/* Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h" #include "core/paddlefl_mpc/mpc_protocol/mesh_network.h" #include "core/paddlefl_mpc/mpc_protocol/context_holder.h" #include "fixedpoint_tensor.h" namespace aby3 { using g_ctx_holder = paddle::mpc::ContextHolder; using Fix64N16 = FixedPointTensor; class FixedTensorTest : public ::testing::Test { public: paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext _cpu_ctx; std::shared_ptr _exec_ctx; std::shared_ptr _mpc_ctx[3]; std::shared_ptr _store; std::thread _t[3]; std::shared_ptr _s_tensor_factory; virtual ~FixedTensorTest() noexcept {} void SetUp() { paddle::framework::OperatorBase* op = nullptr; paddle::framework::Scope scope; paddle::framework::RuntimeContext ctx({}, {}); // only device_ctx is needed _exec_ctx = std::make_shared( *op, scope, _cpu_ctx, ctx); _store = std::make_shared(); std::thread t[3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { _t[i] = std::thread(&FixedTensorTest::gen_mpc_ctx, this, i); } for (auto& ti : _t) { ti.join(); } _s_tensor_factory = std::make_shared(&_cpu_ctx); } std::shared_ptr gen_network(size_t idx) { return std::make_shared(idx, "", 3, "test_prefix", _store); } void gen_mpc_ctx(size_t idx) { auto net = gen_network(idx); net->init(); _mpc_ctx[idx] = std::make_shared(idx, net); } std::shared_ptr> gen(std::vector shape) { return _s_tensor_factory->template create(shape); } }; std::shared_ptr> gen(std::vector shape) { return g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()->template create(shape); } template PaddleTensor test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(std::vector& input, std::vector& shape, paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext& cpu_ctx) { PaddleTensor ret(&cpu_ctx); ret.reshape(shape); T* ret_ptr = ret.data(); for (int i = 0; i < ret.numel(); i++) { *(ret_ptr + i) = (T) (input[i] * pow(2, N)); } return ret; } template bool test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(const TensorAdapter* result, const TensorAdapter* expected, double precision = 0.0001, bool use_relative_error = false) { // check shape std::vector shape1, shape2; shape1 = result->shape(); shape2 = expected->shape(); size_t scale = result->scaling_factor(); if (shape1.size() != shape2.size()) { std::cout << "shape size error: shape1.size: "<numel(); i++) { // absolute error if (!use_relative_error && std::abs(*(result->data() + i) - *(expected->data() + i)) > precision * std::pow(2, scale)) { std::cout << "result error: index: "<< i << " output[i] = "<< *(result->data() + i) / pow(2, 16) << " expected[i] = " << *(expected->data() + i) / pow(2, 16) << std::endl; return_false = true; } // relative error if (use_relative_error && std::abs(*(result->data() + i) - *(expected->data() + i)) / (std::abs(*(expected->data() + i)) + 0.00000001) > precision) { std::cout << "result error: index: "<< i << " output[i] = " << *(result->data() + i) / pow(2, 16) << " expected[i] = " << *(expected->data() + i) / pow(2, 16) << std::endl; return_false = true; } } if (return_false) return false; return true; } void test_fixedt_gen_shares(size_t p, std::vector>> in, std::vector>>& out) { if (p == 0) { std::shared_ptr> out1_shared[3]; std::shared_ptr> out2_shared[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { out1_shared[i] = g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()-> create(out[0]->shape()); out2_shared[i] = g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()-> create(out[0]->shape()); } TensorAdapter* out1[3] = {out1_shared[0].get(), out1_shared[1].get(), out1_shared[2].get()}; TensorAdapter* out2[3] = {out2_shared[0].get(), out2_shared[1].get(), out2_shared[2].get()}; Fix64N16::share(in[0].get(), out1); Fix64N16::share(in[1].get(), out2); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out1[1]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out1[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out2[1]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out2[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out1[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out1[0]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out2[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out2[0]); out1[0]->copy(out[0].get()); out1[1]->copy(out[1].get()); out2[0]->copy(out[2].get()); out2[1]->copy(out[3].get()); } else { std::shared_ptr> out3_shared[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { out3_shared[i] = g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()-> create(out[0]->shape()); } TensorAdapter* out3[4] = {out3_shared[0].get(), out3_shared[1].get(), out3_shared[2].get(), out3_shared[3].get()}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template recv(0, *out3[i]); out3[i]->copy(out[i].get()); } } } void test_fixedt_gen_shares(size_t p, std::shared_ptr> in, std::vector>>& out) { if (p == 0) { std::shared_ptr> out1_shared[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { out1_shared[i] = g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()-> create(out[0]->shape()); } TensorAdapter* out1[3] = {out1_shared[0].get(), out1_shared[1].get(), out1_shared[2].get()}; Fix64N16::share(in.get(), out1); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out1[1]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(1, *out1[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out1[2]); g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template send(2, *out1[0]); out1[0]->copy(out[0].get()); out1[1]->copy(out[1].get()); } else { std::shared_ptr> out3_shared[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { out3_shared[i] = g_ctx_holder::tensor_factory()-> create(out[0]->shape()); } TensorAdapter* out3[2] = {out3_shared[0].get(), out3_shared[1].get()}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { g_ctx_holder::mpc_ctx()->network()->template recv(0, *out3[i]); out3[i]->copy(out[i].get()); } } } void test_fixedt_share(size_t p, TensorAdapter* in, TensorAdapter* ret) { if (in || ret) { TensorAdapter* output[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { output[i] = new PaddleTensor(g_ctx_holder::device_ctx()); dynamic_cast*>(output[i])->reshape(in->shape()); } Fix64N16::share(in, output); output[0]->add(output[1], ret); ret->add(output[2], ret); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { delete output[i]; } } } void