", "lengths"))):
The structure for the argument `states` of `decoder.step`.
A namedtuple includes cell_states, log_probs, finished, lengths as fields.
def initialize(self, initial_cell_states, bos_ids=None):
Initialize the BeamSearchDecoder.
initial_cell_states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of)
tensor variable[s]. An argument provided by the caller.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_states, finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` is a tensor t filled by `start_token` with shape \
`[batch_size, beam_size]` when `embedding_fn` is None, or the \
returned value of `embedding_fn(t)` when `embedding_fn` is provided. \
`initial_states` is a nested structure(namedtuple including cell_states, \
log_probs, finished, lengths as fields) of tensor variables, where \
`log_probs, finished, lengths` all has a tensor value shaped \
`[batch_size, beam_size]` with data type `float32, bool, int64`. \
cell_states has a value with the same structure as the input \
argument `initial_cell_states` but with tiled shape `[batch_size, beam_size, ...]`. \
`finished` is a `bool` tensor filled by False with shape `[batch_size, beam_size]`.
self.kinf = 1e9
state = flatten(initial_cell_states)[0]
self.batch_size = nn.shape(state)[0]
if bos_ids is not None:
self.start_token = bos_ids
self.start_token_tensor = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=self.start_token)
self.end_token_tensor = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=self.end_token)
init_cell_states = map_structure(self._expand_to_beam_size, initial_cell_states)
init_inputs = paddle.full(shape=[self.batch_size, self.beam_size],
log_probs = paddle.tile(tensor.assign(np.array([[0.] + [-self.kinf] * (self.beam_size - 1)], dtype="float32")),
[self.batch_size, 1])
if paddle.get_default_dtype() == "float64":
log_probs = tensor.cast(log_probs, "float64")
# TODO: remove the restriction of force_cpu
init_finished = tensor.fill_constant_batch_size_like(input=state,
shape=[-1, self.beam_size],
init_lengths = tensor.zeros_like(init_inputs)
init_inputs = self.embedding_fn(init_inputs) if self.embedding_fn else init_inputs
return init_inputs, self.StateWrapper(init_cell_states, log_probs, init_finished, init_lengths), init_finished
def _beam_search_step(self, time, logits, next_cell_states, beam_state):
Calculate scores and select candidate token ids.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller,
representing the current time step number of decoding.
logits(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size]`,
representing the logits at the current time step. Its data type is float32.
next_cell_states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It has the same structure, shape and data type as the `cell_states` of
`initial_states` returned by `initialize()`. It represents the next state
from the cell.
beam_state(Variable): A structure of tensor variables.
It is same as the `initial_states` returned by `initialize()` for
the first decoding step and `beam_search_state` returned by
`step()` for the others.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(beam_search_output, beam_search_state)` ). \
`beam_search_output` is a namedtuple(including scores, predicted_ids, \
parent_ids as fields) of tensor variables, where \
`scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids` all has a tensor value shaped \
`[batch_size, beam_size]` with data type `float32, int64, int64`.
`beam_search_state` has the same structure, shape and data type \
as the input argument `beam_state`.
self.vocab_size = logits.shape[-1]
self.vocab_size_tensor = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=self.vocab_size)
noend_array = [-self.kinf] * self.vocab_size
noend_array[self.end_token] = 0
self.noend_mask_tensor = tensor.assign(np.array(noend_array, "float32"))
if paddle.get_default_dtype() == "float64":
self.noend_mask_tensor = tensor.cast(self.noend_mask_tensor, "float64")
step_log_probs = nn.log(nn.softmax(logits))
step_log_probs = self._mask_probs(step_log_probs, beam_state.finished)
log_probs = nn.elementwise_add(x=step_log_probs, y=beam_state.log_probs, axis=0)
# TODO: length penalty
scores = log_probs
scores = nn.reshape(scores, [-1, self.beam_size * self.vocab_size])
# TODO: add grad for topk then this beam search can be used to train
topk_scores, topk_indices = paddle.topk(x=scores, k=self.beam_size)
beam_indices = nn.elementwise_floordiv(topk_indices, self.vocab_size_tensor)
token_indices = nn.elementwise_mod(topk_indices, self.vocab_size_tensor)
next_log_probs = self._gather(nn.reshape(log_probs, [-1, self.beam_size * self.vocab_size]), topk_indices,
next_cell_states = map_structure(lambda x: self._gather(x, beam_indices, self.batch_size), next_cell_states)
next_finished = self._gather(beam_state.finished, beam_indices, self.batch_size)
next_lengths = self._gather(beam_state.lengths, beam_indices, self.batch_size)
next_lengths = next_lengths + tensor.cast(nn.logical_not(next_finished), beam_state.lengths.dtype)
next_finished = control_flow.logical_or(next_finished, control_flow.equal(token_indices, self.end_token_tensor))
beam_search_output = self.OutputWrapper(topk_scores, token_indices, beam_indices)
beam_search_state = self.StateWrapper(next_cell_states, next_log_probs, next_finished, next_lengths)
return beam_search_output, beam_search_state
def step(self, time, inputs, states, **kwargs):
Perform a beam search decoding step, which uses `cell` to get probabilities,
and follows a beam search step to calculate scores and select candidate
token ids.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller,
representing the current time step number of decoding.
inputs(Variable): A tensor variable. It is same as `initial_inputs`
returned by `initialize()` for the first decoding step and
`next_inputs` returned by `step()` for the others.
states(Variable): A structure of tensor variables.
