# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import os import json import math import time import base64 import netaddr import boto3 import namesgenerator import paramiko # You must have aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region set in # ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '--vpc_id', type=str, default="", help="The VPC in which you wish to run test") parser.add_argument( '--subnet_id', type=str, default="", help="The Subnet_id in which you wish to run test") parser.add_argument( '--security_group_id', type=str, default="", required=True, help="required, the security group id associated with your VPC") parser.add_argument( '--pserver_instance_type', type=str, default="p2.xlarge", help="your pserver instance type") parser.add_argument( '--trainer_instance_type', type=str, default="p2.xlarge", help="your trainer instance type") parser.add_argument( '--key_name', type=str, default="", required=True, help="required, key pair name") parser.add_argument( '--task_name', type=str, default="", help="the name you want to identify your job") parser.add_argument( '--pserver_image_id', type=str, default="ami-1ae93962", help="ami id for system image, default one has nvidia-docker ready") parser.add_argument( '--trainer_image_id', type=str, default="ami-1ae93962", help="ami id for system image, default one has nvidia-docker ready") parser.add_argument( '--trainer_count', type=int, default=1, help="Trainer count") parser.add_argument( '--pserver_count', type=int, default=1, help="Pserver count") parser.add_argument( '--pserver_bash_file', type=str, required=False, default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "pserver.sh.template"), help="pserver bash file path") parser.add_argument( '--trainer_bash_file', type=str, required=False, default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "trainer.sh.template"), help="trainer bash file path") parser.add_argument('--pem_path', type=str, help="private key file") parser.add_argument( '--pserver_port', type=str, default="5436", help="pserver port") parser.add_argument( '--docker_image', type=str, default="busybox", help="training docker image") args = parser.parse_args() ec2client = boto3.client('ec2') def create_subnet(): # if no vpc id provided, list vpcs if not args.vpc_id: print("no vpc provided, trying to find the default one") vpcs_desc = ec2client.describe_vpcs( Filters=[{ "Name": "isDefault", "Values": ["true", ] }], ) if len(vpcs_desc["Vpcs"]) == 0: raise ValueError('No default VPC') args.vpc_id = vpcs_desc["Vpcs"][0]["VpcId"] vpc_cidrBlock = vpcs_desc["Vpcs"][0]["CidrBlock"] print("default vpc fount with id %s and CidrBlock %s" % (args.vpc_id, vpc_cidrBlock)) if not vpc_cidrBlock: print("trying to find cidrblock for vpc") vpcs_desc = ec2client.describe_vpcs( Filters=[{ "Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [args.vpc_id, ], }], ) if len(vpcs_desc["Vpcs"]) == 0: raise ValueError('No VPC found') vpc_cidrBlock = vpcs_desc["Vpcs"][0]["CidrBlock"] print("cidrblock for vpc is %s" % vpc_cidrBlock) # list subnets in vpc in order to create a new one print("trying to find ip blocks for new subnet") subnets_desc = ec2client.describe_subnets( Filters=[{ "Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [args.vpc_id, ], }], ) ips_taken = [] for subnet_dec in subnets_desc["Subnets"]: ips_taken.append(subnet_dec["CidrBlock"]) ip_blocks_avaliable = netaddr.IPSet( [vpc_cidrBlock]) ^ netaddr.IPSet(ips_taken) # adding 10 addresses as buffer cidr_prefix = 32 - math.ceil( math.log(args.pserver_count + args.trainer_count + 10, 2)) if cidr_prefix <= 16: raise ValueError('Too many nodes to fit in current VPC') for ipnetwork in ip_blocks_avaliable.iter_cidrs(): try: subnet_cidr = ipnetwork.subnet(int(cidr_prefix)).next() print("subnet ip block found %s" % (subnet_cidr)) break except Exception: pass if not subnet_cidr: raise ValueError( 'No avaliable subnet to fit required nodes in current VPC') print("trying to create subnet") subnet_desc = ec2client.create_subnet( CidrBlock=str(subnet_cidr), VpcId=args.vpc_id) subnet_id = subnet_desc["Subnet"]["SubnetId"] subnet_waiter = ec2client.get_waiter('subnet_available') # sleep for 1s before checking its state time.sleep(1) subnet_waiter.wait(SubnetIds=[subnet_id, ]) print("subnet created") print("adding tags to newly created subnet") ec2client.create_tags( Resources=[subnet_id, ], Tags=[{ "Key": "Task_name", 'Value': args.task_name }]) return subnet_id def generate_task_name(): return namesgenerator.get_random_name() def script_to_str(file_path): if not file_path: return "echo $PSERVER_HOSTS" file = open(file_path, 'r') text = file.read().strip() file.close() return