# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ mpc data preprocessing op layers. """ from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_type, check_dtype from ..framework import check_mpc_variable_and_dtype from ..mpc_layer_helper import MpcLayerHelper __all__ = ['mean_normalize'] def mean_normalize(f_min, f_max, f_mean, sample_num, total_sample_num): ''' Mean normalization is a method used to normalize the range of independent variables or features of data. Refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_scaling#Mean_normalization Args: f_min (Variable): A 2-D tensor with shape [P, N], where P is the party num and N is the feature num. Each row contains the local min feature val of N features. f_max (Variable): A 2-D tensor with shape [P, N], where P is the party num and N is the feature num. Each row contains the local max feature val of N features. f_mean (Variable): A 2-D tensor with shape [P, N], where P is the party num and N is the feature num. Each row contains the local min feature val of N features. sample_num (Variable): A 1-D tensor with shape [P], where P is the party num. Each element contains sample num of party_i. total_sample_num (int): Sum of sample nums from all party. Returns: f_range (Variable): A 1-D tensor with shape [N], where N is the feature num. Each element contains global range of feature_i. f_mean_out (Variable): A 1-D tensor with shape [N], where N is the feature num. Each element contains global range of feature_i. Examples: .. code-block:: python from multiprocessing import Manager from multiprocessing import Process import numpy as np import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle_fl.mpc as pfl_mpc import mpc_data_utils as mdu import paddle_fl.mpc.data_utils.aby3 as aby3 redis_server = "" redis_port = 9937 test_f_num = 100 # party i owns 2 + 2*i rows of data test_row_split = range(2, 10, 2) def mean_norm_naive(f_mat): ma = np.amax(f_mat, axis=0) mi = np.amin(f_mat, axis=0) return ma - mi, np.mean(f_mat, axis=0) def gen_data(f_num, sample_nums): f_mat = np.random.rand(np.sum(sample_nums), f_num) f_min, f_max, f_mean = [], [], [] prev_idx = 0 for n in sample_nums: i = prev_idx j = i + n ma = np.amax(f_mat[i:j], axis=0) mi = np.amin(f_mat[i:j], axis=0) me = np.mean(f_mat[i:j], axis=0) f_min.append(mi) f_max.append(ma) f_mean.append(me) prev_idx += n f_min = np.array(f_min).reshape(sample_nums.size, f_num) f_max = np.array(f_max).reshape(sample_nums.size, f_num) f_mean = np.array(f_mean).reshape(sample_nums.size, f_num) return f_mat, f_min, f_max, f_mean class MeanNormDemo: def mean_normalize(self, **kwargs): """ mean_normalize op ut :param kwargs: :return: """ role = kwargs['role'] pfl_mpc.init("aby3", role, "localhost", redis_server, redis_port) mi = pfl_mpc.data(name='mi', shape=self.input_size, dtype='int64') ma = pfl_mpc.data(name='ma', shape=self.input_size, dtype='int64') me = pfl_mpc.data(name='me', shape=self.input_size, dtype='int64') sn = pfl_mpc.data(name='sn', shape=self.input_size, dtype='int64') out0, out1 = pfl_mpc.layers.mean_normalize(f_min=mi, f_max=ma, f_mean=me, sample_num=sn, total_sample_num=self.total_num) exe = fluid.Executor(place=fluid.CPUPlace()) f_range, f_mean = exe.run(feed={'mi': kwargs['min'], 'ma': kwargs['max'], 'me': kwargs['mean'], 'sn': kwargs['sample_num']},fetch_list=[out0, out1]) self.f_range_list.append(f_range) self.f_mean_list.append(f_mean) def run(self): f_nums = test_f_num sample_nums = np.array(test_row_split) mat, mi, ma, me = gen_data(f_nums, sample_nums) self.input_size = [len(sample_nums), f_nums] self.total_num = mat.shape[0] # simulating encrypting data share = lambda x: np.array([x * mdu.mpc_one_share] * 2).astype('int64').reshape( [2] + list(x.shape)) self.f_range_list = Manager().list() self.f_mean_list = Manager().list() proc = list() for role in range(3): args = {'role': role, 'min': share(mi), 'max': share(ma), 'mean': share(me), 'sample_num': share(sample_nums)} p = Process(target=self.mean_normalize, kwargs=args) proc.append(p) p.start() for p in proc: p.join() f_r = aby3.reconstruct(np.array(self.f_range_list)) f_m = aby3.reconstruct(np.array(self.f_mean_list)) plain_r, plain_m = mean_norm_naive(mat) print("max error in featrue range:", np.max(np.abs(f_r - plain_r))) print("max error in featrue mean:", np.max(np.abs(f_m - plain_m))) MeanNormDemo().run() ''' helper = MpcLayerHelper("mean_normalize", **locals()) # dtype = helper.input_dtype() dtype = 'int64' check_dtype(dtype, 'f_min', ['int64'], 'mean_normalize') check_dtype(dtype, 'f_max', ['int64'], 'mean_normalize') check_dtype(dtype, 'f_mean', ['int64'], 'mean_normalize') check_dtype(dtype, 'sample_num', ['int64'], 'mean_normalize') f_range = helper.create_mpc_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=f_min.dtype) f_mean_out= helper.create_mpc_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=f_min.dtype) op_type = 'mean_normalize' helper.append_op( type='mpc_' + op_type, inputs={ "Min": f_min, "Max": f_max, "Mean": f_mean, "SampleNum": sample_num, }, outputs={ "Range": f_range, "MeanOut": f_mean_out, }, attrs={ # TODO: remove attr total_sample_num, reducing sample_num instead "total_sample_num": total_sample_num, }) return f_range, f_mean_out