It is same as the `initial_states` returned by `initialize()` for
the first decoding step and `beam_search_state` returned by
`step()` for the others.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, provided by the caller.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(beam_search_output, beam_search_state, next_inputs, finished)` ). \
`beam_search_state` and `next_inputs` have the same structure, \
shape and data type as the input arguments `states` and `inputs` separately. \
`beam_search_output` is a namedtuple(including scores, predicted_ids, \
parent_ids as fields) of tensor variables, where \
`scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids` all has a tensor value shaped \
`[batch_size, beam_size]` with data type `float32, int64, int64`. \
`finished` is a `bool` tensor with shape `[batch_size, beam_size]`.
inputs = map_structure(self._merge_batch_beams, inputs)
cell_states = map_structure(self._merge_batch_beams, states.cell_states)
cell_outputs, next_cell_states = self.cell(inputs, cell_states, **kwargs)
cell_outputs = map_structure(self._split_batch_beams, cell_outputs)
next_cell_states = map_structure(self._split_batch_beams, next_cell_states)
if self.output_fn is not None:
cell_outputs = self.output_fn(cell_outputs)
beam_search_output, beam_search_state = self._beam_search_step(time=time,
finished = beam_search_state.finished
sample_ids = beam_search_output.predicted_ids
sample_ids.stop_gradient = True
next_inputs = self.embedding_fn(sample_ids) if self.embedding_fn else sample_ids
return (beam_search_output, beam_search_state, next_inputs, finished)
def finalize(self, outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths):
Use `gather_tree` to backtrace along the beam search tree and construct
the full predicted sequences.
outputs(Variable): A structure(namedtuple) of tensor variables,
The structure and data type is same as `output_dtype`.
The tensor stacks all time steps' output thus has shape
`[time_step, batch_size, ...]`, which is done by the caller.
final_states(Variable): A structure(namedtuple) of tensor variables.
It is the `next_states` returned by `decoder.step` at last
decoding step, thus has the same structure, shape and data type
with states at any time step.
sequence_lengths(Variable): An `int64` tensor shaped `[batch_size, beam_size]`.
It contains sequence lengths for each beam determined during
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(predicted_ids, final_states)` ). \
`predicted_ids` is an `int64` tensor shaped \
`[time_step, batch_size, beam_size]`. `final_states` is the same \
as the input argument `final_states`.
predicted_ids = nn.gather_tree(outputs.predicted_ids, outputs.parent_ids)
# TODO: use FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput as output
return predicted_ids, final_states
def tracks_own_finished(self):
BeamSearchDecoder reorders its beams and their finished state. Thus it
conflicts with `dynamic_decode` function's tracking of finished states.
Setting this property to true to avoid early stopping of decoding due
to mismanagement of the finished state.
bool: A python bool `True`.
return True
def _dynamic_decode_imperative(decoder,
def _maybe_copy(state, new_state, step_mask):
# TODO: use where_op
state_dtype = state.dtype
if convert_dtype(state_dtype) in ["bool"]:
state = tensor.cast(state, dtype="float32")
new_state = tensor.cast(new_state, dtype="float32")
if step_mask.dtype != state.dtype:
step_mask = tensor.cast(step_mask, dtype=state.dtype)
# otherwise, renamed bool gradients of would be summed up leading
# to sum(bool) error.
step_mask.stop_gradient = True
new_state = nn.elementwise_mul(state, step_mask, axis=0) - nn.elementwise_mul(new_state, (step_mask - 1),
if convert_dtype(state_dtype) in ["bool"]:
new_state = tensor.cast(new_state, dtype=state_dtype)
return new_state
initial_inputs, initial_states, initial_finished = decoder.initialize(inits, bos_ids=bos_ids)
inputs, states, finished = (initial_inputs, initial_states, initial_finished)
cond = control_flow.logical_not((nn.reduce_all(initial_finished)))
sequence_lengths = tensor.cast(tensor.zeros_like(initial_finished), "int64")
outputs = None
step_idx = 0
step_idx_tensor = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=step_idx)
while cond.numpy():
(step_outputs, next_states, next_inputs, next_finished) = decoder.step(step_idx_tensor, inputs, states,
if not decoder.tracks_own_finished:
# BeamSearchDecoder would track it own finished, since
# beams would be reordered and the finished status of each
# entry might change. Otherwise, perform logical OR which
# would not change the already finished.
next_finished = control_flow.logical_or(next_finished, finished)
# To confirm states.finished/finished be consistent with
# next_finished.
tensor.assign(next_finished, finished)
next_sequence_lengths = nn.elementwise_add(
sequence_lengths, tensor.cast(control_flow.logical_not(finished), sequence_lengths.dtype))
if impute_finished: # rectify the states for the finished.
next_states = map_structure(lambda x, y: _maybe_copy(x, y, finished), states, next_states)
"`next_states` has no `lengths` attribute, the returned `sequence_lengths` would be all zeros."