text def run_instances(image_id, instance_type, count, role, cmd=""): if cmd: cmd = base64.b64encode(cmd) response = ec2client.run_instances( ImageId=image_id, InstanceType=instance_type, MaxCount=count, MinCount=count, UserData=cmd, DryRun=False, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="stop", KeyName=args.key_name, NetworkInterfaces=[{ 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'SubnetId': args.subnet_id, "AssociatePublicIpAddress": True, 'Groups': args.security_group_ids }], TagSpecifications=[{ 'ResourceType': "instance", 'Tags': [{ "Key": 'Task_name', "Value": args.task_name }, { "Key": 'Role', "Value": role }] }]) instance_ids = [] for instance in response["Instances"]: instance_ids.append(instance["InstanceId"]) if len(instance_ids) > 0: print(str(len(instance_ids)) + " instance(s) created") else: print("no instance created") #create waiter to make sure it's running print("waiting for instance to become accessible") waiter = ec2client.get_waiter('instance_status_ok') waiter.wait( Filters=[{ "Name": "instance-status.status", "Values": ["ok"] }, { "Name": "instance-status.reachability", "Values": ["passed"] }, { "Name": "instance-state-name", "Values": ["running"] }], InstanceIds=instance_ids) instances_response = ec2client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids) return instances_response["Reservations"][0]["Instances"] def create_pservers(): return run_instances( image_id=args.pserver_image_id, instance_type=args.pserver_instance_type, count=args.pserver_count, role="PSERVER", ) def create_trainers(kickoff_cmd, pserver_endpoints_str): responses = [] for i in xrange(args.trainer_count): cmd = kickoff_cmd.format( PSERVER_HOSTS=pserver_endpoints_str, DOCKER_IMAGE=args.docker_image, TRAINER_INDEX=str(i)) print(cmd) responses.append( run_instances( image_id=args.trainer_image_id, instance_type=args.trainer_instance_type, count=1, role="TRAINER", cmd=cmd, )[0]) return responses def cleanup(task_name): #shutdown all ec2 instances instances = ec2client.describe_instances(Filters=[{ "Name": "tag", "Value": "Task_name=" + task_name }]) instance_ids = [] for instance in instances["Reservations"][0]["Instances"]: instance_ids.append(instance["InstanceId"]) ec2client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids) instance_stop_waiter = ec2client.get_waiter('instance_stopped') instance_stop_waiter.wait(InstanceIds=instance_ids) #delete the subnet created subnet = ec2client.describe_subnets(Filters=[{ "Name": "tag", "Value": "Task_name=" + task_name }]) ec2client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=subnet["Subnets"][0]["SubnetId"]) # no subnet delete waiter, just leave it. return def main(): if not args.task_name: args.task_name = generate_task_name() print("task name generated", args.task_name) if not args.subnet_id: print("creating subnet for this task") args.subnet_id = create_subnet() print("subnet %s created" % (args.subnet_id)) if not args.pem_path: args.pem_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/" + args.key_name + ".pem" if args.security_group_id: args.security_group_ids = (args.security_group_id, ) print("creating pservers") pserver_create_response = create_pservers() print("pserver created, collecting pserver ips") pserver_endpoints = [] for pserver in pserver_create_response: pserver_endpoints.append(pserver["NetworkInterfaces"][0][ "PrivateIpAddress"] + ":" + args.pserver_port) pserver_endpoints_str = ",".join(pserver_endpoints) # ssh to pservers to start training ssh_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(args.pem_path) ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) print("kicking off pserver training process") for pserver in pserver_create_response: try: ssh_client.connect( hostname=pserver["PublicIpAddress"], username="ubuntu", pkey=ssh_key) cmd = (script_to_str(args.pserver_bash_file)).format( PSERVER_HOSTS=pserver_endpoints_str, DOCKER_IMAGE=args.docker_image) print(cmd) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(command=cmd) if stderr.read(): raise Exception( "Error while kicking off pserver training process") #print(stdout.read()) except Exception, e: print e cleanup(args.task_name) finally: ssh_client.close() print("creating trainers and kicking off trainer training process") create_trainers( kickoff_cmd=script_to_str(args.trainer_bash_file), pserver_endpoints_str=pserver_endpoints_str) def print_arguments(): print('----------- Configuration Arguments -----------') for arg, value in sorted(vars(args).iteritems()): print('%s: %s' % (arg, value)) print('------------------------------------------------') if __name__ == "__main__": print_arguments() main()