test_fixedt_add_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->add(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_add_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->add(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sub_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->sub(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sub_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->sub(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_neg_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->negative(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_mul_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->mul(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_mul_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->mul(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_div_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->div(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_div_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->div(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sum_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(in[0]->shape())); } for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->sum(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_poly_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); auto c_shape = out->shape(); c_shape.insert(c_shape.begin(), 2); //construct coeff auto coeff = gen(c_shape); std::vector w; w.resize(2); w[0] = 1 << 16; w[1] = 1 << 16; auto c_ptr = coeff->data(); for (size_t i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < in[0]->numel(); j++) { *(c_ptr + i * in[0]->numel() + j) = w[i]; } } coeff->scaling_factor() = 16; Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->polynomial(coeff.get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_poly_wise_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); //constrct break_point auto shape = in[0]->shape(); shape.insert(shape.begin(), 1); auto break_point = gen(shape); for (size_t i = 0; i < break_point->numel(); ++i) { break_point->data()[i] = 0; } break_point->scaling_factor() = 16; //contruct coeff std::vector shape_ = {2, 2}; auto in_shape = in[0]->shape(); shape_.insert(shape_.end(), in_shape.begin(), in_shape.end()); auto coeff = gen(shape_); int64_t* c_ptr = coeff->data(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4 * in[0]->numel(); i++) { *(c_ptr + i) = 1 << 16; } for (size_t i = in[0]->numel(); i < in[0]->numel() * 2; i++) { *(c_ptr + i) = 0; } coeff->scaling_factor() = 16; lhs->polynomial_piecewise(coeff.get(), break_point.get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_relu_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->relu(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_relu2_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->relu_with_derivative(result, nullptr); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_softmax_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->softmax(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sigmoid_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->sigmoid(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sigmoid_enhanced_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->sigmoid_enhanced(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_sigmoid_chebyshev_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->sigmoid_chebyshev(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_exp_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->exp(result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_mat_mul_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->mat_mul(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_dot_mul_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(in[0]->shape())); } for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->dot_mul(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_dot_mul_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(in[0]->shape())); } for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->dot_mul(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_gt_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->gt(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_gt_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->gt(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_lt_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->lt(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_lt_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->lt(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_leq_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->leq(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_leq_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->leq(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_geq_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->geq(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_geq_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->geq(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_eq_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->eq(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_eq_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->eq(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_neq_plain(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in[0], temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); lhs->neq(in[1].get(), result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_neq_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); BooleanTensor* result = new BooleanTensor(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->neq(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } void test_fixedt_matmul_fixed(size_t p, std::vector>> in, TensorAdapter* out) { std::vector>> temp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(in[0]->shape())); } for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(in[1]->shape())); } for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++) { temp.emplace_back(gen(out->shape())); } test_fixedt_gen_shares(p, in, temp); Fix64N16* lhs = new Fix64N16(temp[0].get(), temp[1].get()); Fix64N16* rhs = new Fix64N16(temp[2].get(), temp[3].get()); Fix64N16* result = new Fix64N16(temp[4].get(), temp[5].get()); lhs->mat_mul(rhs, result); result->reveal(out); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, matmulfixed) { std::vector shape = {1, 3}; std::vector shape1 = {3, 1}; std::vector shape_o = {1, 1}; std::vector in0_val = {1, 0, 0}; std::vector in1_val = {1, 2, 3}; std::vector res_val = {1}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape1)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape1, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape_o); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape_o); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape_o); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape_o, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_matmul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_matmul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_matmul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, share) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; PaddleTensor input = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); auto output = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); //test_fixedt_share(0, &input, output.get()); _t[0] = std::thread([this, &input, output]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_share(0, &input, output.