) if not hasattr(next_states, "lengths") else None
next_sequence_lengths = getattr(next_states, "lengths", sequence_lengths)
outputs = map_structure(lambda x: ArrayWrapper(x), step_outputs) if step_idx == 0 else map_structure(
lambda x, x_array: x_array.append(x), step_outputs, outputs)
inputs, states, finished, sequence_lengths = (next_inputs, next_states, next_finished, next_sequence_lengths)
control_flow.increment(x=step_idx_tensor, value=1.0, in_place=True)
step_idx += 1
cond = control_flow.logical_not(nn.reduce_all(finished))
if max_step_num is not None and step_idx > max_step_num:
final_outputs = map_structure(lambda x: nn.stack(x.array, axis=0), outputs)
final_states = states
final_outputs, final_states = decoder.finalize(final_outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths)
except NotImplementedError:
if not output_time_major:
final_outputs = map_structure(lambda x: nn.transpose(x, [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(x.shape)))), final_outputs)
return (final_outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths) if return_length else (final_outputs, final_states)
def _dynamic_decode_declarative(decoder,
initial_inputs, initial_states, initial_finished = decoder.initialize(inits)
global_inputs, global_states, global_finished = (initial_inputs, initial_states, initial_finished)
global_finished.stop_gradient = True
step_idx = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=0)
cond = control_flow.logical_not((nn.reduce_all(initial_finished)))
if max_step_num is not None:
max_step_num = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=max_step_num)
while_op = control_flow.While(cond, is_test=is_test)
sequence_lengths = tensor.cast(tensor.zeros_like(initial_finished), "int64")
sequence_lengths.stop_gradient = True
if is_test:
# for test, reuse inputs and states variables to save memory
inputs = map_structure(lambda x: x, initial_inputs)
states = map_structure(lambda x: x, initial_states)
# inputs and states of all steps must be saved for backward and training
inputs_arrays = map_structure(lambda x: control_flow.array_write(x, step_idx), initial_inputs)
states_arrays = map_structure(lambda x: control_flow.array_write(x, step_idx), initial_states)
def _maybe_copy(state, new_state, step_mask):
# TODO: use where_op
state_dtype = state.dtype
if convert_dtype(state_dtype) in ["bool"]:
state = tensor.cast(state, dtype="float32")
new_state = tensor.cast(new_state, dtype="float32")
if step_mask.dtype != state.dtype:
step_mask = tensor.cast(step_mask, dtype=state.dtype)
# otherwise, renamed bool gradients of would be summed up leading
# to sum(bool) error.
step_mask.stop_gradient = True
new_state = nn.elementwise_mul(state, step_mask, axis=0) - nn.elementwise_mul(new_state, (step_mask - 1),
if convert_dtype(state_dtype) in ["bool"]:
new_state = tensor.cast(new_state, dtype=state_dtype)
return new_state
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
return nn.transpose(x, [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(x.shape))))
def _create_array_out_of_while(dtype):
current_block_idx = default_main_program().current_block_idx
default_main_program().current_block_idx = default_main_program().current_block().parent_idx
tensor_array = control_flow.create_array(dtype)
default_main_program().current_block_idx = current_block_idx
return tensor_array
# While
with while_op.block():
if not is_test:
inputs = map_structure(lambda array: control_flow.array_read(array, step_idx), inputs_arrays)
states = map_structure(lambda array: control_flow.array_read(array, step_idx), states_arrays)
(outputs, next_states, next_inputs, next_finished) = decoder.step(step_idx, inputs, states, **kwargs)
if not decoder.tracks_own_finished:
# BeamSearchDecoder would track it own finished, since beams would
# be reordered and the finished status of each entry might change.
# Otherwise, perform logical OR which would not change the already
# finished.
next_finished = control_flow.logical_or(next_finished, global_finished)
next_sequence_lengths = nn.elementwise_add(
sequence_lengths, tensor.cast(control_flow.logical_not(global_finished), sequence_lengths.dtype))
if impute_finished: # rectify the states for the finished.
next_states = map_structure(
lambda x, y: _maybe_copy(x, y, global_finished),
"`next_states` has no `lengths` attribute, the returned `sequence_lengths` would be all zeros."
