# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import copy import time import numpy as np import typing from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True import paddle import paddle.distributed as dist from paddle.distributed import fleet from paddle import amp from paddle.static import InputSpec from ppdet.optimizer import ModelEMA from ppdet.core.workspace import create from ppdet.modeling.architectures.meta_arch import BaseArch from ppdet.utils.checkpoint import load_weight, load_pretrain_weight from ppdet.utils.visualizer import visualize_results, save_result from ppdet.metrics import Metric, COCOMetric, VOCMetric, WiderFaceMetric, get_infer_results, KeyPointTopDownCOCOEval, KeyPointTopDownMPIIEval from ppdet.metrics import RBoxMetric, JDEDetMetric, SNIPERCOCOMetric from ppdet.data.source.sniper_coco import SniperCOCODataSet from ppdet.data.source.category import get_categories import ppdet.utils.stats as stats from ppdet.utils import profiler from .callbacks import Callback, ComposeCallback, LogPrinter, Checkpointer, WiferFaceEval, VisualDLWriter, SniperProposalsGenerator from .export_utils import _dump_infer_config, _prune_input_spec from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger logger = setup_logger('ppdet.engine') __all__ = ['Trainer'] MOT_ARCH = ['DeepSORT', 'JDE', 'FairMOT'] class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, cfg, mode='train'): self.cfg = cfg assert mode.lower() in ['train', 'eval', 'test'], \ "mode should be 'train', 'eval' or 'test'" self.mode = mode.lower() self.optimizer = None self.is_loaded_weights = False # build data loader if cfg.architecture in MOT_ARCH and self.mode in ['eval', 'test']: self.dataset = cfg['{}MOTDataset'.format(self.mode.capitalize())] else: self.dataset = cfg['{}Dataset'.format(self.mode.capitalize())] if cfg.architecture == 'DeepSORT' and self.mode == 'train': logger.error('DeepSORT has no need of training on mot dataset.') sys.exit(1) if self.mode == 'train': self.loader = create('{}Reader'.format(self.mode.capitalize()))( self.dataset, cfg.worker_num) if cfg.architecture == 'JDE' and self.mode == 'train': cfg['JDEEmbeddingHead'][ 'num_identities'] = self.dataset.num_identities_dict[0] # JDE only support single class MOT now. if cfg.architecture == 'FairMOT' and self.mode == 'train': cfg['FairMOTEmbeddingHead'][ 'num_identities_dict'] = self.dataset.num_identities_dict # FairMOT support single class and multi-class MOT now. # build model if 'model' not in self.cfg: self.model = create(cfg.architecture) else: self.model = self.cfg.model self.is_loaded_weights = True #normalize params for deploy if 'slim' in cfg and cfg['slim_type'] == 'OFA': self.model.model.load_meanstd(cfg['TestReader'][ 'sample_transforms']) else: self.model.load_meanstd(cfg['TestReader']['sample_transforms']) self.use_ema = ('use_ema' in cfg and cfg['use_ema']) if self.use_ema: ema_decay = self.cfg.get('ema_decay', 0.9998) cycle_epoch = self.cfg.get('cycle_epoch', -1) self.ema = ModelEMA( self.model, decay=ema_decay, use_thres_step=True, cycle_epoch=cycle_epoch) # EvalDataset build with BatchSampler to evaluate in single device # TODO: multi-device evaluate if self.mode == 'eval': self._eval_batch_sampler = paddle.io.BatchSampler( self.dataset, batch_size=self.cfg.EvalReader['batch_size']) reader_name = '{}Reader'.format(self.mode.capitalize()) # If metric is VOC, need to be set collate_batch=False. if cfg.metric == 'VOC': cfg[reader_name]['collate_batch'] = False self.loader = create(reader_name)(self.dataset, cfg.worker_num, self._eval_batch_sampler) # TestDataset build after user set images, skip loader creation here # build optimizer in train mode if self.mode == 'train': steps_per_epoch = len(self.loader) self.lr = create('LearningRate')(steps_per_epoch) self.optimizer = create('OptimizerBuilder')(self.lr, self.model) if self.cfg.get('unstructured_prune'): self.pruner = create('UnstructuredPruner')(self.model, steps_per_epoch) self._nranks = dist.get_world_size() self._local_rank = dist.get_rank() self.status = {} self.start_epoch = 0 self.end_epoch = 0 if 'epoch' not in cfg else cfg.epoch # initial default callbacks self._init_callbacks() # initial default metrics self._init_metrics() self._reset_metrics() def _init_callbacks(self): if self.mode == 'train': self._callbacks = [LogPrinter(self), Checkpointer(self)] if self.cfg.get('use_vdl', False): self._callbacks.append(VisualDLWriter(self)) if self.cfg.get('save_proposals', False): self._callbacks.append(SniperProposalsGenerator(self)) self._compose_callback = ComposeCallback(self._callbacks) elif self.mode == 'eval': self._callbacks = [LogPrinter(self)] if self.cfg.metric == 'WiderFace': self._callbacks.append(WiferFaceEval(self)) self._compose_callback = ComposeCallback(self._callbacks) elif self.mode == 'test' and self.cfg.get('use_vdl', False): self._callbacks = [VisualDLWriter(self)] self._compose_callback = ComposeCallback(self._callbacks) else: self._callbacks = [] self._compose_callback = None def _init_metrics(self, validate=False): if self.mode == 'test' or (self.mode == 'train' and not validate): self._metrics = [] return classwise = self.cfg['classwise'] if 'classwise' in self.cfg else False if self.cfg.metric == 'COCO' or self.cfg.metric == "SNIPERCOCO": # TODO: bias should be unified bias = self.cfg['bias'] if 'bias' in self.cfg else 0 output_eval = self.cfg['output_eval'] \ if 'output_eval' in self.cfg else None save_prediction_only = self.cfg.get('save_prediction_only', False) # pass clsid2catid info to metric instance to avoid multiple loading # annotation file clsid2catid = {v: k for k, v in self.dataset.catid2clsid.items()} \ if self.mode == 'eval' else None # when do validation in train, annotation file should be get from # EvalReader instead of self.dataset(which is TrainReader) anno_file = self.dataset.get_anno() dataset = self.dataset if self.mode == 'train' and validate: eval_dataset = self.cfg['EvalDataset'] eval_dataset.check_or_download_dataset() anno_file = eval_dataset.get_anno() dataset = eval_dataset IouType = self.cfg['IouType'] if 'IouType' in self.cfg else 'bbox' if self.cfg.metric == "COCO": self._metrics = [ COCOMetric( anno_file=anno_file, clsid2catid=clsid2catid, classwise=classwise, output_eval=output_eval, bias=bias, IouType=IouType, save_prediction_only=save_prediction_only) ] elif self.cfg.metric == "SNIPERCOCO": # sniper self._metrics = [ SNIPERCOCOMetric( anno_file=anno_file, dataset=dataset, clsid2catid=clsid2catid, classwise=classwise, output_eval=output_eval, bias=bias, IouType=IouType, save_prediction_only=save_prediction_only) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'RBOX': # TODO: bias should be unified bias = self.cfg['bias'] if 'bias' in self.cfg else 0 output_eval = self.cfg['output_eval'] \ if 'output_eval' in self.cfg else None save_prediction_only = self.cfg.get('save_prediction_only', False) # pass clsid2catid info to metric instance to avoid multiple loading # annotation file clsid2catid = {v: k for k, v in self.dataset.catid2clsid.items()} \ if self.mode == 'eval' else None # when do validation in train, annotation file should be get from # EvalReader instead of self.dataset(which is TrainReader) anno_file = self.dataset.get_anno() if self.mode == 'train' and validate: eval_dataset = self.cfg['EvalDataset'] eval_dataset.check_or_download_dataset() anno_file = eval_dataset.get_anno() self._metrics = [ RBoxMetric( anno_file=anno_file, clsid2catid=clsid2catid, classwise=classwise, output_eval=output_eval, bias=bias, save_prediction_only=save_prediction_only) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'VOC': self._metrics = [ VOCMetric( label_list=self.dataset.get_label_list(), class_num=self.cfg.num_classes, map_type=self.cfg.map_type, classwise=classwise) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'WiderFace': multi_scale = self.cfg.multi_scale_eval if 'multi_scale_eval' in self.cfg else True self._metrics = [ WiderFaceMetric( image_dir=os.path.join(self.dataset.dataset_dir, self.dataset.image_dir), anno_file=self.dataset.get_anno(), multi_scale=multi_scale) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'KeyPointTopDownCOCOEval': eval_dataset = self.cfg['EvalDataset'] eval_dataset.check_or_download_dataset() anno_file = eval_dataset.get_anno() save_prediction_only = self.cfg.get('save_prediction_only', False) self._metrics = [ KeyPointTopDownCOCOEval( anno_file, len(eval_dataset), self.cfg.num_joints, self.cfg.save_dir, save_prediction_only=save_prediction_only) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'KeyPointTopDownMPIIEval': eval_dataset = self.cfg['EvalDataset'] eval_dataset.check_or_download_dataset() anno_file = eval_dataset.get_anno() save_prediction_only = self.cfg.get('save_prediction_only', False) self._metrics = [ KeyPointTopDownMPIIEval( anno_file, len(eval_dataset), self.cfg.num_joints, self.cfg.save_dir, save_prediction_only=save_prediction_only) ] elif self.cfg.metric == 'MOTDet': self._metrics = [JDEDetMetric(), ] else: logger.warning("Metric not support for metric type {}".format( self.cfg.metric)) self._metrics = [] def _reset_metrics(self): for metric in self._metrics: metric.reset() def register_callbacks(self, callbacks): callbacks = [c for c in list(callbacks) if c is not None] for c in callbacks: assert isinstance(c, Callback), \ "metrics shoule be instances of subclass of Metric" self._callbacks.extend(callbacks) self._compose_callback = ComposeCallback(self._callbacks) def register_metrics(self, metrics): metrics = [m for m in list(metrics) if m is not None] for m in metrics: assert isinstance(m, Metric), \ "metrics shoule be instances of subclass of Metric" self._metrics.extend(metrics) def load_weights(self, weights): if self.is_loaded_weights: return self.start_epoch = 0 load_pretrain_weight(self.model, weights) logger.debug("Load weights {} to start training".format(weights)) def load_weights_sde(self, det_weights, reid_weights): if self.model.detector: load_weight(self.model.detector, det_weights) load_weight(self.model.reid, reid_weights) else: load_weight(self.model.reid, reid_weights) def resume_weights(self, weights): # support Distill resume weights if hasattr(self.model, 'student_model'): self.start_epoch = load_weight(self.model.student_model, weights, self.optimizer) else: self.start_epoch = load_weight(self.model, weights, self.optimizer) logger.debug("Resume weights of epoch {}".format(self.start_epoch)) def train(self, validate=False): assert self.mode == 'train', "Model not in 'train' mode" Init_mark = False sync_bn = (getattr(self.cfg, 'norm_type', None) in [None, 'sync_bn'] and self.cfg.use_gpu and self._nranks > 1) if sync_bn: self.model = BaseArch.convert_sync_batchnorm(self.model) model = self.model if self.cfg.get('fleet', False): model = fleet.distributed_model(model) self.optimizer = fleet.distributed_optimizer(self.optimizer) elif self._nranks > 1: find_unused_parameters = self.cfg[ 'find_unused_parameters'] if 'find_unused_parameters' in self.cfg else False model = paddle.DataParallel( self.model, find_unused_parameters=find_unused_parameters) # initial fp16 if self.cfg.get('fp16', False): scaler = amp.GradScaler( enable=self.cfg.use_gpu, init_loss_scaling=1024) self.status.update({ 'epoch_id': self.start_epoch, 'step_id': 0, 'steps_per_epoch': len(self.loader) }) self.status['batch_time'] = stats.SmoothedValue( self.cfg.log_iter, fmt='{avg:.4f}') self.status['data_time'] = stats.SmoothedValue( self.cfg.log_iter, fmt='{avg:.4f}') self.status['training_staus'] = stats.TrainingStats(self.cfg.log_iter) if self.cfg.get('print_flops', False): flops_loader = create('{}Reader'.format(self.mode.capitalize()))( self.dataset, self.cfg.worker_num) self._flops(flops_loader) profiler_options = self.cfg.get('profiler_options', None) self._compose_callback.on_train_begin(self.status) for epoch_id in range(self.start_epoch, self.cfg.epoch): self.status['mode'] = 'train' self.status['epoch_id'] = epoch_id self._compose_callback.on_epoch_begin(self.status) self.loader.dataset.set_epoch(epoch_id) model.train() iter_tic = time.time() for step_id, data in enumerate(self.loader): self.status['data_time'].update(time.time() - iter_tic) self.status['step_id'] = step_id profiler.add_profiler_step(profiler_options) self._compose_callback.on_step_begin(self.status) data['epoch_id'] = epoch_id if self.cfg.get('fp16', False): with amp.auto_cast(enable=self.cfg.use_gpu): # model forward outputs = model(data) loss = outputs['loss'] # model backward scaled_loss = scaler.scale(loss) scaled_loss.backward() # in dygraph mode, optimizer.minimize is equal to optimizer.step scaler.minimize(self.optimizer, scaled_loss) else: # model forward outputs = model(data) loss = outputs['loss'] # model backward loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() curr_lr = self.optimizer.get_lr() self.lr.step() if self.cfg.get('unstructured_prune'): self.pruner.step() self.optimizer.clear_grad() self.status['learning_rate'] = curr_lr if self._nranks < 2 or self._local_rank == 0: self.status['training_staus'].update(outputs) self.status['batch_time'].update(time.time() - iter_tic) self._compose_callback.on_step_end(self.status) if self.use_ema: self.ema.update(self.model) iter_tic = time.time() # apply ema weight on model if self.use_ema: weight = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) self.model.set_dict(self.ema.apply()) if self.cfg.get('unstructured_prune'): self.pruner.update_params() self._compose_callback.on_epoch_end(self.status) if validate and (self._nranks < 2 or self._local_rank == 0) \ and ((epoch_id + 1) % self.cfg.snapshot_epoch == 0 \ or epoch_id == self.end_epoch - 1): if not hasattr(self, '_eval_loader'): # build evaluation dataset and loader self._eval_dataset = self.cfg.EvalDataset self._eval_batch_sampler = \ paddle.io.BatchSampler( self._eval_dataset, batch_size=self.cfg.EvalReader['batch_size']) # If metric is VOC, need to be set collate_batch=False. if self.cfg.metric == 'VOC': self.cfg['EvalReader']['collate_batch'] = False self._eval_loader = create('EvalReader')( self._eval_dataset, self.cfg.worker_num, batch_sampler=self._eval_batch_sampler) # if validation in training is enabled, metrics should be re-init # Init_mark makes sure this code will only execute once if validate and Init_mark == False: Init_mark = True self._init_metrics(validate=validate) self._reset_metrics() with paddle.no_grad(): self.status['save_best_model'] = True self._eval_with_loader(self._eval_loader) # restore origin weight on model if self.use_ema: self.model.set_dict(weight) self._compose_callback.on_train_end(self.status) def _eval_with_loader(self, loader): sample_num = 0 tic = time.time() self._compose_callback.on_epoch_begin(self.status) self.status['mode'] = 'eval' self.model.eval() if self.cfg.get('print_flops', False): flops_loader = create('{}Reader'.format(self.mode.capitalize()))( self.dataset, self.cfg.worker_num, self._eval_batch_sampler) self._flops(flops_loader) for step_id, data in enumerate(loader): self.status['step_id'] = step_id self._compose_callback.on_step_begin(self.status) # forward outs = self.model(data) # update metrics for metric in self._metrics: metric.update(data, outs) # multi-scale inputs: all inputs have same im_id if isinstance(data, typing.Sequence): sample_num += data[0]['im_id'].numpy().shape[0] else: sample_num += data['im_id'].numpy().shape[0] self._compose_callback.on_step_end(self.status) self.status['sample_num'] = sample_num self.status['cost_time'] = time.time() - tic # accumulate metric to log out for metric in self._metrics: metric.accumulate() metric.log() self._compose_callback.on_epoch_end(self.status) # reset metric states for metric may performed multiple times self._reset_metrics() def evaluate(self): with paddle.no_grad(): self._eval_with_loader(self.loader) def predict(self, images, draw_threshold=0.5, output_dir='output', save_txt=False): self.dataset.set_images(images) loader = create('TestReader')(self.dataset, 0) imid2path = self.dataset.get_imid2path() anno_file = self.dataset.get_anno() clsid2catid, catid2name = get_categories( self.cfg.metric, anno_file=anno_file) # Run Infer self.status['mode'] = 'test' self.model.eval() if self.cfg.get('print_flops', False): flops_loader = create('TestReader')(self.dataset, 0) self._flops(flops_loader) results = [] for step_id, data in enumerate(loader): self.status['step_id'] = step_id # forward outs = self.model(data) for key in ['im_shape', 'scale_factor', 'im_id']: if isinstance(data, typing.Sequence): outs[key] = data[0][key] else: outs[key] = data[key] for key, value in outs.items(): if hasattr(value, 'numpy'): outs[key] = value.numpy() results.append(outs) # sniper if type(self.dataset) == SniperCOCODataSet: results = self.dataset.anno_cropper.aggregate_chips_detections( results) for outs in results: batch_res = get_infer_results(outs, clsid2catid) bbox_num = outs['bbox_num'] start = 0 for i, im_id in enumerate(outs['im_id']): image_path = imid2path[int(im_id)] image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) self.status['original_image'] = np.array(image.copy()) end = start + bbox_num[i] bbox_res = batch_res['bbox'][start:end] \ if 'bbox' in batch_res else None mask_res = batch_res['mask'][start:end] \ if 'mask' in batch_res else None segm_res = batch_res['segm'][start:end] \ if 'segm' in batch_res else None keypoint_res = batch_res['keypoint'][start:end] \ if 'keypoint' in batch_res else None image = visualize_results( image, bbox_res, mask_res, segm_res, keypoint_res, int(im_id), catid2name, draw_threshold) self.status['result_image'] = np.array(image.copy()) if self._compose_callback: self._compose_callback.on_step_end(self.status) # save image with detection save_name = self._get_save_image_name(output_dir, image_path) logger.info("Detection bbox results save in {}".format( save_name)) image.save(save_name, quality=95) if save_txt: save_path = os.path.splitext(save_name)[0] + '.txt' results = {} results["im_id"] = im_id if bbox_res: results["bbox_res"] = bbox_res if keypoint_res: results["keypoint_res"] = keypoint_res save_result(save_path, results, catid2name, draw_threshold) start = end def _get_save_image_name(self, output_dir, image_path): """ Get save image name from source image path. """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) image_name = os.path.split(image_path)[-1] name, ext = os.path.splitext(image_name) return os.path.join(output_dir, "{}".format(name)) + ext def _get_infer_cfg_and_input_spec(self, save_dir, prune_input=True): image_shape = None im_shape = [None, 2] scale_factor = [None, 2] if self.cfg.architecture in