// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device_context.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/init.h" #include "boolean_tensor.h" #include "fixedpoint_tensor.h" #include "paddle_tensor.h" #include "aby3_context.h" #include "core/paddlefl_mpc/mpc_protocol/mesh_network.h" namespace aby3 { using paddle::framework::Tensor; using AbstractContext = paddle::mpc::AbstractContext; class BooleanTensorTest : public ::testing::Test { public: paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext _cpu_ctx; std::shared_ptr _exec_ctx; std::shared_ptr _mpc_ctx[3]; std::shared_ptr _store; std::thread _t[3]; std::shared_ptr _tensor_factory; virtual ~BooleanTensorTest() noexcept {} void SetUp() { paddle::framework::OperatorBase* op = nullptr; paddle::framework::Scope scope; paddle::framework::RuntimeContext ctx({}, {}); // only device_ctx is needed _exec_ctx = std::make_shared( *op, scope, _cpu_ctx, ctx); _store = std::make_shared(); std::thread t[3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { _t[i] = std::thread(&BooleanTensorTest::gen_mpc_ctx, this, i); } for (auto& ti : _t) { ti.join(); } _tensor_factory = std::make_shared(&_cpu_ctx); } std::shared_ptr gen_network(size_t idx) { return std::make_shared(idx, "", 3, "test_prefix", _store); } void gen_mpc_ctx(size_t idx) { auto net = gen_network(idx); net->init(); _mpc_ctx[idx] = std::make_shared(idx, net); } std::shared_ptr> gen1() { return _tensor_factory->template create(std::vector{1}); } std::shared_ptr> gen(const std::vector& shape) { return _tensor_factory->template create(shape); } }; using paddle::mpc::ContextHolder; TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, empty_test) { ContextHolder::template run_with_context(_exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [](){ ; }); } using BTensor = BooleanTensor; TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, reveal1_test) { std::shared_ptr> s[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; auto p = gen1(); s[0]->data()[0] = 2; s[1]->data()[0] = 3; s[2]->data()[0] = 4; BTensor b0(s[0].get(), s[1].get()); BTensor b1(s[1].get(), s[2].get()); BTensor b2(s[2].get(), s[0].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(2 ^ 3 ^ 4, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, reveal2_test) { std::shared_ptr> s[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> p[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; s[0]->data()[0] = 2; s[1]->data()[0] = 3; s[2]->data()[0] = 4; BTensor b0(s[0].get(), s[1].get()); BTensor b1(s[1].get(), s[2].get()); BTensor b2(s[2].get(), s[0].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.reveal(p[0].get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.reveal(p[1].get()); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.reveal(p[2].get()); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(2 ^ 3 ^ 4, p[0]->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(2 ^ 3 ^ 4, p[1]->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(2 ^ 3 ^ 4, p[2]->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, xor1_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 = 1 ^ 2 ^ 4 sr[0]->data()[0] = 1; sr[1]->data()[0] = 2; sr[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor br0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); BTensor br1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); BTensor br2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_xor(&br0, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_xor(&br1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_xor(&br2, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 ^ 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, xor2_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; auto pr = gen1(); std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 pr->data()[0] = 7; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_xor(pr.get(), &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_xor(pr.get(), &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_xor(pr.get(), &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 ^ 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, and1_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 = 1 ^ 2 ^ 4 sr[0]->data()[0] = 1; sr[1]->data()[0] = 2; sr[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor br0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); BTensor br1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); BTensor br2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_and(&br0, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_and(&br1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_and(&br2, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 & 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, and2_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; auto pr = gen1(); std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 pr->data()[0] = 7; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_and(pr.get(), &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_and(pr.get(), &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_and(pr.get(), &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 & 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, or1_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 = 1 ^ 2 ^ 4 sr[0]->data()[0] = 1; sr[1]->data()[0] = 2; sr[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor br0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); BTensor br1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); BTensor br2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_or(&br0, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_or(&br1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_or(&br2, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 | 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, or2_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; auto pr = gen1(); std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 pr->data()[0] = 7; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_or(pr.get(), &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_or(pr.get(), &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_or(pr.get(), &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 | 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, not_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bitwise_not(&bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bitwise_not(&bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bitwise_not(&bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(~5, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, lshift_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.lshift(1, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.lshift(1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.lshift(1, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 << 1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, rshift_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.rshift(1, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.rshift(1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.rshift(1, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 >> 1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, logical_rshift_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = -1 sl[0]->data()[0] = -1; sl[1]->data()[0] = 0; sl[2]->data()[0] = 0; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.logical_rshift(1, &bout0); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.logical_rshift(1, &bout1); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.logical_rshift(1, &bout2); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(-1ull >> 1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, ppa_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; // rhs = 7 = 1 ^ 2 ^ 4 sr[0]->data()[0] = 1; sr[1]->data()[0] = 2; sr[2]->data()[0] = 4; auto p = gen1(); BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor br0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); BTensor br1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); BTensor