) if not hasattr(next_states, "lengths") else None
next_sequence_lengths = getattr(next_states, "lengths", sequence_lengths)
# create tensor array in global block after dtype[s] of outputs can be got
outputs_arrays = map_structure(lambda x: _create_array_out_of_while(x.dtype), outputs)
map_structure(lambda x, x_array: control_flow.array_write(x, i=step_idx, array=x_array), outputs,
control_flow.increment(x=step_idx, value=1.0, in_place=True)
# update the global_finished first, since it might be also in states of
# decoder, which otherwise would write a stale finished status to array
tensor.assign(next_finished, global_finished)
tensor.assign(next_sequence_lengths, sequence_lengths)
if is_test:
map_structure(tensor.assign, next_inputs, global_inputs)
map_structure(tensor.assign, next_states, global_states)
map_structure(lambda x, x_array: control_flow.array_write(x, i=step_idx, array=x_array), next_inputs,
map_structure(lambda x, x_array: control_flow.array_write(x, i=step_idx, array=x_array), next_states,
if max_step_num is not None:
control_flow.less_equal(step_idx, max_step_num), cond)
control_flow.logical_not(nn.reduce_all(global_finished), cond)
final_outputs = map_structure(lambda array: tensor.tensor_array_to_tensor(array, axis=0, use_stack=True)[0],
if is_test:
final_states = global_states
final_states = map_structure(lambda array: control_flow.array_read(array, step_idx), states_arrays)
final_outputs, final_states = decoder.finalize(final_outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths)
except NotImplementedError:
if not output_time_major:
final_outputs = map_structure(_transpose_batch_time, final_outputs)
return (final_outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths) if return_length else (final_outputs, final_states)
def dynamic_decode(decoder,
Dynamic decoding performs :code:`decoder.step()` repeatedly until the returned
Tensor indicating finished status contains all True values or the number of
decoding step reaches to :attr:`max_step_num`.
:code:`decoder.initialize()` would be called once before the decoding loop.
If the `decoder` has implemented `finalize` method, :code:`decoder.finalize()`
would be called once after the decoding loop.
decoder(Decoder): An instance of `Decoder`.
inits(object, optional): Argument passed to `decoder.initialize`.
Default `None`.
max_step_num(int, optional): The maximum number of steps. If not provided,
decode until the decoder is fully done, or in other words, the returned
Tensor by :code:`decoder.step()` indicating finished status contains
all True. Default `None`.
output_time_major(bool, optional): Indicate the data layout of Tensor included
in the final outputs(the first returned value of this method). If
attr:`False`, the data layout would be batch major with shape
`[batch_size, seq_len, ...]`. If attr:`True`, the data layout would
be time major with shape `[seq_len, batch_size, ...]`. Default: `False`.
impute_finished(bool, optional): If `True` and `decoder.tracks_own_finished`
is False, then states get copied through for batch entries which are
marked as finished, which differs with the unfinished using the new states
returned by :code:`decoder.step()` and ensures that the final states have
the correct values. Otherwise, states wouldn't be copied through when
finished. If the returned `final_states` is needed, it should be set as
True, which causes some slowdown. Default `False`.
is_test(bool, optional): A flag indicating whether to use test mode. In
test mode, it is more memory saving. Default `False`.
return_length(bool, optional): A flag indicating whether to return an
extra Tensor variable in the output tuple, which stores the actual
lengths of all decoded sequences. Default `False`.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Arguments passed to `decoder.step`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(final_outputs, final_states, sequence_lengths)` ) \
when `return_length` is True, otherwise a tuple( :code:`(final_outputs, final_states)` ). \
The final outputs and states, both are Tensor or nested structure of Tensor. \
`final_outputs` has the same structure and data types as the :code:`outputs` \
returned by :code:`decoder.step()` , and each Tenser in `final_outputs` \
is the stacked of all decoding steps' outputs, which might be revised \
by :code:`decoder.finalize()` if the decoder has implemented `finalize`. \
`final_states` is the counterpart at last time step of initial states \
returned by :code:`decoder.initialize()` , thus has the same structure \
with it and has tensors with same shapes and data types. `sequence_lengths` \
is an `int64` tensor with the same shape as `finished` returned \
by :code:`decoder.initialize()` , and it stores the actual lengths of \
all decoded sequences.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import paddle
from paddle.nn import BeamSearchDecoder, dynamic_decode
from paddle.nn import GRUCell, Linear, Embedding
trg_embeder = Embedding(100, 32)
output_layer = Linear(32, 32)
decoder_cell = GRUCell(input_size=32, hidden_size=32)
decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(decoder_cell,
encoder_output = paddle.ones((4, 8, 32), dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype())
outputs = dynamic_decode(decoder=decoder,
if in_dygraph_mode():
return _dynamic_decode_imperative(decoder, inits, max_step_num, output_time_major, impute_finished, is_test,
return_length, bos_ids, **kwargs)
print(">>> hello_debug: not support")
#return _dynamic_decode_declarative(decoder, inits, max_step_num,
# output_time_major, impute_finished,
# is_test, return_length, **kwargs)
class DecodeHelper(object):
DecodeHelper is the base class for any helper instance used in `BasicDecoder`.
It provides interface to implement sampling and produce inputs for the next
time step in dynamic decoding.
def initialize(self):
DecodeHelper initialization to produce inputs for the first decoding step
and give the initial status telling whether each sequence in the batch
is finished. It is the partial of the initialization of `BasicDecoder`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` is a (possibly nested structure of) tensor \
variable[s], and the tensor's shape is `[batch_size, ...]`. \
`initial_finished` is a bool tensor with shape `[batch_size]`.
def sample(self, time, outputs, states):
Perform sampling with some strategies according to `outputs`. It is the
partial of `BasicDecoder.step`.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller,
representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
Variable: An `int64` tensor representing the sampled ids.
