import os import sys cur_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append(cur_path) import time import glob import numpy as np from imageio import imread, imsave from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 import paddle.fluid as fluid from import get_path_from_url from import video2frames, frames2video from util import * from my_args import parser DAIN_WEIGHT_URL = '' def infer_engine(model_dir, run_mode='fluid', batch_size=1, use_gpu=False, min_subgraph_size=3): if not use_gpu and not run_mode == 'fluid': raise ValueError( "Predict by TensorRT mode: {}, expect use_gpu==True, but use_gpu == {}" .format(run_mode, use_gpu)) precision_map = { 'trt_fp32': fluid.core.AnalysisConfig.Precision.Float32, 'trt_fp16': fluid.core.AnalysisConfig.Precision.Half } config = fluid.core.AnalysisConfig(os.path.join(model_dir, 'model'), os.path.join(model_dir, 'params')) if use_gpu: # initial GPU memory(M), device ID config.enable_use_gpu(100, 0) # optimize graph and fuse op config.switch_ir_optim(True) else: config.disable_gpu() if run_mode in precision_map.keys(): config.enable_tensorrt_engine(workspace_size=1 << 10, max_batch_size=batch_size, min_subgraph_size=min_subgraph_size, precision_mode=precision_map[run_mode], use_static=False, use_calib_mode=False) # disable print log when predict config.disable_glog_info() # enable shared memory config.enable_memory_optim() # disable feed, fetch OP, needed by zero_copy_run config.switch_use_feed_fetch_ops(False) predictor = fluid.core.create_paddle_predictor(config) return predictor def executor(model_dir, use_gpu=False): place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) program, feed_names, fetch_targets = dirname=model_dir, executor=exe, model_filename='model', params_filename='params') return exe, program, fetch_targets class VideoFrameInterp(object): def __init__(self, time_step, model_path, video_path, use_gpu=True, key_frame_thread=0., output_path='output', remove_duplicates=True): self.video_path = video_path self.output_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'DAIN') if model_path is None: model_path = get_path_from_url(DAIN_WEIGHT_URL, cur_path) self.model_path = model_path self.time_step = time_step self.key_frame_thread = key_frame_thread self.exe, self.program, self.fetch_targets = executor(model_path, use_gpu=use_gpu) def run(self): frame_path_input = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'frames-input') frame_path_interpolated = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'frames-interpolated') frame_path_combined = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'frames-combined') video_path_output = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'videos-output') if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): os.makedirs(self.output_path) if not os.path.exists(frame_path_input): os.makedirs(frame_path_input) if not os.path.exists(frame_path_interpolated): os.makedirs(frame_path_interpolated) if not os.path.exists(frame_path_combined): os.makedirs(frame_path_combined) if not os.path.exists(video_path_output): os.makedirs(video_path_output) timestep = self.time_step num_frames = int(1.0 / timestep) - 1 if self.video_path.endswith('.mp4'): videos = [self.video_path] else: videos = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.video_path, '*.mp4'))) for cnt, vid in enumerate(videos): print("Interpolating video:", vid) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(vid) fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print("Old fps (frame rate): ", fps) times_interp = int(1.0 / timestep) r2 = str(int(fps) * times_interp) print("New fps (frame rate): ", r2) out_path = video2frames(vid, frame_path_input) vidname = vid.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] tot_timer = AverageMeter() proc_timer = AverageMeter() end = time.time() frames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(out_path, '*.png'))) if remove_duplicates: frames = remove_duplicates(out_path) img = imread(frames[0]) int_width = img.shape[1] int_height = img.shape[0] channel = img.shape[2] if not channel == 3: continue if int_width != ((int_width >> 7) << 7): int_width_pad = ( ((int_width >> 7) + 1) << 7) # more than necessary padding_left = int((int_width_pad - int_width) / 2) padding_right = int_width_pad - int_width - padding_left else: int_width_pad = int_width padding_left = 32 padding_right = 32 if int_height != ((int_height >> 7) << 7): int_height_pad = ( ((int_height >> 7) + 1) << 7) # more than necessary padding_top = int((int_height_pad - int_height) / 2) padding_bottom = int_height_pad - int_height - padding_top else: int_height_pad = int_height padding_top = 32 padding_bottom = 32 frame_num = len(frames) print('processing {} frames, from video: {}'.format(frame_num, vid)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(frame_path_interpolated, vidname)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(frame_path_interpolated, vidname)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(frame_path_combined, vidname)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(frame_path_combined, vidname)) for i in tqdm(range(frame_num - 1)): first = frames[i] second = frames[i + 1] img_first = imread(first) img_second = imread(second) '''--------------Frame change test------------------------''' img_first_gray =[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]) img_second_gray =[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]) img_first_gray = img_first_gray.flatten(order='C') img_second_gray = img_second_gray.flatten(order='C') corr = np.corrcoef(img_first_gray, img_second_gray)[0, 1] key_frame = False if corr < self.key_frame_thread: key_frame = True '''-------------------------------------------------------''' X0 = img_first.astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255 X1 = img_second.astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255 assert (X0.shape[1] == X1.shape[1]) assert (X0.shape[2] == X1.shape[2]) X0 = np.pad(X0, ((0,0), (padding_top, padding_bottom), \ (padding_left, padding_right)), mode='edge') X1 = np.pad(X1, ((0,0), (padding_top, padding_bottom), \ (padding_left, padding_right)), mode='edge') X0 = np.expand_dims(X0, axis=0) X1 = np.expand_dims(X1, axis=0) X0 = np.expand_dims(X0, axis=0) X1 = np.expand_dims(X1, axis=0) X = np.concatenate((X0, X1), axis=0) proc_end = time.time() o =, fetch_list=self.fetch_targets, feed={"image": X}) y_ = o[0] proc_timer.update(time.time() - proc_end) tot_timer.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() y_ = [ np.transpose( 255.0 * item.clip( 0, 1.0)[0, :, padding_top:padding_top + int_height, padding_left:padding_left + int_width], (1, 2, 0)) for item in y_ ] time_offsets = [ kk * timestep for kk in range(1, 1 + num_frames, 1) ] count = 1 for item, time_offset in zip(y_, time_offsets): out_dir = os.path.join( frame_path_interpolated, vidname, "{:0>6d}_{:0>4d}.png".format(i, count)) count = count + 1 imsave(out_dir, np.round(item).astype(np.uint8)) num_frames = int(1.0 / timestep) - 1 input_dir = os.path.join(frame_path_input, vidname) interpolated_dir = os.path.join(frame_path_interpolated, vidname) combined_dir = os.path.join(frame_path_combined, vidname) combine_frames(input_dir, interpolated_dir, combined_dir, num_frames) frame_pattern_combined = os.path.join(frame_path_combined, vidname, '%08d.png') video_pattern_output = os.path.join(video_path_output, vidname + '.mp4') if os.path.exists(video_pattern_output): os.remove(video_pattern_output) frames2video(frame_pattern_combined, video_pattern_output, r2) return frame_pattern_combined, video_pattern_output if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() predictor = VideoFrameInterp(args.time_step, args.saved_model, args.video_path, args.output_path, remove_duplicates=args.remove_duplicates)