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_share(1, nullptr, nullptr); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_share(2, nullptr, nullptr); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(&input, output.get())); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, addfixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {0x1p47 - 1, 5+2^-16, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {1.0, 8+(1-2^-16), 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {-0x1p47, 14, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, addplain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 5+2^-16, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {0x1p47 - 1, 8+(1-2^-16), 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {-0x1p47, 14.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_add_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, subfixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, subplain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sub_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, negfixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_neg_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_neg_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_neg_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulfixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } #ifndef USE_ABY3_TRUNC1 //use aby3 trunc1 TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulfixed_multi_times) { std::vector shape = {100000, 1}; std::vector in0_val(shape[0]), in1_val(shape[0]), res_val(shape[0]); auto fill_mul_data = [&in0_val, &in1_val, &res_val] () { unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); std::default_random_engine generator(seed); std::uniform_int_distribution input(-0x1p36, 0x1p36); std::for_each(in0_val.begin(), in0_val.end(), [] (double& a){ a = 1.0;}); std::for_each(in1_val.begin(), in1_val.end(), [&input, &generator] (double& a){ a = input(generator) * pow(2, -16);}); std::transform(in0_val.begin(), in0_val.end(), in1_val.begin(), res_val.begin(), [] (double& a, double& b){ return a * b;}); }; fill_mul_data(); std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } #endif TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulfixed_overflow) { std::vector shape = {1}; // result greater than 2^32 is overflow // notice: multiplier larger than 2^20 may lead to error result // as 2^l << 2^k [ stated in ABY3] std::vector in0_val = {0x1p16}; std::vector in1_val = {0x1p16}; std::vector res_val = {0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulfixed_upper_bound) { std::vector shape = {1, 2}; // recommend each input less than 2^20 // larger than 2^20 may lead to error result // as 2^l << 2^k [stated in ABY3] std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {0x1p20, -0x1p20}; std::vector res_val = {0x1p20, -0x1p20}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulfixed_low_bound) { std::vector shape = {1}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {0x1p-16}; std::vector res_val = {0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mulplain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mul_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, divplain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, divfixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {1.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 700.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 0.1, 0.001, 1.0 / 700}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.2, true)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, divfixed_low_bound) { std::vector shape = {1}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0}; // divisor > 1/x0, default x0 = 2^-15 std::vector in1_val = {0x1p15}; std::vector res_val = {0x1p-15}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_div_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.0001, true)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, sum) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {4.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; std::vector ret_shape = {1}; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, ret_shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sum_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sum_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sum_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, mat_mulplain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_mat_mul_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_mat_mul_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_mat_mul_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, dot_mul_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {8.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; std::vector ret_shape = {1}; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, ret_shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, dot_mul_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {8.