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, states, sample_ids):
Produce the inputs and states for next time step and give status telling
whether each minibatch entry is finished. It is called after `sample` in
`BasicDecoder.step`. It is the partial of `BasicDecoder.step`.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller,
representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
sample_ids(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `sample_ids` returned by `sample()`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(finished, next_inputs, next_states)` ). \
`next_inputs` and `next_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and the structure, shape and \
data type of `next_states` must be same as the input argument \
`states`. `finished` is a bool tensor with shape `[batch_size]`.
class TrainingHelper(DecodeHelper):
TrainingHelper is a subclass of DecodeHelper. It is a decoding helper
slicing from the full sequence inputs as the inputs for corresponding
step. And it uses `argmax` to sample from the outputs of `cell.call()`.
Since the needs of sequence inputs, it is used mostly for teach-forcing MLE
(maximum likelihood) training, and the sampled would not be used.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
trg_emb = fluid.data(name="trg_emb",
shape=[None, None, 128],
trg_seq_length = fluid.data(name="trg_seq_length",
helper = layers.TrainingHelper(trg_emb, trg_seq_length)
decoder_cell = layers.GRUCell(hidden_size=128)
decoder = layers.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper)
outputs = layers.dynamic_decode(
def __init__(self, inputs, sequence_length, time_major=False):
Constructor of TrainingHelper.
inputs(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
The shape of tensor should be `[batch_size, sequence_length, ...]`
for `time_major == False` or `[sequence_length, batch_size, ...]`
for `time_major == True`. It represents the inputs to be sliced
from at every decoding step.
sequence_length(Variable): A tensor with shape `[batch_size]`.
It stores real length of each instance in `inputs`, by which we
can label the finished status of each instance at every decoding
time_major(bool, optional): Indicate the data layout of Tensor included
in `inputs`. If `False`, the data layout would be batch major with
shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, ...]`. If `True`, the data
layout would be time major with shape `[sequence_length, batch_size, ...]`.
Default: `False`.
self.inputs = inputs
self.sequence_length = sequence_length
self.time_major = time_major
# extend inputs to avoid to slice out of range in `next_inputs`
# may be easier and have better performance than condition_op
self.inputs_ = map_structure(
lambda x: nn.pad(x,
paddings=([0, 1] + [0, 0] * (len(x.shape) - 1))
if time_major else ([0, 0, 0, 1] + [0, 0] * (len(x.shape) - 2))), self.inputs)
def initialize(self):
TrainingHelper initialization produces inputs for the first decoding
step by slicing at the first time step of full sequence inputs, and it
gives initial status telling whether each sequence in the batch is
finished. It is the partial of the initialization of `BasicDecoder`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` is a (possibly nested structure of) tensor \
variable[s], and the tensor's shape is `[batch_size, ...]`. \
`initial_finished` is a bool tensor with shape `[batch_size]`.
init_finished = control_flow.equal(self.sequence_length,
tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype=self.sequence_length.dtype, value=0))
# TODO: support zero length
init_inputs = map_structure(lambda x: x[0] if self.time_major else x[:, 0], self.inputs)
return init_inputs, init_finished
def sample(self, time, outputs, states):
Perform sampling by using `argmax` according to the `outputs`. Mostly
the sampled ids would not be used since the inputs for next decoding
step would be got by slicing.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the
caller, representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
Variable: An `int64` tensor with shape `[batch_size]`, representing \
the sampled ids.
sample_ids = tensor.argmax(outputs, axis=-1)
return sample_ids
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, states, sample_ids):
Generate inputs for the next decoding step by slicing at corresponding
step of the full sequence inputs. Simultaneously, produce the states
for next time step by directly using the input `states` and emit status
telling whether each minibatch entry reaches to the corresponding length.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the
caller, representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
sample_ids(Variable): An `int64` tensor variable shaped `[batch_size]`.
It is same as `sample_ids` returned by `sample()`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(finished, next_inputs, next_states)` ). \
`next_inputs` and `next_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and the tensor's shape is \
`[batch_size, ...]`. `next_states` is identical to the input \
argument `states`. `finished` is a `bool` Tensor with \
shape `[batch_size]`.
# TODO: compatibility of int32 and int64
time = tensor.cast(time, "int32") if convert_dtype(time.dtype) not in ["int32"] else time
if self.sequence_length.dtype != time.dtype:
self.sequence_length = tensor.cast(self.sequence_length, time.dtype)
next_time = time + 1
finished = control_flow.less_equal(self.sequence_length, next_time)
def _slice(x): # TODO: use Variable.__getitem__
axes = [0 if self.time_major else 1]
return nn.squeeze(nn.slice(x, axes=axes, starts=[next_time], ends=[next_time + 1]), axes=axes)
next_inputs = map_structure(_slice, self.inputs_)
return finished, next_inputs, states
class GreedyEmbeddingHelper(DecodeHelper):
GreedyEmbeddingHelper is a subclass of DecodeHelper. It is a decoding helper
uses the argmax of the output (treated as logits) and passes the results
through an embedding layer to get inputs for the next decoding step.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
trg_emb = fluid.data(name="trg_emb",
shape=[None, None, 128],
trg_embeder = lambda x: fluid.embedding(
x, size=[10000, 128], param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(name="trg_embedding"))
output_layer = lambda x: layers.fc(x,
num_flatten_dims=len(x.shape) - 1,
helper = layers.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(trg_embeder, start_tokens=0, end_token=1)
decoder_cell = layers.GRUCell(hidden_size=128)
decoder = layers.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper, output_fn=output_layer)
outputs = layers.dynamic_decode(
decoder=decoder, inits=decoder_cell.get_initial_states(encoder_output))
def __init__(self, embedding_fn, start_tokens, end_token):
Constructor of GreedyEmbeddingHelper.
embedding_fn(callable): A functor to apply on the argmax results.