br2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); BTensor bout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor bout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor bout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); const size_t nbits = 64; _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.ppa(&br0, &bout0, nbits); bout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.ppa(&br1, &bout1, nbits); bout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.ppa(&br2, &bout2, nbits); bout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5 + 7, p->data()[0]); } using FTensor = FixedPointTensor; TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, b2a_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; BTensor b0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor b1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor b2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); FTensor f0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); FTensor f1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); FTensor f2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.b2a(&f0); f0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.b2a(&f1); f1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.b2a(&f2); f2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(5, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, a2b_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 9 = 2 + 3 + 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; BTensor b0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor b1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor b2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); FTensor f0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); FTensor f1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); FTensor f2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0 = &f0; b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1 = &f1; b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2 = &f2; b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(9, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, bit_extract_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 9 = 2 + 3 + 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; FTensor f0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); FTensor f1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); FTensor f2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor b0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor b1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor b2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.bit_extract(3, &f0); b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.bit_extract(3, &f1); b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.bit_extract(3, &f2); b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, boolean_bit_extract_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 5 = 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 sl[0]->data()[0] = 2; sl[1]->data()[0] = 3; sl[2]->data()[0] = 4; BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor b0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor b1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor b2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.bit_extract(2, &b0); b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.bit_extract(2, &b1); b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.bit_extract(2, &b2); b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, bit_extract_test2) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = -9 = -2 + -3 + -4 sl[0]->data()[0] = -2; sl[1]->data()[0] = -3; sl[2]->data()[0] = -4; FTensor f0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); FTensor f1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); FTensor f2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor b0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor b1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor b2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.bit_extract(63, &f0); b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.bit_extract(63, &f1); b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.bit_extract(63, &f2); b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, bit_extract_test3) { std::vector shape = {2, 2}; std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape) }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape), gen(shape)}; // lhs = -65536 sl[0]->data()[0] = 626067816440182033; sl[1]->data()[0] = 1108923486657625775; sl[2]->data()[0] = -1734991303097873344; sl[0]->data()[1] = -1320209182212830031 ; sl[1]->data()[1] = 3175682926293206038; sl[2]->data()[1] = -1855473744080441543; sl[0]->data()[2] = -7241979567589308516; sl[1]->data()[2] = 5579083190137080035; sl[2]->data()[2] = 1662896377452162945; sl[0]->data()[3] = 1468124374943170272; sl[1]->data()[3] = -4796789375126030707; sl[2]->data()[3] = 3328665000182794899; FTensor f0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); FTensor f1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); FTensor f2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); BTensor b0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); BTensor b1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); BTensor b2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen(shape); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.bit_extract(63, &f0); b0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.bit_extract(63, &f1); b1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.bit_extract(63, &f2); b2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[1]); EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[2]); EXPECT_EQ(1, p->data()[3]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, abmul_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 1 sl[0]->data()[0] = 1; sl[1]->data()[0] = 0; sl[2]->data()[0] = 0; BTensor b0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor b1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor b2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); FTensor f0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); FTensor f1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); FTensor f2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); // rhs = 7 p->data()[0] = 7; _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ b0.mul(p.get(), &f0, 0); f0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ b1.mul(nullptr, &f1, 0); f1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ b2.mul(nullptr, &f2, 0); f2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1 * 7, p->data()[0]); } TEST_F(BooleanTensorTest, abmul2_test) { std::shared_ptr> sl[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sr[3] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1() }; std::shared_ptr> sout[6] = { gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1(), gen1()}; // lhs = 1 sl[0]->data()[0] = 1; sl[1]->data()[0] = 0; sl[2]->data()[0] = 0; // rhs = 12 = 3 + 4 + 5 sr[0]->data()[0] = 3; sr[1]->data()[0] = 4; sr[2]->data()[0] = 5; BTensor bl0(sl[0].get(), sl[1].get()); BTensor bl1(sl[1].get(), sl[2].get()); BTensor bl2(sl[2].get(), sl[0].get()); FTensor fr0(sr[0].get(), sr[1].get()); FTensor fr1(sr[1].get(), sr[2].get()); FTensor fr2(sr[2].get(), sr[0].get()); FTensor fout0(sout[0].get(), sout[1].get()); FTensor fout1(sout[2].get(), sout[3].get()); FTensor fout2(sout[4].get(), sout[5].get()); auto p = gen1(); _t[0] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[0], [&](){ bl0.mul(&fr0, &fout0); fout0.reveal_to_one(0, p.get()); }); } ); _t[1] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[1], [&](){ bl1.mul(&fr1, &fout1); fout1.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); _t[2] = std::thread( [&] () { ContextHolder::template run_with_context( _exec_ctx.get(), _mpc_ctx[2], [&](){ bl2.mul(&fr2, &fout2); fout2.reveal_to_one(0, nullptr); }); } ); for (auto &t: _t) { t.join(); } EXPECT_EQ(1 * 12, p->data()[0]); } } // namespace aby3