from collections import deque import os import asyncio from wechaty import ( Contact, FileBox, Message, Wechaty, ScanStatus, ) from wechaty_puppet import MessageType # Initialize a PaddleGAN fom model from ppgan.apps import FirstOrderPredictor animate = FirstOrderPredictor(output="test_fom", filename="result.mp4",\ relative=True, adapt_scale=True) fom = False source = False driving = False async def on_message(msg: Message): """ Message Handler for the Bot """ ### PaddleGAN fom global fom, source, driving if isinstance(msg.text(), str) and len(msg.text()) > 0 \ and msg._payload.type == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT \ and "fom" in msg.text(): bot_response = u"好嘞, 给我发个图片和驱动视频吧" fom = True await msg.say(bot_response) if fom and msg._payload.type == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_IMAGE: fileBox = await msg.to_file_box() await fileBox.to_file("test_fom/source.jpg", True) bot_response = u"好嘞, 收到图片" await msg.say(bot_response) source = True if fom and msg._payload.type == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_VIDEO: fileBox = await msg.to_file_box() await fileBox.to_file("test_fom/driving.mp4", True) bot_response = u"好嘞, 收到驱动视频" await msg.say(bot_response) driving = True if source and driving: bot_response = u"都收到啦,稍等一下嘿嘿" await msg.say(bot_response) source = False driving = False fom = False"test_fom/source.jpg", "test_fom/driving.mp4") file_box = FileBox.from_file("test_fom/result.mp4") await msg.say(file_box) async def on_scan( qrcode: str, status: ScanStatus, _data, ): """ Scan Handler for the Bot """ print('Status: ' + str(status)) print('View QR Code Online:' + qrcode) async def on_login(user: Contact): """ Login Handler for the Bot """ print(user) # TODO: To be written async def main(): """ Async Main Entry """ # # Make sure we have set WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN in the environment variables. # if 'WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN' not in os.environ: print(''' Error: WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN is not found in the environment variables You need a TOKEN to run the Python Wechaty. Please goto our README for details ''') bot = Wechaty() bot.on('scan', on_scan) bot.on('login', on_login) bot.on('message', on_message) await bot.start()