Mostly it is an embedding layer to transform ids to embeddings.
**Note that fluid.embedding should be used here rather than
fluid.layers.embedding, since shape of ids is [batch_size].
when using fluid.layers.embedding, must unsqueeze in embedding_fn.**
start_tokens(Variable): A `int64` tensor shaped `[batch_size]`,
representing the start tokens.
end_token(int): The end token id.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_states, finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` and `initial_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and `finished` is a tensor with \
bool data type.
self.embedding_fn = embedding_fn
self.start_tokens = start_tokens
self.end_token = tensor.fill_constant(shape=[1], dtype="int64", value=end_token)
def initialize(self):
GreedyEmbeddingHelper initialization produces inputs for the first decoding
step by using `start_tokens` of the constructor, and gives initial
status telling whether each sequence in the batch is finished.
It is the partial of the initialization of `BasicDecoder`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(initial_inputs, initial_finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` is same as `start_tokens` of the constructor. \
`initial_finished` is a `bool` tensor filled by False and has \
the same shape as `start_tokens`.
# TODO: remove the restriction of force_cpu
init_finished = tensor.fill_constant_batch_size_like(input=self.start_tokens,
init_inputs = self.embedding_fn(self.start_tokens)
return init_inputs, init_finished
def sample(self, time, outputs, states):
Perform sampling by using `argmax` according to the `outputs`.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the
caller, representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
Variable: An `int64` tensor with shape `[batch_size]`, representing \
the sampled ids.
sample_ids = tensor.argmax(outputs, axis=-1)
return sample_ids
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, states, sample_ids):
Generate inputs for the next decoding step by applying `embedding_fn`
to `sample_ids`. Simultaneously, produce the states for next time step
by directly using the input `states` and emit status telling whether
each minibatch entry gets an `end_token` sample.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the
caller, representing the current time step number of decoding.
outputs(Variable): A tensor variable. Usually it's data type is float32
or float64, and it's shape is `[batch_size, vocabulary_size]`,
representing the predicted logits of current step. It is same as
`outputs` returned by `BasicDecoder.output_fn(BasicDecoder.cell.call())`.
states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of) tensor variable[s].
It is same as `new_states` returned by `BasicDecoder.cell.call()`.
sample_ids(Variable): An `int64` tensor variable shaped `[batch_size]`.
It is same as `sample_ids` returned by `sample()`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(finished, next_inputs, next_states)` ). \
`next_inputs` and `next_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and the tensor's shape is \
`[batch_size, ...]`. `next_states` is identical to the input \
argument `states`. `finished` is a `bool` Tensor with \
shape `[batch_size]`.
finished = control_flow.equal(sample_ids, self.end_token)
next_inputs = self.embedding_fn(sample_ids)
return finished, next_inputs, states
class BasicDecoder(Decoder):
BasicDecoder is a subclass of Decoder and assembles a RNNCell and DecodeHelper
instance as members, where the DecodeHelper helps to implement customed
decoding strategies.. It performs one decoding step as following steps:
1. Perform `cell_outputs, cell_states = cell.call(inputs, states)`
to get outputs and new states from cell.
2. Perform `sample_ids = helper.sample(time, cell_outputs, cell_states)`
to sample ids as decoded results of the current time step.
3. Perform `finished, next_inputs, next_states = helper.next_inputs(time,
cell_outputs, cell_states, sample_ids)` to generate inputs, states and
finished status for the next decoding step.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
trg_emb = fluid.data(name="trg_emb",
shape=[None, None, 128],
trg_embeder = lambda x: fluid.embedding(
x, size=[10000, 128], param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(name="trg_embedding"))
output_layer = lambda x: layers.fc(x,
num_flatten_dims=len(x.shape) - 1,
helper = layers.SampleEmbeddingHelper(trg_embeder, start_tokens=0, end_token=1)
decoder_cell = layers.GRUCell(hidden_size=128)
decoder = layers.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper, output_fn=output_layer)
outputs = layers.dynamic_decode(
decoder=decoder, inits=decoder_cell.get_initial_states(encoder_output))
def __init__(self, cell, helper, output_fn=None):
Constructor of BasicDecoder.
cell(RNNCell): An instance of `RNNCell` or object with the same interface.
helper(DecodeHelper): An instance of `DecodeHelper`.
output_fn(optional): A callable to apply to the cell's output prior to
sampling. Default None.
self.cell = cell
self.helper = helper
self.output_fn = output_fn
def initialize(self, initial_cell_states):
BasicDecoder initialization includes helper initialization and cell
initialization, and cell initialization uses `initial_cell_states` as
the result directly.
initial_cell_states(Variable): A (possibly nested structure of)
tensor variable[s]. An argument provided by the caller `dynamic_decode`.
tuple: A tuple( :code:(initial_inputs, initial_cell_states, finished)` ). \
`initial_inputs` and `initial_states` both are a (possibly nested \
structure of) tensor variable[s], and `finished` is a tensor with \
bool data type. `initial_inputs` and `finished` are the results \
of `helper.initialize()`, and `initial_cell_states` is same as \
the input argument counterpart.