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; std::vector ret_shape = {1}; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(ret_shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, ret_shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_dot_mul_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, gt_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16)}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, gt_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16)}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_gt_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, lt_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, lt_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_lt_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, leq_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, leq_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_leq_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, geq_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, geq_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_geq_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, eq_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, eq_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_eq_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, neq_plain) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {3.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_plain(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_plain(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_plain(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, neq_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {3.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector res_val = {1 / pow(2, 16), 1 / pow(2, 16), 0, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape), gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in1_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[1].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; dynamic_cast*>(in[1].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_neq_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, exp_fixed) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 1.0, 2.71828, 2.71828}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.01, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.01, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.01, true)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, exp_fixed_low_bound) { std::vector shape = {1, 3}; // exp approximate: exp(x) = \lim_{n->inf} (1+x/n)^n // where n = 2^ite = 256, therefore, exp(-512) = exp(0), // exp(-511) = exp(-1), exp(-256) = 0 std::vector in0_val = {-512, -511, -256}; std::vector res_val = {1, 0.367879, 0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.01, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.01, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.01, true)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, exp_fixed_upper_bound) { std::vector shape = {1}; // input large than 15 may get error result because of multiplication error std::vector in0_val = {15}; std::vector res_val = {3269017.37}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_exp_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.4, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.4, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.4, true)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, polynomial) { // y = 1 + x std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {-1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, polynomial_wise) { // y = x + 1 (x >= 0) // y = 1 (x < 0) std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {-1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_wise_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_wise_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_poly_wise_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, relu) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, -1.0, -2, 2}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, relu_low_bound) { std::vector shape = {1}; std::vector in0_val = {-0x1p-20}; std::vector res_val = {0.0}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, relu_upper_bound) { std::vector shape = {1}; std::vector in0_val = {0x1p20}; std::vector res_val = {0x1p20}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, relu2) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, -1.0, -2, 2}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu2_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu2_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_relu2_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, softmax) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 1.0, 1, 1}; //std::vector in1_val = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0}; std::vector res_val = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_softmax_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_softmax_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_softmax_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.1)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.1)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.1)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, sigmoid_chebyshev) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; // larger error when input < -3 or >4 std::vector in0_val = {1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0}; std::vector res_val = {0.73105, 0.88079, 0.0474, 0.9820}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_chebyshev_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_chebyshev_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_chebyshev_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.03)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.03)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.03)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, sigmoid) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {0.0, 3, 7, 0.5}; std::vector res_val = {0.5, 0.9525, 0.999, 0.6225}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.08)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.08)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.08)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, sigmoid_enhanced) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::vector in0_val = {0.0, 3, 7, 0.5}; std::vector res_val = {0.5, 0.9525, 0.999, 0.6225}; std::vector>> in = {gen(shape)}; test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(in0_val, shape, _cpu_ctx).copy(in[0].get()); //not copy scaling factor in copy funtion dynamic_cast*>(in[0].get())-> scaling_factor() = 16; auto out0 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out1 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); auto out2 = _s_tensor_factory->create(shape); PaddleTensor result = test_fixedt_gen_paddle_tensor(res_val, shape, _cpu_ctx); _t[0] = std::thread([this, in, out0]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_enhanced_fixed(0, in, out0.get()); }); }); _t[1] = std::thread([this, in, out1]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_enhanced_fixed(1, in, out1.get()); }); }); _t[2] = std::thread([this, in, out2]() mutable { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ test_fixedt_sigmoid_enhanced_fixed(2, in, out2.get()); }); }); _t[0].join(); _t[1].join(); _t[2].join(); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), out1.get(), 0.08)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out1.get(), out2.get(), 0.08)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fixedt_check_tensor_eq(out0.get(), &result, 0.08)); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, max_test) { std::vector shape = { 1 }; std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; std::shared_ptr> sbout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; // lhs = 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 sl[0]->data()[0] = 1; sl[1]->data()[0] = 2; sl[2]->data()[0] = 3; // rhs = 15 = 4 + 5 + 6 sr[0]->data()[0] = 4; sr[1]->data()[0] = 5; sr[2]->data()[0] = 6; Fix64N16 fl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); Fix64N16 fl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); Fix64N16 fl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); Fix64N16 fr0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); Fix64N16 fr1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); Fix64N16 fr2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); Fix64N16 fout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); Fix64N16 fout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); Fix64N16 fout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); BooleanTensor bout0(sbout[0].get(), sbout[1].get()); BooleanTensor bout1(sbout[2].get(), sbout[3].get()); BooleanTensor bout2(sbout[4].get(), sbout[5].get()); auto p = gen(shape); auto pb = gen(shape); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ fl0.max(&fr0, &fout0, &bout0); fout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, pb.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ fl1.max(&fr1, &fout1, &bout1); fout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ fl2.max(&fr2, &fout2, &bout2); fout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(std::max(6, 15), p->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(1, pb->data()[0]); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, max_test2) { std::vector shape = { 1 }; std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; // lhs = 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 sl[0]->data()[0] = 1 << 16; sl[1]->data()[0] = 2 << 16; sl[2]->data()[0] = 3 << 16; auto pr = gen(shape); // rhs = 15 pr->data()[0] = 15 << 16; pr->scaling_factor() = 16; Fix64N16 fl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); Fix64N16 fl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); Fix64N16 fl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); Fix64N16 fout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); Fix64N16 fout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); Fix64N16 fout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen(shape); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ fl0.max(pr.get(), &fout0); fout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ fl1.max(pr.get(), &fout1); fout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ fl2.max(pr.get(), &fout2); fout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(std::max(6, 15), p->data()[0] >> 16); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, max_pooling_test) { std::vector shape = { 4, 1 }; std::vector shape_ = { 1, 1 }; std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sfout[6] = { gen(shape_), gen(shape_), gen(shape_), gen(shape_), gen(shape_), gen(shape_)}; std::shared_ptr> sbout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; assign_to_tensor(sl[1].get(), 0l); assign_to_tensor(sl[2].get(), 0l); sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[0]->data()[1] = 1; sl[0]->data()[2] = 4; sl[0]->data()[3] = 3; // input [2 1 4 3] auto pmax = gen(shape_); auto ppos = gen(shape); Fix64N16 fl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); Fix64N16 fl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); Fix64N16 fl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); Fix64N16 fout0(sfout[0].get(), sfout[1].get()); Fix64N16 fout1(sfout[2].get(), sfout[3].get()); Fix64N16 fout2(sfout[4].get(), sfout[5].get()); BooleanTensor bout0(sbout[0].get(), sbout[1].get()); BooleanTensor bout1(sbout[2].get(), sbout[3].get()); BooleanTensor bout2(sbout[4].get(), sbout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ fl0.max_pooling(&fout0, &bout0); fout0.reveal_to_one(0, pmax.get()); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, ppos.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ fl1.max_pooling(&fout1, &bout1); fout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ fl2.max_pooling(&fout2, &bout2); fout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(4, pmax->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, ppos->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, ppos->data()[1]); EXPECT_EQ(1, ppos->data()[2]); EXPECT_EQ(0, ppos->data()[3]); } TEST_F(FixedTensorTest, inv_sqrt_test) { std::vector shape = { 1 }; std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sfout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; sl[0]->data()[0] = 0x4p16; sl[1]->data()[0] = 0; sl[2]->data()[0] = 0; // input [4] auto p = gen(shape); Fix64N16 fl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); Fix64N16 fl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); Fix64N16 fl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); Fix64N16 fout0(sfout[0].get(), sfout[1].get()); Fix64N16 fout1(sfout[2].get(), sfout[3].get()); Fix64N16 fout2(sfout[4].get(), sfout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ fl0.inverse_square_root(&fout0); fout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ fl1.inverse_square_root(&fout1); fout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { g_ctx_holder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ fl2.inverse_square_root(&fout2); fout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } // inv_sqrt(4) = 1/2 EXPECT_NEAR(0.5, p->data()[0] / 0x1p16f, 2 / 0x1p16f); } } // namespace aby3