MOT_ARCH: test_reader_name = 'TestMOTReader' else: test_reader_name = 'TestReader' if 'inputs_def' in self.cfg[test_reader_name]: inputs_def = self.cfg[test_reader_name]['inputs_def'] image_shape = inputs_def.get('image_shape', None) # set image_shape=[None, 3, -1, -1] as default if image_shape is None: image_shape = [None, 3, -1, -1] if len(image_shape) == 3: image_shape = [None] + image_shape else: im_shape = [image_shape[0], 2] scale_factor = [image_shape[0], 2] export_post_process = self.cfg.get('export_post_process', False) if hasattr(self.model, 'deploy') and not export_post_process: self.model.deploy = True if hasattr(self.model, 'fuse_norm'): self.model.fuse_norm = self.cfg['TestReader'].get('fuse_normalize', False) # Save infer cfg _dump_infer_config(self.cfg, os.path.join(save_dir, 'infer_cfg.yml'), image_shape, self.model) input_spec = [{ "image": InputSpec( shape=image_shape, name='image'), "im_shape": InputSpec( shape=im_shape, name='im_shape'), "scale_factor": InputSpec( shape=scale_factor, name='scale_factor') }] if self.cfg.architecture == 'DeepSORT': input_spec[0].update({ "crops": InputSpec( shape=[None, 3, 192, 64], name='crops') }) if prune_input: static_model = paddle.jit.to_static( self.model, input_spec=input_spec) # NOTE: dy2st do not pruned program, but jit.save will prune program # input spec, prune input spec here and save with pruned input spec pruned_input_spec = _prune_input_spec( input_spec, static_model.forward.main_program, static_model.forward.outputs) else: static_model = None pruned_input_spec = input_spec # TODO: Hard code, delete it when support prune input_spec. if self.cfg.architecture == 'PicoDet' and not export_post_process: pruned_input_spec = [{ "image": InputSpec( shape=image_shape, name='image') }] return static_model, pruned_input_spec def export(self, output_dir='output_inference'): self.model.eval() model_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.cfg.filename)[-1])[0] save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) static_model, pruned_input_spec = self._get_infer_cfg_and_input_spec( save_dir) # dy2st and save model if 'slim' not in self.cfg or self.cfg['slim_type'] != 'QAT': paddle.jit.save( static_model, os.path.join(save_dir, 'model'), input_spec=pruned_input_spec) else: self.cfg.slim.save_quantized_model( self.model, os.path.join(save_dir, 'model'), input_spec=pruned_input_spec) logger.info("Export model and saved in {}".format(save_dir)) def post_quant(self, output_dir='output_inference'): model_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.cfg.filename)[-1])[0] save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for idx, data in enumerate(self.loader): self.model(data) if idx == int(self.cfg.get('quant_batch_num', 10)): break # TODO: support prune input_spec _, pruned_input_spec = self._get_infer_cfg_and_input_spec( save_dir, prune_input=False) self.cfg.slim.save_quantized_model( self.model, os.path.join(save_dir, 'model'), input_spec=pruned_input_spec) logger.info("Export Post-Quant model and saved in {}".format(save_dir)) def _flops(self, loader): self.model.eval() try: import paddleslim except Exception as e: logger.warning( 'Unable to calculate flops, please install paddleslim, for example: `pip install paddleslim`' ) return from paddleslim.analysis import dygraph_flops as flops input_data = None for data in loader: input_data = data break input_spec = [{ "image": input_data['image'][0].unsqueeze(0), "im_shape": input_data['im_shape'][0].unsqueeze(0), "scale_factor": input_data['scale_factor'][0].unsqueeze(0) }] flops = flops(self.model, input_spec) / (1000**3) logger.info(" Model FLOPs : {:.6f}G. (image shape is {})".format( flops, input_data['image'][0].unsqueeze(0).shape))