(initial_inputs, initial_finished) = self.helper.initialize()
return initial_inputs, initial_cell_states, initial_finished
class OutputWrapper(collections.namedtuple("OutputWrapper", ("cell_outputs", "sample_ids"))):
The structure for the returned value `outputs` of `decoder.step`.
A namedtuple includes cell_outputs, sample_ids as fields.
def step(self, time, inputs, states, **kwargs):
Perform one decoding step as following steps:
1. Perform `cell_outputs, cell_states = cell.call(inputs, states)`
to get outputs and new states from cell.
2. Perform `sample_ids = helper.sample(time, cell_outputs, cell_states)`
to sample ids as decoded results of the current time step.
3. Perform `finished, next_inputs, next_states = helper.next_inputs(time,
cell_outputs, cell_states, sample_ids)` to generate inputs, states and
finished status for the next decoding step.
time(Variable): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller,
representing the current time step number of decoding.
inputs(Variable): A tensor variable. It is same as `initial_inputs`
returned by `initialize()` for the first decoding step and
`next_inputs` returned by `step()` for the others.
states(Variable): A structure of tensor variables.
It is same as the `initial_cell_states` returned by `initialize()`
for the first decoding step and `next_states` returned by
`step()` for the others.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, provided by the caller
tuple: A tuple( :code:`(outputs, next_states, next_inputs, finished)` ). \
`outputs` is a namedtuple(including cell_outputs, sample_ids, \
as fields) of tensor variables, where `cell_outputs` is the result \
fof `cell.call()` and `sample_ids` is the result of `helper.sample()`. \
`next_states` and `next_inputs` have the same structure, shape \
and data type as the input arguments `states` and `inputs` separately. \
`finished` is a `bool` tensor with shape `[batch_size]`.
cell_outputs, cell_states = self.cell(inputs, states, **kwargs)
if self.output_fn is not None:
cell_outputs = self.output_fn(cell_outputs)
sample_ids = self.helper.sample(time=time, outputs=cell_outputs, states=cell_states)
sample_ids.stop_gradient = True
(finished, next_inputs, next_states) = self.helper.next_inputs(time=time,
outputs = self.OutputWrapper(cell_outputs, sample_ids)
return (outputs, next_states, next_inputs, finished)
def beam_search(pre_ids,
Beam search is a classical algorithm for selecting candidate words in a
machine translation task.
Refer to `Beam search <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_search>`_
for more details.
**This operator only supports LoDTensor.** It is used after finishing
scores calculation to perform beam search for one time step. Specifically,
after ``ids`` and ``scores`` have been produced, it selects the top-K
( `k` is ``beam_size`` ) candidate word ids of current step from ``ids``
according to the corresponding ``scores``. Additionally, ``pre_id`` and
``pre_scores`` are the output of `beam_search` at previous step, they
are needed for special use to handle ended candidate translations.
Note that if ``is_accumulated`` is True, the ``scores`` passed in should
be accumulated scores. Otherwise, the ``scores`` are
considered as the probabilities of single step and would be transformed to
the log field and added up with ``pre_scores`` for final scores in this
operator. Length penalty should be done with extra operators before calculating
the accumulated scores if needed.
Please see the following demo for a fully beam search usage example:
pre_ids(Variable): A LodTensor variable (lod level is 2), representing
the selected ids of previous step. It is the output of beam_search
at previous step. Its shape is `[batch_size, 1]` and its lod is
`[[0, 1, ... , batch_size], [0, 1, ..., batch_size]]` at the
first step. The data type should be int64.
pre_scores(Variable): A LodTensor variable has the same shape and lod
with ``pre_ids`` , representing the accumulated scores corresponding
to the selected ids of previous step. It is the output of
beam_search at previous step. The data type should be float32 or float64.
ids(Variable|None): A LodTensor variable containing the candidates ids.
It has the same lod with ``pre_ids`` and its shape should be
`[batch_size * beam_size, K]`, where `K` supposed to be greater than
``beam_size`` and the first dimension size (decrease as samples reach
to the end) should be same as that of ``pre_ids`` . The data type
should be int64. It can be None, which use index in ``scores`` as
scores(Variable): A LodTensor variable containing the accumulated
scores corresponding to ``ids`` . Both its shape and lod are same as
those of ``ids`` . The data type should be float32 or float64.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
end_id(int): The id of end token.
level(int): **It can be ignored and mustn't change currently.**
The 2 level lod used in this operator has the following
meaning: The first level describes how many beams each sample has,
which would change to 0 when beams of the sample all end (batch reduce);
The second level describes how many times each beam is selected.
Default 0, which shouldn't be changed currently.
is_accumulated(bool): Whether the input ``score`` is accumulated scores.
Default True.
name(str, optional): For detailed information, please refer
to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. Usually name is no need to set and
None by default.
return_parent_idx(bool, optional): Whether to return an extra Tensor variable
in output, which stores the selected ids' parent index in
``pre_ids`` and can be used to update RNN's states by gather operator.
Default False.
tuple: The tuple contains two or three LodTensor variables. The two LodTensor, \
representing the selected ids and the corresponding accumulated scores of \
current step, have the same shape `[batch_size, beam_size]` and lod with 2 levels, \
and have data types int64 and float32. If ``return_parent_idx`` is True, \
an extra Tensor variable preserving the selected ids' parent index \
is included, whose shape is `[batch_size * beam_size]` and data type \
is int64.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle
# Suppose `probs` contains predicted results from the computation
# cell and `pre_ids` and `pre_scores` is the output of beam_search
# at previous step.
beam_size = 4
end_id = 1
pre_ids = fluid.data(
name='pre_id', shape=[None, 1], lod_level=2, dtype='int64')
pre_scores = fluid.data(
name='pre_scores', shape=[None, 1], lod_level=2, dtype='float32')
probs = fluid.data(
name='probs', shape=[None, 10000], dtype='float32')
topk_scores, topk_indices = fluid.layers.topk(probs, k=beam_size)
accu_scores = fluid.layers.elementwise_add(
y=fluid.layers.reshape(pre_scores, shape=[-1]),
selected_ids, selected_scores = fluid.layers.beam_search(
check_variable_and_dtype(pre_ids, 'pre_ids', ['int64'], 'beam_search')
check_variable_and_dtype(pre_scores, 'pre_scores', ['float32', 'float64'], 'beam_search')
check_type(ids, 'ids', (Variable, type(None)), 'beam_search')
check_variable_and_dtype(scores, 'scores', ['float32', 'float64'], 'beam_search')
helper = LayerHelper('beam_search', **locals())
score_type = pre_scores.dtype
id_type = pre_ids.dtype
inputs = {"pre_ids": pre_ids, "pre_scores": pre_scores, "scores": scores}
if ids is not None:
inputs["ids"] = ids
selected_scores = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=score_type)
selected_ids = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=id_type)
# parent_idx is a tensor used to gather cell states at the next time
# step. Though lod in selected_ids can also be used to gather by
# sequence_expand, it is not efficient.
# gather_op's index input only supports int32 dtype currently
parent_idx = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype="int32")
'selected_ids': selected_ids,
'selected_scores': selected_scores,
'parent_idx': parent_idx
# TODO(ChunweiYan) to assure other value support
'level': level,
'beam_size': beam_size,
'end_id': end_id,
'is_accumulated': is_accumulated,
if return_parent_idx:
return selected_ids, selected_scores, parent_idx
return selected_ids, selected_scores
def beam_search_decode(ids, scores, beam_size, end_id, name=None):
This operator is used after beam search has completed. It constructs the
full predicted sequences for each sample by walking back along the search
paths stored in lod of ``ids`` . The result sequences are stored in a
LoDTensor, which uses the following way to parse:
.. code-block:: text
If lod = [[0, 3, 6], [0, 12, 24, 40, 54, 67, 82]]
The first level of lod stands for: There are 2 samples each having 3
(beam width) predicted sequence.
The second level of lod stands for: The lengths of the first sample's
3 predicted sequences are 12, 12, 16; The lengths of the second sample's
3 predicted sequences are 14, 13, 15.
Please see the following demo for a fully beam search usage example:
ids(Variable): The LoDTensorArray variable containing the selected ids
of all steps. Each LoDTensor in it has int64 data type and 2 level
lod which can be used to get the search paths.
scores(Variable): The LodTensorArray variable containing the accumulated
scores corresponding to selected ids of all steps. It has the same size
as ``ids`` . Each LoDTensor in it has the same shape and lod as the
counterpart in ``ids`` , and has a float32 data type.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
end_id(int): The id of end token.
name(str, optional): For detailed information, please refer
to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. Usually name is no need to set and
None by default.
tuple: The tuple contains two LodTensor variables. The two LodTensor, \
containing the full sequences of ids and the corresponding accumulated \
scores, have the same shape flattened to 1D and have the same 2 level \
lod. The lod can be used to get how many predicted sequences each sample \
has and how many ids each predicted sequence has.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle
# Suppose `ids` and `scores` are LodTensorArray variables reserving
# the selected ids and scores of all steps
ids = fluid.layers.create_array(dtype='int64')
scores = fluid.layers.create_array(dtype='float32')
finished_ids, finished_scores = fluid.layers.beam_search_decode(
ids, scores, beam_size=5, end_id=0)
check_variable_and_dtype(ids, 'ids', ['int64'], 'beam_search_encode')
check_variable_and_dtype(scores, 'scores', ['float32'], 'beam_search_encode')
helper = LayerHelper('beam_search_decode', **locals())
sentence_ids = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=ids.dtype)
sentence_scores = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=scores.dtype)
"Ids": ids,
"Scores": scores
"SentenceIds": sentence_ids,
"SentenceScores": sentence_scores
"beam_size": beam_size,
"end_id": end_id
return sentence_ids, sentence_scores
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